There are 474 total results for your 忍 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
忍の一字 see styles |
ninnoichiji にんのいちじ |
(expression) (proverb) patience is the only way |
忍ばせる see styles |
shinobaseru しのばせる |
(transitive verb) to conceal; to hide |
忍びない see styles |
shinobinai しのびない |
(exp,adj-i) (oft. as ...に(は)忍びない) (See 忍ぶ・2) cannot bear (doing); cannot bring oneself (to do); reluctant (to do) |
忍びの者 see styles |
shinobinomono しのびのもの |
More info & calligraphy: Shinobi No Mono |
忍びの術 see styles |
shinobinojutsu しのびのじゅつ |
(rare) (See 忍術) art of stealth (i.e. ninjutsu) |
忍びやか see styles |
shinobiyaka しのびやか |
(noun or adjectival noun) stealthy; secret |
忍びよる see styles |
shinobiyoru しのびよる |
(v5r,vi) to creep; to steal up; to draw near unnoticed |
忍び会い see styles |
shinobiai しのびあい |
clandestine meeting (e.g. for lovers); rendezvous; tryst; secret meeting |
忍び入る see styles |
shinobiiru / shinobiru しのびいる |
(v5r,vi) to steal or sneak or slip into |
忍び六具 see styles |
shinobirokugu しのびろくぐ |
(かぎ縄, 編み笠, 石筆, 三尺手ぬぐい, 薬, 打ち竹) the six tools of the ninja |
忍び出し see styles |
shinobidashi しのびだし |
sneaking out; creeping out |
忍び出す see styles |
shinobidasu しのびだす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to sneak out; to creep out |
忍び出る see styles |
shinobideru しのびでる |
(v1,vi) to sneak out; to slip out; to slip away; to leave secretly |
忍び寄る see styles |
shinobiyoru しのびよる |
(v5r,vi) to creep; to steal up; to draw near unnoticed |
忍び忍び see styles |
shinobishinobi しのびしのび |
(adverb) (archaism) stealthily |
忍び文字 see styles |
shinobimoji しのびもじ |
Ninja script |
忍び歩き see styles |
shinobiaruki; shinobiariki しのびあるき; しのびありき |
(1) travelling incognito (traveling); (2) (See 忍び足) quiet steps; creeping around |
忍び泣き see styles |
shinobinaki しのびなき |
quiet weeping |
忍び泣く see styles |
shinobinaku しのびなく |
(v5k,vi) to shed silent tears |
忍び笑い see styles |
shinobiwarai しのびわらい |
stifled laugh; chuckling; snickering |
忍び込む see styles |
shinobikomu しのびこむ |
(v5m,vi) to creep in; to steal in |
忍び返し see styles |
shinobigaeshi しのびがえし |
bamboo wall-top spikes (or wood, iron); spikes placed at the top of a wall to repel thieves |
忍び逢い see styles |
shinobiai しのびあい |
clandestine meeting (e.g. for lovers); rendezvous; tryst; secret meeting |
忍び難い see styles |
shinobigatai しのびがたい |
(adjective) intolerable; unbearable |
忍ヶ丘駅 see styles |
shinobugaokaeki しのぶがおかえき |
(st) Shinobugaoka Station |
忍俊不禁 see styles |
rěn jun bù jīn ren3 jun4 bu4 jin1 jen chün pu chin inshun fukin |
cannot help laughing; unable to restrain a smile to be unhandleable |
忍到彼岸 see styles |
rěn dào bǐ àn ren3 dao4 bi3 an4 jen tao pi an nin tōhigan |
perfection of forbearance |
忍垢偷生 see styles |
rěn gòu tōu shēng ren3 gou4 tou1 sheng1 jen kou t`ou sheng jen kou tou sheng |
to bear humiliation to save one's skin (idiom) |
忍壁皇子 see styles |
osakabenomiko おさかべのみこ |
(female given name) Osakabenomiko |
忍壁親王 see styles |
osakabeshinnou / osakabeshinno おさかべしんのう |
(person) Osakabeshinnou (Prince) (?-705) |
忍成修吾 see styles |
oshinarishuugo / oshinarishugo おしなりしゅうご |
(person) Oshinari Shuugo (1981.3.5-) |
忍氣吞聲 忍气吞声 see styles |
rěn qì tūn shēng ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1 jen ch`i t`un sheng jen chi tun sheng |
to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence; to swallow one's anger; to grin and bear it |
忍波羅蜜 忍波罗蜜 see styles |
rěn bō luó mì ren3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jen po lo mi nin haramitsu |
The patience pāramitā, v. 忍辱. |
忍無可忍 忍无可忍 see styles |
rěn wú kě rěn ren3 wu2 ke3 ren3 jen wu k`o jen jen wu ko jen |
more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience; the last straw |
忍痛割愛 忍痛割爱 see styles |
rěn tòng gē ài ren3 tong4 ge1 ai4 jen t`ung ko ai jen tung ko ai |
to resign oneself to part with what one treasures |
忍者屋敷 see styles |
ninjayashiki にんじゃやしき |
ninja house; ninja residence |
忍者烏鮫 see styles |
ninjakarasuzame; ninjakarasuzame にんじゃからすざめ; ニンジャカラスザメ |
(kana only) ninja lanternshark (Etmopterus benchleyi) |
忍者神龜 忍者神龟 see styles |
rěn zhě shén guī ren3 zhe3 shen2 gui1 jen che shen kuei |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comic book series, first appeared in 1984, also films, video games etc |
忍耐強い see styles |
nintaizuyoi にんたいづよい |
(adjective) persevering; very patient |
忍術屋敷 see styles |
ninjayashiki にんじゃやしき |
(place-name) Ninjayashiki |
忍足謙朗 see styles |
oshidarikenrou / oshidarikenro おしだりけんろう |
(person) Oshidari Kenrou |
忍路土場 see styles |
ninrodoba にんろどば |
(personal name) Ninrodoba |
忍路子川 see styles |
oshorokkogawa おしょろっこがわ |
(place-name) Oshorokkogawa |
忍路隧道 see styles |
oshorozuidou / oshorozuido おしょろずいどう |
(place-name) Oshorozuidō |
忍辱仙人 see styles |
rěn rù xiān rén ren3 ru4 xian1 ren2 jen ju hsien jen ninniku sennin |
Kṣāntivādin ṛṣi |
忍辱偷生 see styles |
rěn rǔ tōu shēng ren3 ru3 tou1 sheng1 jen ju t`ou sheng jen ju tou sheng |
to bear humiliation to save one's skin (idiom) |
忍辱含垢 see styles |
rěn rǔ - hán gòu ren3 ru3 - han2 gou4 jen ju - han kou |
see 含垢忍辱[han2gou4-ren3ru3] |
忍辱太子 see styles |
rěn rù tài zǐ ren3 ru4 tai4 zi3 jen ju t`ai tzu jen ju tai tzu ninniku taishi |
The patient prince, of Vārāṇaśī (Benares), who gave a piece of his flesh to heal his sick parents, which was efficacious because he had never given way to anger. |
忍辱山町 see styles |
ninnikusenchou / ninnikusencho にんにくせんちょう |
(place-name) Ninnikusenchō |
忍辱柔和 see styles |
rěn rù róu hé ren3 ru4 rou2 he2 jen ju jou ho ninjoku jūwa |
tolerant and gentle |
忍辱求全 see styles |
rěn rǔ qiú quán ren3 ru3 qiu2 quan2 jen ju ch`iu ch`üan jen ju chiu chüan |
to endure humiliation to preserve unity |
忍辱負重 忍辱负重 see styles |
rěn rǔ fù zhòng ren3 ru3 fu4 zhong4 jen ju fu chung |
to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in silence |
忍野八海 see styles |
oshinohakkai おしのはっかい |
(place-name) Oshinohakkai |
忍飢挨餓 忍饥挨饿 see styles |
rěn jī ái è ren3 ji1 ai2 e4 jen chi ai o |
starving; famished |
三種忍行 三种忍行 see styles |
sān zhǒng rěn xíng san1 zhong3 ren3 xing2 san chung jen hsing sanshu ningyō |
Patience or forbearance of body, mouth, and mind. |
不堪忍受 see styles |
bù kān rěn shòu bu4 kan1 ren3 shou4 pu k`an jen shou pu kan jen shou |
unbearable |
不起法忍 see styles |
bù qǐ fǎ rěn bu4 qi3 fa3 ren3 pu ch`i fa jen pu chi fa jen fukihō nin |
The stage of endurance, or patient meditation, that has reached the state where phenomenal illusion ceases to arise, through entry into the realization of the Void, or noumenal; also 生法忍 (or 起法忍) . |
世を忍ぶ see styles |
yooshinobu よをしのぶ |
(exp,v5b) to hide from society; to avoid the gaze of society; to keep out of the public eye |
二種忍辱 二种忍辱 see styles |
èr zhǒng rěn rù er4 zhong3 ren3 ru4 erh chung jen ju nishuninniku |
Two kinds of patience, or endurance: (a) of the assaults of nature, heat, cold, etc.; (b) of human assaults and insults. |
受忍限度 see styles |
juningendo じゅにんげんど |
tolerable limit; human limits; maximum permissible limit |
古城十忍 see styles |
kojoutoshinobu / kojotoshinobu こじょうとしのぶ |
(person) Kojō Toshinobu |
吞聲忍氣 吞声忍气 see styles |
tūn shēng rěn qì tun1 sheng1 ren3 qi4 t`un sheng jen ch`i tun sheng jen chi |
see 忍氣吞聲|忍气吞声[ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1] |
含垢忍辱 see styles |
hán gòu - rěn rǔ han2 gou4 - ren3 ru3 han kou - jen ju |
(idiom) to bear shame and humiliation |
含忍恥辱 含忍耻辱 see styles |
hán rěn chǐ rǔ han2 ren3 chi3 ru3 han jen ch`ih ju han jen chih ju |
to eat humble pie; to accept humiliation; to turn the other cheek |
堅忍不抜 see styles |
kenninfubatsu けんにんふばつ |
More info & calligraphy: Kenninfubatsu - Indomitable Perseverance |
堅忍不拔 坚忍不拔 see styles |
jiān rěn bù bá jian1 ren3 bu4 ba2 chien jen pu pa |
fortitude |
堅忍持久 see styles |
kenninjikyuu / kenninjikyu けんにんじきゅう |
dogged perseverance; untiring patience |
堪え忍ぶ see styles |
taeshinobu たえしのぶ |
(transitive verb) to put up with; to endure; to bear patiently |
堪忍世界 see styles |
kān rěn shì jiè kan1 ren3 shi4 jie4 k`an jen shih chieh kan jen shih chieh kannin sekai |
The sahā world of endurance of suffering; any world of transmigration. |
堪忍問難 堪忍问难 see styles |
kān rěn wèn nán kan1 ren3 wen4 nan2 k`an jen wen nan kan jen wen nan kannin monnan |
patiently put up with difficult questions |
大忍法界 see styles |
dà rěn fǎ jiè da4 ren3 fa3 jie4 ta jen fa chieh dainin hōkai |
The great realm for learning patience, i.e. the present world. |
安受苦忍 see styles |
ān shòu kǔ rěn an1 shou4 ku3 ren3 an shou k`u jen an shou ku jen anju ku nin |
patience under suffering |
小須賀忍 see styles |
kosugashinobu こすがしのぶ |
(person) Kosuga Shinobu |
平等忍辱 see styles |
píng děng rěn rù ping2 deng3 ren3 ru4 p`ing teng jen ju ping teng jen ju byōdō ninjoku |
Equanimous Forbearance |
強忍悲痛 强忍悲痛 see styles |
qiáng rěn bēi tòng qiang2 ren3 bei1 tong4 ch`iang jen pei t`ung chiang jen pei tung |
to try hard to suppress one's grief (idiom) |
得無生忍 得无生忍 see styles |
dé wú shēng rěn de2 wu2 sheng1 ren3 te wu sheng jen toku mushō nin |
gains the patient acceptance based on cognizance of non-arising |
恋い忍ぶ see styles |
koishinobu こいしのぶ |
(Godan verb with "bu" ending) to live on love |
恥を忍ぶ see styles |
hajioshinobu はじをしのぶ |
(exp,v5b) to abide one's shame |
愛不忍釋 爱不忍释 see styles |
ài bù rěn shì ai4 bu4 ren3 shi4 ai pu jen shih |
to love something too much to part with it (idiom) |
慘不忍睹 惨不忍睹 see styles |
cǎn bù rěn dǔ can3 bu4 ren3 du3 ts`an pu jen tu tsan pu jen tu |
lit. so horrible that one cannot bear to look (idiom); fig. miserable; horrendous; atrocious |
慘不忍聞 惨不忍闻 see styles |
cǎn bù rěn wén can3 bu4 ren3 wen2 ts`an pu jen wen tsan pu jen wen |
(idiom) dreadful to hear |
於心不忍 于心不忍 see styles |
yú xīn bù rěn yu2 xin1 bu4 ren3 yü hsin pu jen |
can't bear to |
柔順之忍 柔顺之忍 see styles |
róu shùn zhī rěn rou2 shun4 zhi1 ren3 jou shun chih jen jūjun no nin |
intellectual receptivity (regarding the nature of dharmas) |
柔順法忍 柔顺法忍 see styles |
róu shùn fǎ rěn rou2 shun4 fa3 ren3 jou shun fa jen jūjunhōnin |
intellectual receptivity regarding the nature of dharmas |
梵忍跡天 梵忍迹天 see styles |
fàn rěn jī tiān fan4 ren3 ji1 tian1 fan jen chi t`ien fan jen chi tien Bonninshaku ten |
Brahmā Sahaṃpati |
極淸淨忍 极淸淨忍 see styles |
jí qīng jìng rěn ji2 qing1 jing4 ren3 chi ch`ing ching jen chi ching ching jen goku shōjōnin |
extremely pure forbearance |
残忍冷酷 see styles |
zanninreikoku / zanninrekoku ざんにんれいこく |
(noun or adjectival noun) atrocious and cold-blooded; cruel; brutal; merciless |
残忍酷薄 see styles |
zanninkokuhaku ざんにんこくはく |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) cruel; brutal; atrocious; merciless |
残忍非情 see styles |
zanninhijou / zanninhijo ざんにんひじょう |
(noun or adjectival noun) utterly callous; atrociously brutal; cruel and inhuman |
残忍非道 see styles |
zanninhidou / zanninhido ざんにんひどう |
(noun or adjectival noun) cruel and inhuman; brutal; merciless |
深山花忍 see styles |
miyamahanashinobu; miyamahanashinobu みやまはなしのぶ; ミヤマハナシノブ |
(kana only) Polemonium caeruleum subsp. yezoense var. nipponicum (variety of Jacob's ladder) |
溫良忍讓 温良忍让 see styles |
wēn liáng rěn ràng wen1 liang2 ren3 rang4 wen liang jen jang |
submissive; accommodating |
滅法智忍 灭法智忍 see styles |
miè fǎ zhì rěn mie4 fa3 zhi4 ren3 mieh fa chih jen metsuhō chi nin |
One of the 八忍, the endurance and patience associated with the last. |
火影忍者 see styles |
huǒ yǐng rěn zhě huo3 ying3 ren3 zhe3 huo ying jen che |
Naruto, manga and anime series |
無從生忍 无从生忍 see styles |
wú cóng shēng rěn wu2 cong2 sheng1 ren3 wu ts`ung sheng jen wu tsung sheng jen mujūshō nin |
the acceptance of (the principle of) unborn Dharmas |
無法忍受 无法忍受 see styles |
wú fǎ rěn shòu wu2 fa3 ren3 shou4 wu fa jen shou |
intolerable |
無生法忍 无生法忍 see styles |
wú shēng fǎ rěn wu2 sheng1 fa3 ren3 wu sheng fa jen mushouhounin / mushohonin むしょうほうにん |
{Buddh} anutpattika-dharma-ksanti (recognition that nothing really arises or perishes) idem 無生忍. |
無起法忍 无起法忍 see styles |
wú qǐ fǎ rěn wu2 qi3 fa3 ren3 wu ch`i fa jen wu chi fa jen mukihō nin |
patience based on the realization of the non-arising of phenomena |
甚深法忍 see styles |
shén shēn fǎ rěn shen2 shen1 fa3 ren3 shen shen fa jen shinshin hōnin |
profound tolerance based on awareness of non-arising of phenomena |
目不忍見 目不忍见 see styles |
mù bù rěn jiàn mu4 bu4 ren3 jian4 mu pu jen chien |
see 目不忍視|目不忍视[mu4 bu4 ren3 shi4] |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "忍" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.