There are 1346 total results for your 佛 search. I have created 14 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
如佛 see styles |
rú fó ru2 fo2 ju fo nyo butsu |
buddha-like |
安佛 see styles |
anbutsu あんぶつ |
(surname) Anbutsu |
小佛 see styles |
kobotoke こぼとけ |
(surname) Kobotoke |
崇佛 see styles |
chóng fó chong2 fo2 ch`ung fo chung fo sū butsu |
worship the Buddha |
彷彿 仿佛 see styles |
fǎng fú fang3 fu2 fang fu houfutsu / hofutsu ほうふつ |
to seem; as if; alike; similar (n,vs,adj-t,adv-to) close resemblance; vivid reminder (e.g. of the past) |
得佛 see styles |
dé fó de2 fo2 te fo tokubutsu |
achieve enlightenment |
心佛 see styles |
xīn fó xin1 fo2 hsin fo shinbutsu |
The Buddha within the heart: from mind is Buddha hood: the Buddha revealed in or to the mind; the mind is Buddha. 心佛及衆生, 是三無差別 The mind, Buddha, and all the living — there is no difference between the three. i. e. all are of the same order. This is an important doctrine of the 華嚴經 Huayan sutra, cf. its 夜摩天宮品; by Tiantai it is called 三法妙 the mystery of the three things. |
念佛 see styles |
niàn fó nian4 fo2 nien fo nenbutsu |
More info & calligraphy: Mantra to Buddha / NembutsuTo repeat the name of a Buddha, audibly or inaudibly. |
思佛 see styles |
sī fó si1 fo2 ssu fo shibutsu |
Sugatacetanā |
性佛 see styles |
xìng fó xing4 fo2 hsing fo shōbutsu |
The dharmakāya 法性佛, v. 法身. |
應佛 应佛 see styles |
yìng fó ying4 fo2 ying fo ōbutsu |
idem 應身 q.v. |
成佛 see styles |
chéng fó cheng2 fo2 ch`eng fo cheng fo jōbutsu |
to become a Buddha; to attain enlightenment To become Buddha, as a Bodhisattva does on reaching supreme perfect bodhi. |
抑佛 see styles |
yì fó yi4 fo2 i fo yokubutsu |
suppression of Buddhism |
拜佛 see styles |
bài fó bai4 fo2 pai fo haibutsu |
to worship Buddha To worship the Buddhas, etc. |
持佛 see styles |
chibutsu ちぶつ |
(surname) Chibutsu |
排佛 see styles |
pái fó pai2 fo2 p`ai fo pai fo haibutsu |
anti-Buddhist |
掛佛 挂佛 see styles |
guà fó gua4 fo2 kua fo kebutsu |
large banner painting of a buddha |
支佛 see styles |
zhī fó zhi1 fo2 chih fo shibutsu |
辟支佛 A pratyekabuddha, who understands the twelve nidānas, or chain of causation, and so attains to complete wisdom. His stage of attainment is the 支佛地. |
斥佛 see styles |
chì fó chi4 fo2 ch`ih fo chih fo sekibutsu |
anti-Buddhism |
新佛 see styles |
xīn fó xin1 fo2 hsin fo shinbutsu しんぶつ |
(surname) Shinbutsu new buddha |
普佛 see styles |
pǔ fó pu3 fo2 p`u fo pu fo fubutsu |
universal Buddha |
有佛 see styles |
yǒu fó you3 fo2 yu fo u butsu |
there is a buddha. |
木佛 see styles |
mù fó mu4 fo2 mu fo bokubutsu |
A Buddha of wood, i. e. an image of wood. |
本佛 see styles |
běn fó ben3 fo2 pen fo honbutsu ほんぶつ |
(surname) Honbutsu The Buddha-nature within oneself; the original Buddha. |
柔佛 see styles |
róu fó rou2 fo2 jou fo |
Johor (state of Malaysia at south of Malayan peninsula) |
歎佛 see styles |
tàn fó tan4 fo2 t`an fo tan fo tanbutsu |
to praise the Buddha |
歸佛 归佛 see styles |
guī fó gui1 fo2 kuei fo kibutsu |
to take refuge in the Buddha |
求佛 see styles |
qiú fó qiu2 fo2 ch`iu fo chiu fo gubutsu |
to seek buddhahood |
法佛 see styles |
fǎ fó fa3 fo2 fa fo hobbutsu |
idem 法身佛, or 法性佛. |
洪佛 see styles |
hóng fó hong2 fo2 hung fo |
Hung Fut style kung fu |
活佛 see styles |
huó fó huo2 fo2 huo fo katsubutsu |
Living Buddha; title of Mongolian Lamas from 17th century A living Buddha, i. e. a reincarnation Buddha e. g. Hutuktu, Dalai Lama, etc. |
浴佛 see styles |
yù fó yu4 fo2 yü fo yokubutsu |
浴像 To wash the image of the Buddha; this is a ceremony on his birthday, 8th of the 4th month. |
淨佛 净佛 see styles |
jìng fó jing4 fo2 ching fo jōbutsu |
Pure Buddha, perfect Buddhahood, of the dharmakāya nature. |
溶佛 see styles |
róng fó rong2 fo2 jung fo yōbutsu |
bathing the buddha |
濡佛 see styles |
rú fó ru2 fo2 ju fo nurebotoke |
An image of Vairocana in the open. |
灌佛 see styles |
guàn fó guan4 fo2 kuan fo kanbutsu |
浴佛 To wash a Buddha's image with scented water, which is a work of great merit and done with much ceremony. |
無佛 无佛 see styles |
wú fó wu2 fo2 wu fo mubutsu |
no buddha |
玉佛 see styles |
yù fó yu4 fo2 yü fo gyokubutsu |
A famous jade Buddha recovered while digging a well in Khotan, 3 to 4 feet high. |
理佛 see styles |
lǐ fó li3 fo2 li fo ributsu |
The fundamental or intrinsic Buddha, i.e. the dharmakāya; also the Tiantai doctrine of Buddha as immanent in all beings, even those of the three lowest orders; which doctrine is also called 素法身 the plain, or undeveloped dharmakāya. |
生佛 see styles |
shēng fó sheng1 fo2 sheng fo shōbutsu |
Buddha alive; a living Buddha; also 生, i. e. 衆生 all the living, and 佛, i. e. Buddha. |
白佛 see styles |
bái fó bai2 fo2 pai fo byakubutsu |
to ask Buddha To tell the Buddha. |
眞佛 see styles |
zhēn fó zhen1 fo2 chen fo shinbutsu |
The real Buddha, i.e. the saṃbhogakāya, or reward body, in contrast to the nirmāṇakāya, or manifested body. Also the dharmakāya 法身 q.v. |
石佛 see styles |
shí fó shi2 fo2 shih fo ishibutsu いしぶつ |
(surname) Ishibutsu stone Buddha |
破佛 see styles |
pò fó po4 fo2 p`o fo po fo habutsu |
to disparage the buddha |
神佛 see styles |
shén fó shen2 fo2 shen fo jinbutsu |
Gods and Buddhas gods and buddhas |
禮佛 礼佛 see styles |
lǐ fó li3 fo2 li fo raibutsu |
worshipping Buddha |
稱佛 称佛 see styles |
chēng fó cheng1 fo2 ch`eng fo cheng fo shōbutsu |
To invoke a Buddha. |
緣佛 缘佛 see styles |
yuán fó yuan2 fo2 yüan fo nuibotoke |
A deceased relative or friend, i.e. a Buddha connected with me. |
繞佛 绕佛 see styles |
rào fó rao4 fo2 jao fo nyōbutsu |
To go three times around the Buddha to his right in worship. |
繡佛 绣佛 see styles |
xiù fó xiu4 fo2 hsiu fo shūbutsu |
Embroidered pictures of the Buddha, etc. |
羽佛 see styles |
habutsu はぶつ |
(surname) Habutsu |
聞佛 闻佛 see styles |
wén fó wen2 fo2 wen fo monbutsu |
to hear the Buddha |
胡佛 see styles |
hú fó hu2 fo2 hu fo |
Hoover (name); Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) US mining engineer and Republican politician, president (1929-1933) |
臘佛 腊佛 see styles |
là fó la4 fo2 la fo rōbutsu |
The offerings to Buddha after the summer retreat, maintained on the 15th day of the 7th month; also All Souls' Day, v. 盂 8; the臘餠 annual cakes are then offered and eaten. |
臥佛 卧佛 see styles |
wò fó wo4 fo2 wo fo |
reclining Buddha |
蓮佛 see styles |
renbutsu れんぶつ |
(surname) Renbutsu |
西佛 see styles |
nishibutsu にしぶつ |
(surname) Nishibutsu |
見佛 见佛 see styles |
jiàn fó jian4 fo2 chien fo kenbutsu |
Beholding Buddha; to see Buddha. Hīnayāna sees only the nirmāṇakāya or body of incarnation, Mahāyāna sees the spiritual body, or body in bliss, the saṃbhogakāya. |
觀佛 观佛 see styles |
guān fó guan1 fo2 kuan fo kanbutsu |
To contemplate, or meditate upon, Buddha. |
請佛 请佛 see styles |
qǐng fó qing3 fo2 ch`ing fo ching fo shōbutsu |
To invite a Buddha. |
諸佛 诸佛 see styles |
zhū fó zhu1 fo2 chu fo shobutsu |
the buddhas |
謗佛 谤佛 see styles |
bàng fó bang4 fo2 pang fo hōbutsu |
to denigrate the Buddha |
讚佛 赞佛 see styles |
zàn fó zan4 fo2 tsan fo sanbutsu |
To praise Buddha. |
賧佛 赕佛 see styles |
dǎn fó dan3 fo2 tan fo |
(Dai language) to make offerings to Buddha |
道佛 see styles |
doubutsu / dobutsu どうぶつ |
(place-name, surname) Dōbutsu |
遶佛 绕佛 see styles |
rào fó rao4 fo2 jao fo nyōbutsu |
遶塔 To circumambulate an image of the Buddha, or a pagoda. |
金佛 see styles |
jīn fó jin1 fo2 chin fo kanebutsu かねぶつ |
(surname) Kanebutsu golden buddha image |
非佛 see styles |
fēi fó fei1 fo2 fei fo |
non-buddha |
題佛 see styles |
daibutsu だいぶつ |
(surname) Daibutsu |
願佛 愿佛 see styles |
yuàn fó yuan4 fo2 yüan fo |
A Buddha of the vow, who passes through the eight forms of an incarnate Buddha, v. 八相. |
餘佛 see styles |
yú fó yu2 fo2 yü fo |
other buddhas |
骨佛 see styles |
gǔ fó gu3 fo2 ku fo |
A bone-buddha, a corpse. |
佛世尊 see styles |
fó shì zūn fo2 shi4 zun1 fo shih tsun butsu seson |
Buddha, the World-honoured, or honoured of the worlds, a tr. of bhagavat, revered. |
佛世界 see styles |
fó shì jiè fo2 shi4 jie4 fo shih chieh butsu sekai |
A Buddha-realm, divided into two categories, the pure and the impure, i.e. the passionless and passion worlds. |
佛乘戒 see styles |
fó shèng jiè fo2 sheng4 jie4 fo sheng chieh butsujō kai |
The rules and commandments conveying beings to salvation. |
佛于逮 see styles |
fó yú dǎi fo2 yu2 dai3 fo yü tai butsuutai |
Pūrvavideha, v. 佛婆, etc. |
佛五姓 see styles |
fó wǔ xìng fo2 wu3 xing4 fo wu hsing butsugoshō |
The five surnames of Buddha before he became enlightened: 瞿曇 Gautama, a branch of the Śākya clan; 甘蔗Ikṣvāku, one of Buddha's ancestors; 日種 Sūryavaṁśa, of the sun race; 舍夷 ? Śāka; 釋迦 Śākya, the name of Buddha's clan. This last is generally used in China. |
佛光寺 see styles |
bukkouji / bukkoji ぶっこうじ |
(place-name) Bukkouji |
佛光派 see styles |
fó guāng pài fo2 guang1 pai4 fo kuang p`ai fo kuang pai Bukkō ha |
Bukkōha |
佛出世 see styles |
fó chū shì fo2 chu1 shi4 fo ch`u shih fo chu shih butsu shusse |
Buddha appearing in the world |
佛刹土 see styles |
fó chà tǔ fo2 cha4 tu3 fo ch`a t`u fo cha tu bussetsudo |
buddha-land(s) |
佛功德 see styles |
fó gōng dé fo2 gong1 de2 fo kung te butsu kudoku |
buddha's attributes |
佛十力 see styles |
fó shí lì fo2 shi2 li4 fo shih li butsu jūriki |
ten powers of a buddha |
佛卡夏 see styles |
fó kǎ xià fo2 ka3 xia4 fo k`a hsia fo ka hsia |
focaccia (loanword) |
佛名懺 佛名忏 see styles |
fó míng chàn fo2 ming2 chan4 fo ming ch`an fo ming chan butsumyō zan |
confession by recitation of the Buddha's name |
佛名會 佛名会 see styles |
fó míng huì fo2 ming2 hui4 fo ming hui butsumyō e |
ceremony of reciting the names of the buddhas |
佛名經 佛名经 see styles |
fó míng jīng fo2 ming2 jing1 fo ming ching Butsumyō kyō |
Sūtra on the Names of the Buddhas |
佛向上 see styles |
fó xiàng shàng fo2 xiang4 shang4 fo hsiang shang butsukōjō |
beyond Buddhahood |
佛国寺 see styles |
bukkokuji ぶっこくじ |
(place-name) Bukkokuji |
佛國土 佛国土 see styles |
fó guó tǔ fo2 guo2 tu3 fo kuo t`u fo kuo tu bukkokudo |
Buddha-lands |
佛國寺 佛国寺 see styles |
fó guó sì fo2 guo2 si4 fo kuo ssu Bukkokuji |
Buddha Country Temple |
佛國記 佛国记 see styles |
fó guó jì fo2 guo2 ji4 fo kuo chi Bukkoku ki |
Faxian's Record of Buddhist countries. |
佛圍陀 佛围陀 see styles |
fó wéi tuó fo2 wei2 tuo2 fo wei t`o fo wei to Butsuida |
Buddhaveda, i.e. the Tripiṭaka, the Veda of Buddhism. |
佛圖橙 佛图橙 see styles |
fó tú chéng fo2 tu2 cheng2 fo t`u ch`eng fo tu cheng Buttotō |
Fotucheng |
佛圖澄 佛图澄 see styles |
fó tú chéng fo2 tu2 cheng2 fo t`u ch`eng fo tu cheng Buttochō |
or 佛圖磴 or 佛圖橙 Fotuzheng, an Indian monk who came to Luoyang about A.D. 310, also known as 竺佛圖澄, noted for his magic; his name Buddhacinga, or (Eitel) Buddhochinga, is doubtful; he is also called 佛陀僧訶 Buddhasiṁha. |
佛圖磴 佛图磴 see styles |
fó tú dèng fo2 tu2 deng4 fo t`u teng fo tu teng Buttozutō |
Fotucheng |
佛在世 see styles |
fó zài shì fo2 zai4 shi4 fo tsai shih butsuzaise |
a buddha in this word |
佛地經 佛地经 see styles |
fó dì jīng fo2 di4 jing1 fo ti ching Butsuji kyō |
Sūtra of the Buddha-stage |
佛地羅 佛地罗 see styles |
fó dì luó fo2 di4 luo2 fo ti lo Butsuchira |
Bodhila, a native of Kashmir and follower of the Māhāsaṅghika school, author of the 集眞論. |
佛地論 佛地论 see styles |
fó dì lùn fo2 di4 lun4 fo ti lun Butsuji ron |
Fodi lun |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "佛" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.