There are 316 total results for your 刻 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
地域時刻 see styles |
chiikijikoku / chikijikoku ちいきじこく |
local time |
學習刻苦 学习刻苦 see styles |
xué xí kè kǔ xue2 xi2 ke4 ku3 hsüeh hsi k`o k`u hsüeh hsi ko ku |
to study hard; assiduous |
定刻通り see styles |
teikokudoori / tekokudoori ていこくどおり |
on schedule; on time |
尖酸刻薄 see styles |
jiān suān kè bó jian1 suan1 ke4 bo2 chien suan k`o po chien suan ko po |
sharp and unkind (words) |
引受時刻 see styles |
hikiukejikoku ひきうけじこく |
time of receipt (of a package, etc. by the post office) |
彫り刻む see styles |
horikizamu ほりきざむ |
(Godan verb with "mu" ending) to engrave; to carve |
彫刻の岬 see styles |
choukokunomisaki / chokokunomisaki ちょうこくのみさき |
(place-name) Chōkokunomisaki |
彫刻の森 see styles |
choukokunomori / chokokunomori ちょうこくのもり |
(place-name) Chōkokunomori |
彫刻具座 see styles |
choukokuguza / chokokuguza ちょうこくぐざ |
{astron} Caelum (constellation); the Chisel |
彫刻凹版 see styles |
choukokuouhan / chokokuohan ちょうこくおうはん |
{print} copperplate engraving |
彫刻室座 see styles |
choukokushitsuza / chokokushitsuza ちょうこくしつざ |
Sculptor (constellation) |
心に刻む see styles |
kokoronikizamu こころにきざむ |
(exp,v5m) to etch into one's mind; to remember well |
敦刻爾克 敦刻尔克 see styles |
dūn kè ěr kè dun1 ke4 er3 ke4 tun k`o erh k`o tun ko erh ko |
Dunkirk, port in northern France |
斬り刻む see styles |
kirikizamu きりきざむ |
(transitive verb) to hew; to chop up; to mangle; to mince |
春宵一刻 see styles |
shunshouikkoku / shunshoikkoku しゅんしょういっこく |
More info & calligraphy: A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold |
時々刻々 see styles |
jijikokkoku じじこっこく jijikokukoku じじこくこく |
(adverb) (yoji) hourly; from one minute to the next; from hour to hour; moment by moment; with each passing moment |
時を刻む see styles |
tokiokizamu ときをきざむ |
(exp,v5m) to mark the passage of time; to let (feel) time pass |
時刻到来 see styles |
jikokutourai / jikokutorai じこくとうらい |
arrival of the ideal time (for); arrival of an opportunity (to) |
時刻準備 时刻准备 see styles |
shí kè zhǔn bèi shi2 ke4 zhun3 bei4 shih k`o chun pei shih ko chun pei |
ready at any moment |
時時刻刻 时时刻刻 see styles |
shí shí kè kè shi2 shi2 ke4 ke4 shih shih k`o k`o shih shih ko ko jijikokkoku じじこっこく jijikokukoku じじこくこく |
at all times (adverb) (yoji) hourly; from one minute to the next; from hour to hour; moment by moment; with each passing moment |
時間刻み see styles |
jikankizami じかんきざみ |
{comp} clock tick |
松田十刻 see styles |
matsudajukkoku まつだじゅっこく |
(person) Matsuda Jukkoku |
標本時刻 see styles |
hyouhonjikoku / hyohonjikoku ひょうほんじこく |
{comp} sampling time |
此時此刻 此时此刻 see styles |
cǐ shí cǐ kè ci3 shi2 ci3 ke4 tz`u shih tz`u k`o tzu shih tzu ko |
at this very moment |
死亡時刻 see styles |
shiboujikoku / shibojikoku しぼうじこく |
time of death |
每時每刻 每时每刻 see styles |
měi shí měi kè mei3 shi2 mei3 ke4 mei shih mei k`o mei shih mei ko |
at all times; at every moment |
無時無刻 无时无刻 see styles |
wú shí - wú kè wu2 shi2 - wu2 ke4 wu shih - wu k`o wu shih - wu ko |
(idiom) (when followed by 不[bu4]) at no time; never (Note: 無時無刻不|无时无刻不[wu2shi2-wu2ke4 bu4] therefore means "at no time not ...", i.e. "at all times".); (when not followed by 不[bu4]) at all times; always |
犯行時刻 see styles |
hankoujikoku / hankojikoku はんこうじこく |
time of the crime |
現在時刻 see styles |
genzaijikoku げんざいじこく |
present time; now |
精雕細刻 精雕细刻 see styles |
jīng diāo - xì kè jing1 diao1 - xi4 ke4 ching tiao - hsi k`o ching tiao - hsi ko |
lit. fine sculpting (idiom); fig. to work (at something) with extreme care and precision |
聖刻文字 see styles |
seikokumoji / sekokumoji せいこくもじ |
(See ヒエログリフ) hieroglyph; hieroglyphics |
胸に刻む see styles |
munenikizamu むねにきざむ |
(exp,v5m) to keep in one's mind; to take to heart |
逢魔が刻 see styles |
oumagatoki / omagatoki おうまがとき |
(expression) twilight; time for disasters (similar to 'the witching hour' but not midnight) |
逢魔ヶ刻 see styles |
oumagatoki / omagatoki おうまがとき |
(expression) twilight; time for disasters (similar to 'the witching hour' but not midnight) |
遅刻届け see styles |
chikokutodoke ちこくとどけ |
report of late arrival; tardy slip |
銘を刻む see styles |
meiokizamu / meokizamu めいをきざむ |
(exp,v5m) to engrave an inscription |
銘心刻骨 铭心刻骨 see styles |
míng xīn kè gǔ ming2 xin1 ke4 gu3 ming hsin k`o ku ming hsin ko ku |
lit. etched into one's heart and bones (idiom); fig. etched in one's memory; remembered with gratitude as long as one lives |
開始時刻 see styles |
kaishijikoku かいしじこく |
starting time |
雕蟲篆刻 雕虫篆刻 see styles |
diāo chóng zhuàn kè diao1 chong2 zhuan4 ke4 tiao ch`ung chuan k`o tiao chung chuan ko |
literary trifles; minor skill |
骨に刻む see styles |
honenikizamu ほねにきざむ |
(exp,v5m) (idiom) to engrave in one's heart; to inscribe on one's bones |
Variations: |
gizagiza(p); gizagiza ぎざぎざ(P); ギザギザ |
(1) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (kana only) notches; serration; indentation; jaggies (stair-step artifacts in computer images); (adj-na,adv,adv-to,vs) (2) (onomatopoeic or mimetic word) (kana only) notched; serrated; jagged; corrugated; milled |
刻みたばこ see styles |
kizamitabako きざみたばこ |
shredded tobacco; pipe tobacco |
刻みつける see styles |
kizamitsukeru きざみつける |
(transitive verb) to engrave; to carve out |
刻み付ける see styles |
kizamitsukeru きざみつける |
(transitive verb) to engrave; to carve out |
刻時パルス see styles |
kokujiparusu こくじパルス |
{comp} clock signal; clock pulse |
Variations: |
shunkoku しゅんこく |
severe (personality); unaffected by love |
Variations: |
kokuhaku こくはく |
(noun or adjectival noun) cruel; inhumane; callous; brutal |
一刻も早く see styles |
ikkokumohayaku いっこくもはやく |
(exp,adv) immediately; as soon as possible; as quickly as possible |
一刻を争う see styles |
ikkokuoarasou / ikkokuoaraso いっこくをあらそう |
(exp,v5u) to race against time |
丑の刻参り see styles |
ushinokokumairi うしのこくまいり |
(exp,n) cursing ritual where one visits a shrine at 2am and nails a doll representing a person to a tree, praying for said person's death |
主刻時機構 see styles |
shukokujikikou / shukokujikiko しゅこくじきこう |
{comp} master clock |
定刻どおり see styles |
teikokudoori / tekokudoori ていこくどおり |
on schedule; on time |
彫刻の森駅 see styles |
choukokunomorieki / chokokunomorieki ちょうこくのもりえき |
(st) Chōkokunomori Station |
彫刻美術館 see styles |
choukokubijutsukan / chokokubijutsukan ちょうこくびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Chōkoku Art Museum |
心骨に刻す see styles |
shinkotsunikokusu しんこつにこくす |
(exp,vz) (idiom) to engrave in one's heart |
歴史を刻む see styles |
rekishiokizamu れきしをきざむ |
(exp,v5m) to carve out a history; to make history; to have a history |
逢う魔が刻 see styles |
oumagatoki / omagatoki おうまがとき |
(expression) twilight; time for disasters (similar to 'the witching hour' but not midnight) |
逢う魔ヶ刻 see styles |
oumagatoki / omagatoki おうまがとき |
(expression) twilight; time for disasters (similar to 'the witching hour' but not midnight) |
Variations: |
koku こく |
(1) (hist) period of time (usu. a period of approx. two hours corresponding to one of the signs of the Chinese zodiac); (2) (刻 only) carving; engraving; cutting; mincing; (3) (剋 only) victory; (4) strictness; cruelty |
Variations: |
kizamiashi きざみあし |
mincing steps |
刻時トラック see styles |
kokujitorakku こくじトラック |
{comp} clock track |
ギリシア彫刻 see styles |
girishiachoukoku / girishiachokoku ギリシアちょうこく |
Greek sculpture |
ギリシャ彫刻 see styles |
girishachoukoku / girishachokoku ギリシャちょうこく |
Greek sculpture |
リズムを刻む see styles |
rizumuokizamu リズムをきざむ |
(exp,v5m) (See 刻む・きざむ・3) to beat out a rhythm |
二刻拍案驚奇 二刻拍案惊奇 see styles |
èr kè pāi àn jīng qí er4 ke4 pai1 an4 jing1 qi2 erh k`o p`ai an ching ch`i erh ko pai an ching chi |
Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part II), second of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1] |
出発予定時刻 see styles |
shuppatsuyoteijikoku / shuppatsuyotejikoku しゅっぱつよていじこく |
estimated time of departure; ETD |
初刻拍案驚奇 初刻拍案惊奇 see styles |
chū kè pāi àn jīng qí chu1 ke4 pai1 an4 jing1 qi2 ch`u k`o p`ai an ching ch`i chu ko pai an ching chi |
Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part I), first of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1] |
到着予定時刻 see styles |
touchakuyoteijikoku / tochakuyotejikoku とうちゃくよていじこく |
estimated time of arrival; ETA |
心骨に刻する see styles |
shinkotsunikokusuru しんこつにこくする |
(exp,vs-s) (idiom) to engrave in one's heart |
死亡推定時刻 see styles |
shibousuiteijikoku / shibosuitejikoku しぼうすいていじこく |
estimated time of death |
無遅刻無欠席 see styles |
muchikokumukesseki むちこくむけっせき |
(exp,n) perfect attendance and punctuality (at school or work) |
発信時刻表示 see styles |
hasshinjikokuhyouji / hasshinjikokuhyoji はっしんじこくひょうじ |
{comp} submission time stamp indication; MS |
配信時刻表示 see styles |
haishinjikokuhyouji / haishinjikokuhyoji はいしんじこくひょうじ |
{comp} delivery time stamp indication |
Variations: |
kokkokuni こっこくに |
(adverb) moment by moment; hour by hour |
彫刻の森美術館 see styles |
choukokunomoribijutsukan / chokokunomoribijutsukan ちょうこくのもりびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Hakone Open-Air Museum |
春宵一刻値千金 see styles |
shunshouikkokuataisenkin / shunshoikkokuataisenkin しゅんしょういっこくあたいせんきん |
(expression) (proverb) (See 春宵一刻) a moment of time in a spring evening is worth a thousand pieces of gold |
Variations: |
kokkoku(p); kokukoku こっこく(P); こくこく |
(adv,adv-to) moment by moment; hour by hour |
Variations: |
toki とき |
(1) (刻 signifies a time of day; 秋 signifies an important time) time; hour; moment; (n,adv) (2) (時 only) occasion; case; (3) (時 only) chance; opportunity; season; (4) (時 only) the times; the age; the day; (5) (時 only) {gramm} tense |
Variations: |
jikoku じこく |
(1) time; (the) hour; (2) favourable time; opportunity; chance |
Variations: |
chikokutodoke ちこくとどけ |
report of late arrival; tardy slip |
鐃循ワイ鐃夙刻申 see styles |
鐃循wai鐃夙wa申鐃緒申 鐃循ワイ鐃夙わ申鐃緒申 |
white-listed country; country on a list of preferred trading partners |
Variations: |
jijikokkoku; jijikokukoku じじこっこく; じじこくこく |
(adverb) (yoji) hourly; from one minute to the next; from hour to hour; moment by moment; with each passing moment |
Variations: |
zanninkokuhaku ざんにんこくはく |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) cruel; heartless; brutal; atrocious |
舟に刻して剣を求む see styles |
funenikokushitekenomotomu ふねにこくしてけんをもとむ |
(expression) (idiom) (from a fable in Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals) to not be getting with the times; to be unaware that things are changing |
舟に刻みて剣を求む see styles |
funenikizamitekenomotomu ふねにきざみてけんをもとむ |
(expression) (idiom) (from a fable in Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals) to not be getting with the times; to be unaware that things are changing |
Variations: |
teikokudoori / tekokudoori ていこくどおり |
(adv,adj-no) on schedule; on time |
剣を落として舟を刻む see styles |
kenootoshitefuneokizamu けんをおとしてふねをきざむ |
(expression) (idiom) (from a story in Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals) to not be getting with the times; to be unaware that things are changing; to drop one's sword (in the river) and carve (a mark) on the boat (to mark the spot where the sword was dropped) |
Variations: |
kizamitsukeru きざみつける |
(transitive verb) to engrave; to carve out |
Variations: |
ikkokumono いっこくもの |
stubborn person; obstinate person |
Variations: |
fukkoku ふっこく |
(noun, transitive verb) republication; reissue; reprinting; reproduction |
Variations: |
zankoku ざんこく |
(noun or adjectival noun) cruel; brutal; ruthless; merciless; inhuman |
鐃准ルー鐃緒申鐃渋刻申 see styles |
鐃准ruu鐃緒申鐃順u鐃緒ko鐃緒申 / 鐃准ru鐃緒申鐃順u鐃緒ko鐃緒申 鐃准ルー鐃緒申鐃順う鐃緒こ鐃緒申 |
Republic of Peru |
鐃循ワ申鐃旬刻申鐃緒申 see styles |
鐃循mose鐃縦wa申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申 鐃循モせ鐃縦わ申鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒申 |
homozygote |
鐃楯¥申鐃緒申鐃瞬刻申 see styles |
鐃楯¥申鐃夙bangowa申 鐃楯¥申鐃夙ばんごわ申 |
{comp} port number |
Variations: |
jikoku じこく |
(1) time; (the) hour; (2) favourable time; opportunity; chance |
Variations: |
kizamikomu きざみこむ |
(transitive verb) to etch (name, etc.); to carve (design) |
Variations: |
kirikizamu きりきざむ |
(transitive verb) to hew; to chop up; to mangle; to mince |
Variations: |
girishachoukoku(girisha彫刻); girishiachoukoku(girishia彫刻) / girishachokoku(girisha彫刻); girishiachokoku(girishia彫刻) ギリシャちょうこく(ギリシャ彫刻); ギリシアちょうこく(ギリシア彫刻) |
Greek sculpture |
Variations: |
fukkokuban ふっこくばん |
facsimile edition; reprint |
鐃循ンジワ申薀刻申鐃緒申孫鐃? see styles |
鐃循njiwa申薀刻申鐃緒申腓?申錣鰹申鐃? /(n) republic of honduras 鐃循ンジワ申薀刻申鐃緒申腓?申錣鰹申鐃? /(n) Republic of Honduras |
Republic of Honduras |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "刻" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.