There are 541 total results for your 寶 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
輪寶 轮宝 see styles |
lún bǎo lun2 bao3 lun pao rinbō りんぽう |
(out-dated kanji) (Buddhist term) Cakraratna; wheel-shaped treasure possessed by the ideal universal ruler, carried in front of him during excursions to allow easy passage A cakravartin's wheel, i.e. either gold, silver, copper, or iron, manifesting his rank and power. |
金寶 金宝 see styles |
jīn bǎo jin1 bao3 chin pao konbō |
Campbell (name); Kampar, town in the state of Perak, Malaysia ornamentation |
雜寶 杂宝 see styles |
zá bǎo za2 bao3 tsa pao zappō |
sundry treasures |
靈寶 灵宝 see styles |
líng bǎo ling2 bao3 ling pao |
Lingbao, county-level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan |
髻寶 see styles |
jì bǎo ji4 bao3 chi pao |
precious stone worn in the topknot |
龍寶 see styles |
ryuuhou / ryuho りゅうほう |
(surname) Ryūhou |
寶光明 宝光明 see styles |
bǎo guāng míng bao3 guang1 ming2 pao kuang ming hō kōmyō |
radiance of a jewel |
寶可夢 宝可梦 see styles |
bǎo kě mèng bao3 ke3 meng4 pao k`o meng pao ko meng |
Pokémon |
寶坻區 宝坻区 see styles |
bǎo dǐ qū bao3 di3 qu1 pao ti ch`ü pao ti chü |
Baodi rural district in Tianjin 天津[Tian1 jin1] |
寶塔區 宝塔区 see styles |
bǎo tǎ qū bao3 ta3 qu1 pao t`a ch`ü pao ta chü |
Baota or Pagoda district of Yan'an city 延安市[Yan2 an1 shi4], Shaanxi |
寶塔品 宝塔品 see styles |
bǎo tǎ pǐn bao3 ta3 pin3 pao t`a p`in pao ta pin Hōtō bon |
Chapter of the Jeweled Pagoda |
寶塔寺 宝塔寺 see styles |
bǎo tǎ sì bao3 ta3 si4 pao t`a ssu pao ta ssu hōtōji |
a jeweled stūpa |
寶塔菜 宝塔菜 see styles |
bǎo tǎ cài bao3 ta3 cai4 pao t`a ts`ai pao ta tsai |
Chinese artichoke (Stachys affinis), perennial plant with an edible rhizome |
寶妙衣 宝妙衣 see styles |
bǎo miào yī bao3 miao4 yi1 pao miao i hōmyō e |
exquisitely jeweled garments |
寶子丸 see styles |
houshimaru / hoshimaru ほうしまる |
(surname) Houshimaru |
寶子山 see styles |
koushiyama / koshiyama こうしやま |
(surname) Kōshiyama |
寶安區 宝安区 see styles |
bǎo ān qū bao3 an1 qu1 pao an ch`ü pao an chü |
Bao'an district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong |
寶山區 宝山区 see styles |
bǎo shān qū bao3 shan1 qu1 pao shan ch`ü pao shan chü |
Baoshang district of Shanghai; Baoshan district of Shuangyashan city 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang |
寶山鄉 宝山乡 see styles |
bǎo shān xiāng bao3 shan1 xiang1 pao shan hsiang |
Baoshan or Paoshan township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan |
寶幢佛 宝幢佛 see styles |
bǎo chuáng fó bao3 chuang2 fo2 pao ch`uang fo pao chuang fo Hōtō Butsu |
Ratnaketu |
寶床榻 宝床榻 see styles |
bǎo chuáng tà bao3 chuang2 ta4 pao ch`uang t`a pao chuang ta hō shōtō |
a jeweled bed |
寶性論 宝性论 see styles |
bǎo xìng lùn bao3 xing4 lun4 pao hsing lun Hōshō ron |
Jewel-Nature Treatise |
寶慶記 宝庆记 see styles |
bǎo qìng jì bao3 qing4 ji4 pao ch`ing chi pao ching chi Hōkyōki |
Hōkyōki |
寶應縣 宝应县 see styles |
bǎo yìng xiàn bao3 ying4 xian4 pao ying hsien |
Baoying County in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu |
寶摸像 宝摸像 see styles |
bǎo mó xiàng bao3 mo2 xiang4 pao mo hsiang hōbaku zō |
a jeweled image |
寶星佛 宝星佛 see styles |
bǎo xīng fó bao3 xing1 fo2 pao hsing fo Hōshō butsu |
Ratnaketu |
寶智山 see styles |
houchiyama / hochiyama ほうちやま |
(surname) Houchiyama |
寶木原 see styles |
houkihara / hokihara ほうきはら |
(surname) Houkihara |
寶林寺 宝林寺 see styles |
bǎo lín sì bao3 lin2 si4 pao lin ssu Hōrinji |
Borim sa |
寶樓觀 宝楼观 see styles |
bǎo lóu guān bao3 lou2 guan1 pao lou kuan hōrō kan |
meditation on its jeweled palace |
寶模像 宝模像 see styles |
bǎo mó xiàng bao3 mo2 xiang4 pao mo hsiang hōmo zō |
a jeweled image |
寶樹下 宝树下 see styles |
bǎo shù xià bao3 shu4 xia4 pao shu hsia hō ju ge |
at the foot of jewled trees |
寶樹觀 宝树观 see styles |
bǎo shù guān bao3 shu4 guan1 pao shu kuan hōju kan |
meditation on its jeweled trees |
寶池觀 宝池观 see styles |
bǎo chí guān bao3 chi2 guan1 pao ch`ih kuan pao chih kuan hōchi kan |
meditation on its jeweled pond |
寶清縣 宝清县 see styles |
bǎo qīng xiàn bao3 qing1 xian4 pao ch`ing hsien pao ching hsien |
Baoqing county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang |
寶特瓶 宝特瓶 see styles |
bǎo tè píng bao3 te4 ping2 pao t`e p`ing pao te ping |
plastic bottle |
寶珠山 see styles |
houshuyama / hoshuyama ほうしゅやま |
(surname) Houshuyama |
寶瓔珞 宝璎珞 see styles |
bǎo yīng luò bao3 ying1 luo4 pao ying lo hō yōraku |
diadem |
寶瓶座 宝瓶座 see styles |
bǎo píng zuò bao3 ping2 zuo4 pao p`ing tso pao ping tso |
Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac); also called 水瓶座 |
寶生佛 宝生佛 see styles |
bǎo shēng fó bao3 sheng1 fo2 pao sheng fo Hōshō Butsu |
Ratnasambhava Buddha Ratnasaṃbhava |
寶示戸 see styles |
houjito / hojito ほうじと |
(surname) Houjito |
寶積佛 宝积佛 see styles |
bǎo jī fó bao3 ji1 fo2 pao chi fo hōshaku butsu |
Buddha adorned with heaps of treasures, i.e. powers, truths, etc. |
寶積經 宝积经 see styles |
bǎo jī jīng bao3 ji1 jing1 pao chi ching Hōshaku kyō |
v. 大寶積經. |
寶篋經 宝箧经 see styles |
bǎo qiè jīng bao3 qie4 jing1 pao ch`ieh ching pao chieh ching Hōkyō kyō |
Jewel Box Sūtra |
寶網幔 宝网幔 see styles |
bǎo wǎng màn bao3 wang3 man4 pao wang man hōmōman |
jeweled nets and curtains |
寶興縣 宝兴县 see styles |
bǎo xīng xiàn bao3 xing1 xian4 pao hsing hsien |
Baoxing County in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan |
寶莊嚴 宝庄严 see styles |
bǎo zhuāng yán bao3 zhuang1 yan2 pao chuang yen hō shōgon |
adorned with jewels |
寶萊塢 宝莱坞 see styles |
bǎo lái wù bao3 lai2 wu4 pao lai wu |
Bollywood (film industry based in Mumbai, India) |
寶葫蘆 宝葫芦 see styles |
bǎo hú lu bao3 hu2 lu5 pao hu lu |
magic gourd, granting your every wish |
寶蓋草 宝盖草 see styles |
bǎo gài cǎo bao3 gai4 cao3 pao kai ts`ao pao kai tsao |
henbit deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) |
寶蓮華 宝莲华 see styles |
bǎo lián huá bao3 lian2 hua2 pao lien hua hō renge |
jeweled lotus flowers |
寶藏寺 see styles |
houzouji / hozoji ほうぞうじ |
(surname) Houzouji |
寶藏展 宝藏展 see styles |
bǎo zàng zhǎn bao3 zang4 zhan3 pao tsang chan hōzō ten |
temple museum |
寶藏論 宝藏论 see styles |
bǎo zàng lùn bao3 zang4 lun4 pao tsang lun Hōzō ron |
Baozang lun |
寶號經 宝号经 see styles |
bǎo hào jīng bao3 hao4 jing1 pao hao ching Hōgō kyō |
Baohao jing |
寶豐縣 宝丰县 see styles |
bǎo fēng xiàn bao3 feng1 xian4 pao feng hsien |
Baofeng county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Ping2 ding3 shan1], Henan |
寶貝兒 宝贝儿 see styles |
bǎo bèi r bao3 bei4 r5 pao pei r |
erhua variant of 寶貝|宝贝[bao3 bei4] |
寶陀巖 宝陀巖 see styles |
bǎo tuó yán bao3 tuo2 yan2 pao t`o yen pao to yen Hōdagan |
Potalaka, the abode of Guanyin, v. 補. |
寶雞市 宝鸡市 see styles |
bǎo jī shì bao3 ji1 shi4 pao chi shih |
Baoji, prefecture-level city in Shaanxi Province 陝西省|陕西省[Shan3xi1 Sheng3] |
寶雲殿 宝云殿 see styles |
bǎo yún diàn bao3 yun2 dian4 pao yün tien Hōun den |
Baoyun Hall |
寶雲經 宝云经 see styles |
bǎo yún jīng bao3 yun2 jing1 pao yün ching Hōun kyō |
Jewel Cloud Scripture |
寶麗來 宝丽来 see styles |
bǎo lì lái bao3 li4 lai2 pao li lai |
Polaroid |
寶麗金 宝丽金 see styles |
bǎo lì jīn bao3 li4 jin1 pao li chin |
PolyGram (record label) |
七寶塔 七宝塔 see styles |
qī bǎo tǎ qi1 bao3 ta3 ch`i pao t`a chi pao ta shippō tō |
seven-jewel stūpa |
七寶宮 七宝宫 see styles |
qī bǎo gōng qi1 bao3 gong1 ch`i pao kung chi pao kung shichihō kyū |
seven-jeweled palace |
七寶寺 七宝寺 see styles |
qī bǎo sì qi1 bao3 si4 ch`i pao ssu chi pao ssu shichihō ji |
a shrine (of a buddha) made of the seven jewels |
七寶樹 七宝树 see styles |
qī bǎo shù qi1 bao3 shu4 ch`i pao shu chi pao shu shichi hōju |
trees of seven jewels |
七寶臺 七宝台 see styles |
qī bǎo tái qi1 bao3 tai2 ch`i pao t`ai chi pao tai shichihō dai |
a high building made of the seven jewels |
七寶華 七宝华 see styles |
qī bǎo huā qi1 bao3 hua1 ch`i pao hua chi pao hua shichihō ke |
flowers composed of the seven precious materials |
七寶鉢 七宝钵 see styles |
qī bǎo bō qi1 bao3 bo1 ch`i pao po chi pao po shichihō hatsu |
a pātra (alms bowl) made of the seven jewels |
三寶物 三宝物 see styles |
sān bǎo wù san1 bao3 wu4 san pao wu san bōmotsu |
The things appertaining to the triratna, i.e. to the Buddha— temples and images, etc.; to the dharma— the scriptures; to the saṅgha— cassock, bowl, etc. |
三寶種 三宝种 see styles |
sān bǎo zhǒng san1 bao3 zhong3 san pao chung sanbō shu |
seeds of the three treasures |
三寶紀 三宝纪 see styles |
sān bǎo jì san1 bao3 ji4 san pao chi Sanbōki |
Sanbaoji |
三寶藏 三宝藏 see styles |
sān bǎo zàng san1 bao3 zang4 san pao tsang sanbō zō |
The tritratna as the treasury of all virtue and merit; also the tripiṭaka, sūtras 經 vinaya 律, abhidharma 論; also śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, and bodhisattvas. |
三寶衣 三宝衣 see styles |
sān bǎo yī san1 bao3 yi1 san pao i sanbōe |
idem 三衣. |
三寶身 三宝身 see styles |
sān bǎo shēn san1 bao3 shen1 san pao shen sanbōshin |
v. 三身. |
三寶院 三宝院 see styles |
sān bǎo yuàn san1 bao3 yuan4 san pao yüan Sanbō in |
Sanbōin |
三寶鳥 三宝鸟 see styles |
sān bǎo niǎo san1 bao3 niao3 san pao niao |
(bird species of China) Oriental dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis) |
五寶甁 五宝甁 see styles |
wǔ bǎo píng wu3 bao3 ping2 wu pao p`ing wu pao ping go hōbyō |
five jeweled vases |
傳家寶 传家宝 see styles |
chuán jiā bǎo chuan2 jia1 bao3 ch`uan chia pao chuan chia pao |
family heirloom |
僧寶果 僧宝果 see styles |
sēng bǎo guǒ seng1 bao3 guo3 seng pao kuo sōhō ka |
The perfect arhat who has not to be reborn. |
元寶區 元宝区 see styles |
yuán bǎo qū yuan2 bao3 qu1 yüan pao ch`ü yüan pao chü |
Yuanbao district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning |
元寶山 元宝山 see styles |
yuán bǎo shān yuan2 bao3 shan1 yüan pao shan |
Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia |
充電寶 充电宝 see styles |
chōng diàn bǎo chong1 dian4 bao3 ch`ung tien pao chung tien pao |
portable charger; mobile power pack |
八寶丹 八宝丹 see styles |
bā bǎo dān ba1 bao3 dan1 pa pao tan |
eight-jewel elixir (TCM) |
八寶山 八宝山 see styles |
bā bǎo shān ba1 bao3 shan1 pa pao shan |
Mt Babao in Haidian district of Beijing |
八寶粥 八宝粥 see styles |
bā bǎo zhōu ba1 bao3 zhou1 pa pao chou |
rice congee made with red beans, lotus seeds, longan, red dates, nuts etc |
八寶飯 八宝饭 see styles |
bā bǎo fàn ba1 bao3 fan4 pa pao fan |
Eight Treasures Rice, Chinese rice pudding dessert usually made with eight types of candied fruits, nuts, seeds etc, popular during the Lunar New Year |
劉金寶 刘金宝 see styles |
liú jīn bǎo liu2 jin1 bao3 liu chin pao |
Liu Jinbao (1952-), CEO of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) 1997-2003, jailed after being convicted of embezzlement |
功德寶 功德宝 see styles |
gōng dé bǎo gong1 de2 bao3 kung te pao kudoku hō |
treasures of merit |
加多寶 加多宝 see styles |
jiā duō bǎo jia1 duo1 bao3 chia to pao |
JDB (Chinese beverage company) |
十寶山 十宝山 see styles |
shí bǎo shān shi2 bao3 shan1 shih pao shan jippōsen |
ten precious mountains |
吳仁寶 吴仁宝 see styles |
wú rén bǎo wu2 ren2 bao3 wu jen pao |
Wu Renbao (1928-2013), former CCP chief of Huaxi Village 華西村|华西村[Hua2 xi1 Cun1], responsible for turning it into a modern rich community |
嘉寶果 嘉宝果 see styles |
jiā bǎo guǒ jia1 bao3 guo3 chia pao kuo |
jaboticaba; Brazilian grape tree |
多寶塔 多宝塔 see styles |
duō bǎo tǎ duo1 bao3 ta3 to pao t`a to pao ta Tahō tō |
Tower of Prabhūtaratna[-tathāgata] |
多寶魚 多宝鱼 see styles |
duō bǎo yú duo1 bao3 yu2 to pao yü |
turbot; European imported turbot; same as 大菱鮃|大菱鲆 |
大寶嚴 大宝严 see styles |
dà bǎo yán da4 bao3 yan2 ta pao yen Dai hōgon |
Mahāratnapratimaṇḍita |
大寶坊 大宝坊 see styles |
dà bǎo fáng da4 bao3 fang2 ta pao fang dai hōbō |
The place between the desire-world and the form-world where Buddha expounded the 大集經.; The "great precious region" described in the 大集 sutra as situated between the world of desire and the world of form. |
大寶海 大宝海 see styles |
dà bǎo hǎi da4 bao3 hai3 ta pao hai daihō kai |
The "great precious ocean," (of the merit of Amitabha). |
大寶華 大宝华 see styles |
dà bǎo huā da4 bao3 hua1 ta pao hua daihō ke |
The great precious flower, a lotus made of pearls. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "寶" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.