There are 3459 total results for your 公 search. I have created 35 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
公洋 see styles |
kouyou / koyo こうよう |
(personal name) Kōyou |
公津 see styles |
kutsu くつ |
(personal name) Kutsu |
公派 see styles |
gōng pài gong1 pai4 kung p`ai kung pai |
to send sb abroad at the government's expense |
公浩 see styles |
masahiro まさひろ |
(male given name) Masahiro |
公海 see styles |
gōng hǎi gong1 hai3 kung hai koukai / kokai こうかい |
high sea; international waters high seas; international waters; (given name) Kōkai |
公淳 see styles |
koujun / kojun こうじゅん |
(given name) Kōjun |
公済 see styles |
kousai / kosai こうさい |
(given name) Kōsai |
公測 公测 see styles |
gōng cè gong1 ce4 kung ts`e kung tse |
(software development) to do beta testing |
公満 see styles |
masamitsu まさみつ |
(personal name) Masamitsu |
公準 see styles |
koujun / kojun こうじゅん |
postulate (in math, logic, etc.) |
公演 see styles |
gōng yǎn gong1 yan3 kung yen kouen / koen こうえん |
to perform in public; to give a performance (noun, transitive verb) (1) public performance; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {sumo} exhibition in a foreign country |
公為 see styles |
kiminari きみなり |
(personal name) Kiminari |
公然 see styles |
gōng rán gong1 ran2 kung jan kouzen / kozen こうぜん |
openly; publicly; undisguised (adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) open; public; official; overt |
公煕 see styles |
kouki / koki こうき |
(given name) Kōki |
公照 see styles |
koushou / kosho こうしょう |
(given name) Kōshou |
公燕 see styles |
gōng yàn gong1 yan4 kung yen |
banquet held for high-ranking imperial or feudal officials |
公營 公营 see styles |
gōng yíng gong1 ying2 kung ying |
public; publicly (owned, financed, operated etc); run by the state |
公爵 see styles |
gōng jué gong1 jue2 kung chüeh koushaku / koshaku こうしゃく |
duke; dukedom (See 五等爵) prince; duke |
公爹 see styles |
gōng diē gong1 die1 kung tieh |
husband's father |
公爾 see styles |
kouji / koji こうじ |
(personal name) Kōji |
公牛 see styles |
gōng niú gong1 niu2 kung niu |
bull |
公物 see styles |
gōng wù gong1 wu4 kung wu |
public property |
公犬 see styles |
gōng quǎn gong1 quan3 kung ch`üan kung chüan |
male dog |
公献 see styles |
kouken / koken こうけん |
(given name) Kōken |
公猷 see styles |
kouyuu / koyu こうゆう |
(given name) Kōyū |
公理 see styles |
gōng lǐ gong1 li3 kung li masatoshi まさとし |
self-evident truth; (math.) axiom (noun - becomes adjective with の) axiom; maxim; self-evident truth; (male given name) Masatoshi |
公瑛 see styles |
kimie きみえ |
(female given name) Kimie |
公璃 see styles |
kimiaki きみあき |
(personal name) Kimiaki |
公生 see styles |
kousei / kose こうせい |
(given name) Kōsei |
公產 公产 see styles |
gōng chǎn gong1 chan3 kung ch`an kung chan |
public property |
公用 see styles |
gōng yòng gong1 yong4 kung yung kouyou / koyo こうよう |
public; for public use (1) (ant: 私用・2) official business; government business; public business; company duties; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (ant: 私用・1) public use; government use |
公甫 see styles |
masaho まさほ |
(given name) Masaho |
公田 see styles |
kouden / koden こうでん |
(hist) paddy administered directly by a ruler; (place-name) Kōden |
公由 see styles |
kimiyoshi きみよし |
(personal name) Kimiyoshi |
公男 see styles |
masao まさお |
(personal name) Masao |
公界 see styles |
gōng jiè gong1 jie4 kung chieh kō kai |
A public place; in public. |
公畑 see styles |
kimihata きみはた |
(surname) Kimihata |
公畜 see styles |
gōng chù gong1 chu4 kung ch`u kung chu |
stud; male animal kept to breed offspring |
公畝 公亩 see styles |
gōng mǔ gong1 mu3 kung mu |
are (1 are = 1⁄100 hectare, or 100 m²) |
公登 see styles |
kiminori きみのり |
(personal name) Kiminori |
公的 see styles |
kouteki / koteki こうてき |
(adjectival noun) public; official |
公益 see styles |
gōng yì gong1 yi4 kung i koueki / koeki こうえき |
public good; public welfare; public interest (noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 私益) public interest; public benefit; public good |
公盛 see styles |
koumori / komori こうもり |
(surname) Kōmori |
公直 see styles |
hirotada ひろただ |
(personal name) Hirotada |
公眾 公众 see styles |
gōng zhòng gong1 zhong4 kung chung |
public |
公矢 see styles |
kimiya きみや |
(personal name) Kimiya |
公知 see styles |
gōng zhī gong1 zhi1 kung chih kintomo きんとも |
public intellectual (sometimes used derogatorily) (abbr. for 公共知識分子|公共知识分子[gong1 gong4 zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3]) (noun - becomes adjective with の) public knowledge; common knowledge; (personal name) Kintomo |
公矩 see styles |
kiminori きみのり |
(personal name) Kiminori |
公石 see styles |
gōng dàn gong1 dan4 kung tan |
hectoliter; quintal |
公磨 see styles |
kimimaro きみまろ |
(given name) Kimimaro |
公示 see styles |
gōng shì gong1 shi4 kung shih kouji(p); koushi / koji(p); koshi こうじ(P); こうし |
to make known to the public (for information or to seek comments); public notification (noun, transitive verb) public announcement; official notice; edict |
公社 see styles |
gōng shè gong1 she4 kung she kousha / kosha こうしゃ |
commune public corporation |
公祐 see styles |
kousuke / kosuke こうすけ |
(personal name) Kōsuke |
公祥 see styles |
hiroyoshi ひろよし |
(personal name) Hiroyoshi |
公祭 see styles |
gōng jì gong1 ji4 kung chi |
public memorial service |
公秀 see styles |
masahide まさひで |
(given name) Masahide |
公私 see styles |
gōng sī gong1 si1 kung ssu koushi / koshi こうし |
public and private (interests, initiative etc) (noun - becomes adjective with の) public and private matters; official and personal affairs; professional and personal lives |
公秉 see styles |
gōng bǐng gong1 bing3 kung ping |
kiloliter |
公秋 see styles |
kimiaki きみあき |
(given name) Kimiaki |
公租 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
public tax |
公称 see styles |
koushou / kosho こうしょう |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) public announcement; official statement; official claim; (can act as adjective) (2) nominal; official; declared; claimed; (3) official name |
公稔 see styles |
kimitoshi きみとし |
(personal name) Kimitoshi |
公稱 公称 see styles |
gōng chēng gong1 cheng1 kung ch`eng kung cheng |
nominal See: 公称 |
公穂 see styles |
kimiho きみほ |
(given name) Kimiho |
公積 see styles |
kintsumu きんつむ |
(personal name) Kintsumu |
公穏 see styles |
kimiyasu きみやす |
(personal name) Kimiyasu |
公空 see styles |
koukuu / koku こうくう |
{law} international airspace; international space |
公立 see styles |
gōng lì gong1 li4 kung li kouritsu / koritsu こうりつ |
public (e.g. school, hospital) public (institution) |
公章 see styles |
gōng zhāng gong1 zhang1 kung chang masaaki / masaki まさあき |
official seal (given name) Masaaki |
公策 see styles |
kousaku / kosaku こうさく |
(given name) Kōsaku |
公筷 see styles |
gōng kuài gong1 kuai4 kung k`uai kung kuai |
serving chopsticks |
公算 see styles |
kousan / kosan こうさん |
probability; likelihood |
公箸 see styles |
kimitoshi きみとし |
(personal name) Kimitoshi |
公範 see styles |
kiminori きみのり |
(given name) Kiminori |
公篤 see styles |
kinatsu きんあつ |
(given name) Kin'atsu |
公簡 see styles |
koukan / kokan こうかん |
(rare) official letter (esp. in internal company corresp.); formal letter |
公簿 see styles |
koubo / kobo こうぼ |
public record; public register; official records |
公糧 公粮 see styles |
gōng liáng gong1 liang2 kung liang |
grain collected by the government as tax |
公紀 see styles |
masanori まさのり |
(given name) Masanori |
公約 公约 see styles |
gōng yuē gong1 yue1 kung yüeh kouyaku / koyaku こうやく |
convention (i.e. international agreement) (n,vs,vt,adj-no) public commitment; public promise; campaign pledge; official vow |
公納 see styles |
kounou / kono こうのう |
(surname) Kōnou |
公純 see styles |
koujun / kojun こうじゅん |
(given name) Kōjun |
公紘 see styles |
kimihiro きみひろ |
(given name) Kimihiro |
公経 see styles |
kimitsune きみつね |
(given name) Kimitsune |
公絵 see styles |
takae たかえ |
(female given name) Takae |
公継 see styles |
kintsugu きんつぐ |
(given name) Kintsugu |
公綱 see styles |
kintsuna きんつな |
(given name) Kintsuna |
公網 公网 see styles |
gōng wǎng gong1 wang3 kung wang |
(computing) public network; wide area network; Internet |
公緒 see styles |
kimio きみお |
(personal name) Kimio |
公署 see styles |
gōng shǔ gong1 shu3 kung shu kousho / kosho こうしょ |
government office government office |
公羊 see styles |
gōng yáng gong1 yang2 kung yang |
ram (male sheep) |
公美 see styles |
yukimi ゆきみ |
(female given name) Yukimi |
公義 公义 see styles |
gōng yì gong1 yi4 kung i masayoshi まさよし |
More info & calligraphy: Righteousnessjustice; equity; (male given name) Masayoshi |
公考 see styles |
kinnaru きんなる |
(given name) Kinnaru |
公耳 see styles |
kouji / koji こうじ |
(given name) Kōji |
公耶 see styles |
kimiya きみや |
(female given name) Kimiya |
公聖 see styles |
kousei / kose こうせい |
(given name) Kōsei |
公聡 see styles |
kimitoshi きみとし |
(male given name) Kimitoshi |
公聴 see styles |
kouchou / kocho こうちょう |
(noun/participle) public consultation; public information |
公職 公职 see styles |
gōng zhí gong1 zhi2 kung chih koushoku / koshoku こうしょく |
civil service; public office; government job public office |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "公" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.