There are 7020 total results for your 二 search. I have created 71 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
二湖 see styles |
niko にこ |
(female given name) Niko |
二湯 二汤 see styles |
èr tāng er4 tang1 erh t`ang erh tang |
second bouillon, a light broth obtained by reboiling ingredients that were previously used to make a full-strength first bouillon 頭湯|头汤[tou2tang1] |
二滅 二灭 see styles |
èr miè er4 mie4 erh mieh nimetsu |
two kinds of extinction |
二滝 see styles |
nitaki にたき |
(surname) Nitaki |
二漏 see styles |
èr lòu er4 lou4 erh lou niro |
The two conditions relating to the passions and delusions: 有漏 the condition in which they can prevail; 無漏 that in which they cannot prevail. |
二潟 see styles |
nigata にがた |
(place-name) Nigata |
二澤 see styles |
nisawa にさわ |
(surname) Nisawa |
二瀧 see styles |
nitaki にたき |
(surname) Nitaki |
二瀬 see styles |
futase ふたせ |
(place-name, surname) Futase |
二熊 see styles |
niguma にぐま |
(surname) Niguma |
二片 see styles |
futakata ふたかた |
(surname) Futakata |
二犯 see styles |
èr fàn er4 fan4 erh fan nibon |
The two kinds of sin, 止犯 and 作犯. |
二狼 see styles |
jirou / jiro じろう |
(male given name) Jirou |
二王 see styles |
èr wáng er4 wang2 erh wang niō におう |
the two guardian Deva kings The two guardian spirits represented on the temple gates, styled Vajrayakṣa 金剛夜叉 or 神 or 夜叉神. |
二珠 see styles |
tsugumi つぐみ |
(female given name) Tsugumi |
二現 二现 see styles |
èr xiàn er4 xian4 erh hsien nigen |
The two kinds of manifestation, or appearance, 須現 the necessary appearance in the flesh of the Buddha for ordinary people, and 不須現 the non-necessity for this to those of spiritual vision. |
二瓶 see styles |
futamoto ふたもと |
(surname) Futamoto |
二生 see styles |
futao ふたお |
(given name) Futao |
二用 see styles |
èr yòng er4 yong4 erh yung niyū |
two functions |
二田 see styles |
futsuta ふつた |
(place-name) Futsuta |
二甲 see styles |
èr jiǎ er4 jia3 erh chia |
2nd rank of candidates who passed the imperial examination (i.e. 4th place and up) |
二男 see styles |
fumio ふみお |
second son; (male given name) Fumio |
二町 see styles |
futamachi ふたまち |
(surname) Futamachi |
二界 see styles |
èr jiè er4 jie4 erh chieh ni kai |
two realms |
二畑 see styles |
nihata にはた |
(surname) Nihata |
二畠 see styles |
nihata にはた |
(surname) Nihata |
二番 see styles |
niban にばん |
second; number two; runner-up; (place-name) Niban |
二百 see styles |
tsugio つぎお |
two hundred; 200; (given name) Tsugio |
二益 see styles |
èr yì er4 yi4 erh i niyaku |
The dual advantages or benefits: profitable to the life which now is, and that which is to come. |
二盗 see styles |
nitou / nito にとう |
(n,vs,vi) {baseb} stealing second base |
二目 see styles |
futame ふため |
for a second time; (surname) Futame |
二直 see styles |
nichoku にちょく |
{baseb} lining out to second base |
二相 see styles |
èr xiàng er4 xiang4 erh hsiang nisou / niso にそう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) two-phase The two forms, or characteristics, of the bhutatathata, universal and particular. The 起信論 gives (a) 淨智相 pure wisdom, cf. ālaya-vijñāna, out of whose primary condition arise (b) 不思議用相 inconceivable, beneficial functions and uses. The same śāstra gives also a definition of the 眞如 as (a) 同相 that all things, pure or impure, are fundamentally of the same universal, e.g. clay which is made into tiles; (b) 異相 but display particular qualities, as affected by pure or impure causes, e.g. the tiles. Another definition, of the 智度論 31, is (a) 總相 universals, as impermanence; (b) 別相 particulars, for though all things have the universal basis of impermanence they have particular qualities, e.g. earth-solidity, heat of fire, etc. |
二真 see styles |
tsuguchika つぐちか |
(given name) Tsuguchika |
二眼 see styles |
nigan にがん |
(can be adjective with の) (See 二眼レフ・にがんレフ) twin-lens |
二着 see styles |
nichaku にちゃく |
runner-up; second (in a race) |
二睦 see styles |
niboku にぼく |
(place-name) Niboku |
二矢 see styles |
futaya ふたや |
(surname) Futaya |
二石 see styles |
futatsuishi ふたついし |
(surname) Futatsuishi |
二礙 二碍 see styles |
èr ài er4 ai4 erh ai nige |
idem 二障. |
二礼 see styles |
nire にれ |
(surname) Nire |
二祈 see styles |
fuuki / fuki ふうき |
(female given name) Fūki |
二祖 see styles |
èr zǔ er4 zu3 erh tsu niso |
The second patriarch of the Chan school, Huike 慧可. |
二神 see styles |
futogami ふとがみ |
(surname) Futogami |
二福 see styles |
èr fú er4 fu2 erh fu nifuku |
The bliss of the gods, and the bliss of the saints 聖; v. also 福. |
二禪 二禅 see styles |
èr chán er4 chan2 erh ch`an erh chan nizen |
second meditation [heaven] |
二科 see styles |
nishina にしな |
(surname) Nishina |
二種 二种 see styles |
èr zhǒng er4 zhong3 erh chung nishu にしゅ |
(1) two kinds; (2) second-class (e.g. mail) Two kinds or classes For those not given below see under二, etc., as for instance 二種世間 see under二世間. |
二穂 see styles |
niho にほ |
(personal name) Niho |
二穴 see styles |
futaana / futana ふたあな |
(1) two holes; (2) toilet with separate chambers for urine and faeces; (3) (slang) (kana only) (usu. written as ニケツ) (See ニケツ・1) riding double (on a bicycle, motorcycle, etc.); (place-name, surname) Futaana |
二空 see styles |
èr kōng er4 kong1 erh k`ung erh kung nikū |
The two voids, unrealities, or immaterialities; v. 空. There are several antitheses: (1) (a) 人空; 我空 The non-reality of the atman, the soul, the person; (6) 法空 the non-reality of things. (2) (a) 性空 The Tiantai division that nothing has a nature of its own; (b) 相空 therefore its form is unreal, i.e. forms are temporary names. (3) (a) 但空 Tiantai says the 藏 and 通 know only the 空; (b) 不但空 the 別 and 圓 have 空, 假, and 中 q.v. (4) (a) 如實空 The division of the 起信論 that the 眞如 is devoid of all impurity; (b) 如實不空 and full of all merit, or achievement. |
二窓 see styles |
futamado ふたまど |
(surname) Futamado |
二笙 see styles |
nishou / nisho にしょう |
(given name) Nishou |
二等 see styles |
èr děng er4 deng3 erh teng nitou / nito にとう |
second class; second-rate second class |
二筑 see styles |
nichiku にちく |
Nichiku (the two former provinces of Chikuzen and Chikugo) |
二答 see styles |
èr dá er4 da2 erh ta nitō |
Two kinds of reply, one by words, the other by signs. |
二箆 see styles |
futatsuno ふたつの |
(place-name) Futatsuno |
二箇 see styles |
nika にか |
(place-name) Nika |
二篁 see styles |
nikou / niko にこう |
(personal name) Nikou |
二簡 二简 see styles |
èr jiǎn er4 jian3 erh chien |
abbr. for 第二次漢字簡化方案|第二次汉字简化方案[Di4 er4 ci4 Han4 zi4 Jian3 hua4 Fang1 an4] |
二簧 see styles |
èr huáng er4 huang2 erh huang |
variant of 二黃|二黄[er4 huang2] |
二籐 see styles |
nifuji にふじ |
(surname) Nifuji |
二粒 see styles |
futatsubu ふたつぶ |
(See 粒・つぶ・2) two grains; two drops; two bead |
二糖 see styles |
èr táng er4 tang2 erh t`ang erh tang nitou / nito にとう |
disaccharide {chem} disaccharide |
二紀 see styles |
ninori にのり |
(personal name) Ninori |
二級 二级 see styles |
èr jí er4 ji2 erh chi nikyuu / nikyu にきゅう |
grade 2; second class; category B (noun or adjectival noun) second grade; second class; secondary |
二組 see styles |
futakumi ふたくみ |
two classes; double; two sets |
二結 二结 see styles |
èr jié er4 jie2 erh chieh niketsu |
two kinds of rebirth |
二絵 see styles |
futae ふたえ |
(female given name) Futae |
二維 二维 see styles |
èr wéi er4 wei2 erh wei |
two-dimensional |
二緣 二缘 see styles |
èr yuán er4 yuan2 erh yüan nien |
two kinds of conditions |
二縛 二缚 see styles |
èr fú er4 fu2 erh fu nibaku |
two kinds of fetters |
二縣 see styles |
nigata にがた |
(surname) Nigata |
二罪 see styles |
èr zuì er4 zui4 erh tsui nizai |
The two classes of offence: (a) 性罪 crime which is wrong in itself, e.g. murder, etc.; (b) 遮罪 crime not wrong in itself, e.g. taking alcohol, but forbidden by the Buddha for the sake of the other commandments; transgression of this is therefore a sin against the Buddha. |
二美 see styles |
èr měi er4 mei3 erh mei fumi ふみ |
(female given name) Fumi Two excellent things, i.e. meditation and wisdom. |
二義 二义 see styles |
èr yì er4 yi4 erh i tsuguyoshi つぐよし |
(personal name) Tsuguyoshi The two meanings or teachings, partial and complete; v. 二教. |
二羽 see styles |
futaba ふたば |
(surname) Futaba |
二翼 see styles |
èr yì er4 yi4 erh i niyoku |
A pair of wings: charity and wisdom. |
二老 see styles |
èr lǎo er4 lao3 erh lao |
mother and father; parents |
二者 see styles |
èr zhě er4 zhe3 erh che nisha にしゃ |
both; both of them; neither (noun - becomes adjective with の) two things; two persons |
二聖 二圣 see styles |
èr shèng er4 sheng4 erh sheng ni shō |
Śākyamuni and Prabhūtaratna 多寶. |
二聚 see styles |
èr jù er4 ju4 erh chü ni shu |
two groups |
二聲 二声 see styles |
èr shēng er4 sheng1 erh sheng |
second tone See: 二声 |
二股 see styles |
futamata ふたまた |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) bifurcation; (2) parting of the ways; (3) (colloquialism) two-timing; (place-name, surname) Futamata |
二肥 see styles |
nihi にひ |
Nihi (the two former provinces of Hizen and Higo) |
二胎 see styles |
èr tāi er4 tai1 erh t`ai erh tai |
second pregnancy |
二胡 see styles |
èr hú er4 hu2 erh hu niko にこ |
erhu (Chinese 2-string fiddle); alto fiddle; CL:把[ba3] erhu (2-stringed Chinese instrument played with a bow); erh hu; (female given name) Niko |
二脫 二脱 see styles |
èr tuō er4 tuo1 erh t`o erh to nidatsu |
two kinds of liberation |
二至 see styles |
nishi にし |
the two solstices (summer and winter) |
二致 see styles |
èr zhì er4 zhi4 erh chih |
difference (usu. follows 無|无[wu2] as in 毫無二致|毫无二致[hao2wu2-er4zhi4] or 別無二致|别无二致[bie2wu2-er4zhi4]) |
二良 see styles |
nirou / niro にろう |
(male given name) Nirou |
二色 see styles |
futairo ふたいろ |
(1) two colours; (2) two varieties; two types; (place-name) Futairo |
二若 see styles |
futawaka ふたわか |
(surname) Futawaka |
二苦 see styles |
èr kǔ er4 ku3 erh k`u erh ku ni ku |
Two kinds of suffering: within, e.g. sickness, sorrow; from without, e.g. calamities. |
二茅 see styles |
nigaya にがや |
(surname) Nigaya |
二茶 see styles |
niichii / nichi にいちぇ |
(personal name) Niiche |
二荒 see styles |
futara ふたら |
(surname) Futara |
二菜 see styles |
nina にな |
(female given name) Nina |
二華 see styles |
nika にか |
(given name) Nika |
二萬 二万 see styles |
èr wàn er4 wan4 erh wan ni man |
twenty-thousand |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "二" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.