There are 2357 total results for your 王 search. I have created 24 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
氏王 see styles |
ushiou / ushio うしおう |
(surname) Ushiou |
水王 see styles |
shuǐ wáng shui3 wang2 shui wang mizuo みずお |
(surname) Mizuo Varuṇa |
法王 see styles |
fǎ wáng fa3 wang2 fa wang houou / hoo ほうおう |
Sakyamuni (1) (See ローマ法王) Pope; (2) {Buddh} (orig. meaning) Buddha; (place-name) Houou Dharmarāja, King of the Law, Buddha. |
流王 see styles |
ryuuou / ryuo りゅうおう |
(surname) Ryūou |
浅王 see styles |
asaou / asao あさおう |
(place-name) Asaou |
海王 see styles |
hǎi wáng hai3 wang2 hai wang kaiou / kaio かいおう |
Poseidon, Greek god of the sea; Neptune, Roman god of the sea; Aquaman, DC comic book superhero; (slang) womanizer; player (given name) Kaiou |
淨王 see styles |
jìng wáng jing4 wang2 ching wang Jōō |
Vyūha-rāja |
清王 see styles |
seiou / seo せいおう |
(place-name, surname) Seiou |
湯王 see styles |
touou / too とうおう |
(personal name) Touou |
瀬王 see styles |
seou / seo せおう |
(surname) Seou |
火王 see styles |
huǒ wáng huo3 wang2 huo wang kaō |
fire-king |
灶王 see styles |
zào wáng zao4 wang2 tsao wang |
Zaoshen, the god of the kitchen; also written 灶神 |
為王 see styles |
iou / io いおう |
(given name) Iou |
熊王 see styles |
kumaoho くまおほ |
(surname) Kumaoho |
爲王 为王 see styles |
wéi wáng wei2 wang2 wei wang iō |
to be the ruler |
父王 see styles |
fù wáng fu4 wang2 fu wang chichiou; fuou; buou / chichio; fuo; buo ちちおう; ふおう; ぶおう |
king who is a father one's father who is a king |
牛王 see styles |
niú wáng niu2 wang2 niu wang ushiou / ushio うしおう |
(surname) Ushiou The king of bulls, i. e. a Buddha, or bodhisattva; it is applied to Gautama Buddha, possibly derived from his name. |
狂王 see styles |
kyouou / kyoo きょうおう |
(char) Mad King; (ch) Mad King |
猴王 see styles |
hóu wáng hou2 wang2 hou wang |
More info & calligraphy: Monkey King |
猿王 see styles |
saruo さるお |
(place-name) Saruo |
玲王 see styles |
reio / reo れいお |
(given name) Reio |
珠王 see styles |
suou / suo すおう |
(personal name) Suou |
琉王 see styles |
ryuuou / ryuo りゅうおう |
(surname) Ryūou |
琳王 see styles |
rio りお |
(female given name) Rio |
璃王 see styles |
riou / rio りおう |
(female given name) Riou |
甘王 see styles |
amaou / amao あまおう |
(kana only) amaou; strawberry cultivar |
田王 see styles |
taou / tao たおう |
(surname) Taou |
白王 see styles |
shiraou / shirao しらおう |
(place-name) Shiraou |
百王 see styles |
bǎi wáng bai3 wang2 pai wang hyakuō |
all the kings |
目王 see styles |
meou / meo めおう |
(surname) Meou |
真王 see styles |
mao まお |
(female given name) Mao |
石王 see styles |
ishiou / ishio いしおう |
(surname) Ishiou |
神王 see styles |
shinou / shino しんおう |
(1) god king; god-king; (2) {Buddh} guardian deity; (surname) Shin'ou |
福王 see styles |
fukuou / fukuo ふくおう |
(surname) Fukuou |
秀王 see styles |
hideo ひでお |
(personal name) Hideo |
秦王 see styles |
shinou / shino しんおう |
(personal name) Shin'ou |
穆王 see styles |
bokuou / bokuo ぼくおう |
(personal name) Bokuou |
空王 see styles |
kōng wáng kong1 wang2 k`ung wang kung wang soraou / sorao そらおう |
(surname) Soraou The king of immateriality, or spirituality, Buddha, who is lord of all things. |
竜王 see styles |
ryouou / ryoo りょうおう |
(1) Dragon King; (2) (shogi) promoted rook; (surname) Ryōou |
紂王 see styles |
chuuou / chuo ちゅうおう |
(person) King Zhou of Shang (1105-1046 BCE; last emperor of the Shang dynasty) |
紫王 see styles |
shio しお |
(female given name) Shio |
經王 经王 see styles |
jīng wáng jing1 wang2 ching wang kyōō |
the King of scriptures |
美王 see styles |
miou / mio みおう |
(surname, female given name) Miou |
義王 see styles |
iwan ウィワン |
(place-name) Uiwang (South Korea) |
聖王 圣王 see styles |
shèng wáng sheng4 wang2 sheng wang seiou / seo せいおう |
sage ruler (archaism) virtuous ruler; worthy monarch |
良王 see styles |
ryouou / ryoo りょうおう |
(place-name) Ryōou |
花王 see styles |
hanaou / hanao はなおう |
(See 牡丹・ぼたん・1) tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa); (surname) Hanaou |
芳王 see styles |
yoshio よしお |
(surname) Yoshio |
英王 see styles |
eiou / eo えいおう |
King of England |
荘王 see styles |
souou / soo そうおう |
(personal name) Souou |
莊王 庄王 see styles |
zhuāng wáng zhuang1 wang2 chuang wang Shōō |
v. 妙 Śubhavyūha, reputed father of Guanyin. |
華王 see styles |
kaou / kao かおう |
(given name) Kaou |
葉王 see styles |
hao はお |
(female given name) Hao |
蔵王 see styles |
zaou / zao ざおう |
(place-name, surname) Zaou |
薬王 see styles |
yakuo やくお |
(surname) Yakuo |
藤王 see styles |
fujiou / fujio ふじおう |
(surname) Fujiou |
藥王 药王 see styles |
yào wáng yao4 wang2 yao wang Yakuō |
Medicine King |
藩王 see styles |
hanou / hano はんおう |
(hist) maharaja; maharajah; nawab |
蛇王 see styles |
jaou / jao じゃおう |
(place-name) Jaou |
蜂王 see styles |
fēng wáng feng1 wang2 feng wang |
More info & calligraphy: Queen Bee |
蟻王 see styles |
giou / gio ぎおう |
(given name) Giou |
衣王 see styles |
io いお |
(female given name) Io |
西王 see styles |
nishiou / nishio にしおう |
(surname) Nishiou |
覇王 see styles |
haou / hao はおう |
supreme ruler; autocrat; dynast; high king |
覚王 see styles |
kakuou / kakuo かくおう |
(surname) Kakuou |
親王 亲王 see styles |
qīn wáng qin1 wang2 ch`in wang chin wang shinnou / shinno しんのう |
prince prince of royal blood; Imperial prince; (given name) Shinnou |
覺王 觉王 see styles |
jué wáng jue2 wang2 chüeh wang kakuō |
The king of enlightenment, the enlightened king, Buddha; also覺帝. |
諫王 谏王 see styles |
jiàn wáng jian4 wang2 chien wang kan'ō |
To admonish a king. |
諸王 see styles |
shoou / shoo しょおう |
(1) various kings; (2) unproclaimed son of the imperial family |
譙王 谯王 see styles |
qiáo wáng qiao2 wang2 ch`iao wang chiao wang Jō Ō |
Qiao Wang |
象王 see styles |
xiàng wáng xiang4 wang2 hsiang wang zōō |
Gajapati, Lord of Elephants, a term for Śākyamuni; also the fabulous ruler of the southern division of the Jambudvīpa continent. |
貓王 猫王 see styles |
māo wáng mao1 wang2 mao wang |
Elvis Presley (1935-1977), US pop singer and film star; transliterated as 埃爾維斯·普雷斯利|埃尔维斯·普雷斯利[Ai1 er3 wei2 si1 · Pu3 lei2 si1 li4] |
貴王 see styles |
takao たかお |
(female given name) Takao |
賢王 贤王 see styles |
xián wáng xian2 wang2 hsien wang |
sage kings |
超王 see styles |
chāo wáng chao1 wang2 ch`ao wang chao wang chōō |
Abhyudgata-rāja |
越王 see styles |
etsuou / etsuo えつおう |
(personal name) Etsuou |
輪王 轮王 see styles |
lún wáng lun2 wang2 lun wang rinō |
A cakravartin, 'a ruler the wheels of whose chariot roll everywhere without obstruction; an emperor, a sovereign of the world, a supreme ruler.' M.W. A Buddha, whose truth and realm are universal. There are four kinds of cakravartin, symbolized by wheels of gold, silver, copper, and iron; each possesses the seven precious things, 七寶 q.v. |
邦王 see styles |
kunio くにお |
(personal name) Kunio |
醫王 医王 see styles |
yī wáng yi1 wang2 i wang iō |
The Buddha as healer of sufferings; also the Medicine King, v. 藥 19. |
釋王 释王 see styles |
shì wáng shi4 wang2 shih wang Shakuō |
the king of the śākyas |
金王 see styles |
kaneou / kaneo かねおう |
(surname) Kaneou |
鉄王 see styles |
tetsuou / tetsuo てつおう |
(place-name) Tetsuou |
銭王 see styles |
zenioo ぜにおお |
(surname) Zenioo |
長王 see styles |
nagaou / nagao ながおう |
(place-name, surname) Nagaou |
閻王 阎王 see styles |
yán wang yan2 wang5 yen wang enou / eno えんおう |
(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell; (fig.) cruel and tyrannical person (abbreviation) Yama, judge of the afterlife Yama |
闍王 阇王 see styles |
shé wáng she2 wang2 she wang Jaō |
v. 阿 Ajātaśatru. |
闖王 闯王 see styles |
chuǎng wáng chuang3 wang2 ch`uang wang chuang wang |
Chuangwang or Roaming King, adopted name of late Ming peasant rebel leader Li Zicheng 李自成 (1605-1645) |
阿王 see styles |
aou / ao あおう |
(surname) Aou |
陸王 see styles |
rio りお |
(female given name) Rio |
隆王 see styles |
takaou / takao たかおう |
(surname) Takaou |
雁王 see styles |
yàn wáng yan4 wang2 yen wang gannō |
goose king |
雙王 双王 see styles |
shuāng wáng shuang1 wang2 shuang wang sōō |
A term for Yama, v. 夜. |
霸王 see styles |
bà wáng ba4 wang2 pa wang |
hegemon; overlord; despot |
面王 see styles |
miàn wáng mian4 wang2 mien wang |
Amogha-rāja |
頭王 see styles |
zuou / zuo ずおう |
(place-name) Zuou |
饒王 饶王 see styles |
ráo wáng rao2 wang2 jao wang |
(饒王佛) Lokeśvara, 'the lord or ruler of the world; N. of a Buddha' (M.W.); probably a development of the idea of Brahmā, Viṣṇu or Śiva as lokanātha, 'lord of worlds.' In Indo-China especially it refers to Avalokiteśvara, whose image or face, in masculine form, is frequently seen, e.g. at Angkor. Also 世饒王佛. It is to Lokeśvara that Amitābha announces his forty-eight vows. |
香王 see styles |
xiāng wáng xiang1 wang2 hsiang wang |
Gandharāja, a bodhisattva in whose image the finger tips are shown as dripping ambrosia. There is also a 香王 Guanyin. |
駝王 see styles |
daou / dao だおう |
(given name) Daou |
鬼王 see styles |
oniou / onio おにおう |
(place-name, surname) Oniou |
魔王 see styles |
mó wáng mo2 wang2 mo wang maou / mao まおう |
devil king; evil person (1) Satan; the Devil; the Prince of Darkness; (2) {Buddh} (See 天魔) king of the demons who try to prevent people from doing good; (female given name) Maou The king of māras, the lord of the sixth heaven of the desire-realm. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "王" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.