There are 1306 total results for your 反 search. I have created 14 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
下反 see styles |
shimozori しもぞり |
(surname) Shimozori |
不反 see styles |
bù fǎn bu4 fan3 pu fan fuhon |
does not oppose |
中反 see styles |
nakazori なかぞり |
(place-name) Nakazori |
乖反 see styles |
guāi fǎn guai1 fan3 kuai fan kehon |
opposition |
九反 see styles |
kiyuutan / kiyutan きゆうたん |
(surname) Kiyūtan |
二反 see styles |
nitan にたん |
(surname) Nitan |
五反 see styles |
gotan ごたん |
(surname) Gotan |
倒反 see styles |
dào fǎn dao4 fan3 tao fan |
instead; on the contrary; contrary (to expectations) |
八反 see styles |
hatsutan はつたん |
(abbreviation) twilled fabric; (place-name, surname) Hatsutan |
六反 see styles |
liù fǎn liu4 fan3 liu fan rokutan ろくたん |
(surname) Rokutan six times |
前反 see styles |
maesori まえそり |
(surname) Maesori |
加反 see styles |
kasori かそり |
(surname) Kasori |
北反 see styles |
kitazori きたぞり |
(place-name) Kitazori |
千反 see styles |
sendan せんだん |
(place-name) Sendan |
原反 see styles |
gentan げんたん |
original fabric; whole cloth |
向反 see styles |
mukaizori むかいぞり |
(place-name) Mukaizori |
士反 see styles |
shitan したん |
(surname) Shitan |
大反 see styles |
oosori おおそり |
(place-name) Oosori |
對反 对反 see styles |
duì fǎn dui4 fan3 tui fan taihon |
opposite |
小反 see styles |
kozori こぞり |
(place-name) Kozori |
川反 see styles |
kawabata かわばた |
(place-name) Kawabata |
平反 see styles |
píng fǎn ping2 fan3 p`ing fan ping fan |
to redress (an injustice); to rehabilitate (sb whose reputation was unjustly sullied) |
後反 see styles |
gotan ごたん |
(surname) Gotan |
悖反 see styles |
haihan はいはん |
(noun/participle) revolting; rebellion; going against; contradiction; antinomy |
排反 see styles |
haihan はいはん |
(adjectival noun) {stat} mutually exclusive |
根反 see styles |
nesori ねそり |
(place-name, surname) Nesori |
森反 see styles |
moritan もりたん |
(surname) Moritan |
正反 see styles |
zhèng fǎn zheng4 fan3 cheng fan |
positive and negative; pros and cons; inside and outside |
減反 see styles |
gentan げんたん |
(noun/participle) reduction (of crop size); reduction of acreage (under cultivation) |
相反 see styles |
xiāng fǎn xiang1 fan3 hsiang fan souhan / sohan そうはん |
opposite; contrary (1) mutual opposition; contrariety; contradiction; (2) {genet} (See 相引) repulsion contradictory |
穿反 see styles |
chuān fǎn chuan1 fan3 ch`uan fan chuan fan |
to wear inside out (clothes) |
策反 see styles |
cè fǎn ce4 fan3 ts`e fan tse fan |
to instigate (rebellion etc); incitement (e.g. to desertion within opposing camp) |
肅反 肃反 see styles |
sù fǎn su4 fan3 su fan |
to eliminate counterrevolutionaries (abbr. for 肅清反革命分子|肃清反革命分子[su4 qing1 fan3 ge2 ming4 fen4 zi3]) |
背反 see styles |
haihan はいはん |
(noun/participle) revolting; rebellion; going against; contradiction; antinomy |
自反 see styles |
zì fǎn zi4 fan3 tzu fan |
to introspect; to self-reflect; (math.) reflexive |
謀反 谋反 see styles |
móu fǎn mou2 fan3 mou fan muhen; bouhen / muhen; bohen むへん; ぼうへん |
to plot a rebellion; to conspire against the state (archaism) (sometimes むほん) (See 八虐) plotting to overthrow the government (by assassinating the emperor) |
逆反 see styles |
nì fǎn ni4 fan3 ni fan |
rebellious behavior; opposite; ob- |
造反 see styles |
zào fǎn zao4 fan3 tsao fan zouhan / zohan ぞうはん |
to rebel; to revolt (n,vs,vi) rebellion |
違反 违反 see styles |
wéi fǎn wei2 fan3 wei fan ihan いはん |
to violate (a law) (n,vs,vi) (See 違犯・いはん) violation; offense; offence; breach; transgression; infringement; contravention a failing |
離反 see styles |
rihan りはん |
(noun/participle) estrangement; alienation; disaffection |
高反 see styles |
gāo fǎn gao1 fan3 kao fan |
altitude sickness; abbr. for 高原反應|高原反应[gao1 yuan2 fan3 ying4] |
鴨反 see styles |
kamosori かもそり |
(surname) Kamosori |
Variations: |
tan たん |
(1) variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for kimonos: at least 10 m in length; for haori: at least 7.27 m in length; for other clothes: at least 6.06 m in length; (2) 300 tsubo (991.74 meters square, 0.24506 acres); (3) six ken (10.91 m) |
反すう see styles |
hansuu / hansu はんすう |
(n,vs,adj-no) (1) rumination; regurgitation; chewing the cud; (noun/participle) (2) turning over in one's mind; thinking over something; pondering; musing; rumination (about a subject) |
反する see styles |
hansuru はんする |
(vs-s,vi) (1) to be contrary to; to be inconsistent with; to contradict; (2) to act contrary to (rules or guidelines); to violate; to transgress; (3) to oppose; to rebel; to revolt |
反っ歯 see styles |
soppa そっぱ |
prominent front teeth; buckteeth; projecting teeth |
反ばく see styles |
hanbaku はんばく |
(noun/participle) refutation; rebuttal; retort |
反らす see styles |
sorasu そらす |
(transitive verb) to bend; to warp; to curve |
反り形 see styles |
sorikata そりかた |
warped shape |
反り手 see styles |
sorite そりて |
{sumo} falling techniques |
反り橋 see styles |
sorihashi; soribashi そりはし; そりばし |
arched bridge |
反り田 see styles |
sorida そりだ |
(place-name) Sorida |
反り目 see styles |
sorime そりめ |
(surname) Sorime |
反り身 see styles |
sorimi そりみ |
strutting; sticking out the chest |
反セム see styles |
hansemu はんセム |
(abbreviation) (See 反セム主義) anti-Semitism |
反ワク see styles |
hanwaku はんワク |
(adj-no,n) (abbreviation) (colloquialism) (See 反ワクチン) anti-vaccine; anti-vax; anti-vaxx |
反下川 see styles |
sorishitagawa そりしたがわ |
(place-name) Sorishitagawa |
反主流 see styles |
hanshuryuu / hanshuryu はんしゅりゅう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) anti-mainstream; fringe |
反乱者 see styles |
hanransha はんらんしゃ |
rebel; insurgent |
反乱軍 see styles |
hanrangun はんらんぐん |
rebel army |
反人類 反人类 see styles |
fǎn rén lèi fan3 ren2 lei4 fan jen lei |
inhuman |
反体制 see styles |
hantaisei / hantaise はんたいせい |
anti-establishment |
反作用 see styles |
fǎn zuò yòng fan3 zuo4 yong4 fan tso yung hansayou / hansayo はんさよう |
opposite reaction reaction |
反傾銷 反倾销 see styles |
fǎn qīng xiāo fan3 qing1 xiao1 fan ch`ing hsiao fan ching hsiao |
anti-dumping |
反光鏡 反光镜 see styles |
fǎn guāng jìng fan3 guang1 jing4 fan kuang ching |
reflector (typically concave, as in a torch); mirror (typically plane or convex) |
反光面 see styles |
fǎn guāng miàn fan3 guang1 mian4 fan kuang mien |
reflecting surface |
反函數 反函数 see styles |
fǎn hán shù fan3 han2 shu4 fan han shu |
inverse function (math.) |
反則金 see styles |
hansokukin はんそくきん |
fine |
反動家 see styles |
handouka / handoka はんどうか |
reactionary |
反動派 反动派 see styles |
fǎn dòng pài fan3 dong4 pai4 fan tung p`ai fan tung pai handouha / handoha はんどうは |
reactionaries the reactionaries |
反動減 see styles |
handougen / handogen はんどうげん |
downturn (as a reaction to some event); decline |
反動的 see styles |
handouteki / handoteki はんどうてき |
(adjectival noun) reactionary |
反古塚 see styles |
hogozuka ほごづか |
(place-name) Hogozuka |
反古山 see styles |
houguyama / hoguyama ほうぐやま |
(place-name) Houguyama |
反古籠 see styles |
hogukago ほぐかご |
wastebasket |
反台鉋 see styles |
soridaikanna そりだいかんな |
wooden plane with a convex base curved in the cutting direction |
反問句 反问句 see styles |
fǎn wèn jù fan3 wen4 ju4 fan wen chü |
rhetorical question |
反問記 反问记 see styles |
fǎn wèn jì fan3 wen4 ji4 fan wen chi hanmonki |
interrogatory answer |
反嘴鷸 反嘴鹬 see styles |
fǎn zuǐ yù fan3 zui3 yu4 fan tsui yü sorihashishigi; sorihashishigi そりはししぎ; ソリハシシギ |
(bird species of China) pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) (kana only) Terek sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) |
反圍剿 反围剿 see styles |
fǎn wéi jiǎo fan3 wei2 jiao3 fan wei chiao |
communist attack against the Guomindang's encircle and annihilate campaign |
反坦克 see styles |
fǎn tǎn kè fan3 tan3 ke4 fan t`an k`o fan tan ko |
anti-tank |
反基督 see styles |
fǎn jī dū fan3 ji1 du1 fan chi tu |
the anti-Christ |
反壟斷 反垄断 see styles |
fǎn lǒng duàn fan3 long3 duan4 fan lung tuan |
antitrust |
反変性 see styles |
hanpensei / hanpense はんぺんせい |
{math} (See 反変・はんぺん) contravariance |
反季節 反季节 see styles |
fǎn jì jié fan3 ji4 jie2 fan chi chieh |
off-season; out-of-season |
反定立 see styles |
hanteiritsu / hanteritsu はんていりつ |
antithesis |
反対側 see styles |
hantaigawa はんたいがわ |
opposite side; opposition |
反対党 see styles |
hantaitou / hantaito はんたいとう |
opposition party |
反対派 see styles |
hantaiha はんたいは |
opposition faction |
反対番 see styles |
hantaiban はんたいばん |
the opposite team in a two-turns work group |
反対票 see styles |
hantaihyou / hantaihyo はんたいひょう |
(See 賛成票・さんせいひょう) vote against; no vote; nay |
反対者 see styles |
hantaisha はんたいしゃ |
foe; opponent; adversary; dissenter |
反対色 see styles |
hantaishoku はんたいしょく |
clashing colors; clashing colours |
反対語 see styles |
hantaigo はんたいご |
{ling} antonym |
反対論 see styles |
hantairon はんたいろん |
opposing argument |
反射光 see styles |
fǎn shè guāng fan3 she4 guang1 fan she kuang hanshakou / hanshako はんしゃこう |
to reflect light; reflection; reflected light reflected light |
反射弧 see styles |
fǎn shè hú fan3 she4 hu2 fan she hu |
reflex arc |
反射材 see styles |
hanshazai はんしゃざい |
safety reflector; reflector; reflective material |
反射板 see styles |
hanshaban はんしゃばん |
reflector; reflective plate |
反射波 see styles |
hanshaha はんしゃは |
reflected wave; rebounded wave; echo |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "反" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.