There are 342 total results for your 犯 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
犯行声明 see styles |
hankouseimei / hankoseme はんこうせいめい |
claim of responsibility (e.g. for a bombing) |
犯行時刻 see styles |
hankoujikoku / hankojikoku はんこうじこく |
time of the crime |
犯行現場 see styles |
hankougenba / hankogenba はんこうげんば |
scene of the crime (offense, offence) |
一犯再犯 see styles |
yī fàn zài fàn yi1 fan4 zai4 fan4 i fan tsai fan |
to keep doing (the wrong thing) |
一生不犯 see styles |
yī shēng bù fàn yi1 sheng1 bu4 fan4 i sheng pu fan isshoufubon / isshofubon いっしょうふぼん |
(yoji) (strict) observance of the Buddhist precept of lifelong celibacy Life-long innocence— especially sexual. |
不作為犯 see styles |
fusakuihan ふさくいはん |
crime of omission |
不可侵犯 see styles |
bù kě qīn fàn bu4 ke3 qin1 fan4 pu k`o ch`in fan pu ko chin fan |
inviolable; inviolability |
主権侵犯 see styles |
shukenshinpan しゅけんしんぱん |
infringement of sovereignty |
事前従犯 see styles |
jizenjuuhan / jizenjuhan じぜんじゅうはん |
accessory before the fact |
事後従犯 see styles |
jigojuuhan / jigojuhan じごじゅうはん |
accessory after the fact |
二人倶犯 see styles |
èr rén jù fàn er4 ren2 ju4 fan4 erh jen chü fan ninin gubon |
including both with harmful error |
二倶犯過 二倶犯过 see styles |
èr jù fàn guò er4 ju4 fan4 guo4 erh chü fan kuo nigu bonka |
or 二人倶犯 A term applied by Tiantai in criticism of Huayan, which while it is a 圓敎 perfect or complete doctrine, yet has the "crudities" of the 別敎 and comes short of the really perfect Lotus doctrine. |
互不侵犯 see styles |
hù bù qīn fàn hu4 bu4 qin1 fan4 hu pu ch`in fan hu pu chin fan |
non-aggression |
人道犯罪 see styles |
jindouhanzai / jindohanzai じんどうはんざい |
crime against humanity |
以下犯上 see styles |
yǐ xià fàn shàng yi3 xia4 fan4 shang4 i hsia fan shang |
to disrespect one's superiors; to offend one's elders |
企業犯罪 see styles |
kigyouhanzai / kigyohanzai きぎょうはんざい |
corporate crime |
低齡犯罪 低龄犯罪 see styles |
dī líng fàn zuì di1 ling2 fan4 zui4 ti ling fan tsui |
juvenile crime; juvenile delinquency |
作姦犯科 作奸犯科 see styles |
zuò jiān fàn kē zuo4 jian1 fan4 ke1 tso chien fan k`o tso chien fan ko |
to flout the law |
傾巢來犯 倾巢来犯 see styles |
qīng cháo lái fàn qing1 chao2 lai2 fan4 ch`ing ch`ao lai fan ching chao lai fan |
to turn out in force ready to attack (idiom) |
共同正犯 see styles |
kyoudouseihan / kyodosehan きょうどうせいはん |
crime committed together by two or more people (in which each is known as a co-principal) |
共犯証言 see styles |
kyouhanshougen / kyohanshogen きょうはんしょうげん |
{law} state's evidence; crown evidence |
共犯関係 see styles |
kyouhankankei / kyohankanke きょうはんかんけい |
complicity (in a crime); collusion |
内部犯行 see styles |
naibuhankou / naibuhanko ないぶはんこう |
inside job |
再犯防止 see styles |
saihanboushi / saihanboshi さいはんぼうし |
{law} recidivism prevention |
凶悪犯人 see styles |
kyouakuhannin / kyoakuhannin きょうあくはんにん |
heinous criminal; vicious criminal |
凶悪犯罪 see styles |
kyouakuhanzai / kyoakuhanzai きょうあくはんざい |
atrocious crime; heinous crime |
刑事犯罪 see styles |
xíng shì fàn zuì xing2 shi4 fan4 zui4 hsing shih fan tsui |
criminal offense |
単独正犯 see styles |
tandokuseihan / tandokusehan たんどくせいはん |
acting alone in committing a crime |
單位犯罪 单位犯罪 see styles |
dān wèi fàn zuì dan1 wei4 fan4 zui4 tan wei fan tsui |
crime committed by an organization |
国際犯罪 see styles |
kokusaihanzai こくさいはんざい |
international crime |
大権干犯 see styles |
taikenkanpan たいけんかんぱん |
infringing on the power of the sovereign |
安住違犯 安住违犯 see styles |
ān zhù wéi fàn an1 zhu4 wei2 fan4 an chu wei fan anjū ibon |
violate the peace |
完全犯罪 see styles |
kanzenhanzai かんぜんはんざい |
perfect crime |
少年犯罪 see styles |
shounenhanzai / shonenhanzai しょうねんはんざい |
juvenile crime; juvenile delinquency |
性犯罪者 see styles |
seihanzaisha / sehanzaisha せいはんざいしゃ |
sex offender |
憎悪犯罪 see styles |
zouohanzai / zoohanzai ぞうおはんざい |
hate crime |
戦争犯罪 see styles |
sensouhanzai / sensohanzai せんそうはんざい |
war crime |
戦時犯罪 see styles |
senjihanzai せんじはんざい |
(See 戦争犯罪・せんそうはんざい) war crime |
所犯衆罪 所犯众罪 see styles |
suǒ fàn zhòng zuì suo3 fan4 zhong4 zui4 so fan chung tsui shobon shuzai |
myriad sins that are committed |
放火犯人 see styles |
houkahannin / hokahannin ほうかはんにん |
arsonist |
政治犯罪 see styles |
seijihanzai / sejihanzai せいじはんざい |
political crime; political offence |
明知故犯 see styles |
míng zhī gù fàn ming2 zhi1 gu4 fan4 ming chih ku fan |
deliberate violation (idiom); intentional crime |
暴力犯罪 see styles |
bào lì fàn zuì bao4 li4 fan4 zui4 pao li fan tsui |
violent crime |
毀犯戒垢 毁犯戒垢 see styles |
huǐ fàn jiè gòu hui3 fan4 jie4 gou4 hui fan chieh kou kibon kai ku |
the stain of violating the precepts |
毀犯淨戒 毁犯淨戒 see styles |
huǐ fàn jìng jiè hui3 fan4 jing4 jie4 hui fan ching chieh kibon jōkai |
to violate the precepts |
毀犯退屈 毁犯退屈 see styles |
huǐ fàn tuì qū hui3 fan4 tui4 qu1 hui fan t`ui ch`ü hui fan tui chü kibon taikutsu |
violate and retrogress |
法を犯す see styles |
houookasu / hoookasu ほうをおかす |
(exp,v5s) to violate the law |
特別法犯 see styles |
tokubetsuhouhan / tokubetsuhohan とくべつほうはん |
violations of special law |
現行犯で see styles |
genkouhande / genkohande げんこうはんで |
(expression) red-handed; in flagrante delicto |
現行犯人 see styles |
genkouhannin / genkohannin げんこうはんにん |
flagrant offender |
環境犯罪 see styles |
kankyouhanzai / kankyohanzai かんきょうはんざい |
environmental crime |
甲級戰犯 甲级战犯 see styles |
jiǎ jí zhàn fàn jia3 ji2 zhan4 fan4 chia chi chan fan |
a grade A war criminal |
直接正犯 see styles |
chokusetsuseihan / chokusetsusehan ちょくせつせいはん |
{law} (See 間接正犯) direct principal offender; direct perpetrator; principal offender in the first degree |
眾怒難犯 众怒难犯 see styles |
zhòng nù nán fàn zhong4 nu4 nan2 fan4 chung nu nan fan |
(idiom) one cannot afford to incur public wrath; it is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses |
知法犯法 see styles |
zhī fǎ fàn fǎ zhi1 fa3 fan4 fa3 chih fa fan fa |
to know the law and break it (idiom); consciously going against the rules |
禁を犯す see styles |
kinookasu きんをおかす |
(exp,v5s) to break the prohibition (law); to violate the ban |
秋毫無犯 秋毫无犯 see styles |
qiū háo wú fàn qiu1 hao2 wu2 fan4 ch`iu hao wu fan chiu hao wu fan |
(idiom) (of soldiers) highly disciplined, not committing the slightest offense against civilians |
組織犯罪 see styles |
soshikihanzai そしきはんざい |
organized crime; organised crime |
罪を犯す see styles |
tsumiookasu つみをおかす |
(exp,v5s) to commit a crime; to commit a sin |
職務犯罪 see styles |
shokumuhanzai しょくむはんざい |
criminal abuse of power; crimes committed by public officials in violation of their duties |
虞犯少年 see styles |
guhanshounen / guhanshonen ぐはんしょうねん |
juvenile likely to commit a crime; juvenile with a criminal bent; pre-delinquent juvenile; status offender |
街頭犯罪 see styles |
gaitouhanzai / gaitohanzai がいとうはんざい |
street crime |
計画犯罪 see styles |
keikakuhanzai / kekakuhanzai けいかくはんざい |
planned crime |
誘拐犯人 see styles |
yuukaihannin / yukaihannin ゆうかいはんにん |
a kidnapper; an abductor |
路上犯罪 see styles |
rojouhanzai / rojohanzai ろじょうはんざい |
street crime |
軽い犯罪 see styles |
karuihanzai かるいはんざい |
(exp,n) minor offense; minor offence |
軽犯罪法 see styles |
keihanzaihou / kehanzaiho けいはんざいほう |
Minor Offenses Act |
違犯行為 see styles |
ihankoui / ihankoi いはんこうい |
violation; offense; offence |
重大犯罪 see styles |
juudaihanzai / judaihanzai じゅうだいはんざい |
(See 重犯) serious crime; felony |
金融犯罪 see styles |
kinyuuhanzai / kinyuhanzai きんゆうはんざい |
financial crime |
間接正犯 see styles |
kansetsuseihan / kansetsusehan かんせつせいはん |
{law} (See 直接正犯) indirect principal offender; indirect perpetrator; principal offender in the second degree |
防犯装備 see styles |
bouhansoubi / bohansobi ぼうはんそうび |
(1) security equipment (pepper spray, taser, batons, etc.); (2) anti-theft device |
阿難犯婬 阿难犯婬 see styles |
ān án fàn yín an1 an2 fan4 yin2 an an fan yin Anan bonin |
Ānanda's violation of the precept regarding sexual behavior |
集団犯罪 see styles |
shuudanhanzai / shudanhanzai しゅうだんはんざい |
collective guilt |
非犯罪死 see styles |
hihanzaishi ひはんざいし |
(See 犯罪死) death not caused by a violent crime (excl. dying of natural causes) |
領土侵犯 see styles |
ryoudoshinpan / ryodoshinpan りょうどしんぱん |
(noun/participle) violation of territorial sovereignty; intrusion into territory |
領海侵犯 see styles |
ryoukaishinpan / ryokaishinpan りょうかいしんぱん |
(noun/participle) intrusion into territorial waters; violation of territorial waters |
領空侵犯 see styles |
ryoukuushinpan / ryokushinpan りょうくうしんぱん |
(noun/participle) airspace incursion; airspace violation |
風俗犯罪 see styles |
fuuzokuhanzai / fuzokuhanzai ふうぞくはんざい |
offense against public morals; morals offense; vice crime |
麻薬犯罪 see styles |
mayakuhanzai まやくはんざい |
drug-related crime |
A級戦犯 see styles |
eekyuusenpan / eekyusenpan エーきゅうせんぱん |
class-A war criminal |
Variations: |
yaru やる |
(transitive verb) (slang) (vulgar) to rape |
犯しがたい see styles |
okashigatai おかしがたい |
(adjective) dignified |
犯人を匿う see styles |
hanninokakumau はんにんをかくまう |
(exp,v5u) to shelter a criminal |
犯人蔵匿罪 see styles |
hanninzoutokuzai / hanninzotokuzai はんにんぞうとくざい |
(crime of) harboring a fugitive (harbouring) |
犯罪に及ぶ see styles |
hanzainioyobu はんざいにおよぶ |
(exp,v5b) to commit a crime; to resort to crime |
犯罪心理学 see styles |
hanzaishinrigaku はんざいしんりがく |
criminal psychology |
犯罪発生率 see styles |
hanzaihasseiritsu / hanzaihasseritsu はんざいはっせいりつ |
crime rate |
犯罪社会学 see styles |
hanzaishakaigaku はんざいしゃかいがく |
criminal sociology |
犯罪被害者 see styles |
hanzaihigaisha はんざいひがいしゃ |
victim of crime |
犯行声明文 see styles |
hankouseimeibun / hankosemebun はんこうせいめいぶん |
letter of responsibility (for a crime) |
Variations: |
guhan ぐはん |
{law} (See 虞犯少年) being likely to commit a crime; pre-delinquency |
ネット犯罪 see styles |
nettohanzai ネットはんざい |
cyber-crime; net crime |
ミスを犯す see styles |
misuookasu ミスをおかす |
(exp,v5s) to make a mistake |
不可侵犯權 不可侵犯权 see styles |
bù kě qīn fàn quán bu4 ke3 qin1 fan4 quan2 pu k`o ch`in fan ch`üan pu ko chin fan chüan |
inviolability |
事前従犯人 see styles |
jizenjuuhannin / jizenjuhannin じぜんじゅうはんにん |
(See 事前従犯) accessory before the fact |
事後従犯人 see styles |
jigojuuhannin / jigojuhannin じごじゅうはんにん |
(See 事後従犯) accessory after the fact |
劇場型犯罪 see styles |
gekijougatahanzai / gekijogatahanzai げきじょうがたはんざい |
sensational crime that becomes a media event; theatrical crime |
少年犯罪者 see styles |
shounenhanzaisha / shonenhanzaisha しょうねんはんざいしゃ |
juvenile offender; juvenile delinquent |
戦争犯罪人 see styles |
sensouhanzainin / sensohanzainin せんそうはんざいにん |
war criminal |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "犯" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.