There are 407 total results for your 瓦 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
納瓦薩 纳瓦萨 see styles |
nà wǎ sà na4 wa3 sa4 na wa sa |
Navassa |
納瓦霍 纳瓦霍 see styles |
nà wǎ huò na4 wa3 huo4 na wa huo |
Navajo |
紐瓦克 纽瓦克 see styles |
niǔ wǎ kè niu3 wa3 ke4 niu wa k`o niu wa ko |
Newark (place name) |
羅賈瓦 罗贾瓦 see styles |
luó jiǎ wǎ luo2 jia3 wa3 lo chia wa |
Rojava (de facto autonomous region in northeastern Syria) |
艾奧瓦 艾奥瓦 see styles |
ài ào wǎ ai4 ao4 wa3 ai ao wa |
Iowa, US state |
薩瓦河 萨瓦河 see styles |
sà wǎ hé sa4 wa3 he2 sa wa ho |
Sava River, flowing through Southeast Europe |
赤煉瓦 see styles |
akarenga あかれんが |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) red brick |
軒丸瓦 see styles |
nokimarugawara のきまるがわら |
(See 丸瓦,瓦当) eave-end roof tile (comprising a convex semi-cylindrical tile and a decorative pendant) |
軒平瓦 see styles |
nokihiragawara のきひらがわら |
(See 平瓦,瓦当) eave-end roof tile (comprising a broadly concave tile and near-rectangular decorative cap) |
鍔ノ瓦 see styles |
tsubanokawara つばのかわら |
(place-name) Tsubanokawara |
阿拉瓦 see styles |
ā lā wǎ a1 la1 wa3 a la wa |
Araba or Álava |
阿瓦提 see styles |
ā wǎ tí a1 wa3 ti2 a wa t`i a wa ti |
Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang |
青瓦台 see styles |
seigadai / segadai せいがだい |
Blue House (official residence of the president of South Korea); Cheong Wa Dae; (personal name) Seigadai |
青瓦臺 青瓦台 see styles |
qīng wǎ tái qing1 wa3 tai2 ch`ing wa t`ai ching wa tai |
the Blue House (or Cheong Wa Dae), formerly the residence of the president of South Korea in Seoul (1948-2022), now a public park See: 青瓦台 |
韋爾瓦 韦尔瓦 see styles |
wéi ěr wǎ wei2 er3 wa3 wei erh wa |
Huelva, Spain |
韋瓦第 韦瓦第 see styles |
wéi wǎ dì wei2 wa3 di4 wei wa ti |
Vivaldi (name); Antonio Vivaldi (1675-1741), Italian composer |
瓦ヶ浜駅 see styles |
kawaragahamaeki かわらがはまえき |
(st) Kawaragahama Station |
瓦加杜古 see styles |
wǎ jiā dù gǔ wa3 jia1 du4 gu3 wa chia tu ku |
Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso |
瓦努阿圖 瓦努阿图 see styles |
wǎ nǔ ā tú wa3 nu3 a1 tu2 wa nu a t`u wa nu a tu |
More info & calligraphy: Vanuatu |
瓦器金器 see styles |
wǎ qì jīn qì wa3 qi4 jin1 qi4 wa ch`i chin ch`i wa chi chin chi gaki konki |
An earthen vessel, i. e. the śrāvaka method, and a golden vessel, the bodhisattva method. |
瓦小屋山 see styles |
kawaragoyayama かわらごややま |
(place-name) Kawaragoyayama |
瓦屋禅寺 see styles |
kawarayazenji かわらやぜんじ |
(place-name) Kawarayazenji |
瓦川内川 see styles |
kawaragouchigawa / kawaragochigawa かわらごうちがわ |
(place-name) Kawaragouchigawa |
瓦房店市 see styles |
wǎ fáng diàn shì wa3 fang2 dian4 shi4 wa fang tien shih |
Wangfangdian, county-level city in Dalian 大連|大连[Da4 lian2], Liaoning |
瓦斯燈島 see styles |
gasutoujima / gasutojima がすとうじま |
(place-name) Gasutoujima |
瓦林路子 see styles |
kawarabayashiroko かわらばやしろこ |
(female given name) Kawarabayashiroko |
瓦爾基里 瓦尔基里 see styles |
wǎ ěr jī lǐ wa3 er3 ji1 li3 wa erh chi li |
valkyrie |
瓦爾達克 瓦尔达克 see styles |
wǎ ěr dá kè wa3 er3 da2 ke4 wa erh ta k`o wa erh ta ko |
Wardak (Afghan province) |
瓦罕走廊 see styles |
wǎ hǎn zǒu láng wa3 han3 zou3 lang2 wa han tsou lang |
Wakhan Corridor, panhandle in the northeast of Afghanistan sharing a border with China at its eastern end |
瓦良格人 see styles |
wǎ liáng gé rén wa3 liang2 ge2 ren2 wa liang ko jen |
Varangian (medieval term for Viking) |
瓦葺年夫 see styles |
kawarabukitoshio かわらぶきとしお |
(person) Kawarabuki Toshio |
瓦解冰泮 see styles |
wǎ jiě bīng pàn wa3 jie3 bing1 pan4 wa chieh ping p`an wa chieh ping pan |
complete disintegration |
三瓦兩舍 三瓦两舍 see styles |
sān wǎ liǎng shè san1 wa3 liang3 she4 san wa liang she |
places of pleasure (like brothels, tea houses etc) |
上瓦ケ町 see styles |
kamikawarakechou / kamikawarakecho かみかわらけちょう |
(place-name) Kamikawarakechō |
下瓦屋南 see styles |
shimokawarayaminami しもかわらやみなみ |
(place-name) Shimokawarayaminami |
中瓦ケ町 see styles |
nakakawarakechou / nakakawarakecho なかかわらけちょう |
(place-name) Nakakawarakechō |
伊洛瓦底 see styles |
yī luò wǎ dǐ yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 i lo wa ti |
Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwady, the main river of Myanmar |
依洛瓦底 see styles |
yī luò wǎ dǐ yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 i lo wa ti |
Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwady River, the main river of Myanmar |
催淚瓦斯 催泪瓦斯 see styles |
cuī lèi wǎ sī cui1 lei4 wa3 si1 ts`ui lei wa ssu tsui lei wa ssu |
tear gas |
兵庫町瓦 see styles |
hyougomachikawara / hyogomachikawara ひょうごまちかわら |
(place-name) Hyōgomachikawara |
冰消瓦解 see styles |
bīng xiāo wǎ jiě bing1 xiao1 wa3 jie3 ping hsiao wa chieh |
to melt like ice and break like tiles; to disintegrate; to dissolve |
凡得瓦力 see styles |
fán dé wǎ lì fan2 de2 wa3 li4 fan te wa li |
(molecular physics) van der Waals force |
切格瓦拉 see styles |
qiè gé wǎ lā qie4 ge2 wa3 la1 ch`ieh ko wa la chieh ko wa la |
More info & calligraphy: Che Guevara |
化粧煉瓦 see styles |
keshourenga / keshorenga けしょうれんが |
ornamental tile; facing bricks |
北瓦ケ町 see styles |
kitakawarakechou / kitakawarakecho きたかわらけちょう |
(place-name) Kitakawarakechō |
南瓦ケ町 see styles |
minamikawarakechou / minamikawarakecho みなみかわらけちょう |
(place-name) Minamikawarakechō |
博茨瓦納 博茨瓦纳 see styles |
bó cí wǎ nà bo2 ci2 wa3 na4 po tz`u wa na po tzu wa na |
More info & calligraphy: Botswana |
博茨瓦那 see styles |
bó cí wǎ nà bo2 ci2 wa3 na4 po tz`u wa na po tzu wa na |
Botswana |
卡薩諾瓦 卡萨诺瓦 see styles |
kǎ sà nuò wǎ ka3 sa4 nuo4 wa3 k`a sa no wa ka sa no wa |
More info & calligraphy: Casanova |
史瓦帝尼 see styles |
shǐ wǎ dì ní shi3 wa3 di4 ni2 shih wa ti ni |
(Tw) Eswatini |
史瓦濟蘭 史瓦济兰 see styles |
shǐ wǎ jì lán shi3 wa3 ji4 lan2 shih wa chi lan |
Swaziland (Tw) |
史瓦辛格 see styles |
shǐ wǎ xīn gé shi3 wa3 xin1 ge2 shih wa hsin ko |
Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), Austrian-born American bodybuilder, actor and politician |
土崩瓦解 see styles |
tǔ bēng wǎ jiě tu3 beng1 wa3 jie3 t`u peng wa chieh tu peng wa chieh dohougakai / dohogakai どほうがかい |
to collapse; to fall apart (noun/participle) (yoji) complete collapse; (something) going to pieces (breaking up beyond repair) |
塔瓦斯科 see styles |
tǎ wǎ sī kē ta3 wa3 si1 ke1 t`a wa ssu k`o ta wa ssu ko |
Tabasco (south Mexican state) |
小川瓦木 see styles |
ogawagaboku おがわがぼく |
(person) Ogawaga Boku (1911.9-) |
尼加拉瓦 see styles |
nikaraguwa ニカラグワ nikaragua ニカラグア |
(ateji / phonetic) (kana only) Nicaragua |
巴克拉瓦 see styles |
bā kè lā wǎ ba1 ke4 la1 wa3 pa k`o la wa pa ko la wa |
(loanword) baklava |
巴卡拉瓦 see styles |
bā kǎ lā wǎ ba1 ka3 la1 wa3 pa k`a la wa pa ka la wa |
(loanword) baklava |
巴特瓦族 see styles |
bā tè wǎ zú ba1 te4 wa3 zu2 pa t`e wa tsu pa te wa tsu |
see 特瓦族[Te4 wa3 zu2] |
帕爾瓦蒂 帕尔瓦蒂 see styles |
pà ěr wǎ dì pa4 er3 wa3 di4 p`a erh wa ti pa erh wa ti |
Parvati (Hindu deity, the consort of Shiva) |
帕瓦羅蒂 帕瓦罗蒂 see styles |
pà wǎ luó dì pa4 wa3 luo2 di4 p`a wa lo ti pa wa lo ti |
Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007), Italian operatic tenor |
摩爾多瓦 摩尔多瓦 see styles |
mó ěr duō wǎ mo2 er3 duo1 wa3 mo erh to wa |
More info & calligraphy: Moldova |
斯瓦希里 see styles |
sī wǎ xī lǐ si1 wa3 xi1 li3 ssu wa hsi li |
Swahili |
斷瓦殘垣 断瓦残垣 see styles |
duàn wǎ cán yuán duan4 wa3 can2 yuan2 tuan wa ts`an yüan tuan wa tsan yüan |
the tiles are broken, the walls dilapidated |
施瓦辛格 see styles |
shī wǎ xīn gé shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2 shih wa hsin ko |
Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US actor and politician, governor of California 2003-2011 |
日本瓦斯 see styles |
nippongasu にっぽんがす |
(company) Nippon Gas; (c) Nippon Gas |
杜瓦利埃 see styles |
dù wǎ lì āi du4 wa3 li4 ai1 tu wa li ai |
Duvalier (name) |
東京瓦斯 see styles |
toukyougasu / tokyogasu とうきょうガス |
(c) Tokyo Gas |
深草東瓦 see styles |
fukakusahigashigawara ふかくさひがしがわら |
(place-name) Fukakusahigashigawara |
深草瓦町 see styles |
fukakusakawaramachi ふかくさかわらまち |
(place-name) Fukakusakawaramachi |
添磚加瓦 添砖加瓦 see styles |
tiān zhuān jiā wǎ tian1 zhuan1 jia1 wa3 t`ien chuan chia wa tien chuan chia wa |
lit. contribute bricks and tiles for a building (idiom); fig. to do one's bit to help |
煉瓦造り see styles |
rengazukuri れんがづくり |
brickwork |
盧瓦爾河 卢瓦尔河 see styles |
lú wǎ ěr hé lu2 wa3 er3 he2 lu wa erh ho |
Loire River, France |
破瓦寒窯 破瓦寒窑 see styles |
pò wǎ hán yáo po4 wa3 han2 yao2 p`o wa han yao po wa han yao |
lit. broken tiles, cold hearth; fig. a broken-down house; poor and shabby dwelling |
科爾多瓦 科尔多瓦 see styles |
kē ěr duō wǎ ke1 er3 duo1 wa3 k`o erh to wa ko erh to wa |
Córdoba, Spain |
科特迪瓦 see styles |
kē tè dí wǎ ke1 te4 di2 wa3 k`o t`e ti wa ko te ti wa |
Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast in West Africa |
羅托魯瓦 罗托鲁瓦 see styles |
luó tuō lǔ wǎ luo2 tuo1 lu3 wa3 lo t`o lu wa lo to lu wa |
Rotorua, city in New Zealand |
耐火煉瓦 see styles |
taikarenga たいかれんが |
firebrick |
舗装煉瓦 see styles |
hosourenga / hosorenga ほそうれんが |
paving brick |
艾奧瓦州 艾奥瓦州 see styles |
ài ào wǎ zhōu ai4 ao4 wa3 zhou1 ai ao wa chou |
Iowa, US state |
茨欣瓦利 see styles |
cí xīn wǎ lì ci2 xin1 wa3 li4 tz`u hsin wa li tzu hsin wa li |
Tskhinvali, capital of South Osetia |
薩爾瓦多 萨尔瓦多 see styles |
sà ěr wǎ duō sa4 er3 wa3 duo1 sa erh wa to |
More info & calligraphy: Salvatore |
達克瓦茲 达克瓦兹 see styles |
dá kè wǎ zī da2 ke4 wa3 zi1 ta k`o wa tzu ta ko wa tzu |
(loanword) dacquoise (a French dessert) |
里瓦爾多 里瓦尔多 see styles |
lǐ wǎ ěr duō li3 wa3 er3 duo1 li wa erh to |
Rivaldo |
阿爾瓦雷 阿尔瓦雷 see styles |
ā ěr wǎ léi a1 er3 wa3 lei2 a erh wa lei |
Alvarez (name) |
阿瓦提縣 阿瓦提县 see styles |
ā wǎ tí xiàn a1 wa3 ti2 xian4 a wa t`i hsien a wa ti hsien |
Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang |
阿瓦里德 see styles |
ā wǎ lǐ dé a1 wa3 li3 de2 a wa li te |
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia |
阿瓦魯阿 阿瓦鲁阿 see styles |
ā wǎ lǔ ā a1 wa3 lu3 a1 a wa lu a |
Avarua, capital of the Cook Islands |
青堂瓦舍 see styles |
qīng táng wǎ shè qing1 tang2 wa3 she4 ch`ing t`ang wa she ching tang wa she |
brick house with a tiled roof |
瓦(rK) see styles |
guramu グラム |
(kana only) gram; gramme |
瓦哈比教派 see styles |
wǎ hā bǐ jiào pài wa3 ha1 bi3 jiao4 pai4 wa ha pi chiao p`ai wa ha pi chiao pai |
Wahhabism (a conservative sect of Islam) |
瓦爾達克省 瓦尔达克省 see styles |
wǎ ěr dá kè shěng wa3 er3 da2 ke4 sheng3 wa erh ta k`o sheng wa erh ta ko sheng |
Wardak (Afghan province) |
瓦赫基爾河 瓦赫基尔河 see styles |
wǎ hè jī ěr hé wa3 he4 ji1 er3 he2 wa ho chi erh ho |
Vakhsh river (upper reaches of Amu Darya) |
Variations: |
megawara めがわら |
concave tile |
Variations: |
ogawara おがわら |
(See 丸瓦) convex roof tile |
切·格瓦拉 see styles |
qiè · gé wǎ lā qie4 · ge2 wa3 la1 ch`ieh · ko wa la chieh · ko wa la |
Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967), Cuban Revolution leader |
セメント瓦 see styles |
sementogawara セメントがわら |
cement roof tile; cement tile |
七尾瓦窯跡 see styles |
nanaokawarakamadoato ななおかわらかまどあと |
(place-name) Nanaokawarakamadoato |
三井瓦窯跡 see styles |
miikawaragamaato / mikawaragamato みいかわらがまあと |
(place-name) Miikawaragamaato |
丹尼索瓦人 see styles |
dān ní suǒ wǎ rén dan1 ni2 suo3 wa3 ren2 tan ni so wa jen |
Denisovan, an extinct species of human |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "瓦" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.