There are 2357 total results for your 王 search. I have created 24 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
児王 see styles |
kodama こだま |
(surname) Kodama |
兒王 see styles |
koou / koo こおう |
(surname) Koou |
共王 see styles |
kyouou / kyoo きょうおう |
(personal name) Kyōou |
円王 see styles |
enou / eno えんおう |
(personal name) En'ou |
冥王 see styles |
míng wáng ming2 wang2 ming wang meiou / meo めいおう |
the king of hell (1) {grmyth} (See ハデス・1) Hades (god); (2) {rommyth} (See プルートー・1) Pluto (god); (surname) Meiou |
凛王 see styles |
rio りお |
(female given name) Rio |
前王 see styles |
zennou; zenou / zenno; zeno ぜんのう; ぜんおう |
former king; late king |
副王 see styles |
fukuou / fukuo ふくおう |
viceroy; vice-king |
劉王 see styles |
ryuuou / ryuo りゅうおう |
(surname) Ryūou |
力王 see styles |
rikiou / rikio りきおう |
(personal name) Rikiou |
加王 see styles |
kaou / kao かおう |
(surname) Kaou |
勤王 see styles |
qín wáng qin2 wang2 ch`in wang chin wang kinnou / kinno きんのう |
to serve the king diligently; to save the country in times of danger; to send troops to rescue the king loyalty to the emperor; loyalism |
北王 see styles |
hokuou / hokuo ほくおう |
(surname) Hokuou |
医王 see styles |
iou / io いおう |
(surname) Iou |
十王 see styles |
shí wáng shi2 wang2 shih wang juuou / juo じゅうおう |
{Buddh} ten rulers of the afterlife (who judge the dead and determine their placement in their next life); (place-name, surname) Jūou The ten kings presiding over the ten departments of purgatory. |
午王 see styles |
goou / goo ごおう |
(place-name) Goou |
叡王 see styles |
eiou / eo えいおう |
{shogi} Eiō (one of the eight major professional titles of shogi) |
名王 see styles |
naou / nao なおう |
(surname) Naou |
吒王 咤王 see styles |
zhà wáng zha4 wang2 cha wang Taō |
Caṇḍa-Kaniṣka |
君王 see styles |
jun wáng jun1 wang2 chün wang kimio きみお |
sovereign king (female given name) Kimio |
呉王 see styles |
goou / goo ごおう |
(personal name) Goou |
哥王 see styles |
gē wáng ge1 wang2 ko wang Kaō |
(哥利王) cf. 迦. |
唐王 see styles |
tounou / tono とうのう |
(place-name) Tounou |
嚴王 严王 see styles |
yán wáng yan2 wang2 yen wang Gonō |
i.e. 妙莊王 in the Lotus Sutra. |
四王 see styles |
sì wáng si4 wang2 ssu wang shiou / shio しおう |
(place-name) Shiou (四王天) catur-mahārāja-kāyikās, the four heavens of the four deva-kings, i. e. the lowest of the six heavens of desire; v. 四天王. |
国王 see styles |
kokuou / kokuo こくおう |
(1) king; queen; monarch; sovereign; (2) {law} the Crown (as a focus of authority in the UK, etc.); the throne |
國王 国王 see styles |
guó wáng guo2 wang2 kuo wang kokuō |
king A king, prince, i. e. one who has attained to his present high estate consequent on keeping all the ten commandments in a previous incarnation; and being protected by devas 天, he is called 天子 deva son, or Son of Heaven. |
地王 see styles |
jiou / jio じおう |
(surname) Jiou |
城王 see styles |
chéng wáng cheng2 wang2 ch`eng wang cheng wang jōō |
a petty king |
塡王 see styles |
tián wáng tian2 wang2 t`ien wang tien wang Den ō |
Udayana, v. 優塡 king of Kauśāmbi. |
夢王 梦王 see styles |
mèng wáng meng4 wang2 meng wang muō |
dream kings |
大王 see styles |
dài wang dai4 wang5 tai wang daiou / daio だいおう |
robber baron (in opera, old stories); magnate (honorific or respectful language) great king; (place-name, surname) Daiou mahārāja 摩賀羅惹. Applied to the four guardians of the universe, 四大天王. |
天王 see styles |
tiān wáng tian1 wang2 t`ien wang tien wang tennou / tenno てんのう |
emperor; god; Hong Xiuquan's self-proclaimed title; see also 洪秀全[Hong2 Xiu4 quan2] (1) {Buddh} heavenly king; (2) (See 牛頭天王) Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva); (place-name, surname) Tennou Maharāja-devas; 四天王 Caturmahārāja. The four deva kings in the first or lowest devaloka, on its four sides. E. 持國天王 Dhṛtarāṣṭra. S. 增長天王 Virūḍhaka. W. 廣目天王 Virūpākṣa. N. 多聞天王 Dhanada, or Vaiśravaṇa. The four are said to have appeared to 不空 Amogha in a temple in Xianfu, some time between 742-6, and in consequence he introduced their worship to China as guardians of the monasteries, where their images are seen in the hall at the entrance, which is sometimes called the 天王堂 hall of the deva-kings. 天王 is also a designation of Siva the 大白在, i. e. Maheśvara 摩醯首羅, the great sovereign ruler. |
夷王 see styles |
iou / io いおう |
(personal name) Iou |
奈王 see styles |
nao なお |
(female given name) Nao |
女王 see styles |
nǚ wáng nu:3 wang2 nü wang joou / joo じょおう |
More info & calligraphy: Queen(1) queen; (2) (じょおう, じょうおう only) female champion; (personal name) Joou |
妃王 see styles |
hiwan ひわん |
(female given name) Hiwan |
妙王 see styles |
mio みお |
(irregular kanji usage) (Buddhist term) Wisdom King; Vidyaraja; (female given name) Mio |
姫王 see styles |
himeou / himeo ひめおう |
(place-name) Himeou |
孝王 see styles |
kouou / koo こうおう |
(personal name) Kōou |
安王 see styles |
yasuou / yasuo やすおう |
(personal name) Yasuou |
宋王 see styles |
souou / soo そうおう |
(personal name) Souou |
実王 see styles |
miou / mio みおう |
(female given name) Miou |
宣王 see styles |
senou / seno せんおう |
(personal name) Sen'ou |
宮王 see styles |
miyaou / miyao みやおう |
(place-name, surname) Miyaou |
富王 see styles |
tomiou / tomio とみおう |
(personal name) Tomiou |
寶王 宝王 see styles |
bǎo wáng bao3 wang2 pao wang hōō |
The Precious King, or King of Treasures, a title of Buddha; the ruler of the continent west of Sumeru, also called 寶主 Jewel-lord, or Lord of jewels. |
封王 see styles |
fēng wáng feng1 wang2 feng wang |
to win the championship; (of an emperor) to bestow the title of king on a subject |
尊王 see styles |
sonnou / sonno そんのう |
reverence for the emperor; advocate of imperial rule |
小王 see styles |
xiǎo wáng xiao3 wang2 hsiao wang koou / koo こおう |
(surname) Koou The small rājās, called 粟散王 millet scattering kings. |
山王 see styles |
shān wáng shan1 wang2 shan wang yamaou / yamao やまおう |
(surname) Yamaou The king of the mountains, i. e. the highest peak. |
島王 see styles |
shimaou / shimao しまおう |
(surname) Shimaou |
左王 see styles |
saou / sao さおう |
(place-name) Saou |
帝王 see styles |
dì wáng di4 wang2 ti wang teiou / teo ていおう |
regent; monarch sovereign; emperor; monarch a major king |
平王 see styles |
heiou / heo へいおう |
(personal name) Heiou |
幸王 see styles |
kouou / koo こうおう |
(surname) Kōou |
幽王 see styles |
yuuou / yuo ゆうおう |
(personal name) Yūou |
序王 see styles |
xù wáng xu4 wang2 hsü wang Joō |
The introduction by Chih-i to the Lotus Sutra. Introductions are divided into 序, 正, and 流通, the first relating to the reason for the book; the second to its method; and the third to its subsequent history. |
康王 see styles |
yasuo やすお |
(given name) Yasuo |
征王 see styles |
yukiou / yukio ゆきおう |
(given name) Yukiou |
徳王 see styles |
tokuou / tokuo とくおう |
(surname) Tokuou |
心王 see styles |
xīn wáng xin1 wang2 hsin wang shin'ō |
The mind, the will the directive or controlling mind, the functioning mind as a whole, distinct from its 心所 or qualities. |
志王 see styles |
munetaka むねたか |
(male given name) Munetaka |
怜王 see styles |
reo れお |
(male given name) Reo |
惡王 恶王 see styles |
è wáng e4 wang2 o wang akuō |
evil king |
慈王 see styles |
cí wáng ci2 wang2 tz`u wang tzu wang Jiō |
King Miliṇḍa |
懐王 see styles |
kaiou / kaio かいおう |
(personal name) Kaiou |
懿王 see styles |
iou / io いおう |
(personal name) Iou |
成王 see styles |
seiou / seo せいおう |
(personal name) Seiou |
扶王 see styles |
fumi ふみ |
(female given name) Fumi |
拳王 see styles |
quán wáng quan2 wang2 ch`üan wang chüan wang |
boxing champion |
摩王 see styles |
maou / mao まおう |
(place-name) Maou |
教王 see styles |
kyouou / kyoo きょうおう |
{shogi} teaching king |
敵王 see styles |
tekiou / tekio てきおう |
{shogi} opponent's king |
文王 see styles |
bunou / buno ぶんおう |
(personal name) Bun'ou |
斉王 see styles |
seiou / seo せいおう |
(personal name) Seiou |
斎王 see styles |
saiou / saio さいおう |
(hist) unmarried imperial princess serving at the Ise Grand Shrine or the Kamo Shrine in place of the Emperor; (place-name) Saiou |
明王 see styles |
míng wáng ming2 wang2 ming wang myouou / myoo みょうおう |
(Buddhist term) Wisdom King; Vidyaraja; (place-name) Myōou The rājas, ming-wang, or fence sprits who are the messengers and manifestation of Vairocana's wrath against evil spirits. |
春王 see styles |
haruou / haruo はるおう |
(personal name) Haruou |
昭王 see styles |
shouou / shoo しょうおう |
(personal name) Shouou |
普王 see styles |
pǔ wáng pu3 wang2 p`u wang pu wang fuō |
Universal king, title of Yama when he has expiated all his sins. |
月王 see styles |
yuè wáng yue4 wang2 yüeh wang Getsuō |
Moon-king, 設賞迦 Śaśāṇka, a ruler of Karṇasuvarṇa, who tried to destroy the bodhidruma, Buddha's tree; dethroned by Śīlāditya. |
有王 see styles |
ariou / ario ありおう |
(personal name) Ariou |
朝王 see styles |
chouou / choo ちょうおう |
(given name) Chōou |
朱王 see styles |
shuou / shuo しゅおう |
(surname) Shuou |
杉王 see styles |
sugio すぎお |
(given name) Sugio |
松王 see styles |
matsuou / matsuo まつおう |
(surname) Matsuou |
林王 see styles |
rinou / rino りんおう |
(surname) Rin'ou |
柏王 see styles |
kashiou / kashio かしおう |
(place-name) Kashiou |
柯王 see styles |
kaou / kao かおう |
(surname) Kaou |
桀王 see styles |
jié wáng jie2 wang2 chieh wang |
King Jie, the final ruler of the Xia dynasty (until c. 1600 BC), a notoriously cruel and immoral tyrant |
桂王 see styles |
keiou / keo けいおう |
(personal name) Keiou |
梗王 see styles |
gěng wáng geng3 wang2 keng wang |
(coll.) person who makes people laugh; funny guy |
梵王 see styles |
fàn wáng fan4 wang2 fan wang Bonō |
Brahmā, cf. 梵天. The father of all living beings; the first person of the Brahminical trimūrti, Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, recognized by Buddhism as devas but as inferior to a Buddha, or enlightened man. |
棋王 see styles |
qí wáng qi2 wang2 ch`i wang chi wang kiou / kio きおう |
chess champion {shogi} Kiō (one of the eight major professional titles of shogi); shogi king |
森王 see styles |
moriou / morio もりおう |
(surname) Moriou |
樹王 树王 see styles |
shù wáng shu4 wang2 shu wang juō |
the king of trees |
武王 see styles |
buou / buo ぶおう |
(person) Wu Wang; King Wu |
死王 see styles |
sǐ wáng si3 wang2 ssu wang shiō |
Yama, 焰魔 as lord of death and hell. |
段王 see styles |
danou / dano だんおう |
(surname) Dan'ou |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "王" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.