There are 612 total results for your 習 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
朝学習 see styles |
asagakushuu / asagakushu あさがくしゅう |
morning studies; studying before school |
朝自習 see styles |
asajishuu / asajishu あさじしゅう |
(noun/participle) studying in the morning (by oneself); brief "self-study" period before morning classes begin |
業熏習 业熏习 see styles |
yè xūn xí ye4 xun1 xi2 yeh hsün hsi gō kunjū |
perfuming by karma |
業習氣 业习气 see styles |
yè xí qì ye4 xi2 qi4 yeh hsi ch`i yeh hsi chi gō jikke |
activity-impressions |
温習う see styles |
sarau さらう |
(transitive verb) to review; to rehearse; to practise; to practice |
演習場 see styles |
enshuujou / enshujo えんしゅうじょう |
{mil} maneuvering ground; manoeuvering ground; (place-name) Enshuujou |
演習室 see styles |
enshuushitsu / enshushitsu えんしゅうしつ |
seminar room |
演習林 see styles |
enshuurin / enshurin えんしゅうりん |
research forest; experimental forest; (place-name) Enshuurin |
演習橋 see styles |
enshuubashi / enshubashi えんしゅうばし |
(place-name) Enshuubashi |
煩惱習 烦恼习 see styles |
fán nǎo xí fan2 nao3 xi2 fan nao hsi bonnō jū |
The habit or influence of the passions after they have been cut off. |
熏習力 熏习力 see styles |
xūn xí lì xun1 xi2 li4 hsün hsi li kunjūriki |
power of impressions |
熏習界 熏习界 see styles |
xūn xí jiè xun1 xi2 jie4 hsün hsi chieh kunshū kai |
perfumed realm |
独習書 see styles |
dokushuusho / dokushusho どくしゅうしょ |
self-study guide or book |
猛練習 see styles |
mourenshuu / morenshu もうれんしゅう |
very intensive training; very hard training |
用熏習 用熏习 see styles |
yòng xūn xí yong4 xun1 xi2 yung hsün hsi yū kunshū |
permeation by the function of suchness |
神習教 see styles |
shinshuukyou / shinshukyo しんしゅうきょう |
Shinshū-kyō (sect of Shinto) |
練習会 see styles |
renshuukai / renshukai れんしゅうかい |
practice meeting; practice group |
練習冊 练习册 see styles |
liàn xí cè lian4 xi2 ce4 lien hsi ts`e lien hsi tse |
exercise booklet |
練習台 see styles |
renshuudai / renshudai れんしゅうだい |
(1) practice kit; practice board; (2) (See 稽古台・けいこだい・1) practice partner; training partner |
練習場 练习场 see styles |
liàn xí chǎng lian4 xi2 chang3 lien hsi ch`ang lien hsi chang renshuujou / renshujo れんしゅうじょう |
driving range (golf); practice court; practice ground practice field; training ground; driving range; practice hall; rehearsal space |
練習帳 see styles |
renshuuchou / renshucho れんしゅうちょう |
exercise book; workbook |
練習所 see styles |
renshuujo / renshujo れんしゅうじょ |
training school; training institute |
練習曲 see styles |
renshuukyoku / renshukyoku れんしゅうきょく |
{music} (See エチュード・1) etude |
練習本 练习本 see styles |
liàn xí běn lian4 xi2 ben3 lien hsi pen |
exercise book; workbook; CL:本[ben3] |
練習機 see styles |
renshuuki / renshuki れんしゅうき |
trainer aircraft; training plane; trainer |
練習生 see styles |
renshuusei / renshuse れんしゅうせい |
student; trainee |
練習船 see styles |
renshuusen / renshusen れんしゅうせん |
school or training ship |
聞熏習 闻熏习 see styles |
wén xūn xí wen2 xun1 xi2 wen hsün hsi mon kunjū |
permeation by hearing |
聞薰習 闻薰习 see styles |
wén xūn xí wen2 xun1 xi2 wen hsün hsi bun kunjū |
permeation by what is heard |
能修習 能修习 see styles |
néng xiū xí neng2 xiu1 xi2 neng hsiu hsi nō shushū |
cultivates |
自習室 see styles |
jishuushitsu / jishushitsu じしゅうしつ |
(private) study room |
自習書 see styles |
jishuusho / jishusho じしゅうしょ |
self-study book; self-study manual; crib |
薰習力 薰习力 see styles |
xūn xí lì xun1 xi2 li4 hsün hsi li kunjūriki |
power of perfumation |
補習校 see styles |
hoshuukou / hoshuko ほしゅうこう |
(abbreviation) (See 補習授業校) supplementary Japanese school (outside Japan); weekend school |
補習班 补习班 see styles |
bǔ xí bān bu3 xi2 ban1 pu hsi pan |
cram class; cram school; evening classes |
見習い see styles |
minarai みならい |
(1) apprenticeship; probation; learning by observation; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) apprentice; trainee; probationer |
見習う see styles |
minarau みならう |
(transitive verb) to follow another's example |
見習員 见习员 see styles |
jiàn xí yuán jian4 xi2 yuan2 chien hsi yüan |
trainee |
見習工 see styles |
minaraikou / minaraiko みならいこう |
apprentice |
見習生 见习生 see styles |
jiàn xí shēng jian4 xi2 sheng1 chien hsi sheng |
apprentice; probationer; cadet |
言熏習 言熏习 see styles |
yán xūn xí yan2 xun1 xi2 yen hsün hsi gon kunjū |
perfuming from speech |
講習会 see styles |
koushuukai / koshukai こうしゅうかい |
class; short course |
講習料 see styles |
koushuuryou / koshuryo こうしゅうりょう |
course fees; training fees |
講習會 讲习会 see styles |
jiǎng xí huì jiang3 xi2 hui4 chiang hsi hui |
discussion forum; seminar; assembly |
講習班 讲习班 see styles |
jiǎng xí bān jiang3 xi2 ban1 chiang hsi pan |
instructional workshop |
貪習因 贪习因 see styles |
tān xí yīn tan1 xi2 yin1 t`an hsi yin tan hsi yin tonshū in |
Habitual cupidity leading to punishment in the cold hells, one of the 十因. |
通習氣 通习气 see styles |
tōng xí qì tong1 xi2 qi4 t`ung hsi ch`i tung hsi chi tsū jikke |
karmic impressions that function without specific limitations |
金時習 金时习 see styles |
jīn shí xí jin1 shi2 xi2 chin shih hsi Kin Jishū |
Gim Siseup |
食習慣 see styles |
shokushuukan / shokushukan しょくしゅうかん |
eating habits; dietary habits |
習いごと see styles |
naraigoto ならいごと |
accomplishment; lesson; practice |
習以成俗 习以成俗 see styles |
xí yǐ chéng sú xi2 yi3 cheng2 su2 hsi i ch`eng su hsi i cheng su |
to become accustomed to something through long practice |
習以成性 习以成性 see styles |
xí yǐ chéng xìng xi2 yi3 cheng2 xing4 hsi i ch`eng hsing hsi i cheng hsing |
deeply ingrained; steeped in |
習以為常 习以为常 see styles |
xí yǐ wéi cháng xi2 yi3 wei2 chang2 hsi i wei ch`ang hsi i wei chang |
accustomed to; used to |
習俗移性 习俗移性 see styles |
xí sú yí xìng xi2 su2 yi2 xing4 hsi su i hsing |
one's habits change with long custom |
習合神道 see styles |
shuugoushintou / shugoshinto しゅうごうしんとう |
(See 両部神道,山王神道) syncretized Shinto; amalgamated Shinto |
習善滅惡 习善灭恶 see styles |
xí shàn miè è xi2 shan4 mie4 e4 hsi shan mieh o shūzen metsuaku |
cultivate goodness and eliminate evil |
習因習果 习因习果 see styles |
xí yīn xí guǒ xi2 yin1 xi2 guo3 hsi yin hsi kuo shūin shūka |
The continuity of cause and effect, as the cause so the effect. |
習得観念 see styles |
shuutokukannen / shutokukannen しゅうとくかんねん |
(rare) (See 生得観念) acquired idea (as opposed to innate); acquired ideas |
習志野台 see styles |
narashinodai ならしのだい |
(place-name) Narashinodai |
習志野市 see styles |
narashinoshi ならしのし |
(place-name) Narashino (city) |
習志野駅 see styles |
narashinoeki ならしのえき |
(st) Narashino Station |
習慣用法 习惯用法 see styles |
xí guàn yòng fǎ xi2 guan4 yong4 fa3 hsi kuan yung fa |
idiom |
習慣用語 习惯用语 see styles |
xí guàn yòng yǔ xi2 guan4 yong4 yu3 hsi kuan yung yü |
idiom; idiomatic expression; habitual form of speech (grammar) |
習慣自然 习惯自然 see styles |
xí guàn zì rán xi2 guan4 zi4 ran2 hsi kuan tzu jan |
habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable; second nature; same as 習慣成自然|习惯成自然 |
習成種姓 习成种姓 see styles |
xí chéng zhǒng xìng xi2 cheng2 zhong3 xing4 hsi ch`eng chung hsing hsi cheng chung hsing shūjō shushō |
proclivities (seeds) which are cultivated in the present lifetime |
習成種子 习成种子 see styles |
xí chéng zhǒng zǐ xi2 cheng2 zhong3 zi3 hsi ch`eng chung tzu hsi cheng chung tzu shūjō shuji |
seeds developed through the habituation that occurs in the present lifetime |
習氣執受 习气执受 see styles |
xí qì zhí shòu xi2 qi4 zhi2 shou4 hsi ch`i chih shou hsi chi chih shou shūki shūju |
appropriation of impressions |
三種熏習 三种熏习 see styles |
sān zhǒng xūn xí san1 zhong3 xun1 xi2 san chung hsün hsi sanshu kunjū |
three kinds of perfuming |
上事修習 上事修习 see styles |
shàng shì xiū xí shang4 shi4 xiu1 xi2 shang shih hsiu hsi jōji shujū |
successive undertaking cultivation |
世の習い see styles |
yononarai よのならい |
(expression) the way of the world; common occurrence |
世俗串習 世俗串习 see styles |
shì sú guàn xí shi4 su2 guan4 xi2 shih su kuan hsi sezoku kenshū |
worldly customs and conventions |
予行演習 see styles |
yokouenshuu / yokoenshu よこうえんしゅう |
(noun/participle) (See 予行練習) dry run; rehearsal |
予行練習 see styles |
yokourenshuu / yokorenshu よこうれんしゅう |
(noun/participle) (See 予行演習) dry run; rehearsal |
五種修習 五种修习 see styles |
wǔ zhǒng xiū xí wu3 zhong3 xiu1 xi2 wu chung hsiu hsi goshu shushū |
five kinds of cultivation |
令薄修習 令薄修习 see styles |
lìng bó xiū xí ling4 bo2 xiu1 xi2 ling po hsiu hsi ryōhaku shujū |
mitigating cultivation |
体験学習 see styles |
taikengakushuu / taikengakushu たいけんがくしゅう |
hands-on learning; on-the-job training; experiential learning; learning by doing |
作意修習 作意修习 see styles |
zuò yì xiū xí zuo4 yi4 xiu1 xi2 tso i hsiu hsi sai shushū |
cultivation of attention |
修習作意 修习作意 see styles |
xiū xí zuò yì xiu1 xi2 zuo4 yi4 hsiu hsi tso i shushū sai |
cultivating attention (devotion) |
修習善本 修习善本 see styles |
xiū xí shàn běn xiu1 xi2 shan4 ben3 hsiu hsi shan pen shushū zenhon |
cultivates wholesome roots |
修習善根 修习善根 see styles |
xiū xí shàn gēn xiu1 xi2 shan4 gen1 hsiu hsi shan ken shushū zenkon |
to cultivate wholesome roots |
修習善語 修习善语 see styles |
xiū xí shàn yǔ xiu1 xi2 shan4 yu3 hsiu hsi shan yü shushū zengo |
cultivate wholesome speech |
修習圓滿 修习圆满 see styles |
xiū xí yuán mǎn xiu1 xi2 yuan2 man3 hsiu hsi yüan man shushū enman |
cultivation and completion |
修習慚愧 修习惭愧 see styles |
xiū xí cán kuì xiu1 xi2 can2 kui4 hsiu hsi ts`an k`uei hsiu hsi tsan kuei shushū zanki |
to cultivate a sense of shame |
修習相續 修习相续 see styles |
xiū xí xiāng xù xiu1 xi2 xiang1 xu4 hsiu hsi hsiang hsü shushū sōzoku |
practice continuously |
公開練習 see styles |
koukairenshuu / kokairenshu こうかいれんしゅう |
public workout |
刻苦學習 刻苦学习 see styles |
kè kǔ xué xí ke4 ku3 xue2 xi2 k`o k`u hsüeh hsi ko ku hsüeh hsi |
to study hard; assiduous |
前生習氣 前生习气 see styles |
qián shēng xí qì qian2 sheng1 xi2 qi4 ch`ien sheng hsi ch`i chien sheng hsi chi zenshō jikke |
previously-arisen karmic impressions |
勸令修習 劝令修习 see styles |
quàn lìng xiū xí quan4 ling4 xiu1 xi2 ch`üan ling hsiu hsi chüan ling hsiu hsi kanryō shushū |
to encourage cultivation |
北習志野 see styles |
kitanarashino きたならしの |
(personal name) Kitanarashino |
反復練習 see styles |
hanpukurenshuu / hanpukurenshu はんぷくれんしゅう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) practice by repetition; learning by rote |
右へ習え see styles |
migihenarae みぎへならえ |
(irregular kanji usage) (expression) (1) follow the person to your right (command to form a line); (2) following someone's example; imitating someone; following suit |
名言熏習 名言熏习 see styles |
míng yán xūn xí ming2 yan2 xun1 xi2 ming yen hsün hsi myōgon kunjū |
perfuming by language |
名言習氣 名言习气 see styles |
míng yán xí qì ming2 yan2 xi2 qi4 ming yen hsi ch`i ming yen hsi chi myōgon jikke |
linguistic karmic impressions |
呼習わす see styles |
yobinarawasu よびならわす |
(transitive verb) to become accustomed to calling (e.g. someone by a certain name) |
商慣習法 see styles |
shoukanshuuhou / shokanshuho しょうかんしゅうほう |
commercial customary law; commercial custom law |
因熏習鏡 因熏习镜 see styles |
yīn xūn xí jìng yin1 xun1 xi2 jing4 yin hsün hsi ching in kunshū kyō |
mirror of causal permeation |
因習道徳 see styles |
inshuudoutoku / inshudotoku いんしゅうどうとく |
conventional morality; conventional morals |
図上演習 see styles |
zujouenshuu / zujoenshu ずじょうえんしゅう |
{mil} war game |
多修習住 多修习住 see styles |
duō xiū xí zhù duo1 xiu1 xi2 zhu4 to hsiu hsi chu tashushū jū |
stages of repeated practice |
多修習已 多修习已 see styles |
duō xiū xí yǐ duo1 xiu1 xi2 yi3 to hsiu hsi i ta shushū i |
hascultivated abundantly |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "習" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.