There are 594 total results for your 率 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
普及率 see styles |
fukyuuritsu / fukyuritsu ふきゅうりつ |
diffusion rate; rate of spread |
有病率 see styles |
yuubyouritsu / yubyoritsu ゆうびょうりつ |
{med} prevalence (rate) |
森林率 see styles |
shinrinritsu しんりんりつ |
proportion of forested land; proportion of land which is forested |
検挙率 see styles |
kenkyoritsu けんきょりつ |
arrest rate; clear-up rate; crime-arrest ratio |
概率論 概率论 see styles |
gài lǜ lùn gai4 lu:4 lun4 kai lü lun |
probability (math.) |
欠勤率 see styles |
kekkinritsu けっきんりつ |
absentee rate |
正答率 see styles |
seitouritsu / setoritsu せいとうりつ |
percentage of correct answers |
死亡率 see styles |
sǐ wáng lǜ si3 wang2 lu:4 ssu wang lü shibouritsu / shiboritsu しぼうりつ |
mortality rate death rate; mortality rate |
決定率 see styles |
ketteiritsu / ketteritsu けっていりつ |
(n,n-suf) (1) shooting rate (in ball games, e.g. volleyball, basketball, soccer, etc.); shooting percentage; (n,n-suf) (2) success rate (esp. business, e.g. sales) |
沈着率 see styles |
chinchakuritsu ちんちゃくりつ |
(rare) (See 沈着・2) deposition rate; deposition fraction |
波特率 see styles |
bō tè lǜ bo1 te4 lu:4 po t`e lü po te lü |
baud |
活用率 see styles |
katsuyouritsu / katsuyoritsu かつようりつ |
{comp} activity ratio |
流動率 流动率 see styles |
liú dòng lǜ liu2 dong4 lu:4 liu tung lü |
turnover (of staff) |
減衰率 see styles |
gensuiritsu げんすいりつ |
attenuation (factor, rate) |
熱効率 see styles |
netsukouritsu / netsukoritsu ねつこうりつ |
thermal efficiency |
熱導率 热导率 see styles |
rè dǎo lǜ re4 dao3 lu:4 je tao lü |
thermal conductivity; heat conductivity |
犯罪率 see styles |
hanzairitsu はんざいりつ |
crime rate |
生存率 see styles |
seizonritsu / sezonritsu せいぞんりつ |
survival rate |
生產率 生产率 see styles |
shēng chǎn lǜ sheng1 chan3 lu:4 sheng ch`an lü sheng chan lü |
productivity; efficiency of production |
生産率 see styles |
seizanritsu / sezanritsu せいざんりつ |
live birth rate |
生育率 see styles |
shēng yù lǜ sheng1 yu4 lu:4 sheng yü lü |
birth rate |
生長率 生长率 see styles |
shēng zhǎng lǜ sheng1 zhang3 lu:4 sheng chang lü |
growth rate |
発生率 see styles |
hasseiritsu / hasseritsu はっせいりつ |
frequency; rate of occurrence |
発症率 see styles |
hasshouritsu / hasshoritsu はっしょうりつ |
{med} incidence rate |
發生率 发生率 see styles |
fā shēng lǜ fa1 sheng1 lu:4 fa sheng lü |
rate of occurrence |
發病率 发病率 see styles |
fā bìng lǜ fa1 bing4 lu:4 fa ping lü |
incidence of a disease; disease rate |
百分率 see styles |
bǎi fēn lǜ bai3 fen1 lu:4 pai fen lü hyakubunritsu ひゃくぶんりつ |
percentage; percent percentage |
的中率 see styles |
tekichuuritsu / tekichuritsu てきちゅうりつ |
hitting ratio; hit rate; success rate; accuracy rate |
盛行率 see styles |
shèng xíng lǜ sheng4 xing2 lu:4 sheng hsing lü |
prevalence; incidence |
直帰率 see styles |
chokkiritsu ちょっきりつ |
{comp} bounce rate |
破壊率 see styles |
hakairitsu はかいりつ |
rate of destruction; destruction ratio |
確率場 see styles |
kakuritsuba かくりつば |
{math} random field |
確率波 see styles |
kakuritsuha かくりつは |
{physics} stochastic wave; probability wave |
確率的 see styles |
kakuritsuteki かくりつてき |
(adjectival noun) stochastic; probabilistic |
確率論 see styles |
kakuritsuron かくりつろん |
{math} probability theory |
磨損率 磨损率 see styles |
mó sǔn lǜ mo2 sun3 lu:4 mo sun lü |
attrition rate |
稼働率 see styles |
kadouritsu / kadoritsu かどうりつ |
operating ratio; rate of operation; availability factor |
稼動率 see styles |
kadouritsu / kadoritsu かどうりつ |
operating ratio; rate of operation; availability factor |
競争率 see styles |
kyousouritsu / kyosoritsu きょうそうりつ |
competition rate; success rate; ratio of successful (applicants) to total applicants |
粗利率 see styles |
arariritsu あらりりつ |
gross margin ratio |
粘性率 see styles |
nenseiritsu / nenseritsu ねんせいりつ |
viscosity (coefficient); dynamic viscosity (coefficient) |
精白率 see styles |
seihakuritsu / sehakuritsu せいはくりつ |
degree of milling (of rice) |
累積率 see styles |
ruisekiritsu るいせきりつ |
{comp} cumulative percentage |
経費率 see styles |
keihiritsu / kehiritsu けいひりつ |
{finc} expense ratio |
統率力 see styles |
tousotsuryoku / tosotsuryoku とうそつりょく |
leadership; generalship |
統率者 see styles |
tousotsusha / tosotsusha とうそつしゃ |
leader; commander |
網効率 see styles |
moukouritsu / mokoritsu もうこうりつ |
{comp} network efficiency |
網羅率 see styles |
mouraritsu / moraritsu もうらりつ |
{comp} coverage |
罹患率 see styles |
rikanritsu りかんりつ |
disease rate; infection rate; morbidity rate |
罹病率 see styles |
ribyouritsu / ribyoritsu りびょうりつ |
(See 罹患率) disease rate; infection rate; morbidity rate |
翻桌率 see styles |
fān zhuō lǜ fan1 zhuo1 lu:4 fan cho lü |
table turnover rate (in a restaurant) |
聴取率 see styles |
choushuritsu / choshuritsu ちょうしゅりつ |
listener ratings (radio, etc.); listenership |
聴視率 see styles |
choushiritsu / choshiritsu ちょうしりつ |
(program, programme) ratings |
能率的 see styles |
nouritsuteki / noritsuteki のうりつてき |
(adjectival noun) efficient |
能率給 see styles |
nouritsukyuu / noritsukyu のうりつきゅう |
efficiency wages; performance-based remuneration |
膨張率 see styles |
bouchouritsu / bochoritsu ぼうちょうりつ |
rate of expansion |
自給率 see styles |
jikyuuritsu / jikyuritsu じきゅうりつ |
(the degree of) self-sufficiency (e.g. in oil) |
致命率 see styles |
chimeiritsu / chimeritsu ちめいりつ |
(See 致死率) case fatality rate |
致死率 see styles |
chishiritsu ちしりつ |
case fatality rate |
蓋然率 see styles |
gaizenritsu がいぜんりつ |
(obsolete) (See 確率) probability; likelihood |
覆蓋率 覆盖率 see styles |
fù gài lǜ fu4 gai4 lu:4 fu kai lü |
coverage |
視聴率 see styles |
shichouritsu / shichoritsu しちょうりつ |
ratings (e.g. of a television program); audience rating; viewing rate |
角頻率 角频率 see styles |
jiǎo pín lǜ jiao3 pin2 lu:4 chiao p`in lü chiao pin lü |
angular frequency |
解約率 see styles |
kaiyakuritsu かいやくりつ |
contract termination rate (e.g. for subscriptions, insurance); churn rate |
誘電率 see styles |
yuudenritsu / yudenritsu ゆうでんりつ |
dielectric constant; permittivity; conductivity |
誤り率 see styles |
ayamariritsu あやまりりつ |
{comp} error rate |
課税率 see styles |
kazeiritsu / kazeritsu かぜいりつ |
tax rate |
識字率 识字率 see styles |
shí zì lǜ shi2 zi4 lu:4 shih tzu lü shikijiritsu しきじりつ |
literacy rate literacy rate |
負荷率 see styles |
fukaritsu ふかりつ |
load factor |
貧困率 贫困率 see styles |
pín kùn lǜ pin2 kun4 lu:4 p`in k`un lü pin kun lü hinkonritsu ひんこんりつ |
poverty rate poverty rate |
貸款率 贷款率 see styles |
dài kuǎn lǜ dai4 kuan3 lu:4 tai k`uan lü tai kuan lü |
lending interest rate |
貼現率 贴现率 see styles |
tiē xiàn lǜ tie1 xian4 lu:4 t`ieh hsien lü tieh hsien lü |
discount rate |
賃金率 see styles |
chinginritsu ちんぎんりつ |
wage rate; rate of pay |
轉差率 转差率 see styles |
zhuǎn chā lǜ zhuan3 cha1 lu:4 chuan ch`a lü chuan cha lü |
slippage rate |
透磁率 see styles |
toujiritsu / tojiritsu とうじりつ |
magnetic permeability |
透過率 see styles |
toukaritsu / tokaritsu とうかりつ |
transmittance; permeability |
通脹率 通胀率 see styles |
tōng zhàng lǜ tong1 zhang4 lu:4 t`ung chang lü tung chang lü |
inflation rate |
進学率 see styles |
shingakuritsu しんがくりつ |
rate of advancement to the next higher level of education |
運動率 see styles |
undouritsu / undoritsu うんどうりつ |
motility (usu. sperm); moment |
適合率 see styles |
tekigouritsu / tekigoritsu てきごうりつ |
(See 再現率) precision; precision ratio; relevance factor; relevance ratio |
遺伝率 see styles |
idenritsu いでんりつ |
{biol} heritability |
遺傳率 遗传率 see styles |
yí chuán lǜ yi2 chuan2 lu:4 i ch`uan lü i chuan lü |
heritability |
都率天 see styles |
dōu shuài tiān dou1 shuai4 tian1 tou shuai t`ien tou shuai tien Tosotsu ten |
Tuṣita, see 都史多. |
配合率 see styles |
haigouritsu / haigoritsu はいごうりつ |
blending ratio; combination ratio |
配当率 see styles |
haitouritsu / haitoritsu はいとうりつ |
dividend rate |
錄取率 录取率 see styles |
lù qǔ lǜ lu4 qu3 lu:4 lu ch`ü lü lu chü lü |
acceptance rate; admission rate |
長打率 see styles |
choudaritsu / chodaritsu ちょうだりつ |
{baseb} (See 長打) slugging percentage |
開口率 see styles |
kaikouritsu / kaikoritsu かいこうりつ |
aperture ratio |
開票率 see styles |
kaihyouritsu / kaihyoritsu かいひょうりつ |
percentage of votes counted so far |
関税率 see styles |
kanzeiritsu / kanzeritsu かんぜいりつ |
tariff rate |
防御率 see styles |
bougyoritsu / bogyoritsu ぼうぎょりつ |
earned run average; ERA |
防禦率 防御率 see styles |
fáng yù lǜ fang2 yu4 lu:4 fang yü lü |
earned run average (baseball) See: 防御率 |
降兜率 see styles |
jiàng dōu shuài jiang4 dou1 shuai4 chiang tou shuai gō tosotsu |
descent from Tuṣita Heaven |
陽性率 see styles |
youseiritsu / yoseritsu ようせいりつ |
positivity rate; rate of positive results |
離婚率 see styles |
rikonritsu りこんりつ |
divorce rate |
離心率 see styles |
rishinritsu りしんりつ |
eccentricity |
離職率 see styles |
rishokuritsu りしょくりつ |
(See 入職率) job separation rate; job turnover |
零曲率 see styles |
líng qū lǜ ling2 qu1 lu:4 ling ch`ü lü ling chü lü |
(math.) zero curvature |
電功率 电功率 see styles |
diàn gōng lǜ dian4 gong1 lu:4 tien kung lü |
electric power (measured in watts) |
電導率 电导率 see styles |
diàn dǎo lǜ dian4 dao3 lu:4 tien tao lü |
electrical conductivity |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "率" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.