There are 345 total results for your 執 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
執受色根 执受色根 see styles |
zhí shòu sè gēn zhi2 shou4 se4 gen1 chih shou se ken shūju shikikon |
material sense faculties that are appropriated |
執師子國 执师子国 see styles |
zhí shī zǐ guó zhi2 shi1 zi3 guo2 chih shih tzu kuo Shūshishi koku |
Siṃhala, Ceylon. |
執念深い see styles |
shuunenbukai / shunenbukai しゅうねんぶかい |
(adjective) vindictive; tenacious; persistent; spiteful; vengeful |
執我我所 执我我所 see styles |
zhí wǒ wǒ suǒ zhi2 wo3 wo3 suo3 chih wo wo so shū ga gasho |
attaches to I and mine |
執政方式 执政方式 see styles |
zhí zhèng fāng shì zhi2 zheng4 fang1 shi4 chih cheng fang shih |
governing method |
執政能力 执政能力 see styles |
zhí zhèng néng lì zhi2 zheng4 neng2 li4 chih cheng neng li |
governing capacity |
執法如山 执法如山 see styles |
zhí fǎ rú shān zhi2 fa3 ru2 shan1 chih fa ju shan |
to maintain the law as firm as a mountain (idiom); to enforce the law strictly |
執法自性 执法自性 see styles |
zhí fǎ zì xìng zhi2 fa3 zi4 xing4 chih fa tzu hsing shū hō jishō |
attachment to the own-nature of phenomena |
執爲最勝 执为最胜 see styles |
zhí wéi zuì shèng zhi2 wei2 zui4 sheng4 chih wei tsui sheng shū i saishō |
attach to (a theory) as being the best |
執相應染 执相应染 see styles |
zhí xiāng yìng rǎn zhi2 xiang1 ying4 ran3 chih hsiang ying jan shū sōō zen |
defilement associated with attachment |
執筆時点 see styles |
shippitsujiten しっぴつじてん |
(n,adv) at the time of writing |
執筆生活 see styles |
shippitsuseikatsu / shippitsusekatsu しっぴつせいかつ |
writing life; period of life spent writing |
執著動亂 执着动乱 see styles |
zhí zhuó dòng luàn zhi2 zhuo2 dong4 luan4 chih cho tung luan shūjaku dōran |
addiction and agitation |
執著常論 执着常论 see styles |
zhí zhāo cháng lùn zhi2 zhao1 chang2 lun4 chih chao ch`ang lun chih chao chang lun shūjaku jō ron |
one who asserts eternalism |
執著我見 执着我见 see styles |
zhí huó wǒ jiàn zhi2 huo2 wo3 jian4 chih huo wo chien shūjaku gaken |
attached to the view of self |
執著斷論 执着断论 see styles |
zhí zhāo duàn lùn zhi2 zhao1 duan4 lun4 chih chao tuan lun shūjaku danron |
nihilism |
執行委員 see styles |
shikkouiin / shikkoin しっこういいん |
executive committee |
執行役員 see styles |
shikkouyakuin / shikkoyakuin しっこうやくいん |
operating officer; company executive |
執行機関 see styles |
shikkoukikan / shikkokikan しっこうきかん |
executive committee; executive organ |
執行猶予 see styles |
shikkouyuuyo / shikkoyuyo しっこうゆうよ |
(yoji) stay of execution; suspended sentence |
執迷不悟 执迷不悟 see styles |
zhí mí bù wù zhi2 mi2 bu4 wu4 chih mi pu wu |
to obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way (idiom) |
執金剛神 执金刚神 see styles |
zhí jīn gāng shén zhi2 jin1 gang1 shen2 chih chin kang shen shukongoujin; shuukongoujin; shikkongoujin / shukongojin; shukongojin; shikkongojin しゅこんごうじん; しゅうこんごうじん; しっこんごうじん |
{Buddh} (See 金剛杵,仁王) Vajradhara (vajra-wielding gods) vajrapāṇi, vajradhara. Any deva-holder of the vajra. (1) Indra, who in a former incarnation took an oath to defend Buddhism, was reborn as king of the yakṣas, hence he and his yakṣas carry vajras. (2) Mañjuśrī as the spiritual reflex of the Dhyāni Buddha Akṣobhya. (3) A popular deity, the terror of all enemies of Buddhist believers, specially worshipped in exorcisms and sorcery by the Yoga school. |
九界情執 九界情执 see styles |
jiǔ jiè qíng zhí jiu3 jie4 qing2 zhi2 chiu chieh ch`ing chih chiu chieh ching chih kukai jōshū |
nine realms of retribution of afflictions |
人法二執 人法二执 see styles |
rén fǎ èr zhí ren2 fa3 er4 zhi2 jen fa erh chih ninhō nishū |
two attachments to self and phenomena |
仗義執言 仗义执言 see styles |
zhàng yì zhí yán zhang4 yi4 zhi2 yan2 chang i chih yen |
to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand on a matter of principle |
依止執受 依止执受 see styles |
yī zhǐ zhí shòu yi1 zhi3 zhi2 shou4 i chih chih shou eshi shūju |
basis and appropriation |
倶生我執 倶生我执 see styles |
jù shēng wǒ zhí ju4 sheng1 wo3 zhi2 chü sheng wo chih kushō no gashū |
inborn attachment to self |
倶生法執 倶生法执 see styles |
jù shēng fǎ zhí ju4 sheng1 fa3 zhi2 chü sheng fa chih gushō hōshū |
innate attachment to phenomena |
党執行部 see styles |
toushikkoubu / toshikkobu とうしっこうぶ |
party leadership |
八大執事 八大执事 see styles |
bā dà zhí shì ba1 da4 zhi2 shi4 pa ta chih shih hachidaishūji |
eight great officers |
分別我執 分别我执 see styles |
fēn bié wǒ zhí fen1 bie2 wo3 zhi2 fen pieh wo chih funbetsu gashū |
attachment to a self by discrimination |
分別所執 分别所执 see styles |
fēn bié suǒ zhí fen1 bie2 suo3 zhi2 fen pieh so chih funbetsu sho shū |
that which is attached to by discrimination |
分別法執 分别法执 see styles |
fēn bié fǎ zhí fen1 bie2 fa3 zhi2 fen pieh fa chih funbetsu hō shū |
discriminated attachment to phenomena |
各執一詞 各执一词 see styles |
gè zhí yī cí ge4 zhi2 yi1 ci2 ko chih i tz`u ko chih i tzu |
each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf |
各執己見 各执己见 see styles |
gè zhí jǐ jiàn ge4 zhi2 ji3 jian4 ko chih chi chien |
each sticks to his own view (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf |
各執所見 各执所见 see styles |
gè zhí suǒ jiàn ge4 zhi2 suo3 jian4 ko chih so chien |
each sticks to his own view |
名執義高 see styles |
natoriyoshitaka なとりよしたか |
(person) Natori Yoshitaka |
四執金剛 四执金刚 see styles |
sì zhí jīn gāng si4 zhi2 jin1 gang1 ssu chih chin kang shishū kongō |
The four Vajra-rulers of the four elements — earth, water, fire, wind, and of the S. E., S. W., N. W,. and N. E. |
固執己見 固执己见 see styles |
gù zhí jǐ jiàn gu4 zhi2 ji3 jian4 ku chih chi chien |
to persist in one's views |
增減二執 增减二执 see styles |
zēng jiǎn èr zhí zeng1 jian3 er4 zhi2 tseng chien erh chih zōgen nishū |
two attachments (extremes) of increase and decrease |
外道四執 外道四执 see styles |
wài dào sì zhí wai4 dao4 si4 zhi2 wai tao ssu chih gedō shishū |
four non-Buddhist doctrines [regarding causation] |
外道所執 外道所执 see styles |
wài dào suǒ zhí wai4 dao4 suo3 zhi2 wai tao so chih gedō sho shū |
adhered to by non-Buddhists |
妄執習氣 妄执习气 see styles |
wàng zhí xí qì wang4 zhi2 xi2 qi4 wang chih hsi ch`i wang chih hsi chi mōshū jikke |
karmic impressions of deluded attachment |
妄有執取 妄有执取 see styles |
wàng yǒu zhí qǔ wang4 you3 zhi2 qu3 wang yu chih ch`ü wang yu chih chü mōu shūshu |
improper adherance to |
宿執開發 宿执开发 see styles |
sù zhí kāi fā su4 zhi2 kai1 fa1 su chih k`ai fa su chih kai fa shukushū kaihotsu |
The present fruition of the meritorious character developed in previous existence. |
對治邪執 对治邪执 see styles |
duì zhì xié zhí dui4 zhi4 xie2 zhi2 tui chih hsieh chih taiji jashū |
correction of mistaken attachment |
常斷邊執 常断边执 see styles |
cháng duàn biān zhí chang2 duan4 bian1 zhi2 ch`ang tuan pien chih chang tuan pien chih jōdan henshū |
attachment to the extremes of eternalism and nihilism |
廣大執受 广大执受 see styles |
guǎng dà zhí shòu guang3 da4 zhi2 shou4 kuang ta chih shou kōdai shūju |
a large appropriation |
強制執行 see styles |
kyouseishikkou / kyoseshikko きょうせいしっこう |
{law} (compulsory) execution; seizure |
心所執受 心所执受 see styles |
xīn suǒ zhí shòu xin1 suo3 zhi2 shou4 hsin so chih shou shin sho shūju |
appropriated by the mind |
我執習氣 我执习气 see styles |
wǒ zhí xí qì wo3 zhi2 xi2 qi4 wo chih hsi ch`i wo chih hsi chi gashū jikke |
karmic impressions of self-attachment |
我愛緣執 我爱缘执 see styles |
wǒ ài yuán zhí wo3 ai4 yuan2 zhi2 wo ai yüan chih gaaienshū |
attachment to the condition of self-love |
我我所執 我我所执 see styles |
wǒ wǒ suǒ zhí wo3 wo3 suo3 zhi2 wo wo so chih ga gasho shū |
attachment to I and mine |
我法二執 我法二执 see styles |
wǒ fǎ èr zhí wo3 fa3 er4 zhi2 wo fa erh chih gahō nishū |
the two attachments to self and phenomena |
擇善固執 择善固执 see styles |
zé shàn gù zhí ze2 shan4 gu4 zhi2 tse shan ku chih |
to choose what is good and hold fast to it (idiom) |
政を執る see styles |
matsurigotootoru まつりごとをとる |
(exp,v5r) to administer the affairs of state |
業務執行 see styles |
gyoumushikkou / gyomushikko ぎょうむしっこう |
management (of corporate affairs); business execution; administration of business matters |
檔案執行 档案执行 see styles |
dàng àn zhí xíng dang4 an4 zhi2 xing2 tang an chih hsing |
file execution; executable file |
死刑執行 see styles |
shikeishikkou / shikeshikko しけいしっこう |
(adjectival noun) execution |
永斷法執 永断法执 see styles |
yǒng duàn fǎ zhí yong3 duan4 fa3 zhi2 yung tuan fa chih yōdan hōshū |
permanently eliminates attachment to phenomena |
法執分別 法执分别 see styles |
fǎ zhí fēn bié fa3 zhi2 fen1 bie2 fa chih fen pieh hōshū funbetsu |
discrimination in terms of attachment to phenomena |
法執無明 法执无明 see styles |
fǎ zhí wú míng fa3 zhi2 wu2 ming2 fa chih wu ming hōshū mumyō |
ignorance of attachment to phenomena |
無智邪執 无智邪执 see styles |
wú zhì xié zhí wu2 zhi4 xie2 zhi2 wu chih hsieh chih muchi jashū |
deluded |
爭執不下 争执不下 see styles |
zhēng zhí bù xià zheng1 zhi2 bu4 xia4 cheng chih pu hsia |
to quarrel endlessly |
狹小執受 狭小执受 see styles |
xiá xiǎo zhí shòu xia2 xiao3 zhi2 shou4 hsia hsiao chih shou kyōshō shūju |
small appropriation |
監外執行 监外执行 see styles |
jiān wài zhí xíng jian1 wai4 zhi2 xing2 chien wai chih hsing |
to serve (a sentence) outside prison (law) |
科學執政 科学执政 see styles |
kē xué zhí zhèng ke1 xue2 zhi2 zheng4 k`o hsüeh chih cheng ko hsüeh chih cheng |
governance based on rationality, evidence and scientific principles |
空有二執 空有二执 see styles |
kōng yǒu èr zhí kong1 you3 er4 zhi2 k`ung yu erh chih kung yu erh chih kūu nishū |
(or 空有二見). The two (false) tenets, or views, that karma and nirvana are not real, and that the ego and phenomena are real; these wrong views are overcome by the 空有二觀 meditating on the unreality of the ego and phenomena, and the reality of karma and nirvana. |
第二執識 第二执识 see styles |
dì èr zhí shì di4 er4 zhi2 shi4 ti erh chih shih daini shūshiki |
second attached consciousness |
筆を執る see styles |
fudeotoru ふでをとる |
(exp,v5r) to pen; to write; to draw |
總執分別 总执分别 see styles |
zǒng zhí fēn bié zong3 zhi2 fen1 bie2 tsung chih fen pieh sōshū funbetsu |
discrimination of compounds |
總執爲因 总执为因 see styles |
zǒng zhí wéi yīn zong3 zhi2 wei2 yin1 tsung chih wei yin sōshū i in |
compounds as cause |
習氣執受 习气执受 see styles |
xí qì zhí shòu xi2 qi4 zhi2 shou4 hsi ch`i chih shou hsi chi chih shou shūki shūju |
appropriation of impressions |
能執持身 能执持身 see styles |
néng zhí chí shēn neng2 zhi2 chi2 shen1 neng chih ch`ih shen neng chih chih shen nō shūji shin |
able to appropriate the body |
能所取執 能所取执 see styles |
néng suǒ qǔ zhí neng2 suo3 qu3 zhi2 neng so ch`ü chih neng so chü chih nōsho shushū |
subjective and objective grasping |
被執行人 被执行人 see styles |
bèi zhí xíng rén bei4 zhi2 xing2 ren2 pei chih hsing jen |
(law) person required to fulfill obligations set forth in a written court judgement (e.g. to pay compensation to sb) |
解釋執行 解释执行 see styles |
jiě shì zhí xíng jie3 shi4 zhi2 xing2 chieh shih chih hsing |
interpreted (computer) |
起增益執 起增益执 see styles |
qǐ zēng yì zhí qi3 zeng1 yi4 zhi2 ch`i tseng i chih chi tseng i chih ki zōyaku shū |
to attribute to |
起損減執 起损减执 see styles |
qǐ sǔn jiǎn zhí qi3 sun3 jian3 zhi2 ch`i sun chien chih chi sun chien chih ki songen shū |
one-sided preference for philosophical negation |
遍計所執 遍计所执 see styles |
biàn jì suǒ zhí bian4 ji4 suo3 zhi2 pien chi so chih henge shoshū |
pervasively discriminated |
邪分別執 邪分别执 see styles |
xié fēn bié zhí xie2 fen1 bie2 zhi2 hsieh fen pieh chih ja funbetsu shū |
mistakenly discriminated attachment |
部執異論 部执异论 see styles |
bù zhí yì lùn bu4 zhi2 yi4 lun4 pu chih i lun Bushūi ron |
Buzhiyi lun |
釣魚執法 钓鱼执法 see styles |
diào yú zhí fǎ diao4 yu2 zhi2 fa3 tiao yü chih fa |
(law) entrapment |
隨言執著 随言执着 see styles |
suí yán zhí zhuó sui2 yan2 zhi2 zhuo2 sui yen chih cho zuigon shūjaku |
attaching to the meaning of the words |
駕駛執照 驾驶执照 see styles |
jià shǐ zhí zhào jia4 shi3 zhi2 zhao4 chia shih chih chao |
driver's license |
執行指揮官 执行指挥官 see styles |
zhí xíng zhǐ huī guān zhi2 xing2 zhi3 hui1 guan1 chih hsing chih hui kuan |
executing commander |
了別內執受 了别内执受 see styles |
liǎo bié nèi zhí shòu liao3 bie2 nei4 zhi2 shou4 liao pieh nei chih shou ryōbetsu naishūju |
perception of inner appropriation |
事務を執る see styles |
jimuotoru じむをとる |
(exp,v5r) to do (attend to) business |
倶生人我執 倶生人我执 see styles |
jù shēng rén wǒ zhí ju4 sheng1 ren2 wo3 zhi2 chü sheng jen wo chih gushō ninga shū |
innate grasping of self and person |
倶生法我執 倶生法我执 see styles |
jù shēng fǎ wǒ zhí ju4 sheng1 fa3 wo3 zhi2 chü sheng fa wo chih gushō hōga shū |
innate grasping at the self of a phenomenon |
偏執症患者 see styles |
henshitsushoukanja / henshitsushokanja へんしつしょうかんじゃ |
paranoid (person) |
偏計所執法 偏计所执法 see styles |
piān jì suǒ zhí fǎ pian1 ji4 suo3 zhi2 fa3 p`ien chi so chih fa pien chi so chih fa henge shoshū no hō |
pervasively imagined phenomena |
分別人我執 分别人我执 see styles |
fēn bié rén wǒ zhí fen1 bie2 ren2 wo3 zhi2 fen pieh jen wo chih funbetsu ningashū |
attachment to the imputation of a self |
分別執爲我 分别执为我 see styles |
fēn bié zhí wéi wǒ fen1 bie2 zhi2 wei2 wo3 fen pieh chih wei wo funbetsu shū iga |
to discriminate and attach to (the five aggregates, etc.) as self |
分別法我執 分别法我执 see styles |
fēn bié fǎ wǒ zhí fen1 bie2 fa3 wo3 zhi2 fen pieh fa wo chih funbetsu hōga shū |
attachment to the imputation of inherent existence of phenomena |
四十八執事 四十八执事 see styles |
sì shí bā zhí shì si4 shi2 ba1 zhi2 shi4 ssu shih pa chih shih shijūhachi shūji |
forty-eight positions |
徧計所執性 徧计所执性 see styles |
biàn jì suǒ zhí xìng bian4 ji4 suo3 zhi2 xing4 pien chi so chih hsing henge shoshū shō |
The nature of the unenlightened, holding to the tenet that everything is calculable or reliable, i.e. is what it appears to be. |
手執金剛杵 手执金刚杵 see styles |
shǒu zhí jīn gāng chǔ shou3 zhi2 jin1 gang1 chu3 shou chih chin kang ch`u shou chih chin kang chu Shushū kongō sho |
Vajrapāṇi, or Vajradhara, who holds the thunderbolt. |
指揮を執る see styles |
shikiotoru しきをとる |
(exp,v5r) to take command; to give direction |
政務を執る see styles |
seimuotoru / semuotoru せいむをとる |
(exp,v5r) to administer affairs of state; to attend to government affairs |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "執" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.