There are 654 total results for your 算 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
皮算用 see styles |
kawazanyou / kawazanyo かわざんよう |
(abbreviation) (See 取らぬ狸の皮算用) over-optimistic calculation; counting one's chickens before they're hatched |
積算法 see styles |
sekisanhou / sekisanho せきさんほう |
integration |
精算人 see styles |
seisannin / sesannin せいさんにん |
liquidator (e.g. of a corporation) |
精算師 精算师 see styles |
jīng suàn shī jing1 suan4 shi1 ching suan shih |
actuary |
精算所 see styles |
seisanjo / sesanjo せいさんじょ |
fare adjustment office |
精算書 see styles |
seisansho / sesansho せいさんしょ |
statement of accounts; bill |
精算機 see styles |
seisanki / sesanki せいさんき |
fare adjustment machine; ticket adjustment machine |
累算器 see styles |
ruisanki るいさんき |
(rare) {comp} (See アキュムレータ・2) accumulator |
総予算 see styles |
souyosan / soyosan そうよさん |
complete budget |
総決算 see styles |
soukessan / sokessan そうけっさん |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) complete financial statement; (noun, transitive verb) (2) summing up; concluding |
胸算用 see styles |
munazanyou; munezanyou / munazanyo; munezanyo むなざんよう; むねざんよう |
(noun/participle) (1) making a rough estimate in one's head; (noun/participle) (2) expectation; anticipation |
表計算 see styles |
hyoukeisan / hyokesan ひょうけいさん |
{comp} spreadsheet |
覆面算 see styles |
fukumenzan ふくめんざん |
verbal arithmetic; alphametic; cryptarithmetic; cryptarithm; word addition |
計算上 see styles |
keisanjou / kesanjo けいさんじょう |
(adv,adj-no) according to the calculations; as far as calculations are concerned; computationally |
計算器 计算器 see styles |
jì suàn qì ji4 suan4 qi4 chi suan ch`i chi suan chi keisanki / kesanki けいさんき |
calculator; calculating machine (1) calculator; (2) (abbreviation) computer |
計算外 see styles |
keisangai / kesangai けいさんがい |
(can be adjective with の) not factored in; not included in calculations; unaccounted for; unplanned for |
計算尺 计算尺 see styles |
jì suàn chǐ ji4 suan4 chi3 chi suan ch`ih chi suan chih keisanjaku / kesanjaku けいさんじゃく |
slide rule slide rule |
計算尽 see styles |
keisanzuku / kesanzuku けいさんづく |
(irregular okurigana usage) (noun - becomes adjective with の) calculated; premeditated; considered |
計算式 see styles |
keisanshiki / kesanshiki けいさんしき |
{math} formula; equation; method of calculation; calculus |
計算手 see styles |
keisanshu / kesanshu けいさんしゅ |
(rare) computer (person who makes calculations) |
計算書 see styles |
keisansho / kesansho けいさんしょ |
statement of account |
計算木 see styles |
keisangi / kesangi けいさんぎ |
{comp} computer-tree |
計算機 计算机 see styles |
jì suàn jī ji4 suan4 ji1 chi suan chi keisanki / kesanki けいさんき |
computer; (Tw) calculator; CL:臺|台[tai2] (1) calculator; (2) (abbreviation) computer |
計算用 see styles |
keisanyou / kesanyo けいさんよう |
(can be adjective with の) computational; tallying |
計算簿 see styles |
keisanbo / kesanbo けいさんぼ |
account book |
計算者 see styles |
keisansha / kesansha けいさんしゃ |
non-electronic computer (i.e. person carrying out computation) |
計算量 see styles |
keisanryou / kesanryo けいさんりょう |
{comp} computational complexity |
試し算 see styles |
tameshizan ためしざん |
checking |
試算表 试算表 see styles |
shì suàn biǎo shi4 suan4 biao3 shih suan piao shisanhyou / shisanhyo しさんひょう |
spreadsheet; trial balance (accountancy) trial balance sheet |
說了算 说了算 see styles |
shuō le suàn shuo1 le5 suan4 shuo le suan |
to have the final say; to be the one in charge |
足し算 see styles |
tashizan たしざん |
{math} addition |
逆運算 逆运算 see styles |
nì yùn suàn ni4 yun4 suan4 ni yün suan |
inverse operation; inverse calculation |
運算式 运算式 see styles |
yùn suàn shì yun4 suan4 shi4 yün suan shih |
(math.) expression (arithmetic, Boolean etc) |
運算數 运算数 see styles |
yùn suàn shù yun4 suan4 shu4 yün suan shu |
operand (math.) |
雲計算 云计算 see styles |
yún jì suàn yun2 ji4 suan4 yün chi suan |
cloud computing |
電算化 see styles |
densanka でんさんか |
(n,vs,vt,vi) computerization; computerisation |
電算機 see styles |
densanki でんさんき |
{comp} electronic computer |
鶴亀算 see styles |
tsurukamezan つるかめざん |
obtaining the respective numbers of cranes and tortoises from the total of their heads and legs; calculating the values of two unknown quantities from their unit total and the total of one of their attributes |
算を置く see styles |
sanooku さんをおく |
(exp,v5k) to calculate; to divine |
算命先生 see styles |
suàn mìng xiān sheng suan4 ming4 xian1 sheng5 suan ming hsien sheng |
fortune-teller |
算哪根蔥 算哪根葱 see styles |
suàn nǎ gēn cōng suan4 na3 gen1 cong1 suan na ken ts`ung suan na ken tsung |
who do (you) think (you) are?; who does (he, she etc) think (he, she) is? |
算数障害 see styles |
sansuushougai / sansushogai さんすうしょうがい |
{med} dyscalculia; mathematics disorder |
算數方便 算数方便 see styles |
suàn shǔ fāng biàn suan4 shu3 fang1 bian4 suan shu fang pien sanshu hōben |
method of counting |
算數譬喩 算数譬喩 see styles |
suàn shǔ pì yù suan4 shu3 pi4 yu4 suan shu p`i yü suan shu pi yü sanshu hiyu |
numerical calculation and metaphor |
算法言語 see styles |
sanpougengo / sanpogengo さんぽうげんご |
{comp} algorithmic language |
算用師峠 see styles |
sanyoushitouge / sanyoshitoge さんようしとうげ |
(personal name) San'youshitōge |
算用師川 see styles |
sanyoushigawa / sanyoshigawa さんようしがわ |
(personal name) San'youshigawa |
算用数字 see styles |
sanyousuuji / sanyosuji さんようすうじ |
Arabic numeral |
算盤ずく see styles |
sorobanzuku そろばんずく |
(adj-no,n) (kana only) mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal |
算盤づく see styles |
sorobanzuku そろばんづく |
(adj-no,n) (kana only) mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal |
算盤勘定 see styles |
sorobankanjou / sorobankanjo そろばんかんじょう |
(1) counting on the abacus; (2) cost-benefit calculation; profit calculation |
算盤尽く see styles |
sorobanzuku そろばんづく |
(adj-no,n) (kana only) mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal |
算盤高い see styles |
sorobandakai そろばんだかい |
(adjective) calculating; miserly |
算術乗算 see styles |
sanjutsujouzan / sanjutsujozan さんじゅつじょうざん |
{comp} arithmetic multiplication |
算術加算 see styles |
sanjutsukasan さんじゅつかさん |
{comp} arithmetic addition |
算術命令 see styles |
sanjutsumeirei / sanjutsumere さんじゅつめいれい |
{comp} arithmetic instruction; arithmetic statement |
算術平均 算术平均 see styles |
suàn shù píng jun suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1 suan shu p`ing chün suan shu ping chün sanjutsuheikin / sanjutsuhekin さんじゅつへいきん |
arithmetic mean (math.) {math} arithmetic mean |
算術演算 see styles |
sanjutsuenzan さんじゅつえんざん |
{comp} arithmetic operation |
算術級数 see styles |
sanjutsukyuusuu / sanjutsukyusu さんじゅつきゅうすう |
arithmetical progression |
算術級數 算术级数 see styles |
suàn shù jí shù suan4 shu4 ji2 shu4 suan shu chi shu |
arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...) |
算術計算 see styles |
sanjutsukeisan / sanjutsukesan さんじゅつけいさん |
(noun/participle) arithmetical computation; (performing) an arithmetical operation |
ねずみ算 see styles |
nezumizan ねずみざん nezumisan ねずみさん |
(1) geometric progression; (2) proliferation; multiplying like rats |
一致演算 see styles |
icchienzan いっちえんざん |
{comp} identity operation |
三元運算 三元运算 see styles |
sān yuán yùn suàn san1 yuan2 yun4 suan4 san yüan yün suan |
ternary operator (computing) |
並列加算 see styles |
heiretsukasan / heretsukasan へいれつかさん |
{comp} parallel addition |
並發計算 并发计算 see styles |
bìng fā jì suàn bing4 fa1 ji4 suan4 ping fa chi suan |
concurrent computing |
並行計算 并行计算 see styles |
bìng xíng jì suàn bing4 xing2 ji4 suan4 ping hsing chi suan |
parallel computing; (Tw) concurrent computing |
九章算術 九章算术 see styles |
jiǔ zhāng suàn shù jiu3 zhang1 suan4 shu4 chiu chang suan shu |
The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art |
予算不足 see styles |
yosanbusoku よさんぶそく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) budget deficit |
予算削減 see styles |
yosansakugen よさんさくげん |
budget cut |
予算措置 see styles |
yosansochi よさんそち |
budgetary provision |
予算編成 see styles |
yosanhensei / yosanhense よさんへんせい |
budget compilation (by the Cabinet) |
予算配分 see styles |
yosanhaibun よさんはいぶん |
budgetary allocation |
二項演算 see styles |
nikouenzan / nikoenzan にこうえんざん |
{math} binary operation; dyadic operation |
交互計算 see styles |
kougokeisan / kogokesan こうごけいさん |
open account; running account; current account; mutual account |
保井算哲 see styles |
yasuisantetsu やすいさんてつ |
(person) Yasui Santetsu |
修正予算 see styles |
shuuseiyosan / shuseyosan しゅうせいよさん |
revised budget |
全加算器 see styles |
zenkasanki ぜんかさんき |
{comp} full adder |
全減算器 see styles |
zengensanki ぜんげんさんき |
{comp} full subtracter |
共同計算 see styles |
kyoudoukeisan / kyodokesan きょうどうけいさん |
pooling; joint account |
加減算器 see styles |
kagensanki かげんさんき |
{comp} adder-subtracter |
十進演算 see styles |
jisshinenzan じっしんえんざん |
(computer terminology) decimal arithmetic |
十進算術 十进算术 see styles |
shí jìn suàn shù shi2 jin4 suan4 shu4 shih chin suan shu |
decimal calculation |
半加算器 see styles |
hankasanki はんかさんき |
{comp} half-adder |
半加算機 see styles |
hankasanki はんかさんき |
{comp} half adder |
半減算器 see styles |
hangensanki はんげんさんき |
{comp} half subtractor |
単独決算 see styles |
tandokukessan たんどくけっさん |
unconsolidated balance sheet; single-company balance sheet |
単純計算 see styles |
tanjunkeisan / tanjunkesan たんじゅんけいさん |
(noun/participle) simple calculation |
単項演算 see styles |
tankouenzan / tankoenzan たんこうえんざん |
{comp} monadic operation; unary operation |
原価計算 see styles |
genkakeisan / genkakesan げんかけいさん |
cost accounting |
双対演算 see styles |
soutsuienzan / sotsuienzan そうついえんざん |
{comp} dual operation |
反傳算法 反传算法 see styles |
fǎn chuán suàn fǎ fan3 chuan2 suan4 fa3 fan ch`uan suan fa fan chuan suan fa |
back propagation algorithm |
反射計算 see styles |
hanshakeisan / hanshakesan はんしゃけいさん |
{comp} reflectance calculation |
反復演算 see styles |
hanpukuenzan はんぷくえんざん |
{comp} iterative operation; automatic sequential operation |
収支決算 see styles |
shuushikessan / shushikessan しゅうしけっさん |
settling a balance |
可算名詞 see styles |
kasanmeishi / kasanmeshi かさんめいし |
{gramm} countable noun |
可算集合 see styles |
kasanshuugou / kasanshugo かさんしゅうごう |
{math} countable set |
合算課税 see styles |
gassankazei / gassankaze がっさんかぜい |
(See ユニタリータックス) unitary tax |
周髀算経 see styles |
shuuhisankei / shuhisanke しゅうひさんけい |
(work) Zhoubi Suanjing (ancient Chinese text on mathematics); (wk) Zhoubi Suanjing (ancient Chinese text on mathematics) |
周髀算經 周髀算经 see styles |
zhōu bì suàn jīng zhou1 bi4 suan4 jing1 chou pi suan ching |
Zhou Bi Suan Jing, or Chou Pei Suan Ching, one of the oldest Chinese texts on astronomy and mathematics |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "算" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.