There are 836 total results for your 薩 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
不輕菩薩 不轻菩萨 see styles |
bù qīng pú sà bu4 qing1 pu2 sa4 pu ch`ing p`u sa pu ching pu sa Fukyō Bosatsu |
the bodhisattva Never Despising |
不退菩薩 不退菩萨 see styles |
bù tuì pú sà bu4 tui4 pu2 sa4 pu t`ui p`u sa pu tui pu sa futai bosatsu |
A never receding bodhisattva, who aims at perfect enlightenment. |
二分菩薩 二分菩萨 see styles |
èr fēn pú sà er4 fen1 pu2 sa4 erh fen p`u sa erh fen pu sa nifun bosatsu |
two groups of bodhisattvas |
二增菩薩 二增菩萨 see styles |
èr zēng pú sà er4 zeng1 pu2 sa4 erh tseng p`u sa erh tseng pu sa nizō bosatsu |
The two superior kinds of bodhisattvas, 智增菩薩 bodhisattva superior in wisdom (chiefly beneficial to self); 悲增菩薩 bodhisattva superior in pity for others and devotion to their salvation. |
二種菩薩 二种菩萨 see styles |
èr zhǒng pú sà er4 zhong3 pu2 sa4 erh chung p`u sa erh chung pu sa nishu bosatsu |
Monastic and lay bodhisattvas. |
五五菩薩 五五菩萨 see styles |
wǔ wǔ pú sà wu3 wu3 pu2 sa4 wu wu p`u sa wu wu pu sa gogo bosatsu |
The twenty-five Bodhisattvas 二十五菩薩. |
伊莉薩白 伊莉萨白 see styles |
yī lì sà bái yi1 li4 sa4 bai2 i li sa pai |
Elizabeth (name); also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白 |
住前菩薩 住前菩萨 see styles |
zhù qián pú sà zhu4 qian2 pu2 sa4 chu ch`ien p`u sa chu chien pu sa jūzen bosatsu |
bodhisattvas prior to the ten abodes |
住定菩薩 住定菩萨 see styles |
zhù dìng pú sà zhu4 ding4 pu2 sa4 chu ting p`u sa chu ting pu sa jūjō (no) bosatsu |
A bodhisattva firmly fixed, or abiding in certainty. After a bodhisattva has completed three great asaṁkhyeyakalpas he has still one hundred great kalpas to complete. This period is called abiding in fixity or firmness, divided into six kinds: certainty of being born in a good gati, in a noble family, with a good body, a man, knowing the abiding places of his transmigrations, knowing the abiding character of his good works. |
佛羅倫薩 佛罗伦萨 see styles |
fó luó lún sà fo2 luo2 lun2 sa4 fo lo lun sa |
More info & calligraphy: Firenze |
佛菩薩壇 佛菩萨坛 see styles |
fó pú sà tán fo2 pu2 sa4 tan2 fo p`u sa t`an fo pu sa tan butsu bosatsu dan |
buddha-bodhisattva altar |
修菩薩行 修菩萨行 see styles |
xiū pú sà xíng xiu1 pu2 sa4 xing2 hsiu p`u sa hsing hsiu pu sa hsing shu bosatsu gyō |
cultivates bodhisattva practices |
修菩薩道 修菩萨道 see styles |
xiū pú sà dào xiu1 pu2 sa4 dao4 hsiu p`u sa tao hsiu pu sa tao shu bosatsu dō |
to practice the bodhisattva path |
假名菩薩 假名菩萨 see styles |
jiǎ míng pú sà jia3 ming2 pu2 sa4 chia ming p`u sa chia ming pu sa kemyō bosatsu |
One who may be called a bodhisattva because he has attained the 十信 q. v. |
假者菩薩 假者菩萨 see styles |
jiǎ zhě pú sà jia3 zhe3 pu2 sa4 chia che p`u sa chia che pu sa kasha bosatsu |
nominal bodhisattvas |
儒童菩薩 儒童菩萨 see styles |
rú tóng pú sà ru2 tong2 pu2 sa4 ju t`ung p`u sa ju tung pu sa Judō Bosatsu |
Learned-youth Bodhisattva, i.e. Confucius, he having been sent from India by the Buddha to instruct China! Also a name of Śākyamuni in a previous existence. |
八大菩薩 八大菩萨 see styles |
bā dà pú sà ba1 da4 pu2 sa4 pa ta p`u sa pa ta pu sa hachidai bosatsu |
see 八大明王. Another group is given in the 八大菩薩曼荼羅經; another in the 樂師經 translated by Yijing; another in the 八大菩薩經 translated by Faxian; and there are other groups. |
六度菩薩 六度菩萨 see styles |
liù dù pú sà liu4 du4 pu2 sa4 liu tu p`u sa liu tu pu sa rokudo bosatsu |
bodhisattva of the six perfections |
凡地菩薩 凡地菩萨 see styles |
fán dì pú sà fan2 di4 pu2 sa4 fan ti p`u sa fan ti pu sa bonji bosatsu |
bodhisattvas at the unenlightened stage |
凡夫菩薩 凡夫菩萨 see styles |
fán fū pú sà fan2 fu1 pu2 sa4 fan fu p`u sa fan fu pu sa bonfu bosatsu |
worldling bodhisattva |
出家菩薩 出家菩萨 see styles |
chū jiā pú sà chu1 jia1 pu2 sa4 ch`u chia p`u sa chu chia pu sa shukke bosatsu |
renunciant bodhisattvas |
別教菩薩 别教菩萨 see styles |
bié jiào pú sà bie2 jiao4 pu2 sa4 pieh chiao p`u sa pieh chiao pu sa bekkyō bosatsu |
bodhisattva of the Distinct Teaching |
制魔菩薩 制魔菩萨 see styles |
zhì mó pú sà zhi4 mo2 pu2 sa4 chih mo p`u sa chih mo pu sa Seima bosatsu |
Suppressing Demons Bodhisattva |
勇施菩薩 勇施菩萨 see styles |
yǒng shī pú sà yong3 shi1 pu2 sa4 yung shih p`u sa yung shih pu sa Yūse bosatsu |
Pradhānaśūra, a Bodhisattva now in Śākyamuni's retinue. |
勢至菩薩 势至菩萨 see styles |
shì zhì pú sà shi4 zhi4 pu2 sa4 shih chih p`u sa shih chih pu sa seishibosatsu / seshibosatsu せいしぼさつ |
{Buddh} Mahasthamaprapta (bodhisattva) Mahāsthāmaprāpta |
北辰菩薩 北辰菩萨 see styles |
běi chén pú sà bei3 chen2 pu2 sa4 pei ch`en p`u sa pei chen pu sa Hokushin bosatsu |
The Bodhisattva 妙見 Miaojian of Ursa Major. |
十住菩薩 十住菩萨 see styles |
shí zhù pú sà shi2 zhu4 pu2 sa4 shih chu p`u sa shih chu pu sa jūjū bosatsu |
bodhisattvas in the stages of the ten abodes |
十六菩薩 十六菩萨 see styles |
shí liù pú sà shi2 liu4 pu2 sa4 shih liu p`u sa shih liu pu sa jūroku bosatsu |
十六大士 (or 十六正士) The sixteen bodhisattvas; there are two groups, one of the 顯教 exoteric, one of the 密教 esoteric cults; the exoteric list is indefinite; the esoteric has two lists, one is of four bodhisattvas to each of the Buddhas of the four quarters of the Diamond Realm; the other is of the sixteen who represent the body of bodhisattvas in a 賢 kalpa, such as the present: E. 彌勒, 不空, 除憂, 除惡; S. 香象, 大精進, 虛 空藏智幢; W. 無量光, 賢護, 網明, 月光; N. 無量意 (文殊), 辨積, 金剛藏普賢. |
十善菩薩 十善菩萨 see styles |
shí shàn pú sà shi2 shan4 pu2 sa4 shih shan p`u sa shih shan pu sa jūzen bosatsu |
The bodhisattvas of the 十信位 q. v. |
十地菩薩 十地菩萨 see styles |
shí dì pú sà shi2 di4 pu2 sa4 shih ti p`u sa shih ti pu sa jūji (no) bosatsu |
tenth-stage bodhisattva |
卡薩諾瓦 卡萨诺瓦 see styles |
kǎ sà nuò wǎ ka3 sa4 nuo4 wa3 k`a sa no wa ka sa no wa |
More info & calligraphy: Casanova |
吉木薩爾 吉木萨尔 see styles |
jí mù sà ěr ji2 mu4 sa4 er3 chi mu sa erh |
Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang |
同法菩薩 同法菩萨 see styles |
tóng fǎ pú sà tong2 fa3 pu2 sa4 t`ung fa p`u sa tung fa pu sa dōhō bosatsu |
bodhisattvas who are in the same level of practice |
名字菩薩 名字菩萨 see styles |
míng zì pú sà ming2 zi4 pu2 sa4 ming tzu p`u sa ming tzu pu sa myōji bosatsu |
A nominal bodhisattva. |
哈薩克人 哈萨克人 see styles |
hā sà kè rén ha1 sa4 ke4 ren2 ha sa k`o jen ha sa ko jen |
Kazakh person; Kazakh people |
哈薩克文 哈萨克文 see styles |
hā sà kè wén ha1 sa4 ke4 wen2 ha sa k`o wen ha sa ko wen |
Kazakh written language |
哈薩克族 哈萨克族 see styles |
hā sà kè zú ha1 sa4 ke4 zu2 ha sa k`o tsu ha sa ko tsu |
Kazakh ethnic group of Xinjiang |
哈薩克語 哈萨克语 see styles |
hā sà kè yǔ ha1 sa4 ke4 yu3 ha sa k`o yü ha sa ko yü |
Kazakh language |
善巧菩薩 善巧菩萨 see styles |
shàn qiǎo pú sà shan4 qiao3 pu2 sa4 shan ch`iao p`u sa shan chiao pu sa zenkō bosatsu |
adroit bodhisattvas |
喜見菩薩 喜见菩萨 see styles |
xǐ jiàn pú sà xi3 jian4 pu2 sa4 hsi chien p`u sa hsi chien pu sa Kiken Bosatsu |
The Bodhisattva Beautiful, an incarnation of藥王. |
四大菩薩 四大菩萨 see styles |
sì dà pú sà si4 da4 pu2 sa4 ssu ta p`u sa ssu ta pu sa shi dai bosatsu |
The four great Bodhisattvas of the Lotus Sutra, i. e. Maitreya, Mañjuśrī, Avalokiteśvara, and Samantabhadra. Another list of previous Bodhisattvas is 上行 Viśiṣtacāritra; 無邊行 Anantacāritra; 淨行 Viśuddhacāritra, and 安立行 Supratiṣṭhitacāritra. |
四攝菩薩 四摄菩萨 see styles |
sì shè pú sà si4 she4 pu2 sa4 ssu she p`u sa ssu she pu sa shishō bosatsu |
四攝衆; 四攝全剛 The four bodhisattvas in the Vajradhātu with the hook, the rope, the chain, and the bell, whose office is to 化他 convert the living. |
四菩薩行 四菩萨行 see styles |
sì pú sà xíng si4 pu2 sa4 xing2 ssu p`u sa hsing ssu pu sa hsing shi bosatsu gyō |
four bodhisattva practices |
在家菩薩 在家菩萨 see styles |
zài jiā pú sà zai4 jia1 pu2 sa4 tsai chia p`u sa tsai chia pu sa zaike bosatsu |
lay followers |
地前菩薩 地前菩萨 see styles |
dì qián pú sà di4 qian2 pu2 sa4 ti ch`ien p`u sa ti chien pu sa jizen bosatsu |
bodhisattvas on the stage(s) prior to the grounds (bhūmis) |
地蔵菩薩 see styles |
jizoubosatsu / jizobosatsu じぞうぼさつ |
(See 菩薩・1) Kshitigarbha (bodhisattva who looks over children, travellers and the underworld); Ksitigarbha; Jizo |
地藏菩薩 地藏菩萨 see styles |
dì zàng pú sà di4 zang4 pu2 sa4 ti tsang p`u sa ti tsang pu sa Jizō bosatsu |
Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi); also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva Earth-Store Bodhisattva |
堅滿菩薩 坚满菩萨 see styles |
jiān mǎn pú sà jian1 man3 pu2 sa4 chien man p`u sa chien man pu sa Kenman bosatsu |
Dhṛtiparipūrṇa, the firm and complete Bodhisattva, who is to be Buddha Padma-vṛṣabha-vikrāmin, attending on Padmaprabha. |
堪薩斯州 堪萨斯州 see styles |
kān sà sī zhōu kan1 sa4 si1 zhou1 k`an sa ssu chou kan sa ssu chou |
Kansas, US state |
多羅菩薩 多罗菩萨 see styles |
duō luó pú sà duo1 luo2 pu2 sa4 to lo p`u sa to lo pu sa tarabosatsu たらぼさつ |
(See 観世音) Tara (female aspect of Avalokitesvara) Tārā Bodhisattva, as a form of Guanyin, is said to have been produced from the eye of Guanyin. |
大力菩薩 大力菩萨 see styles |
dà lì pú sà da4 li4 pu2 sa4 ta li p`u sa ta li pu sa dairiki no bosatsu |
bodhisattvas of (great) power |
大悲菩薩 大悲菩萨 see styles |
dà bēi pú sà da4 bei1 pu2 sa4 ta pei p`u sa ta pei pu sa daihi bosatsu |
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of great pity. |
大權菩薩 大权菩萨 see styles |
dà quán pú sà da4 quan2 pu2 sa4 ta ch`üan p`u sa ta chüan pu sa Daigon Bosatsu |
Bodhisattva Correcting with Great Authority |
大菩薩峠 see styles |
daibosatsutouge / daibosatsutoge だいぼさつとうげ |
(work) The Sword of Doom (1966 film); (wk) The Sword of Doom (1966 film) |
大菩薩嶺 see styles |
daibosatsurei / daibosatsure だいぼさつれい |
(personal name) Daibosatsurei |
奢薩擔羅 奢萨担罗 see styles |
shē sà dān luó she1 sa4 dan1 luo2 she sa tan lo shasattara |
舍薩擔羅; 設娑擔羅 śāstra, intp. by 論 treatise, q.v. |
奧里薩邦 奥里萨邦 see styles |
ào lǐ sà bāng ao4 li3 sa4 bang1 ao li sa pang |
Odisha (formerly Orissa), eastern Indian state |
妙德菩薩 妙德菩萨 see styles |
miào dé pú sà miao4 de2 pu2 sa4 miao te p`u sa miao te pu sa Myōtoku bosatsu |
Mañjuśrī |
妙意菩薩 妙意菩萨 see styles |
miào yì pú sà miao4 yi4 pu2 sa4 miao i p`u sa miao i pu sa Myōi Bosatsu |
Mānavaka, i.e. Śākyamuni in a previous incarnation as disciple of Dīpaṅkara 然燈佛. |
妙臂菩薩 妙臂菩萨 see styles |
miào bì pú sà miao4 bi4 pu2 sa4 miao pi p`u sa miao pi pu sa Myōhi Bosatsu |
Subāhu-kumāra, the Bodhisattva of the wonderful arm; there is a sutra of this name. |
妙見菩薩 妙见菩萨 see styles |
miào jiàn pú sà miao4 jian4 pu2 sa4 miao chien p`u sa miao chien pu sa myoukenbosatsu / myokenbosatsu みょうけんぼさつ |
{Buddh} Myōken (bodhisattva; deification of the North Star or the Big Dipper) Sudarśana |
定性菩薩 定性菩萨 see styles |
dìng xìng pú sà ding4 xing4 pu2 sa4 ting hsing p`u sa ting hsing pu sa jōshō no bosatsu |
predisposed for bodhisattvahood |
密跡菩薩 密迹菩萨 see styles |
mì jī pú sà mi4 ji1 pu2 sa4 mi chi p`u sa mi chi pu sa misshaku bosatsu |
bodhisattvas with the hidden traces |
寶水菩薩 宝水菩萨 see styles |
bǎo shuǐ pú sà bao3 shui3 pu2 sa4 pao shui p`u sa pao shui pu sa Hōsui Bosatsu |
Jewel Water Bodhisattva |
寶池菩薩 宝池菩萨 see styles |
bǎo chí pú sà bao3 chi2 pu2 sa4 pao ch`ih p`u sa pao chih pu sa Hōchi bosatsu |
Jewel-pond Bodhisattva |
寶藏菩薩 宝藏菩萨 see styles |
bǎo zàng pú sà bao3 zang4 pu2 sa4 pao tsang p`u sa pao tsang pu sa Hōzō bosatsu |
Ratnagarbha Bodhisattva |
小行菩薩 小行菩萨 see styles |
xiǎo xíng pú sà xiao3 xing2 pu2 sa4 hsiao hsing p`u sa hsiao hsing pu sa shōgyō no bosatsu |
bodhisattvas who do minor practices |
山本薩夫 see styles |
yamamotosatsuo やまもとさつお |
(person) Yamamoto Satsuo (1910.7.15-1983.8.11) |
布拉薩市 布拉萨市 see styles |
bù lā sà shì bu4 la1 sa4 shi4 pu la sa shih |
Brazzaville, capital of Congo (Tw) |
布薩犍度 布萨犍度 see styles |
bù sà jiān dù bu4 sa4 jian1 du4 pu sa chien tu fusatsu kendo |
uposatha-khandaka |
常啼菩薩 常啼菩萨 see styles |
cháng tí pú sà chang2 ti2 pu2 sa4 ch`ang t`i p`u sa chang ti pu sa Jōtai Bosatsu |
v. 薩陀. |
弥勒菩薩 see styles |
mirokubosatsu みろくぼさつ |
{Buddh} Maitreya (Bodhisattva); Miroku |
彌勒菩薩 弥勒菩萨 see styles |
mí lè pú sà mi2 le4 pu2 sa4 mi le p`u sa mi le pu sa Miroku Bosatsu |
Maitreya Bodhisattva Maitreya Bodhisattva |
後身菩薩 后身菩萨 see styles |
hòu shēn pú sà hou4 shen1 pu2 sa4 hou shen p`u sa hou shen pu sa goshin bosatsu |
bodhisattvas in their final lifetime |
得克薩斯 得克萨斯 see styles |
dé kè sà sī de2 ke4 sa4 si1 te k`o sa ssu te ko sa ssu tekisasu てきさす |
More info & calligraphy: Texas(place-name) Texas |
御菩薩木 see styles |
mizorogi みぞろぎ |
(surname) Mizorogi |
御菩薩池 see styles |
mizoroge みぞろげ |
(personal name) Mizoroge |
徳克薩斯 see styles |
tekisasu てきさす |
(place-name) Texas |
德克薩斯 德克萨斯 see styles |
dé kè sà sī de2 ke4 sa4 si1 te k`o sa ssu te ko sa ssu |
Texas |
怛薩阿竭 怛萨阿竭 see styles |
dá sà ā jié da2 sa4 a1 jie2 ta sa a chieh tansatsuakatsu |
(Skt. tathāgata) |
悲增菩薩 悲增菩萨 see styles |
bēi zēng pú sà bei1 zeng1 pu2 sa4 pei tseng p`u sa pei tseng pu sa hizō bosatsu |
bodhisattva superior in pity for others and devotion to their salvation |
慈氏菩薩 慈氏菩萨 see styles |
cí shì pú sà ci2 shi4 pu2 sa4 tz`u shih p`u sa tzu shih pu sa Jishi bosatsu |
Maitreya |
慈生菩薩 慈生菩萨 see styles |
cí shēng pú sà ci2 sheng1 pu2 sa4 tz`u sheng p`u sa tzu sheng pu sa Jishō bosatsu |
The director or fosterer of pity among all the living, i.e. the fifth in the 除蓋障 court of the Garbhadhātu group. Also 大慈起; 慈發生; 慈愍慧; 慈念金剛. His Sanskrit name is translit. 昧憺利也毘廋拏糵多. |
憍薩羅國 憍萨罗国 see styles |
jiāo sà luó guó jiao1 sa4 luo2 guo2 chiao sa lo kuo Kyōsara koku |
Kosala |
拉薩條約 拉萨条约 see styles |
lā sà tiáo yuē la1 sa4 tiao2 yue1 la sa t`iao yüeh la sa tiao yüeh |
Treaty of Lhasa (1904) between British empire and Tibet |
持地菩薩 持地菩萨 see styles |
chí dì pú sà chi2 di4 pu2 sa4 ch`ih ti p`u sa chih ti pu sa Jichi Bosatsu |
Earth-holding Bodhisattva |
提婆菩薩 提婆菩萨 see styles |
tí pó pú sà ti2 po2 pu2 sa4 t`i p`o p`u sa ti po pu sa Daiba bosatsu |
Devabodhisattva, or Āryadeva, or Kāṇadeva, the one-eyed deva, disciple of Nāgārjuna, and one of the 'four sons' of Buddhism; fourteenth patriarch; a monk of Pāṭaliputra; along with Nāgārjuna he is counted as founder of the 三論宗 q.v. |
摩訶薩埵 摩诃萨埵 see styles |
mó hē sà duǒ mo2 he1 sa4 duo3 mo ho sa to makasatta |
(摩訶薩) Mahāsattva, 'great being,' one with great compassion and energy, who brings salvation to all living beings; a Bodhisattva; also 摩訶刹頭. |
救世菩薩 救世菩萨 see styles |
jiù shì pú sà jiu4 shi4 pu2 sa4 chiu shih p`u sa chiu shih pu sa kuse bosatsu |
world-saving bodhisattva |
救世薩埵 救世萨埵 see styles |
jiù shì sà duǒ jiu4 shi4 sa4 duo3 chiu shih sa to kuse satta |
World-saving Bodhisattva |
敗壞菩薩 败坏菩萨 see styles |
bài huài pú sà bai4 huai4 pu2 sa4 pai huai p`u sa pai huai pu sa baie bosatsu |
Bodhisattvas who defeat their proper end of becoming buddha, and who are reborn in lower positions, e.g. as kings or princes, of as dragon-kings, etc. |
文殊菩薩 文殊菩萨 see styles |
wén shū pú sà wen2 shu1 pu2 sa4 wen shu p`u sa wen shu pu sa monjubosatsu もんじゅぼさつ |
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness {Buddh} Manjusri (Bodhisattva); Monju; Monjushuri; Wenshu; (place-name) Monjubosatsu Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva |
新學菩薩 新学菩萨 see styles |
xīn xué pú sà xin1 xue2 pu2 sa4 hsin hsüeh p`u sa hsin hsüeh pu sa shingaku bosatsu |
newly awakened bodhisattvas |
於菩薩修 于菩萨修 see styles |
yú pú sà xiū yu2 pu2 sa4 xiu1 yü p`u sa hsiu yü pu sa hsiu o bosatsu shu |
regarding bodhisattva practices |
日光菩薩 日光菩萨 see styles |
rì guāng pú sà ri4 guang1 pu2 sa4 jih kuang p`u sa jih kuang pu sa nikkoubosatsu / nikkobosatsu にっこうぼさつ |
{Buddh} Suryaprabha (bodhisattva) Sūryaprabha |
明德菩薩 明德菩萨 see styles |
míng dé pú sà ming2 de2 pu2 sa4 ming te p`u sa ming te pu sa myōtoku bosatsu |
The Bodhisattva who has reached the stage of 明得, i. e. the 煗位. |
明施菩薩 明施菩萨 see styles |
míng shī pú sà ming2 shi1 pu2 sa4 ming shih p`u sa ming shih pu sa Myōse bosatsu |
Luminous Charity Bodhisattva |
普賢菩薩 普贤菩萨 see styles |
pǔ xián pú sà pu3 xian2 pu2 sa4 p`u hsien p`u sa pu hsien pu sa fugenbosatsu ふげんぼさつ |
Samantabhadra, the Buddhist Lord of Truth Samantabhadra (Bodhisattva); Fugen; Puxian Samantabhadra-bodhisattva |
智增菩薩 智增菩萨 see styles |
zhì zēng pú sà zhi4 zeng1 pu2 sa4 chih tseng p`u sa chih tseng pu sa chizō bosatsu |
bodhisattva superior in wisdom |
智幢菩薩 智幢菩萨 see styles |
zhì chuáng pú sà zhi4 chuang2 pu2 sa4 chih ch`uang p`u sa chih chuang pu sa Chidō bosatsu |
Jñāna-ketu (bodhisattva) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "薩" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.