There are 733 total results for your 最 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
最尊妙 see styles |
zuì zūn miào zui4 zun1 miao4 tsui tsun miao saisonmyō |
most excellent |
最尊寺 see styles |
saitokuji さいとくじ |
(place-name) Saitokuji |
最小値 see styles |
saishouchi / saishochi さいしょうち |
minimum value |
最小值 see styles |
zuì xiǎo zhí zui4 xiao3 zhi2 tsui hsiao chih |
least value; minimum |
最小化 see styles |
zuì xiǎo huà zui4 xiao3 hua4 tsui hsiao hua saishouka / saishoka さいしょうか |
to minimize (noun/participle) minimization; minimisation |
最小限 see styles |
saishougen / saishogen さいしょうげん |
minimum; lowest |
最尤法 see styles |
saiyuuhou / saiyuho さいゆうほう |
{math} maximum-likelihood estimation; maximum likelihood method |
最左端 see styles |
saisatan さいさたん |
{comp} high order end |
最左翼 see styles |
saisayoku さいさよく |
ultra-left; ultra-left extremists |
最年少 see styles |
sainenshou / sainensho さいねんしょう |
(can be adjective with の) youngest |
最年長 最年长 see styles |
zuì nián zhǎng zui4 nian2 zhang3 tsui nien chang sainenchou / sainencho さいねんちょう |
eldest (can be adjective with の) eldest; oldest |
最後列 see styles |
saikouretsu / saikoretsu さいこうれつ |
back row; last row; rearmost row |
最後尾 see styles |
saikoubi / saikobi さいこうび |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) end (e.g. of a line); tail end; rear; backmost part |
最後屁 see styles |
saigobe さいごべ |
(1) stink bomb; foul odour emitted from the anal sacs of a frightened weasel; (2) (idiom) final desperate tactic |
最後心 最后心 see styles |
zuì hòu xīn zui4 hou4 xin1 tsui hou hsin saigo shin |
最後念 The final mind, or ultimate thought, on entering final nirvāṇa. |
最後念 最后念 see styles |
zuì hòu niàn zui4 hou4 nian4 tsui hou nien saigo nen |
final thought-moment |
最後方 see styles |
saikouhou / saikoho さいこうほう |
(adj-no,n) hindmost; outermost; farthest back |
最後有 最后有 see styles |
zuì hòu yǒu zui4 hou4 you3 tsui hou yu saigo u |
final existence |
最後生 最后生 see styles |
zuì hòu shēng zui4 hou4 sheng1 tsui hou sheng saigo shō |
final rebirth |
最後発 see styles |
saikouhatsu / saikohatsu さいこうはつ |
last entrant (to a race, market, etc.) |
最後身 最后身 see styles |
zuì hòu shēn zui4 hou4 shen1 tsui hou shen saigo shin |
最後生 The final body, or rebirth, that of an arhat, or a bodhisattva in the last stage. |
最徐行 see styles |
saijokou / saijoko さいじょこう |
(noun/participle) (at a) very slow speed |
最恵国 see styles |
saikeikoku / saikekoku さいけいこく |
most favored nation; most favoured nation; MFN |
最悪時 see styles |
saiakuji さいあくじ |
(n,adv) at the worst time; at worst; at the worst level |
最悪期 see styles |
saiakuki さいあくき |
worst period of time |
最惠國 最惠国 see styles |
zuì huì guó zui4 hui4 guo2 tsui hui kuo |
most-favored nation (trade status) |
最愛名 see styles |
moana もあな |
(female given name) Moana |
最愛子 see styles |
manako まなこ |
(female given name) Manako |
最接近 see styles |
saisekkin さいせっきん |
(noun/participle) closest approach |
最教寺 see styles |
saikyouji / saikyoji さいきょうじ |
(place-name) Saikyōji |
最敬礼 see styles |
saikeirei / saikere さいけいれい |
(n,vs,vi) a respectful bow |
最新世 see styles |
saishinsei / saishinse さいしんせい |
(rare) (See 更新世) Pleistocene epoch |
最新作 see styles |
saishinsaku さいしんさく |
latest work (e.g. book, film); newest work; most recent work |
最新式 see styles |
saishinshiki さいしんしき |
latest style |
最新性 see styles |
saishinsei / saishinse さいしんせい |
up-to-dateness; currentness; currency |
最新版 see styles |
saishinban さいしんばん |
latest version; latest edition |
最新鋭 see styles |
saishinei / saishine さいしんえい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) state-of-the-art; cutting-edge |
最明寺 see styles |
saimyouji / saimyoji さいみょうじ |
(personal name) Saimyouji |
最明治 see styles |
saimeiji / saimeji さいめいじ |
(surname) Saimeiji |
最晩年 see styles |
saibannen さいばんねん |
last years of one's life; very late in one's life |
最有力 see styles |
saiyuuryoku / saiyuryoku さいゆうりょく |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) strongest (candidate); likeliest (winner); top (suspect) |
最末世 see styles |
zuì mò shì zui4 mo4 shi4 tsui mo shih sai matsuse |
the (third and) very last period (of the Dharma) |
最末後 最末后 see styles |
zuì mò hòu zui4 mo4 hou4 tsui mo hou saimatsugo |
final |
最東端 see styles |
saitoutan / saitotan さいとうたん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) easternmost tip (point, extremity, etc.) |
最林寺 see styles |
sairinji さいりんじ |
(surname) Sairinji |
最果て see styles |
saihate さいはて |
the farthest ends; the furthest ends |
最極長 最极长 see styles |
zuì jí cháng zui4 ji2 chang2 tsui chi ch`ang tsui chi chang saigoku chō |
most extremely long |
最次郎 see styles |
saijirou / saijiro さいじろう |
(male given name) Saijirō |
最正覺 最正觉 see styles |
zuì zhèng jué zui4 zheng4 jue2 tsui cheng chüeh saishō gaku |
Supreme perfect enlightenment, i.e. Buddhahood. |
最治郎 see styles |
saijirou / saijiro さいじろう |
(male given name) Saijirō |
最深部 see styles |
saishinbu さいしんぶ |
deepest part; deepest portion; depths (of the ocean etc.); innermost |
最淸淨 see styles |
zuì qīng jìng zui4 qing1 jing4 tsui ch`ing ching tsui ching ching saishōjō |
most pure |
最無上 最无上 see styles |
zuì wú shàng zui4 wu2 shang4 tsui wu shang sai mujō |
unsurpassed |
最爲勝 最为胜 see styles |
zuì wéi shèng zui4 wei2 sheng4 tsui wei sheng sai i shō |
most excellent |
最爲後 最为后 see styles |
zuì wéi hòu zui4 wei2 hou4 tsui wei hou saiigo |
finally |
最登山 see styles |
moutosan / motosan もうとさん |
(personal name) Moutosan |
最盛期 see styles |
saiseiki / saiseki さいせいき |
(1) golden age; prime; heyday; height of prosperity; (2) season (for fruit, vegetables, etc.); best time |
最知子 see styles |
sachiko さちこ |
(female given name) Sachiko |
最知駅 see styles |
saichieki さいちえき |
(st) Saichi Station |
最確数 see styles |
saikakusuu / saikakusu さいかくすう |
{math} most probable number; MPN |
最福寺 see styles |
saifukuji さいふくじ |
(personal name) Saifukuji |
最第一 see styles |
zuì dì yī zui4 di4 yi1 tsui ti i sai daiichi |
greatest |
最終便 see styles |
saishuubin / saishubin さいしゅうびん |
last flight; last bus; last train |
最終値 see styles |
saishuuchi / saishuchi さいしゅうち |
{comp} final value |
最終回 see styles |
saishuukai / saishukai さいしゅうかい |
last time; last inning; last part; final episode (of a television program) |
最終戦 see styles |
saishuusen / saishusen さいしゅうせん |
final game; final games; the finals |
最終日 see styles |
saishuubi / saishubi さいしゅうび |
last day; final day |
最終案 see styles |
saishuuan / saishuan さいしゅうあん |
final program (programme, plan) |
最終版 see styles |
saishuuban / saishuban さいしゅうばん |
final version; final edition |
最終的 see styles |
saishuuteki / saishuteki さいしゅうてき |
(adjectival noun) final; eventual; ultimate |
最終章 see styles |
saishuushou / saishusho さいしゅうしょう |
last chapter (book, etc.) |
最終財 see styles |
saishuuzai / saishuzai さいしゅうざい |
{econ} (See 中間財) final goods; final commodity; end product |
最自在 see styles |
zuì zì zài zui4 zi4 zai4 tsui tzu tsai saijizai |
greatest freedom |
最蔵坊 see styles |
saizoubou / saizobo さいぞうぼう |
(personal name) Saizoubou |
最西端 see styles |
saiseitan / saisetan さいせいたん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) westernmost tip (point, extremity, etc.) |
最貧国 see styles |
saihinkoku さいひんこく |
least developed country; poorest country |
最賃法 see styles |
saichinhou / saichinho さいちんほう |
(abbreviation) {law} (See 最低賃金法) Minimum Wage Act |
最近親 see styles |
saikinshin さいきんしん |
nearest kin; nearest of blood; next of kin; nearest relative |
最速化 see styles |
saisokuka さいそくか |
(noun/participle) (speed) optimization |
最遠点 see styles |
saienten さいえんてん |
apocenter |
最適化 see styles |
saitekika さいてきか |
(noun, transitive verb) optimization; optimisation |
最適解 see styles |
saitekikai さいてきかい |
optimal solution |
最都子 see styles |
motoko もとこ |
(female given name) Motoko |
最重度 see styles |
saijuudo / saijudo さいじゅうど |
(adj-no,n) profound (of a disability, etc.); most severe |
最重点 see styles |
saijuuten / saijuten さいじゅうてん |
very important point |
最重要 see styles |
saijuuyou / saijuyo さいじゅうよう |
(adj-na,adj-no) most important |
最重視 see styles |
saijuushi / saijushi さいじゅうし |
(noun, transitive verb) attaching paramount weight (to); placing utmost priority (on); regarding as the most important |
最頻値 see styles |
saihinchi さいひんち |
{math} mode |
最高位 see styles |
saikoui / saikoi さいこうい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) pride of place; most prominent; top-ranking |
最高作 see styles |
saikousaku / saikosaku さいこうさく |
(See 最高傑作) magnum opus; (one's) best work |
最高値 see styles |
saitakane さいたかね |
{finc} (ant: 最安値・1) all-time high (price, in trading); record high; new high |
最高刑 see styles |
saikoukei / saikoke さいこうけい |
maximum punishment; maximum sentence |
最高峰 see styles |
saikouhou / saikoho さいこうほう |
(1) highest peak; highest mountain; (2) greatest authority; most prominent person; pinnacle (e.g. of art); peak |
最高検 see styles |
saikouken / saikoken さいこうけん |
(abbreviation) Public Prosecutor's Office |
最高潮 see styles |
saikouchou / saikocho さいこうちょう |
climax; peak; zenith; apex |
最高点 see styles |
saikouten / saikoten さいこうてん |
(1) highest score; highest number of points; top grade; (2) peak altitude; highest point |
最高神 see styles |
saikoushin / saikoshin さいこうしん |
(See 至上神) supreme deity |
最高等 see styles |
zuì gāo děng zui4 gao1 deng3 tsui kao teng |
highest level; top class |
最高級 see styles |
saikoukyuu / saikokyu さいこうきゅう |
highest grade; top class |
最高裁 see styles |
saikousai / saikosai さいこうさい |
(abbreviation) (See 最高裁判所) Supreme Court |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "最" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.