There are 593 total results for your 参 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
降参 see styles |
kousan / kosan こうさん |
(n,vs,vi) (1) surrender; submission; capitulation; (n,vs,vi) (2) being defeated (e.g. by a problem); giving up; giving in |
隆参 see styles |
ryuuzan / ryuzan りゅうざん |
(given name) Ryūzan |
預参 see styles |
yosan よさん |
(noun/participle) act of joining a crowd or assembly of people; attendance |
高參 高参 see styles |
gāo cān gao1 can1 kao ts`an kao tsan |
senior staff officer; staff officer of great talent |
魯参 see styles |
rosan ろさん |
(given name) Rosan |
黨參 党参 see styles |
dǎng shēn dang3 shen1 tang shen |
poor man's ginseng (Codonopsis pilosula); codonopsis root (used in TCM) |
参じる see styles |
sanjiru さんじる |
(Ichidan verb) (1) (See 参ずる・1) to come; to go; (Ichidan verb) (2) (See 参ずる・2) to participate; (Ichidan verb) (3) (See 参ずる・3) to perform Zen meditation |
参する see styles |
sanzuru さんずる |
(vz,vi) (1) (humble language) (See 参じる・1,参る・1) to come; to go; (vz,vi) (2) (See 参じる・2) to participate; (vz,vi) (3) (See 参じる・3) to perform Zen meditation |
参った see styles |
maitta; maitta(sk) まいった; マイッタ(sk) |
(interjection) (kana only) (See 参る・2) I'm beaten; I give up; touché; you've got me there |
参与官 see styles |
sanyokan さんよかん |
parliamentary councillor; parliamentary councilor |
参与者 see styles |
sanyosha さんよしゃ |
participant |
参之助 see styles |
sannosuke さんのすけ |
(male given name) Sannosuke |
参事会 see styles |
sanjikai さんじかい |
council |
参事官 see styles |
sanjikan さんじかん |
councillor; councilor |
参会者 see styles |
sankaisha さんかいしゃ |
attendee; participant |
参六九 see styles |
miroku みろく |
(given name) Miroku |
参列者 see styles |
sanretsusha さんれつしゃ |
attendant; attendee |
参加国 see styles |
sankakoku さんかこく |
participating nation |
参加型 see styles |
sankagata さんかがた |
(can be adjective with の) participatory; participating; hands-on |
参加料 see styles |
sankaryou / sankaryo さんかりょう |
participation fee; entry fee |
参加枠 see styles |
sankawaku さんかわく |
limit on participation |
参加者 see styles |
sankasha さんかしゃ |
participant; entrant; player; competitor |
参加費 see styles |
sankahi さんかひ |
entrance fee; participation cost |
参加賞 see styles |
sankashou / sankasho さんかしょう |
participation award; prize for participation |
参太郎 see styles |
santarou / santaro さんたろう |
(male given name) Santarō |
参奈子 see styles |
minako みなこ |
(female given name) Minako |
参宮橋 see styles |
sanguubashi / sangubashi さんぐうばし |
(place-name) Sanguubashi |
参宮線 see styles |
sanguusen / sangusen さんぐうせん |
(personal name) Sanguusen |
参宮通 see styles |
sanguudoori / sangudoori さんぐうどおり |
(place-name) Sanguudoori |
参拝客 see styles |
sanpaikyaku さんぱいきゃく |
(See 参拝者・さんぱいしゃ) visitor (to a shrine or temple) |
参拝者 see styles |
sanpaisha さんぱいしゃ |
worshipper; worshiper; visitor (to a shrine or temple); pilgrim |
参政党 see styles |
sanseitou / sanseto さんせいとう |
Sanseito (political party); (o) Sanseito (political party) |
参政官 see styles |
sanseikan / sansekan さんせいかん |
parliamentary under-secretary |
参政権 see styles |
sanseiken / sanseken さんせいけん |
suffrage; franchise |
参日市 see styles |
mikkaichi みっかいち |
(surname) Mikkaichi |
参日町 see styles |
mikkamachi みっかまち |
(surname) Mikkamachi |
参照先 see styles |
sanshousaki / sanshosaki さんしょうさき |
{comp} referent |
参照型 see styles |
sanshougata / sanshogata さんしょうがた |
{comp} reference type |
参照権 see styles |
sanshouken / sanshoken さんしょうけん |
{comp} access right |
参照線 see styles |
sanshousen / sanshosen さんしょうせん |
{comp} reference line |
参考人 see styles |
sankounin / sankonin さんこうにん |
(1) person given as a reference; witness; (2) potential suspect; person of interest; (3) witness |
参考品 see styles |
sankouhin / sankohin さんこうひん |
reference materials; specimen for reference; reference item; specimen |
参考書 see styles |
sankousho / sankosho さんこうしょ |
reference book; study-aid book; supplemental textbook; student handbook |
参考本 see styles |
sankoubon / sankobon さんこうぼん |
(See 参考書) reference book |
参耕地 see styles |
sankouchi / sankochi さんこうち |
(place-name) Sankouchi |
参観人 see styles |
sankannin さんかんにん |
(See 参観者) visitor |
参観日 see styles |
sankanbi さんかんび |
parents' observation day (at school); parents' visiting day; open day |
参観者 see styles |
sankansha さんかんしゃ |
visitor |
参詣人 see styles |
sankeinin / sankenin さんけいにん |
(See 参拝者) worshipper; worshiper; visitor (to temple or shrine) |
参詣森 see styles |
sankemori さんけもり |
(personal name) Sankemori |
参詣者 see styles |
sankeisha / sankesha さんけいしゃ |
worshipper; pilgrim; visitor to temple or shrine |
参詣道 see styles |
sankeimichi; sankeidou / sankemichi; sankedo さんけいみち; さんけいどう |
pilgrimage route; pilgrimage road |
参謀長 see styles |
sanbouchou / sanbocho さんぼうちょう |
{mil} (See 参謀・1) chief of staff |
参議等 see styles |
sangihitoshi さんぎひとし |
(personal name) Sangihitoshi |
参議篁 see styles |
sangitakamura さんぎたかむら |
(person) Sangitakamura (alias of Ono no Takamura) |
参議院 see styles |
sangiin / sangin さんぎいん |
(See 衆議院) House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan) |
参賀帳 see styles |
sangachou / sangacho さんがちょう |
congratulatory visitor's book |
参賀者 see styles |
sangasha さんがしゃ |
congratulatory visitors |
参郎助 see styles |
saburousuke / saburosuke さぶろうすけ |
(personal name) Saburousuke |
参野町 see styles |
sanjinochou / sanjinocho さんじのちょう |
(place-name) Sanjinochō |
参院選 see styles |
saninsen さんいんせん |
(abbreviation) (See 参議院選挙) House of Councillors election; upper house election |
参集殿 see styles |
sanshuuden / sanshuden さんしゅうでん |
assembly hall of a shrine (used for weddings, banquets, etc.) |
参鶏湯 see styles |
samugetan サムゲタン |
samgyetang (Korean dish) (kor:); chicken ginseng soup |
お参り see styles |
omairi おまいり |
(noun/participle) worship; shrine visit |
上参郷 see styles |
kamisangou / kamisango かみさんごう |
(surname) Kamisangou |
不参加 see styles |
fusanka ふさんか |
nonparticipation; nonattendance |
五參日 五参日 see styles |
wǔ sān rì wu3 san1 ri4 wu san jih go san nichi |
worship on the fifth day |
人参場 see styles |
ninjinba にんじんば |
(place-name) Ninjinba |
人参島 see styles |
ninjinjima にんじんじま |
(personal name) Ninjinjima |
初参り see styles |
hatsumairi はつまいり |
(noun/participle) first shrine visit of the New Year |
參兩院 参两院 see styles |
cān liǎng yuàn can1 liang3 yuan4 ts`an liang yüan tsan liang yüan |
both houses of US Congress |
參加者 参加者 see styles |
cān jiā zhě can1 jia1 zhe3 ts`an chia che tsan chia che |
participant See: 参加者 |
參卡爾 参卡尔 see styles |
cān kǎ ěr can1 ka3 er3 ts`an k`a erh tsan ka erh |
Ivan Cankar (1876-1918), Slovenian modernist writer |
參宿七 参宿七 see styles |
shēn xiù qī shen1 xiu4 qi1 shen hsiu ch`i shen hsiu chi |
Rigel (star); lit. seventh star of the Three Stars Chinese constellation |
參政權 参政权 see styles |
cān zhèng quán can1 zheng4 quan2 ts`an cheng ch`üan tsan cheng chüan |
suffrage; voting rights |
參照系 参照系 see styles |
cān zhào xì can1 zhao4 xi4 ts`an chao hsi tsan chao hsi |
frame of reference; coordinate frame (math.) |
參考書 参考书 see styles |
cān kǎo shū can1 kao3 shu1 ts`an k`ao shu tsan kao shu |
reference book |
參考系 参考系 see styles |
cān kǎo xì can1 kao3 xi4 ts`an k`ao hsi tsan kao hsi |
frame of reference |
參與者 参与者 see styles |
cān yù zhě can1 yu4 zhe3 ts`an yü che tsan yü che |
participant See: 参与者 |
參訪團 参访团 see styles |
cān fǎng tuán can1 fang3 tuan2 ts`an fang t`uan tsan fang tuan |
delegation |
參謀長 参谋长 see styles |
cān móu zhǎng can1 mou2 zhang3 ts`an mou chang tsan mou chang |
chief of staff |
參議員 参议员 see styles |
cān yì yuán can1 yi4 yuan2 ts`an i yüan tsan i yüan |
senator |
參議院 参议院 see styles |
cān yì yuàn can1 yi4 yuan4 ts`an i yüan tsan i yüan |
senate; upper chamber (of legislative assembly) |
參賽者 参赛者 see styles |
cān sài zhě can1 sai4 zhe3 ts`an sai che tsan sai che |
competitor; CL:名[ming2] |
參選人 参选人 see styles |
cān xuǎn rén can1 xuan3 ren2 ts`an hsüan jen tsan hsüan jen |
election participant; candidate |
參選率 参选率 see styles |
cān xuǎn lǜ can1 xuan3 lu:4 ts`an hsüan lü tsan hsüan lü |
voter turnout |
參雞湯 参鸡汤 see styles |
shēn jī tāng shen1 ji1 tang1 shen chi t`ang shen chi tang |
samgyetang, popular Korean chicken soup with ginseng, spices etc |
古参兵 see styles |
kosanhei / kosanhe こさんへい |
(See 新兵) long-serving soldier; veteran |
古参者 see styles |
kosansha こさんしゃ |
senior; old timer |
吉参郎 see styles |
kichisaburou / kichisaburo きちさぶろう |
(male given name) Kichisaburou |
周参見 see styles |
susami すさみ |
(place-name, surname) Susami |
善参郎 see styles |
zenzaburou / zenzaburo ぜんざぶろう |
(male given name) Zenzaburou |
墓参り see styles |
hakamairi はかまいり |
(noun/participle) visit to a grave |
宮参り see styles |
miyamairi みやまいり |
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Shinto} miyamairi; newborn child's first visit to a shrine (within about 30 days of being born); (n,vs,vi) (2) {Shinto} visiting a shrine |
寒参り see styles |
kanmairi かんまいり |
(noun/participle) winter visit to a shrine |
寺参り see styles |
teramairi てらまいり |
ritual visits to a temple |
小參頭 小参头 see styles |
xiǎo sān tóu xiao3 san1 tou2 hsiao san t`ou hsiao san tou shōsan tō |
The leader of a small group. |
島人参 see styles |
chideekuni; chideekuni ちでーくに; チデークニ |
(See 金美人参,人参・1) type of yellow carrot grown in Okinawa |
川黨參 川党参 see styles |
chuān dǎng shēn chuan1 dang3 shen1 ch`uan tang shen chuan tang shen |
Sichuan codonopsis (Codonopsis pilosula, root used in TCM) |
御参り see styles |
omairi おまいり |
(noun/participle) worship; shrine visit |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "参" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.