There are 348 total results for your 均 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
竹内均 see styles |
takeuchihitoshi たけうちひとし |
(person) Takeuchi Hitoshi (1920.7-) |
芦田均 see styles |
ashidahitoshi あしだひとし |
(person) Ashida Hitoshi |
行方均 see styles |
namekatahitoshi なめかたひとし |
(person) Namekata Hitoshi |
辻村均 see styles |
tsujimurahitoshi つじむらひとし |
(person) Tsujimura Hitoshi (1938.5-) |
週平均 see styles |
shuuheikin / shuhekin しゅうへいきん |
weekly average |
道均し see styles |
michinarashi みちならし |
road leveling; road levelling |
金学均 see styles |
kingakukin きんがくきん |
(personal name) Kingakukin |
金玉均 see styles |
kingyokukin きんぎょくきん |
(person) Kim Ok-gyun (1851.2.23-1894.3.28; Korean activist) |
陸均松 陆均松 see styles |
lù jun sōng lu4 jun1 song1 lu chün sung |
podocarp tree (Dacrydium pierrei) |
非均質 非均质 see styles |
fēi jun zhì fei1 jun1 zhi4 fei chün chih |
inhomogeneous |
高木均 see styles |
takagihitoshi たかぎひとし |
(person) Takagi Hitoshi (1925.2.26-2004.2.11) |
均一価格 see styles |
kinitsukakaku きんいつかかく |
uniform price |
均一料金 see styles |
kinitsuryoukin / kinitsuryokin きんいつりょうきん |
uniform fee; flat fee |
均等割り see styles |
kintouwari / kintowari きんとうわり |
per capita basis; per capita rate; equal apportionment |
均等割付 see styles |
kintouwaritsuke / kintowaritsuke きんとうわりつけ |
(computer terminology) equal space |
均線指標 均线指标 see styles |
jun xiàn zhǐ biāo jun1 xian4 zhi3 biao1 chün hsien chih piao |
moving average index (used in financial analysis) |
均衡予算 see styles |
kinkouyosan / kinkoyosan きんこうよさん |
balanced budget |
均衡価格 see styles |
kinkoukakaku / kinkokakaku きんこうかかく |
equilibrium price |
均衡経済 see styles |
kinkoukeizai / kinkokezai きんこうけいざい |
balanced economy |
ダウ平均 see styles |
dauheikin / dauhekin ダウへいきん |
(abbreviation) {stockm} (See ダウ式平均株価) Dow (Jones); Dow Jones Industrial Average |
不均質性 see styles |
fukinshitsusei / fukinshitsuse ふきんしつせい |
heterogeneity |
中村均一 see styles |
nakamurakinichi なかむらきんいち |
(person) Nakamura Kin'ichi |
中條均紀 see styles |
nakajoumasanori / nakajomasanori なかじょうまさのり |
(person) Nakajō Masanori |
五十嵐均 see styles |
igarashihitoshi いがらしひとし |
(person) Igarashi Hitoshi |
力量均衡 see styles |
lì liàng jun héng li4 liang4 jun1 heng2 li liang chün heng |
balance of power |
加權平均 加权平均 see styles |
jiā quán píng jun jia1 quan2 ping2 jun1 chia ch`üan p`ing chün chia chüan ping chün |
weighted average |
加重平均 see styles |
kajuuheikin / kajuhekin かじゅうへいきん |
weighted average |
勢力均衡 see styles |
seiryokukinkou / seryokukinko せいりょくきんこう |
balance of power |
勢均力敵 势均力敌 see styles |
shì jun - lì dí shi4 jun1 - li4 di2 shih chün - li ti |
(idiom) evenly matched |
単純平均 see styles |
tanjunheikin / tanjunhekin たんじゅんへいきん |
simple average; arithmetic average |
国内均衡 see styles |
kokunaikinkou / kokunaikinko こくないきんこう |
domestic equilibrium; internal balance; internal equilibrium |
土を均す see styles |
tsuchionarasu つちをならす |
(exp,v5s) to level the ground |
地を均す see styles |
jionarasu じをならす |
(exp,v5s) to level the ground |
地殻均衡 see styles |
chikakukinkou / chikakukinko ちかくきんこう |
{geol} (See アイソスタシー) isostasy |
定慧均等 see styles |
dìng huì jun děng ding4 hui4 jun1 deng3 ting hui chün teng jōe kintō |
the balance of concentration and wisdom |
市場均衡 see styles |
shijoukinkou / shijokinko しじょうきんこう |
market equilibrium |
平均主義 平均主义 see styles |
píng jun zhǔ yì ping2 jun1 zhu3 yi4 p`ing chün chu i ping chün chu i |
egalitarianism |
平均余命 see styles |
heikinyomei / hekinyome へいきんよめい |
life expectancy |
平均偏差 see styles |
heikinhensa / hekinhensa へいきんへんさ |
mean deviation |
平均劑量 平均剂量 see styles |
píng jun jì liàng ping2 jun1 ji4 liang4 p`ing chün chi liang ping chün chi liang |
average dose |
平均壽命 平均寿命 see styles |
píng jun shòu mìng ping2 jun1 shou4 ming4 p`ing chün shou ming ping chün shou ming |
life expectancy See: 平均寿命 |
平均太陽 see styles |
heikintaiyou / hekintaiyo へいきんたいよう |
mean sun |
平均寿命 see styles |
heikinjumyou / hekinjumyo へいきんじゅみょう |
(1) life expectancy (at birth); average life span; (2) {physics} mean lifetime |
平均年齢 see styles |
heikinnenrei / hekinnenre へいきんねんれい |
average age |
平均指數 平均指数 see styles |
píng jun zhǐ shù ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4 p`ing chün chih shu ping chün chih shu |
average index (e.g. Dow Jones or Nikkei index) |
平均收入 see styles |
píng jun shōu rù ping2 jun1 shou1 ru4 p`ing chün shou ju ping chün shou ju |
average income |
平均月収 see styles |
heikingesshuu / hekingesshu へいきんげっしゅう |
average monthly salary |
平均株価 see styles |
heikinkabuka / hekinkabuka へいきんかぶか |
stock price average |
平均気温 see styles |
heikinkion / hekinkion へいきんきおん |
average temperature |
平均氣溫 平均气温 see styles |
píng jun qì wēn ping2 jun1 qi4 wen1 p`ing chün ch`i wen ping chün chi wen |
average temperature |
平均給与 see styles |
heikinkyuuyo / hekinkyuyo へいきんきゅうよ |
average wage |
平均費用 see styles |
heikinhiyou / hekinhiyo へいきんひよう |
average cost |
平均身長 see styles |
heikinshinchou / hekinshincho へいきんしんちょう |
average height; average body height |
平均速度 see styles |
heikinsokudo / hekinsokudo へいきんそくど |
average speed |
年均日照 see styles |
nián jun rì zhào nian2 jun1 ri4 zhao4 nien chün jih chao |
average annual sunshine |
幾何平均 see styles |
kikaheikin / kikahekin きかへいきん |
{math} geometric mean |
拡大均衡 see styles |
kakudaikinkou / kakudaikinko かくだいきんこう |
an expanded or expanding equilibrium |
掻き均す see styles |
kakinarasu かきならす |
(transitive verb) to smooth out |
日経平均 see styles |
nikkeiheikin / nikkehekin にっけいへいきん |
{stockm} (See 日経平均株価) Nikkei Stock Average; Nikkei 225 |
日經平均 日经平均 see styles |
rì jīng píng jun ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 jih ching p`ing chün jih ching ping chün |
Nikkei 225 stock market index |
標本平均 see styles |
hyouhonheikin / hyohonhekin ひょうほんへいきん |
{math} sample mean; sample average |
機会均等 see styles |
kikaikintou / kikaikinto きかいきんとう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) equal opportunity |
派閥均衡 see styles |
habatsukinkou / habatsukinko はばつきんこう |
balance of power among factions (within a political party); factional balance |
相乗平均 see styles |
soujouheikin / sojohekin そうじょうへいきん |
{math} (See 幾何平均) geometric mean |
相加平均 see styles |
soukaheikin / sokahekin そうかへいきん |
{math} (See 算術平均) arithmetic mean |
移動平均 see styles |
idouheikin / idohekin いどうへいきん |
{stat} moving average |
算術平均 算术平均 see styles |
suàn shù píng jun suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1 suan shu p`ing chün suan shu ping chün sanjutsuheikin / sanjutsuhekin さんじゅつへいきん |
arithmetic mean (math.) {math} arithmetic mean |
縮小均衡 see styles |
shukushoukinkou / shukushokinko しゅくしょうきんこう |
{econ} balanced contraction; diminishing equilibrium; reductive balance |
菊池均也 see styles |
kikuchikinya きくちきんや |
(person) Kikuchi Kin'ya (1965.11.28-) |
調和平均 see styles |
chouwaheikin / chowahekin ちょうわへいきん |
{math} harmonic mean |
負載均衡 负载均衡 see styles |
fù zǎi jun héng fu4 zai3 jun1 heng2 fu tsai chün heng |
(computing) load balancing |
踏み均す see styles |
fuminarasu ふみならす |
(transitive verb) to trample flat; to beat a path |
部分均衡 see styles |
bubunkinkou / bubunkinko ぶぶんきんこう |
partial equilibrium |
Variations: |
narashi ならし |
average; leveling; levelling |
Variations: |
narasu ならす |
(transitive verb) (1) (kana only) to make even; to make smooth; to make level; to flatten; (transitive verb) (2) (kana only) to average |
一目均衡表 see styles |
ichimokukinkouhyou / ichimokukinkohyo いちもくきんこうひょう |
ichimoku; chart analysis method for forecasting price movement |
十二平均律 see styles |
shí èr píng jun lǜ shi2 er4 ping2 jun1 lu:4 shih erh p`ing chün lü shih erh ping chün lü |
equal temperament |
地殻均衡説 see styles |
chikakukinkousetsu / chikakukinkosetsu ちかくきんこうせつ |
(rare) {geol} (See アイソスタシー) (theory of) isostasy |
平均レート see styles |
heikinreeto / hekinreeto へいきんレート |
{comp} average rate |
平均值定理 see styles |
píng jun zhí dìng lǐ ping2 jun1 zhi2 ding4 li3 p`ing chün chih ting li ping chün chih ting li |
the mean value theorem (in calculus) |
平均太陽日 see styles |
heikintaiyoujitsu / hekintaiyojitsu へいきんたいようじつ |
mean solar day |
平均太陽時 see styles |
heikintaiyouji / hekintaiyoji へいきんたいようじ |
mean solar time |
平均情報量 see styles |
heikinjouhouryou / hekinjohoryo へいきんじょうほうりょう |
{comp} entropy; mean information content; average information content |
平均成本法 see styles |
píng jun chéng běn fǎ ping2 jun1 cheng2 ben3 fa3 p`ing chün ch`eng pen fa ping chün cheng pen fa |
(finance) dollar cost averaging |
平均海水面 see styles |
heikinkaisuimen / hekinkaisuimen へいきんかいすいめん |
mean sea level |
平均視聴率 see styles |
heikinshichouritsu / hekinshichoritsu へいきんしちょうりつ |
average audience rating |
平均近点角 see styles |
heikinkintenkaku / hekinkintenkaku へいきんきんてんかく |
{astron} mean anomaly |
平方平均數 平方平均数 see styles |
píng fāng píng jun shù ping2 fang1 ping2 jun1 shu4 p`ing fang p`ing chün shu ping fang ping chün shu |
root mean square (RMS); quadratic root |
年均增長率 年均增长率 see styles |
nián jun zēng zhǎng lǜ nian2 jun1 zeng1 zhang3 lu:4 nien chün tseng chang lü |
annual rate of growth |
幾何平均數 几何平均数 see styles |
jǐ hé píng jun shù ji3 he2 ping2 jun1 shu4 chi ho p`ing chün shu chi ho ping chün shu |
geometric mean |
移動平均法 see styles |
idouheikinhou / idohekinho いどうへいきんほう |
{finc;stat} moving average method |
移動平均線 移动平均线 see styles |
yí dòng píng jun xiàn yi2 dong4 ping2 jun1 xian4 i tung p`ing chün hsien i tung ping chün hsien idouheikinsen / idohekinsen いどうへいきんせん |
moving average (in financial analysis) {stat} moving average (line) |
算術平均數 算术平均数 see styles |
suàn shù píng jun shù suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1 shu4 suan shu p`ing chün shu suan shu ping chün shu |
arithmetic mean |
調和平均數 调和平均数 see styles |
tiáo hé píng jun shù tiao2 he2 ping2 jun1 shu4 t`iao ho p`ing chün shu tiao ho ping chün shu |
harmonic mean |
均等割り付け see styles |
kintouwaritsuke / kintowaritsuke きんとうわりつけ |
(computer terminology) equal space |
均衡予算乗数 see styles |
kinkouyosanjousuu / kinkoyosanjosu きんこうよさんじょうすう |
balanced budget multiplier |
ダウ平均株価 see styles |
dauheikinkabuka / dauhekinkabuka ダウへいきんかぶか |
{stockm} Dow Jones Industrial Average |
ナッシュ均衡 see styles |
nasshukinkou / nasshukinko ナッシュきんこう |
Nash equilibrium |
一般均衡理論 see styles |
ippankinkouriron / ippankinkoriron いっぱんきんこうりろん |
general equilibrium theory |
平均への回帰 see styles |
heikinhenokaiki / hekinhenokaiki へいきんへのかいき |
(exp,n) {stat} regression toward the mean; regression to the mean |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "均" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.