There are 2756 total results for your 取 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
綾取 see styles |
ayatori あやとり |
(irregular okurigana usage) (kana only) cat's cradle |
美取 see styles |
midori みどり |
(given name) Midori |
羽取 see styles |
hadori はどり |
(surname) Hadori |
考取 see styles |
kǎo qǔ kao3 qu3 k`ao ch`ü kao chü |
to pass an entrance exam; to be admitted to |
耳取 see styles |
mimitori みみとり |
(place-name) Mimitori |
聴取 see styles |
choushu / choshu ちょうしゅ |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) hearing (of a statement, opinion, explanation, etc.); asking; questioning (e.g. a suspect); enquiry; (noun, transitive verb) (2) listening (e.g. to the radio) |
聽取 听取 see styles |
tīng qǔ ting1 qu3 t`ing ch`ü ting chü |
to hear (news); to listen to |
能取 see styles |
néng qǔ neng2 qu3 neng ch`ü neng chü notoro のとろ |
(place-name) Notoro knowing |
自取 see styles |
zì qǔ zi4 qu3 tzu ch`ü tzu chü |
to help oneself to (food); to invite (trouble); to court (disaster) |
苟取 see styles |
gǒu qǔ gou3 qu3 kou ch`ü kou chü |
(literary) to extort; to take as bribe |
草取 see styles |
kusatori くさとり |
(surname) Kusatori |
萃取 see styles |
cuì qǔ cui4 qu3 ts`ui ch`ü tsui chü |
(chemistry) liquid-liquid extraction (aka solvent extraction); to extract |
蕊取 see styles |
shibetoro しべとろ |
(place-name) Shibetoro |
薦取 荐取 see styles |
jiàn qǔ jian4 qu3 chien ch`ü chien chü senshu |
to take all to oneself |
蘂取 see styles |
shibetoro しべとろ |
(place-name) Shibetoro |
虎取 see styles |
toratori とらとり |
(surname) Toratori |
虫取 see styles |
mushitori むしとり |
(place-name) Mushitori |
蝿取 see styles |
haetori はえとり haitori はいとり |
(1) catching flies; fly-catcher; flytrap; flypaper; (2) (abbreviation) jumping spider |
蟻取 see styles |
aritori ありとり |
(surname) Aritori |
蠅取 see styles |
haetori はえとり haitori はいとり |
(1) catching flies; fly-catcher; flytrap; flypaper; (2) (abbreviation) jumping spider |
製取 制取 see styles |
zhì qǔ zhi4 qu3 chih ch`ü chih chü |
(chemistry) to produce |
褄取 see styles |
tsumadori つまどり tsumatori つまとり |
(sumo) rear toe pick |
見取 见取 see styles |
jiàn qǔ jian4 qu3 chien ch`ü chien chü midori みどり |
(place-name, surname) Midori Clinging to heterodox views, one of the four 取; or as 見取見, one of the 五見 q. v. |
覓取 觅取 see styles |
mì qǔ mi4 qu3 mi ch`ü mi chü |
to seek; to seek out |
角取 see styles |
tsunotori つのとり |
(place-name) Tsunotori |
討取 讨取 see styles |
tǎo qǔ tao3 qu3 t`ao ch`ü tao chü |
to ask for; to demand |
証取 see styles |
shoutori / shotori しょうとり |
(abbreviation) securities exchange; stock exchange; bourse |
詐取 诈取 see styles |
zhà qǔ zha4 qu3 cha ch`ü cha chü sashu さしゅ |
to swindle; to defraud (noun, transitive verb) defrauding; swindle |
読取 see styles |
yomitori よみとり |
(irregular okurigana usage) (noun/participle) reading (e.g. by a scanner) |
調取 调取 see styles |
diào qǔ diao4 qu3 tiao ch`ü tiao chü |
to obtain (information from an archive etc) |
請取 see styles |
uketori うけとり |
receipt |
謀取 谋取 see styles |
móu qǔ mou2 qu3 mou ch`ü mou chü |
to seek; to strive for; to obtain; see also 牟取[mou2 qu3] |
識取 识取 see styles |
shì qǔ shi4 qu3 shih ch`ü shih chü shikishu |
grasp |
讀取 读取 see styles |
dú qǔ du2 qu3 tu ch`ü tu chü |
(of a computer etc) to read (data) |
貝取 see styles |
kaidori かいどり |
(place-name) Kaidori |
貪取 贪取 see styles |
tān qǔ tan1 qu3 t`an ch`ü tan chü tonshu |
craving |
買取 see styles |
kaitori かいとり |
(noun/participle) (1) purchase; buying; buying out; (noun, transitive verb) (2) buying used articles as a company; trade-in; buy back; (noun/participle) (3) purchase on a no-return policy; (4) lump-sum payment; flat fee |
賺取 赚取 see styles |
zhuàn qǔ zhuan4 qu3 chuan ch`ü chuan chü |
to make a profit; to earn a packet |
越取 see styles |
koshitori こしとり |
(surname) Koshitori |
車取 see styles |
shiyatori しやとり |
(surname) Shiyatori |
輒取 辄取 see styles |
zhé qǔ zhe2 qu3 che ch`ü che chü chōshu |
to snatch quickly |
輕取 轻取 see styles |
qīng qǔ qing1 qu3 ch`ing ch`ü ching chü |
to beat easily; to gain an easy victory |
轡取 see styles |
kutsuwadori くつわどり |
(place-name) Kutsuwadori |
辻取 see styles |
tsujitori つじとり |
(irregular okurigana usage) (archaism) taking a wife by kidnapping a woman passing by on the road |
連取 see styles |
tsunatori つなとり |
(noun, transitive verb) scoring in succession (points, sets, etc.); (place-name) Tsunatori |
進取 进取 see styles |
jìn qǔ jin4 qu3 chin ch`ü chin chü shinshu しんしゅ |
to show initiative; to be a go-getter; to push forward with one's agenda (adj-no,n) enterprising; go-ahead; progressive |
選取 选取 see styles |
xuǎn qǔ xuan3 qu3 hsüan ch`ü hsüan chü |
to choose |
邪取 see styles |
xié qǔ xie2 qu3 hsieh ch`ü hsieh chü jashu |
mistaken grasping |
野取 see styles |
notori のとり |
(place-name) Notori |
金取 see styles |
kandori かんどり |
(surname) Kandori |
鈎取 see styles |
kagitori かぎとり |
(place-name) Kagitori |
錄取 录取 see styles |
lù qǔ lu4 qu3 lu ch`ü lu chü |
to accept an applicant (prospective student, employee etc) who passes an entrance exam; to admit (a student); to hire (a job candidate) |
録取 see styles |
rokushu ろくしゅ |
(noun/participle) recording; record-taking |
鍬取 see styles |
kuwatori くわとり |
(surname) Kuwatori |
鍵取 see styles |
kagitori かぎとり |
(place-name) Kagitori |
鎌取 see styles |
kamatori かまとり |
(place-name) Kamatori |
間取 see styles |
matori まとり |
(surname) Matori |
関取 see styles |
sekitori せきとり |
{sumo} ranking wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions; (place-name, surname) Sekitori |
陣取 see styles |
jintori じんとり |
(surname) Jintori |
隈取 see styles |
kumadori くまどり |
(noun/participle) (1) shading; color; colour; (2) kumadori; style of kabuki makeup used for violent roles |
集取 see styles |
shuushu / shushu しゅうしゅ |
(noun, transitive verb) collecting; gathering; collection |
雲取 see styles |
kumotori くもとり |
(place-name) Kumotori |
霜取 see styles |
shimotori しもとり |
(surname) Shimotori |
音取 see styles |
otodori おとどり |
(noun/participle) audio recording; sound recording |
頓取 see styles |
dùn qǔ dun4 qu3 tun ch`ü tun chü |
suddenly apprehends |
領取 领取 see styles |
lǐng qǔ ling3 qu3 ling ch`ü ling chü |
to receive; to draw; to get |
頭取 see styles |
toudori / todori とうどり |
(1) (bank) president; (2) greenroom manager (in a theater) |
餌取 see styles |
edori えどり |
(surname) Edori |
館取 see styles |
tatetori たてとり |
(place-name) Tatetori |
香取 see styles |
kandori かんどり |
More info & calligraphy: Katori |
馬取 see styles |
matori まとり |
(place-name) Matori |
騙取 骗取 see styles |
piàn qǔ pian4 qu3 p`ien ch`ü pien chü henshu へんしゅ |
to gain by cheating (noun/participle) swindling |
高取 see styles |
takadori たかどり |
(surname) Takadori |
鬼取 see styles |
onitori おにとり |
(place-name) Onitori |
魚取 see styles |
uotori うおとり |
(surname) Uotori |
鯛取 see styles |
tetori てとり |
(surname) Tetori |
鳥取 see styles |
toridori とりどり |
Tottori (city, prefecture); (surname) Toridori |
鴨取 see styles |
kamotori かもとり |
(surname) Kamotori |
鷹取 see styles |
takatori たかとり |
(place-name, surname) Takatori |
鹿取 see styles |
shikatori しかとり |
(surname) Shikatori |
鼓取 see styles |
kotori ことり |
(female given name) Kotori |
取っ手 see styles |
totte とって |
handle; grip; knob |
取らす see styles |
torasu とらす |
(v2s-s) (archaism) (equiv. to 取らせる) to grant; to bestow |
取りえ see styles |
torie とりえ |
worth; redeeming feature; merit; gain; profit |
取り代 see styles |
torishiro とりしろ |
portion; one's share |
取り分 see styles |
toribun とりぶん |
one's share; one's portion |
取り前 see styles |
torimae とりまえ |
share; portion |
取り口 see styles |
torikuchi とりくち |
(sumo) technique; techniques |
取り得 see styles |
toridoku とりどく |
gain; profit |
取り所 see styles |
toridokoro とりどころ |
merit; worth |
取り手 see styles |
torite とりて |
(1) recipient; receiver; acceptor; taker; (2) (martial arts term) (sumo) skilled practitioner (of judo, sumo, etc.); (3) person who picks up the cards (in karuta games) |
取り扱 see styles |
toriatsukai とりあつかい |
treatment; service; handling; management |
取り方 see styles |
torikata とりかた |
way of taking |
取り木 see styles |
toriki とりき |
layering (in the gardening sense) |
取り札 see styles |
torifuda とりふだ |
card to pick up (in card games); card that is picked up by players instead of read (in karuta); card printed with the second half of a poem (in karuta) |
取り柄 see styles |
torie とりえ |
worth; redeeming feature; merit; gain; profit |
取り的 see styles |
toriteki とりてき |
(sumo) low-ranking unsalaried wrestler (ranked below juryo) |
取り皿 see styles |
torizara とりざら |
individual plate; single individual's small dish on which food taken from shared serving dishes is placed |
取り箸 see styles |
toribashi とりばし |
(See 取り皿) chopsticks used to move food from a serving dish to one's own dish |
取り粉 see styles |
toriko とりこ |
rice powder |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "取" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.