There are 1100 total results for your 眞 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
眞蓮 see styles |
mare まれ |
(female given name) Mare |
眞蔵 see styles |
shinzou / shinzo しんぞう |
(personal name) Shinzou |
眞藏 see styles |
shinzou / shinzo しんぞう |
(personal name) Shinzou |
眞藤 see styles |
shindou / shindo しんどう |
(surname) Shindō |
眞行 see styles |
zhēn xíng zhen1 xing2 chen hsing masayuki まさゆき |
(given name) Masayuki portrait-acolyte's assistant |
眞衣 see styles |
mai まい |
(female given name) Mai |
眞表 see styles |
zhēn biǎo zhen1 biao3 chen piao Shinhyō |
Jinpyo |
眞裕 see styles |
masahiro まさひろ |
(given name) Masahiro |
眞西 see styles |
manishi まにし |
(surname) Manishi |
眞要 see styles |
zhēn yào zhen1 yao4 chen yao shinyō |
true essentials |
眞見 see styles |
mami まみ |
(surname, female given name) Mami |
眞覺 眞觉 see styles |
zhēn jué zhen1 jue2 chen chüeh shinkaku |
More info & calligraphy: The True and Complete Enlightenment |
眞觀 眞观 see styles |
zhēn guān zhen1 guan1 chen kuan shinkan |
correct contemplation |
眞角 see styles |
matsuka まつか |
(surname) Matsuka |
眞解 see styles |
zhēn jiě zhen1 jie3 chen chieh shinge |
true understanding |
眞言 see styles |
zhēn yán zhen1 yan2 chen yen shingon しんごん |
(out-dated kanji) (1) (Buddhist term) mantra; (2) (abbreviation) Shingon sect (of Buddhism) True words, words of Truth, the words of the Tathāgata, Buddha-truth. The term is used for mantra, and dhāraṇī, indicating magical formulae, spells, charms, esoteric words. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have each an esoteric sound represented by a Sanskrit letter, the primary Vairocana letter, the alpha of all sounds being 'a' 阿, which is also styled 眞言救世者 the True World that saves the world. |
眞記 see styles |
maki まき |
(female given name) Maki |
眞訣 眞诀 see styles |
zhēn jué zhen1 jue2 chen chüeh shinketsu |
most profound meaning of true reality |
眞詮 眞诠 see styles |
zhēn quán zhen1 quan2 chen ch`üan chen chüan shinsen |
Commentaries or treatises on reality. |
眞誉 see styles |
masaho まさほ |
(female given name) Masaho |
眞語 眞语 see styles |
zhēn yǔ zhen1 yu3 chen yü shingo |
True words, especially as expressing the truth of the bhūtatathatā; the words of the Tathāgata as true and consistent. |
眞說 眞说 see styles |
zhēn shuō zhen1 shuo1 chen shuo shinsetsu |
True speech or teaching; the words of the Buddha. |
眞諦 眞谛 see styles |
zhēn dì zhen1 di4 chen ti shindai しんだい |
(personal name) Shindai The asseverations or categories of reality, in contrast with 俗諦 ordinary categories; they are those of the sage, or man of insight, in contrast with those of the common man, who knows only appearance and not reality. |
眞證 眞证 see styles |
zhēn zhèng zhen1 zheng4 chen cheng shinshō |
Real evidence, proof, or assurance, or realization of truth. The knowledge, concept, or idea which corresponds to reality. |
眞識 眞识 see styles |
zhēn shì zhen1 shi4 chen shih shinshiki |
Buddha-wisdom; the original unadulterated, or innocent mind in all, which is independent of birth and death; cf. 楞伽經 and 起信論. Real knowledge free from illusion, the sixth vijñāna. |
眞讀 眞读 see styles |
zhēn dú zhen1 du2 chen tu shindoku |
actual reading |
眞谷 see styles |
shinya しんや |
(personal name) Shin'ya |
眞貝 see styles |
shingai しんがい |
(surname) Shingai |
眞貫 see styles |
matsura まつら |
(personal name) Matsura |
眞貴 see styles |
maki まき |
(female given name) Maki |
眞赦 see styles |
shinjirou / shinjiro しんじろう |
(male given name) Shinjirō |
眞路 see styles |
masamichi まさみち |
(personal name) Masamichi |
眞身 see styles |
zhēn shēn zhen1 shen1 chen shen shinshin |
The true body, corpus of truth, dharmakāya, Buddha as absolute. |
眞輔 see styles |
shinsuke しんすけ |
(personal name) Shinsuke |
眞輝 see styles |
michiteru みちてる |
(male given name) Michiteru |
眞辺 see styles |
manabe まなべ |
(surname) Manabe |
眞造 see styles |
shinzou / shinzo しんぞう |
(surname) Shinzou |
眞道 see styles |
zhēn dào zhen1 dao4 chen tao mamichi まみち |
(surname) Mamichi The Truth; the true way; reality. |
眞達 see styles |
madate まだて |
(surname) Madate |
眞邊 see styles |
manabe まなべ |
(personal name) Manabe |
眞那 see styles |
zhēn nà zhen1 na4 chen na maya まや |
(female given name) Maya China |
眞部 see styles |
manabe まなべ |
(surname) Manabe |
眞郷 see styles |
masato まさと |
(personal name) Masato |
眞都 see styles |
manatsu まなつ |
(female given name) Manatsu |
眞里 see styles |
maritani まりたに |
(personal name) Maritani |
眞重 see styles |
mashige ましげ |
(surname) Mashige |
眞野 see styles |
mano まの |
(surname) Mano |
眞金 see styles |
zhēn jīn zhen1 jin1 chen chin magane まがね |
(surname) Magane Pure gold. |
眞鈴 see styles |
marin まりん |
(female given name) Marin |
眞銅 see styles |
shindou / shindo しんどう |
(surname) Shindou |
眞鍋 see styles |
manabe まなべ |
(surname) Manabe |
眞鏡 眞镜 see styles |
zhēn jìng zhen1 jing4 chen ching Shinkyō |
Jingyeong |
眞門 眞门 see styles |
zhēn mén zhen1 men2 chen men masakado まさかど |
(given name) Masakado The gateway of truth, or reality; the Truth; the school of perfect truth, in contrast with partial truth adapted to the condition of the disciple. |
眞開 see styles |
shinkai しんかい |
(surname) Shinkai |
眞間 see styles |
mama まま |
(surname) Mama |
眞関 see styles |
mazeki まぜき |
(surname) Mazeki |
眞阪 see styles |
masaka まさか |
(surname) Masaka |
眞陀 see styles |
zhēn tuó zhen1 tuo2 chen t`o chen to shinda |
kiṃnara |
眞陽 see styles |
mahiru まひる |
(female given name) Mahiru |
眞隅 see styles |
masumi ますみ |
(surname, female given name) Masumi |
眞隆 see styles |
shinryuu / shinryu しんりゅう |
(given name) Shinryū |
眞際 眞际 see styles |
zhēn jì zhen1 ji4 chen chi shinsai |
The region of reality, ultimate truth, idem 眞實際. |
眞雄 see styles |
masao まさお |
(personal name) Masao |
眞雅 see styles |
zhēn yǎ zhen1 ya3 chen ya Shinga |
Shinga |
眞雪 see styles |
mayu まゆ |
(female given name) Mayu |
眞霜 see styles |
mashimo ましも |
(surname) Mashimo |
眞靜 眞静 see styles |
zhēn jìng zhen1 jing4 chen ching Shinjō |
Jinjeong |
眞體 眞体 see styles |
zhēn tǐ zhen1 ti3 chen t`i chen ti shintai |
real essence |
眞鳥 see styles |
matori まとり |
(surname) Matori |
眞鶴 see styles |
manazuru まなづる |
(personal name) Manazuru |
眞龍 see styles |
matatsu またつ |
(surname) Matatsu |
一眞 see styles |
yī zhēn yi1 zhen1 i chen kazumasa かずまさ |
(personal name) Kazumasa The whole of reality, the universe, the all, idem 眞如; cf. 一如, 一實 bhūtatathatā. |
中眞 see styles |
nakama なかま |
(surname) Nakama |
仲眞 see styles |
nakama なかま |
(place-name, surname) Nakama |
佑眞 see styles |
yuma ゆま |
(female given name) Yuma |
侍眞 see styles |
shì zhēn shi4 zhen1 shih chen shishin |
portrait acolyte |
侑眞 see styles |
yuuma / yuma ゆうま |
(personal name) Yūma |
依眞 see styles |
yī zhēn yi1 zhen1 i chen eshin |
based on truth |
偏眞 see styles |
piān zhēn pian1 zhen1 p`ien chen pien chen henshin |
偏空, 單空The Hīnayāna doctrine of unreality, a one-sided dogma in contrast with the transcendental reality of Mahāyāna. |
光眞 see styles |
mitsuzane みつざね |
(surname) Mitsuzane |
克眞 see styles |
katsuma かつま |
(personal name) Katsuma |
入眞 see styles |
rù zhēn ru4 zhen1 ju chen nyūshin |
to enter into reality |
利眞 see styles |
toshima としま |
(personal name) Toshima |
勝眞 see styles |
katsuma かつま |
(surname) Katsuma |
卓眞 see styles |
takuma たくま |
(personal name) Takuma |
吉眞 see styles |
yoshima よしま |
(surname) Yoshima |
唯眞 see styles |
wéi zhēn wei2 zhen1 wei chen yuishin |
only true |
四眞 see styles |
sì zhēn si4 zhen1 ssu chen shishin |
(四眞諦) The four noble truths, v. 四諦 (四聖諦) , i. e. 苦, 集, 滅, 道 pain, its location, its cessation, the way of cure. |
夕眞 see styles |
yuma ゆま |
(female given name) Yuma |
多眞 see styles |
kazumasa かずまさ |
(personal name) Kazumasa |
天眞 see styles |
tiān zhēn tian1 zhen1 t`ien chen tien chen tenma てんま |
(female given name) Tenma bhūtatathatā, permanent reality underlying all phenomena, pure and unchanging e. g. the sea in contrast with the waves; nature, the natural, 天然之眞理, 非人之造作者 natural reality, not of human creation. |
好眞 see styles |
yoshimasa よしまさ |
(personal name) Yoshimasa |
如眞 see styles |
rú zhēn ru2 zhen1 ju chen nyoshin |
suchness |
妨眞 see styles |
fáng zhēn fang2 zhen1 fang chen bōshin |
obscures the truth |
宗眞 see styles |
soushin / soshin そうしん |
(personal name) Soushin |
実眞 see styles |
mima みま |
(female given name) Mima |
宣眞 see styles |
sonjin そんじん |
(personal name) Sonjin |
寛眞 see styles |
hiromi ひろみ |
(female given name) Hiromi |
寿眞 see styles |
juma じゅま |
(female given name) Juma |
尚眞 see styles |
naomasa なおまさ |
(given name) Naomasa |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "眞" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.