There are 972 total results for your 料 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
出演料 see styles |
shutsuenryou / shutsuenryo しゅつえんりょう |
performance fee (for an actor, singer, etc.); appearance fee |
出荷料 see styles |
shukkaryou / shukkaryo しゅっかりょう |
shipping charges |
初穂料 see styles |
hatsuhoryou / hatsuhoryo はつほりょう |
{Shinto} ceremony fee; money dedicated to the gods when participating in a ceremony |
初診料 see styles |
shoshinryou / shoshinryo しょしんりょう |
fee for an initial medical examination |
別料金 see styles |
betsuryoukin / betsuryokin べつりょうきん |
extra cost; extra charge |
利用料 see styles |
riyouryou / riyoryo りようりょう |
(See 利用料金) usage charge; usage fee |
化粧料 see styles |
keshouryou; kewairyou / keshoryo; kewairyo けしょうりょう; けわいりょう |
(1) (けしょうりょう only) lady's pin money (pocket money); payment to a cosmetician; (2) (けしょうりょう only) cosmetic material; (3) dowry (Edo period) |
卵料理 see styles |
tamagoryouri / tamagoryori たまごりょうり |
egg dishes; food prepared with eggs |
原料乳 see styles |
genryounyuu / genryonyu げんりょうにゅう |
raw milk; unpasteurized milk |
原料糖 see styles |
genryoutou / genryoto げんりょうとう |
(See 粗糖) raw sugar; unrefined sugar |
原料費 see styles |
genryouhi / genryohi げんりょうひ |
cost of raw materials; raw material cost |
原材料 see styles |
yuán cái liào yuan2 cai2 liao4 yüan ts`ai liao yüan tsai liao genzairyou / genzairyo げんざいりょう |
raw and semifinished materials raw materials; ingredients |
原燃料 see styles |
gennenryou / gennenryo げんねんりょう |
raw fuel; raw materials and fuels |
原物料 see styles |
yuán wù liào yuan2 wu4 liao4 yüan wu liao |
raw material |
原稿料 see styles |
genkouryou / genkoryo げんこうりょう |
manuscript fee; payment for a piece of writing |
原資料 see styles |
genshiryou / genshiryo げんしりょう |
{comp} original source |
参加料 see styles |
sankaryou / sankaryo さんかりょう |
participation fee; entry fee |
受信料 see styles |
jushinryou / jushinryo じゅしんりょう |
(radio, TV) license fee; licence fee |
受講料 see styles |
jukouryou / jukoryo じゅこうりょう |
course fee; tuition fee |
受験料 see styles |
jukenryou / jukenryo じゅけんりょう |
examination fees |
史料館 see styles |
shiryoukan / shiryokan しりょうかん |
(See 資料館) archives (building); record office; museum; (place-name) Shiryōkan |
周旋料 see styles |
shuusenryou / shusenryo しゅうせんりょう |
brokerage; commission |
四料簡 四料简 see styles |
sì liào jiǎn si4 liao4 jian3 ssu liao chien shi yōken |
A summary of the 臨濟 Linji school, an offshoot of the Chan, in reference to subjective, objective, both, neither. |
報料人 报料人 see styles |
bào liào rén bao4 liao4 ren2 pao liao jen |
informant; news source |
塑料王 see styles |
sù liào wáng su4 liao4 wang2 su liao wang |
"super plastic" (term used to refer to Teflon) |
塑料袋 see styles |
sù liào dài su4 liao4 dai4 su liao tai |
plastic bag |
奉仕料 see styles |
houshiryou / hoshiryo ほうしりょう |
service charge |
好材料 see styles |
kouzairyou / kozairyo こうざいりょう |
(1) good material; valuable data; (2) {finc} positive factor (for the stock market); good news |
宿泊料 see styles |
shukuhakuryou / shukuhakuryo しゅくはくりょう |
accommodation charge; room rate |
寄宿料 see styles |
kishukuryou / kishukuryo きしゅくりょう |
fee for board and lodging |
小作料 see styles |
kosakuryou / kosakuryo こさくりょう |
rent paid by a tenant farmer |
小料理 see styles |
koriyouri / koriyori こりようり |
{food} (See 小料理屋) casual dish (esp. Japanese food); simple dish; (surname) Koriyouri |
小袖料 see styles |
kosoderyou / kosoderyo こそでりょう |
(See 御袴料) betrothal money given from man to woman |
広告料 see styles |
koukokuryou / kokokuryo こうこくりょう |
advertising rates |
延滞料 see styles |
entairyou / entairyo えんたいりょう |
arrears; late fee; delinquent account charge |
弁護料 see styles |
bengoryou / bengoryo べんごりょう |
lawyer's fee |
弔祭料 see styles |
chousairyou / chosairyo ちょうさいりょう |
gift at a memorial service |
弱材料 see styles |
yowazairyou / yowazairyo よわざいりょう |
bearish factor |
御帯料 see styles |
onobiryou / onobiryo おんおびりょう |
(See 御袴料) betrothal money given from man to woman |
御料地 see styles |
goryouchi / goryochi ごりょうち |
imperial estate; (place-name) Goryōchi |
御料山 see styles |
goryouyama / goryoyama ごりょうやま |
(personal name) Goryōyama |
御料川 see styles |
goryougawa / goryogawa ごりょうがわ |
(place-name) Goryōgawa |
御料橋 see styles |
goryoubashi / goryobashi ごりょうばし |
(place-name) Goryōbashi |
御花料 see styles |
ohanaryou / ohanaryo おはなりょう |
(See 香典) condolence gift; gift brought to a (Christian) funeral; flower money |
御袴料 see styles |
onhakamaryou / onhakamaryo おんはかまりょう |
(See 御帯料) betrothal money given from woman to man |
悪材料 see styles |
akuzairyou / akuzairyo あくざいりょう |
(1) {finc} (See 好材料・2) adverse stock market factor; bearish market factor; (2) negative factor |
慰藉料 see styles |
isharyou / isharyo いしゃりょう |
consolation money; solatium; reparation; damages; settlement |
慰謝料 see styles |
isharyou / isharyo いしゃりょう |
consolation money; solatium; reparation; damages; settlement |
手数料 see styles |
tesuuryou / tesuryo てすうりょう |
(handling) fee; charge (e.g. for a cancellation); commission; brokerage |
手料理 see styles |
teryouri / teryori てりょうり |
home cooking |
扶助料 see styles |
fujoryou / fujoryo ふじょりょう |
aid or relief allowance; subsidy |
扶養料 see styles |
fuyouryou / fuyoryo ふようりょう |
alimony; spousal support; maintenance |
技術料 see styles |
gijutsuryou / gijutsuryo ぎじゅつりょう |
technical fee |
拝観料 see styles |
haikanryou / haikanryo はいかんりょう |
entrance fee |
授業料 see styles |
jugyouryou / jugyoryo じゅぎょうりょう |
tuition fee; course fee |
接続料 see styles |
setsuzokuryou / setsuzokuryo せつぞくりょう |
connection fee; connection charge |
揚陸料 see styles |
yourikuryou / yorikuryo ようりくりょう |
landing charge |
揮毫料 see styles |
kigouryou / kigoryo きごうりょう |
writing or painting fee |
教料書 see styles |
kyouryousho / kyoryosho きょうりょうしょ |
(rare) textbook; school-book |
整髪料 see styles |
seihatsuryou / sehatsuryo せいはつりょう |
(1) (See ヘアリキッド) hairdressing product (creams, gels, etc.); (2) hairdressing fee; charge for a haircut |
斡旋料 see styles |
assenryou / assenryo あっせんりょう |
agent's charge |
新材料 see styles |
shinzairyou / shinzairyo しんざいりょう |
new material; exotic material |
更新料 see styles |
koushinryou / koshinryo こうしんりょう |
renewal charge; renewal fee |
書留料 see styles |
kakitomeryou / kakitomeryo かきとめりょう |
charge for registered mail |
有料化 see styles |
yuuryouka / yuryoka ゆうりょうか |
(noun/participle) changing from free to paid (e.g. a service); starting to charge |
有料版 see styles |
yuuryouban / yuryoban ゆうりょうばん |
(ant: 無料版) paid version (of software, etc.) |
材料學 材料学 see styles |
cái liào xué cai2 liao4 xue2 ts`ai liao hsüeh tsai liao hsüeh |
materials science |
材料費 see styles |
zairyouhi / zairyohi ざいりょうひ |
cost of materials |
果料兒 果料儿 see styles |
guǒ liào r guo3 liao4 r5 kuo liao r |
fruit ingredients (for cakes and desserts) |
核原料 see styles |
hé yuán liào he2 yuan2 liao4 ho yüan liao |
nuclear material |
核燃料 see styles |
hé rán liào he2 ran2 liao4 ho jan liao kakunenryou / kakunenryo かくねんりょう |
nuclear fuel nuclear fuel |
検定料 see styles |
kenteiryou / kenteryo けんていりょう |
examination fee |
水道料 see styles |
suidouryou / suidoryo すいどうりょう |
(See 水道料金) water rates; water charges |
洗顔料 see styles |
senganryou / senganryo せんがんりょう |
facial cleanser |
潤筆料 see styles |
junpitsuryou / junpitsuryo じゅんぴつりょう |
fee for writing or painting |
無料化 see styles |
muryouka / muryoka むりょうか |
(noun, transitive verb) making (something) free of charge; dispensing with fees |
無料版 see styles |
muryouban / muryoban むりょうばん |
(ant: 有料版) free version (of software, etc.) |
無香料 see styles |
mukouryou / mukoryo むこうりょう |
(adj-no,n) unscented; non-scented; fragrance-free; unflavoured |
燃料庫 see styles |
nenryouko / nenryoko ねんりょうこ |
fuel bunker; fuel store; oil bunker |
燃料棒 see styles |
nenryoubou / nenryobo ねんりょうぼう |
(nuclear reactor's) fuel rod |
燃料油 see styles |
rán liào yóu ran2 liao4 you2 jan liao yu nenryouyu / nenryoyu ねんりょうゆ |
fuel oil fuel oil |
燃料税 see styles |
nenryouzei / nenryoze ねんりょうぜい |
fuel tax |
燃料計 see styles |
nenryoukei / nenryoke ねんりょうけい |
fuel gauge |
燃料費 see styles |
nenryouhi / nenryohi ねんりょうひ |
fuel expenses; cost of fuel |
特許料 see styles |
tokkyoryou / tokkyoryo とっきょりょう |
patent fee; royalty |
玉串料 see styles |
tamagushiryou / tamagushiryo たまぐしりょう |
cash offering made on the occasion of one's visit to a shrine; money offering dedicated to the Shinto gods; fees for offering a branch of the sacred tree to the gods |
甘味料 see styles |
gān wèi liào gan1 wei4 liao4 kan wei liao kanmiryou / kanmiryo かんみりょう |
sweetener sweetener (sugar, honey, saccharin, maltose, etc.); sweetening agent; sweetening |
発見料 see styles |
hakkenryou / hakkenryo はっけんりょう |
finder's fee |
登記料 see styles |
toukiryou / tokiryo とうきりょう |
registration fee |
登録料 see styles |
tourokuryou / torokuryo とうろくりょう |
registration fee |
着色料 see styles |
chakushokuryou / chakushokuryo ちゃくしょくりょう |
coloring agent; colorant; colourant; (food term) coloring; colouring |
研磨料 see styles |
yán mó liào yan2 mo2 liao4 yen mo liao |
abrasive (material) |
祭祀料 see styles |
saishiryou / saishiryo さいしりょう |
donation made at a ritual |
筆耕料 see styles |
hikkouryou / hikkoryo ひっこうりょう |
copying fee |
粗飼料 see styles |
soshiryou / soshiryo そしりょう |
(See 濃厚飼料) roughage; coarse feed |
納戸料 see styles |
nandoryou / nandoryo なんどりょう |
(place-name) Nandoryō |
紹介料 see styles |
shoukairyou / shokairyo しょうかいりょう |
referral fee; introduction fee |
給料日 see styles |
kyuuryoubi / kyuryobi きゅうりょうび |
payday; pay day |
給料袋 see styles |
kyuuryoubukuro / kyuryobukuro きゅうりょうぶくろ |
pay envelope |
聴取料 see styles |
choushuryou / choshuryo ちょうしゅりょう |
listener's fee; radio license fee |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "料" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.