There are 281 total results for your 顯 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
北条顯時 see styles |
houjouakitoki / hojoakitoki ほうじょうあきとき |
(person) Hōjō Akitoki |
北畠顯信 see styles |
kitabatakeakinobu きたばたけあきのぶ |
(person) Kitabatake Akinobu |
北畠顯泰 see styles |
kitabatakeakiyasu きたばたけあきやす |
(person) Kitabatake Akiyasu |
北畠顯能 see styles |
kitabatakeakiyoshi きたばたけあきよし |
(person) Kitabatake Akiyoshi |
千草忠顯 see styles |
chigusatadaaki / chigusatadaki ちぐさただあき |
(person) Chigusa Tadaaki |
去情顯性 去情显性 see styles |
qù qíng xiǎn xìng qu4 qing2 xian3 xing4 ch`ü ch`ing hsien hsing chü ching hsien hsing kojō kenshō |
abandon discriminations and return to one's original nature |
各顯所長 各显所长 see styles |
gè xiǎn suǒ cháng ge4 xian3 suo3 chang2 ko hsien so ch`ang ko hsien so chang |
each displays their own strengths (idiom) |
大顯神通 大显神通 see styles |
dà xiǎn shén tōng da4 xian3 shen2 tong1 ta hsien shen t`ung ta hsien shen tung |
to display one's remarkable skill or prowess; to give full play to one's brilliant abilities |
大顯身手 大显身手 see styles |
dà xiǎn shēn shǒu da4 xian3 shen1 shou3 ta hsien shen shou |
(idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities |
山田顯義 see styles |
yamadaakiyoshi / yamadakiyoshi やまだあきよし |
(person) Yamada Akiyoshi |
廢迹顯本 废迹显本 see styles |
fèi jī xiǎn běn fei4 ji1 xian3 ben3 fei chi hsien pen haishaku kenpon |
To set aside the temporal life (of the Buddha) and reveal the fundamental eternal life. |
影略互顯 影略互显 see styles |
yǐng lüè hù xiǎn ying3 lve4 hu4 xian3 ying lve hu hsien yōryaku goken |
contrastive abbreviation and clarification |
息屏顯示 息屏显示 see styles |
xī píng xiǎn shì xi1 ping2 xian3 shi4 hsi p`ing hsien shih hsi ping hsien shih |
always-on display (AOD) |
新田義顯 see styles |
nittayoshiaki にったよしあき |
(person) Nitta Yoshiaki |
時顯時隱 时显时隐 see styles |
shí xiǎn shí yǐn shi2 xian3 shi2 yin3 shih hsien shih yin |
appearing and disappearing; intermittently visible |
未等顯現 未等显现 see styles |
wèi děng xiǎn xiàn wei4 deng3 xian3 xian4 wei teng hsien hsien mitō kengen |
incompletely manifested |
未顯眞實 未显眞实 see styles |
wèi xiǎn zhēn shí wei4 xian3 zhen1 shi2 wei hsien chen shih miken shinjitsu |
未開顯 The unrevealed truth, the Truth only revealed by the Buddha in his final Mahāyāna doctrine. |
正等顯現 正等显现 see styles |
zhèng děng xiǎn xiàn zheng4 deng3 xian3 xian4 cheng teng hsien hsien shōtō kengen |
correct manifestation |
液晶顯示 液晶显示 see styles |
yè jīng xiǎn shì ye4 jing1 xian3 shi4 yeh ching hsien shih |
LCD; liquid crystal display |
深入顯出 深入显出 see styles |
shēn rù xiǎn chū shen1 ru4 xian3 chu1 shen ju hsien ch`u shen ju hsien chu |
see 深入淺出|深入浅出[shen1 ru4 qian3 chu1] |
淺顯易懂 浅显易懂 see styles |
qiǎn xiǎn - yì dǒng qian3 xian3 - yi4 dong3 ch`ien hsien - i tung chien hsien - i tung |
(idiom) easy to understand |
爲他顯了 为他显了 see styles |
wéi tā xiǎn liǎo wei2 ta1 xian3 liao3 wei t`a hsien liao wei ta hsien liao ita kenryō |
to clarify for others |
獨立顯卡 独立显卡 see styles |
dú lì xiǎn kǎ du2 li4 xian3 ka3 tu li hsien k`a tu li hsien ka |
(computing) discrete GPU; dedicated GPU (abbr. to 獨顯|独显[du2xian3]) |
發迹顯本 发迹显本 see styles |
fā jī xiǎn běn fa1 ji1 xian3 ben3 fa chi hsien pen hosshaku kenbon |
starting with the traces to disclose the source |
皆悉顯現 皆悉显现 see styles |
jiē xī xiǎn xiàn jie1 xi1 xian3 xian4 chieh hsi hsien hsien kaishitsu kengen |
all are fully manifest |
相似顯現 相似显现 see styles |
xiāng sì xiǎn xiàn xiang1 si4 xian3 xian4 hsiang ssu hsien hsien sōji kengen |
semblance |
石榑顯吉 see styles |
ishigurekenkichi いしぐれけんきち |
(person) Ishigure Kenkichi |
破邪顯正 破邪显正 see styles |
pò xié xiǎn zhèng po4 xie2 xian3 zheng4 p`o hsieh hsien cheng po hsieh hsien cheng haja kenshō |
refuting the false and disclosing the correct |
簡擇顯示 简择显示 see styles |
jiǎn zé xiǎn shì jian3 ze2 xian3 shi4 chien tse hsien shih kenchaku kenji |
examination reveals |
細川顯氏 see styles |
hosokawaakiuji / hosokawakiuji ほそかわあきうじ |
(person) Hosokawa Akiuji |
結城顯朝 see styles |
yuukiakitomo / yukiakitomo ゆうきあきとも |
(person) Yūki Akitomo |
聚集顯現 聚集显现 see styles |
jù jí xiǎn xiàn ju4 ji2 xian3 xian4 chü chi hsien hsien shushū kengen |
cluster together appearances |
能正顯除 能正显除 see styles |
néng zhèng xiǎn chú neng2 zheng4 xian3 chu2 neng cheng hsien ch`u neng cheng hsien chu nō shō kenjo |
able to accurately express and deny |
自性顯現 自性显现 see styles |
zì xìng xiǎn xiàn zi4 xing4 xian3 xian4 tzu hsing hsien hsien jishō kengen |
naturally (spontaneously) manifested |
藤原顯季 see styles |
fujiwaraakisue / fujiwarakisue ふじわらあきすえ |
(person) Fujiwara Akisue |
藤原顯忠 see styles |
fujiwaraakitada / fujiwarakitada ふじわらあきただ |
(person) Fujiwara Akitada |
藤原顯輔 see styles |
fujiwaraakisuke / fujiwarakisuke ふじわらあきすけ |
(person) Fujiwara Akisuke (Poet of the Heian period, included in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu) |
轉依所顯 转依所显 see styles |
zhuǎn yī suǒ xiǎn zhuan3 yi1 suo3 xian3 chuan i so hsien ten'e shoken |
manifested by the transformation of the basis |
開三顯一 开三显一 see styles |
kāi sān xiǎn yī kai1 san1 xian3 yi1 k`ai san hsien i kai san hsien i kaisan kenichi |
To explain the three vehicles, and reveal the reality of the one method of salvation, as found in the Lotus Sūtra. |
開權顯實 开权显实 see styles |
kāi quán xiǎn shí kai1 quan2 xian3 shi2 k`ai ch`üan hsien shih kai chüan hsien shih kaigon kenjitsu |
starting with the expedient teachings and revealing the truth |
開近顯遠 开近显远 see styles |
kāi jìn xiǎn yuǎn kai1 jin4 xian3 yuan3 k`ai chin hsien yüan kai chin hsien yüan kaigon kenon |
opening the near and revealing the distant |
開迹顯本 开迹显本 see styles |
kāi jī xiǎn běn kai1 ji1 xian3 ben3 k`ai chi hsien pen kai chi hsien pen kaishaku kenpon |
starting with the traces to disclose the source |
隱密顯了 隐密显了 see styles |
yǐn mì xiǎn liǎo yin3 mi4 xian3 liao3 yin mi hsien liao onmitsu kenryō |
[teachings that are] arcane and [teachings that are] clearly expressed |
隱顯互論 隐显互论 see styles |
yǐn xiǎn hù lùn yin3 xian3 hu4 lun4 yin hsien hu lun onken goron |
contrast between hidden and revealed |
隱顯無礙 隐显无碍 see styles |
yǐn xiǎn wú ài yin3 xian3 wu2 ai4 yin hsien wu ai onken muge |
no obstruction between concealment and disclosure |
隱顯目標 隐显目标 see styles |
yǐn xiǎn mù biāo yin3 xian3 mu4 biao1 yin hsien mu piao |
intermittent target |
集成顯卡 集成显卡 see styles |
jí chéng xiǎn kǎ ji2 cheng2 xian3 ka3 chi ch`eng hsien k`a chi cheng hsien ka |
integrated GPU (abbr. to 集顯|集显[ji2 xian3]) |
離垢顯曜 离垢显曜 see styles |
lí gòu xiǎn yào li2 gou4 xian3 yao4 li kou hsien yao riku kenyō |
vimalâbhasvara |
高官顯爵 高官显爵 see styles |
gāo guān xiǎn jué gao1 guan1 xian3 jue2 kao kuan hsien chüeh |
high ranking |
顯微解剖學 显微解剖学 see styles |
xiǎn wēi jiě pōu xué xian3 wei1 jie3 pou1 xue2 hsien wei chieh p`ou hsüeh hsien wei chieh pou hsüeh |
(medicine) histology; microscopic anatomy |
顯微鏡載片 显微镜载片 see styles |
xiǎn wēi jìng zài piàn xian3 wei1 jing4 zai4 pian4 hsien wei ching tsai p`ien hsien wei ching tsai pien |
microscopic slide |
顯揚聖教論 see styles |
xiǎn yáng shèng jiào lùn xian3 yang2 sheng4 jiao4 lun4 hsien yang sheng chiao lun |
Acclamation of the Holy Teaching |
一乘顯性教 一乘显性教 see styles |
yī shèng xiǎn xìng jiào yi1 sheng4 xian3 xing4 jiao4 i sheng hsien hsing chiao ichijō kenshō kyō |
One of the five divisions made by 圭峯 Guifeng of the Huayan 華嚴 or Avataṃsaka School; v. 五教. |
光學顯微鏡 光学显微镜 see styles |
guāng xué xiǎn wēi jìng guang1 xue2 xian3 wei1 jing4 kuang hsüeh hsien wei ching |
optical microscope |
國立顯忠院 国立显忠院 see styles |
guó lì xiǎn zhōng yuàn guo2 li4 xian3 zhong1 yuan4 kuo li hsien chung yüan |
Korean national memorial cemetery at Dongjak-dong, Seoul |
如來興顯經 如来兴显经 see styles |
rú lái xīng xiǎn jīng ru2 lai2 xing1 xian3 jing1 ju lai hsing hsien ching Nyorai kōken kyō |
Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra) |
液晶顯示器 液晶显示器 see styles |
yè jīng xiǎn shì qì ye4 jing1 xian3 shi4 qi4 yeh ching hsien shih ch`i yeh ching hsien shih chi |
liquid crystal display |
相顯現分別 相显现分别 see styles |
xiàng xiǎn xiàn fēn bié xiang4 xian3 xian4 fen1 bie2 hsiang hsien hsien fen pieh sō kengen funbetsu |
discrimination of the manifestation of marks |
興顯如幻經 兴显如幻经 see styles |
xīng xiǎn rú huàn jīng xing1 xian3 ru2 huan4 jing1 hsing hsien ju huan ching Kōken nyogen kyō |
Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra) |
隱劣顯勝識 隐劣显胜识 see styles |
yǐn liè xiǎn shèng shì yin3 lie4 xian3 sheng4 shi4 yin lieh hsien sheng shih onretsu kenshōshiki |
consciousness of covering the inferior (mental functions) and manifesting the superior |
電子顯微鏡 电子显微镜 see styles |
diàn zǐ xiǎn wēi jìng dian4 zi3 xian3 wei1 jing4 tien tzu hsien wei ching |
electron microscope |
高僧法顯傳 see styles |
gāo sēng fǎ xiǎn zhuàn gao1 seng1 fa3 xian3 zhuan4 kao seng fa hsien chuan |
Biography of Faxian |
顯揚聖教論頌 see styles |
xiǎn yáng shèng jiào lùn sòng xian3 yang2 sheng4 jiao4 lun4 song4 hsien yang sheng chiao lun sung |
Exposition of the Ārya Teachings, Verse Treatise |
不顯山不露水 不显山不露水 see styles |
bù xiǎn shān bù lù shuǐ bu4 xian3 shan1 bu4 lu4 shui3 pu hsien shan pu lu shui |
lit. to not show the mountain and to not reveal the water (idiom); fig. to hide the key facts |
宣說開示顯發 宣说开示显发 see styles |
xuān shuō kāi shì xiǎn fā xuan1 shuo1 kai1 shi4 xian3 fa1 hsüan shuo k`ai shih hsien fa hsüan shuo kai shih hsien fa sensetsu kaiji kenhotsu |
explain, reveal, and illuminate |
經絲彩色顯花 经丝彩色显花 see styles |
jīng sī cǎi sè xiǎn huā jing1 si1 cai3 se4 xian3 hua1 ching ssu ts`ai se hsien hua ching ssu tsai se hsien hua |
warp brocade; woven fabric with single woof but colored warp |
辯顯密二教論 辩显密二教论 see styles |
biàn xiǎn mì èr jiào lùn bian4 xian3 mi4 er4 jiao4 lun4 pien hsien mi erh chiao lun Ben kenmitsu nikyō ron |
Comparing Exoteric and Esoteric Discourse |
佛說如來興顯經 佛说如来兴显经 see styles |
fó shuō rú lái xīng xiǎn jīng fo2 shuo1 ru2 lai2 xing1 xian3 jing1 fo shuo ju lai hsing hsien ching Bussetsu nyorai kōgankyō |
Foshuo rulai xingxian jing |
善淸淨法界所顯 善淸淨法界所显 see styles |
shàn qīng jìng fǎ jiè suǒ xiǎn shan4 qing1 jing4 fa3 jie4 suo3 xian3 shan ch`ing ching fa chieh so hsien shan ching ching fa chieh so hsien zen shōjō hokkai shoken |
skillful appearance of the pure experiential realm |
託事顯法生解門 讬事显法生解门 see styles |
tuō shì xiǎn fǎ shēng jiě mén tuo1 shi4 xian3 fa3 sheng1 jie3 men2 t`o shih hsien fa sheng chieh men to shih hsien fa sheng chieh men takuji kenbō shōge mon |
the profound approach wherein anything can be made an example for the explanation of the truth of interdependence of all things |
隱密顯了倶成門 隐密显了倶成门 see styles |
yǐn mì xiǎn liǎo jù chéng mén yin3 mi4 xian3 liao3 ju4 cheng2 men2 yin mi hsien liao chü ch`eng men yin mi hsien liao chü cheng men onmitsu kenryō kujō mon |
the profound approach of the coexistence of explicitness and implicitness |
顯無邊佛土功德經 see styles |
xiǎn wú biān fó tǔ gōng dé jīng xian3 wu2 bian1 fo2 tu3 gong1 de2 jing1 hsien wu pien fo t`u kung te ching hsien wu pien fo tu kung te ching |
Sūtra Revealing the Qualities of the Infinite Buddha-Lands |
遣諸境相顯無相觀 遣诸境相显无相观 see styles |
qiǎn zhū jìng xiàng xiǎn wú xiàng guān qian3 zhu1 jing4 xiang4 xian3 wu2 xiang4 guan1 ch`ien chu ching hsiang hsien wu hsiang kuan chien chu ching hsiang hsien wu hsiang kuan ken shokyōsō ken musō kan |
the contemplation that rejects all the characteristics of sense-objects in order to reveal the signless contemplation |
阿毘達磨藏顯宗論 阿毘达磨藏显宗论 see styles |
ā pí dá mó zàng xiǎn zōng lùn a1 pi2 da2 mo2 zang4 xian3 zong1 lun4 a p`i ta mo tsang hsien tsung lun a pi ta mo tsang hsien tsung lun Abidatsumazō kenshū ron |
Revealing the Tenets of the Abhidharma Treasury |
顯密圓通成佛心要集 see styles |
xiǎn mì yuán tōng chéng fó xīn yào jí xian3 mi4 yuan2 tong1 cheng2 fo2 xin1 yao4 ji2 hsien mi yüan t`ung ch`eng fo hsin yao chi hsien mi yüan tung cheng fo hsin yao chi |
Collection of Essentials for Becoming a Buddha Through the Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and Esoteric |
Variations: |
kengen けんげん |
(n,vs,vt,vi) manifestation |
八仙過海,各顯其能 八仙过海,各显其能 see styles |
bā xiān guò hǎi , gè xiǎn qí néng ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 , ge4 xian3 qi2 neng2 pa hsien kuo hai , ko hsien ch`i neng pa hsien kuo hai , ko hsien chi neng |
see 八仙過海,各顯神通|八仙过海,各显神通[Ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 , ge4 xian3 shen2 tong1] |
八仙過海,各顯神通 八仙过海,各显神通 see styles |
bā xiān guò hǎi , gè xiǎn shén tōng ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 , ge4 xian3 shen2 tong1 pa hsien kuo hai , ko hsien shen t`ung pa hsien kuo hai , ko hsien shen tung |
lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom); fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities |
四十八餘年未顯眞實 四十八余年未显眞实 see styles |
sì shí bā yú nián wèi xiǎn zhēn shí si4 shi2 ba1 yu2 nian2 wei4 xian3 zhen1 shi2 ssu shih pa yü nien wei hsien chen shih shijūhachiyonen miken shinjitsu |
For forty and more years (the Buddha) was unable to unfold the full truth (until he first gave it in the Lotus Sutra). |
顯淨土眞實教行證文類 see styles |
xiǎn jìng tǔ zhēn shí jiào xíng zhèng wén lèi xian3 jing4 tu3 zhen1 shi2 jiao4 xing2 zheng4 wen2 lei4 hsien ching t`u chen shih chiao hsing cheng wen lei hsien ching tu chen shih chiao hsing cheng wen lei |
A Collection of Passages Clarifying the Authentic Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land [teaching] |
Variations: |
kencho けんちょ |
(noun or adjectival noun) remarkable; striking; obvious |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 81 results for "顯" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.