There are 1406 total results for your 制 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
制之助 see styles |
seinosuke / senosuke せいのすけ |
(male given name) Seinosuke |
制之祐 see styles |
seinosuke / senosuke せいのすけ |
(male given name) Seinosuke |
制二朗 see styles |
seijirou / sejiro せいじろう |
(male given name) Seijirō |
制二郎 see styles |
seijirou / sejiro せいじろう |
(male given name) Seijirō |
制五朗 see styles |
seigorou / segoro せいごろう |
(male given name) Seigorou |
制五郎 see styles |
seigorou / segoro せいごろう |
(male given name) Seigorou |
制伍朗 see styles |
seigorou / segoro せいごろう |
(male given name) Seigorou |
制伍郎 see styles |
seigorou / segoro せいごろう |
(male given name) Seigorou |
制伏斷 制伏断 see styles |
zhì fú duàn zhi4 fu2 duan4 chih fu tuan seifuku dan |
(afflictions) eliminated by subjugation |
制作室 see styles |
seisakushitsu / sesakushitsu せいさくしつ |
studio; workshop |
制作者 see styles |
seisakusha / sesakusha せいさくしゃ |
producer (of film, theatre, TV, etc.); maker; creator; developer |
制作費 see styles |
seisakuhi / sesakuhi せいさくひ |
(See 製作費・せいさくひ) production cost |
制動力 see styles |
seidouryoku / sedoryoku せいどうりょく |
braking force; braking power |
制動器 制动器 see styles |
zhì dòng qì zhi4 dong4 qi4 chih tung ch`i chih tung chi |
brake |
制動手 see styles |
seidoushu / sedoshu せいどうしゅ |
brakeman |
制動機 see styles |
seidouki / sedoki せいどうき |
brake |
制動灯 see styles |
seidoutou / sedoto せいどうとう |
brake light; stoplight |
制史朗 see styles |
seishirou / seshiro せいしろう |
(personal name) Seishirou |
制史郎 see styles |
seishirou / seshiro せいしろう |
(personal name) Seishirou |
制司郎 see styles |
seishirou / seshiro せいしろう |
(personal name) Seishirou |
制吐薬 see styles |
seitoyaku / setoyaku せいとやく |
{pharm} antiemetic |
制吾朗 see styles |
seigorou / segoro せいごろう |
(male given name) Seigorou |
制吾郎 see styles |
seigorou / segoro せいごろう |
(male given name) Seigorou |
制咤迦 see styles |
seitaka / setaka せいたか |
(dei) Seitaka (Shintō goddess); (dei) Seitaka (Shintō goddess) |
制四朗 see styles |
seishirou / seshiro せいしろう |
(personal name) Seishirou |
制四郎 see styles |
seishirou / seshiro せいしろう |
(personal name) Seishirou |
制士郎 see styles |
seishirou / seshiro せいしろう |
(personal name) Seishirou |
制壱朗 see styles |
seiichirou / sechiro せいいちろう |
(male given name) Seiichirō |
制壱郎 see styles |
seiichirou / sechiro せいいちろう |
(male given name) Seiichirō |
制多朗 see styles |
seitarou / setaro せいたろう |
(male given name) Seitarō |
制多郎 see styles |
seitarou / setaro せいたろう |
(male given name) Seitarō |
制太朗 see styles |
seitarou / setaro せいたろう |
(male given name) Seitarō |
制太郎 see styles |
seitarou / setaro せいたろう |
(male given name) Seitarō |
制定法 see styles |
seiteihou / seteho せいていほう |
{law} statute law |
制市朗 see styles |
seiichirou / sechiro せいいちろう |
(male given name) Seiichirō |
制市郎 see styles |
seiichirou / sechiro せいいちろう |
(male given name) Seiichirō |
制底耶 see styles |
zhì dǐ yé zhi4 di3 ye2 chih ti yeh seiteiya |
caitya |
制度化 see styles |
zhì dù huà zhi4 du4 hua4 chih tu hua seidoka / sedoka せいどか |
systematization (noun/participle) systematic implementation; institutionalization (e.g. way, method) |
制度的 see styles |
seidoteki / sedoteki せいどてき |
(adjectival noun) systemic |
制式化 see styles |
zhì shì huà zhi4 shi4 hua4 chih shih hua |
standardization |
制御下 see styles |
seigyoka / segyoka せいぎょか |
under control |
制御卓 see styles |
seigyotaku / segyotaku せいぎょたく |
{comp} (operator) console |
制御器 see styles |
seigyoki / segyoki せいぎょき |
controller; regulator |
制御域 see styles |
seigyoiki / segyoiki せいぎょいき |
{comp} control area |
制御室 see styles |
seigyoshitsu / segyoshitsu せいぎょしつ |
control room; control booth |
制御局 see styles |
seigyokyoku / segyokyoku せいぎょきょく |
{comp} control station |
制御弁 see styles |
seigyoben / segyoben せいぎょべん |
control valve |
制御棒 see styles |
seigyobou / segyobo せいぎょぼう |
control rod |
制御権 see styles |
seigyoken / segyoken せいぎょけん |
{comp} control; control right |
制御機 see styles |
seigyoki / segyoki せいぎょき |
controller; regulator |
制御点 see styles |
seigyoten / segyoten せいぎょてん |
{comp} Control Point; CM |
制御盤 see styles |
seigyoban / segyoban せいぎょばん |
control panel; switchbox |
制御系 see styles |
seigyokei / segyoke せいぎょけい |
{comp} control system |
制御部 see styles |
seigyobu / segyobu せいぎょぶ |
controller |
制怛羅 制怛罗 see styles |
zhì dá luó zhi4 da2 luo2 chih ta lo Seitanra |
Caitra, the spring month in which the full moon is in this constellation, i. e. Virgo or 角; M. W. gives it as March-April, in China it is the first month of spring from the 16th of the first moon to the 15th of the second. Also idem 制多 caitya. |
制成品 see styles |
zhì chéng pǐn zhi4 cheng2 pin3 chih ch`eng p`in chih cheng pin |
manufactured goods; finished product |
制服呢 see styles |
zhì fú ní zhi4 fu2 ni2 chih fu ni |
(textiles) uniform coating; durable, warm fabric used for uniforms |
制服組 see styles |
seifukugumi / sefukugumi せいふくぐみ |
uniformed personnel |
制気口 see styles |
seikikou / sekiko せいきこう |
diffuser; air supply outlet in air-conditioning system |
制水弁 see styles |
seisuiben / sesuiben せいすいべん |
water regulating valve; gate valve |
制汗剤 see styles |
seikanzai / sekanzai せいかんざい |
deodorant |
制汗性 see styles |
seikansei / sekanse せいかんせい |
(can be adjective with の) antiperspirant; antisudorific |
制海権 see styles |
seikaiken / sekaiken せいかいけん |
control of the sea; command of the sea |
制球力 see styles |
seikyuuryoku / sekyuryoku せいきゅうりょく |
{baseb} (See 制球) (pitcher's) control |
制癌剤 see styles |
seiganzai / seganzai せいがんざい |
anti-cancer drug; cancer-inhibiting drug |
制空権 see styles |
seikuuken / sekuken せいくうけん |
control of the air; air supremacy |
制空權 制空权 see styles |
zhì kōng quán zhi4 kong1 quan2 chih k`ung ch`üan chih kung chüan |
air supremacy; air superiority |
制藥業 制药业 see styles |
zhì yào yè zhi4 yao4 ye4 chih yao yeh |
pharmaceutical industry |
制造業 制造业 see styles |
zhì zào yè zhi4 zao4 ye4 chih tsao yeh |
manufacturing industry |
制酸剤 see styles |
seisanzai / sesanzai せいさんざい |
anti-acid preparation |
制酸劑 制酸剂 see styles |
zhì suān jì zhi4 suan1 ji4 chih suan chi |
antacid (medicine) |
制酸薬 see styles |
seisanyaku / sesanyaku せいさんやく |
gastric antacid |
制野愛 see styles |
seinomegumi / senomegumi せいのめぐみ |
(person) Seino Megumi (1979.2.23-) |
制限値 see styles |
seigenchi / segenchi せいげんち |
limit value; limiting value |
制限高 see styles |
seigendaka / segendaka せいげんだか |
(on signage, etc.) max height; maximum height |
AA制 see styles |
aa - zhì aa - zhi4 aa - chih |
to split the bill; to go Dutch |
AB制 see styles |
a b zhì a b zhi4 a b chih |
to split the bill (where the male counterpart foots the larger portion of the sum); (theater) a system where two actors take turns in acting the main role, with one actor replacing the other if either is unavailable |
あっ制 see styles |
assei / asse あっせい |
oppression; tyranny; despotism |
けん制 see styles |
kensei / kense けんせい |
(noun/participle) check; restraint; constraint; diversion; feint; screen |
一妻制 see styles |
yī qī zhì yi1 qi1 zhi4 i ch`i chih i chi chih |
monogamy |
一胎制 see styles |
yī tāi zhì yi1 tai1 zhi4 i t`ai chih i tai chih |
the one-child policy |
一院制 see styles |
ichiinsei / ichinse いちいんせい |
unicameral system; unicameralism |
不節制 see styles |
fusessei / fusesse ふせっせい |
intemperance; excesses |
世襲制 see styles |
seshuusei / seshuse せしゅうせい |
hereditary system; hereditary succession |
両墓制 see styles |
ryoubosei / ryobose りょうぼせい |
(hist) double-grave system; system of having one grave for the body and a separate one for prayers and services |
両院制 see styles |
ryouinsei / ryoinse りょういんせい |
(See 二院制・にいんせい) bicameral constitution; bicameralism; bicameral system |
主任制 see styles |
shuninsei / shuninse しゅにんせい |
system under which schoolteachers are assigned additional administrative duties |
乳製品 乳制品 see styles |
rǔ zhì pǐn ru3 zhi4 pin3 ju chih p`in ju chih pin nyuuseihin / nyusehin にゅうせいひん |
dairy products dairy products |
予約制 see styles |
yoyakusei / yoyakuse よやくせい |
reservation system; appointment system; (on) a subscription basis |
二期制 see styles |
nikisei / nikise にきせい |
two-term system |
二進制 二进制 see styles |
èr jìn zhì er4 jin4 zhi4 erh chin chih |
binary system (math.) |
二部制 see styles |
èr bù zhì er4 bu4 zhi4 erh pu chih |
two shift system (in schools) |
二院制 see styles |
niinsei / ninse にいんせい |
bicameral system |
井田制 see styles |
jǐng tián zhì jing3 tian2 zhi4 ching t`ien chih ching tien chih |
well-field system |
交代制 see styles |
koutaisei / kotaise こうたいせい |
shift system |
交替制 see styles |
koutaisei / kotaise こうたいせい |
shift system |
代議制 see styles |
daigisei / daigise だいぎせい |
representative system |
令制国 see styles |
ryouseikoku / ryosekoku りょうせいこく |
(hist) (See 律令制) province of Japan (under the ritsuryō system) |
仿製品 仿制品 see styles |
fǎng zhì pǐn fang3 zhi4 pin3 fang chih p`in fang chih pin |
counterfeit object; fake |
仿製藥 仿制药 see styles |
fǎng zhì yào fang3 zhi4 yao4 fang chih yao |
generic drug; generic medicine |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "制" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.