There are 613 total results for your 为 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
所爲作 所为作 see styles |
suǒ wéi zuò suo3 wei2 zuo4 so wei tso sho isa |
something that is done |
所爲立 所为立 see styles |
suǒ wéi lì suo3 wei2 li4 so wei li sho iryū |
arranged |
所爲聲 所为声 see styles |
suǒ wéi shēng suo3 wei2 sheng1 so wei sheng shoi shō |
dative case |
无爲法 无为法 see styles |
wú wéi fǎ wu2 wei2 fa3 wu wei fa mui hō |
unconditioned phenomena |
最爲勝 最为胜 see styles |
zuì wéi shèng zui4 wei2 sheng4 tsui wei sheng sai i shō |
most excellent |
最爲後 最为后 see styles |
zuì wéi hòu zui4 wei2 hou4 tsui wei hou saiigo |
finally |
有爲事 有为事 see styles |
yǒu wéi shì you3 wei2 shi4 yu wei shih uiji |
conditioned phenomena |
有爲果 有为果 see styles |
yǒu wéi guǒ you3 wei2 guo3 yu wei kuo ui ka |
The result or effect of action. |
有爲法 有为法 see styles |
yǒu wéi fǎ you3 wei2 fa3 yu wei fa ui hō |
conditioned phenomena |
有爲相 有为相 see styles |
yǒu wéi xiàng you3 wei2 xiang4 yu wei hsiang ui sō |
establishing conditioned phenomena to be such |
有爲空 有为空 see styles |
yǒu wéi kōng you3 wei2 kong1 yu wei k`ung yu wei kung ui kū |
The unreality of the phenomenal. |
為什麼 为什么 see styles |
wèi shén me wei4 shen2 me5 wei shen me |
why?; for what reason? |
為己任 为己任 see styles |
wéi jǐ rèn wei2 ji3 ren4 wei chi jen |
to make it one's business; to take upon oneself to |
為的是 为的是 see styles |
wèi de shì wei4 de5 shi4 wei te shih |
for the sake of; for the purpose of |
無所爲 无所为 see styles |
wú suǒ wéi wu2 suo3 wei2 wu so wei mu shoi |
without formation |
無為市 无为市 see styles |
wú wéi shì wu2 wei2 shi4 wu wei shih |
Wuwei, a county-level city in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2hu2], Anhui |
無為縣 无为县 see styles |
wú wéi xiàn wu2 wei2 xian4 wu wei hsien |
Wuwei county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui |
無爲戒 无为戒 see styles |
wú wéi jiè wu2 wei2 jie4 wu wei chieh mui kai |
unconditioned precepts |
無爲法 无为法 see styles |
wú wéi fǎ wu2 wei2 fa3 wu wei fa mui hō |
asaṃskṛta dharmas, anything not subject to cause, condition, or dependence; out of time, eternal, inactive, supra-mundane. Sarvāstivādins enumerate three: ākāśa, space or ether; pratisaṃhyā-nirodha, conscious cessation of the contamination of the passions; apratisaṃhyā-nirodha, unconscious or effortless cessation. |
無爲空 无为空 see styles |
wú wéi kōng wu2 wei2 kong1 wu wei k`ung wu wei kung mui kū |
asaṃskṛta śūnyatā, the immaterial character of the transcendent. |
無爲舍 无为舍 see styles |
wú wéi shè wu2 wei2 she4 wu wei she mui sha |
The nirvāṇa home. |
無爲行 无为行 see styles |
wú wéi xíng wu2 wei2 xing2 wu wei hsing mui gyō |
unconditioned phenomena |
爲一事 为一事 see styles |
wéi yī shì wei2 yi1 shi4 wei i shih i ichi ji |
for a single purpose |
爲一聚 为一聚 see styles |
wéi yī jù wei2 yi1 ju4 wei i chü iichishu |
to take as one group |
爲上首 为上首 see styles |
wéi shàng shǒu wei2 shang4 shou3 wei shang shou i jōshu |
to serve as the leader |
爲之所 为之所 see styles |
wéi zhī suǒ wei2 zhi1 suo3 wei chih so inosho |
(formation of passive) |
爲他說 为他说 see styles |
wéi tā shuō wei2 ta1 shuo1 wei t`a shuo wei ta shuo itasetsu |
to explain for others |
爲依止 为依止 see styles |
wéi yī zhǐ wei2 yi1 zhi3 wei i chih i eshi |
[taken as] a support |
爲依處 为依处 see styles |
wéi yī chù wei2 yi1 chu4 wei i ch`u wei i chu i esho |
as a basis |
爲光麗 为光丽 see styles |
wéi guāng lí wei2 guang1 li2 wei kuang li i kōrai |
shining |
爲利樂 为利乐 see styles |
wéi lì lè wei2 li4 le4 wei li le i riraku |
in order to give benefit and joy |
爲利益 为利益 see styles |
wéi lì yì wei2 li4 yi4 wei li i i riyaku |
to improve |
爲前導 为前导 see styles |
wéi qián dǎo wei2 qian2 dao3 wei ch`ien tao wei chien tao i zendō |
as a guide |
爲助伴 为助伴 see styles |
wéi zhù bàn wei2 zhu4 ban4 wei chu pan i johan |
being companions |
爲因緣 为因缘 see styles |
wéi yīn yuán wei2 yin1 yuan2 wei yin yüan i innen |
[serve as] causes and condition[s] |
爲國王 为国王 see styles |
wéi guó wáng wei2 guo2 wang2 wei kuo wang i kokuō |
[as as; be seen as] a ruler of the state |
爲境界 为境界 see styles |
wéi jìng jiè wei2 jing4 jie4 wei ching chieh i kyōgai |
[taken] as object |
爲增上 为增上 see styles |
wéi zēng shàng wei2 zeng1 shang4 wei tseng shang i zōjō |
being superior |
爲定量 为定量 see styles |
wéi dìng liáng wei2 ding4 liang2 wei ting liang i jōryō |
to serve as a standard inference |
爲宣說 为宣说 see styles |
wéi xuān shuō wei2 xuan1 shuo1 wei hsüan shuo i sensetsu |
to teach |
爲家主 为家主 see styles |
wéi jiā zhǔ wei2 jia1 zhu3 wei chia chu i keshu |
[as the] head of the family; clan |
爲己有 为己有 see styles |
wéi jǐ yǒu wei2 ji3 you3 wei chi yu i kou |
to appropriate |
爲建立 为建立 see styles |
wéi jiàn lì wei2 jian4 li4 wei chien li i kenryū |
being established |
爲引攝 为引摄 see styles |
wéi yǐn shè wei2 yin3 she4 wei yin she i inshō |
in order to procure |
爲成辦 为成办 see styles |
wéi chéng bàn wei2 cheng2 ban4 wei ch`eng pan wei cheng pan i jōhan |
to be employed, directed |
爲所依 为所依 see styles |
wéi suǒ yī wei2 suo3 yi1 wei so i is hoe |
takes as a basis |
爲所緣 为所缘 see styles |
wéi suǒ yuán wei2 suo3 yuan2 wei so yüan i shoen |
to serve as a referent |
爲是義 为是义 see styles |
wéi shì yì wei2 shi4 yi4 wei shih i i ze gi |
for that purpose |
爲最勝 为最胜 see styles |
wéi zuì shèng wei2 zui4 sheng4 wei tsui sheng i saishō |
is the best |
爲根本 为根本 see styles |
wéi gēn běn wei2 gen1 ben3 wei ken pen i konpon |
[regarded as] fundamental |
爲欣悅 为欣悦 see styles |
wéi xīn yuè wei2 xin1 yue4 wei hsin yüeh i konetsu |
for the sake of delight |
爲殊勝 为殊胜 see styles |
wéi shū shèng wei2 shu1 sheng4 wei shu sheng i shushō |
[regarded as] outstanding |
爲無爲 为无为 see styles |
wéi wú wéi wei2 wu2 wei2 wei wu wei i mui |
conditioned and unconditioned (dharmas) |
爲物身 为物身 see styles |
wéi wù shēn wei2 wu4 shen1 wei wu shen imotsu shin |
material body |
爲眷屬 为眷属 see styles |
wéi juàn shǔ wei2 juan4 shu3 wei chüan shu i kenzoku |
as their retinue |
爲祈禱 为祈祷 see styles |
wéi qí dǎo wei2 qi2 dao3 wei ch`i tao wei chi tao i kitō |
for the sake of prayers |
爲究竟 为究竟 see styles |
wéi jiū jìng wei2 jiu1 jing4 wei chiu ching i kukyō |
to reach the terminus |
爲第一 为第一 see styles |
wéi dì yī wei2 di4 yi1 wei ti i i daiichi |
constitute the first |
爲緣起 为缘起 see styles |
wéi yuán qǐ wei2 yuan2 qi3 wei yüan ch`i wei yüan chi i engi |
as primary cause |
爲義利 为义利 see styles |
wéi yì lì wei2 yi4 li4 wei i li igiri |
for the sake of what is wanted |
爲自利 为自利 see styles |
wéi zì lì wei2 zi4 li4 wei tzu li ijiri |
for one's own sake |
爲自己 为自己 see styles |
wéi zì jǐ wei2 zi4 ji3 wei tzu chi ijiko |
for oneself |
爲自性 为自性 see styles |
wéi zì xìng wei2 zi4 xing4 wei tzu hsing i jishō |
taken as essential nature |
爲衆生 为众生 see styles |
wéi zhòng shēng wei2 zhong4 sheng1 wei chung sheng i shūjō |
as sentient being |
爲解脫 为解脱 see styles |
wéi jiě tuō wei2 jie3 tuo1 wei chieh t`o wei chieh to i gedatsu |
for liberation |
爲說法 为说法 see styles |
wéi shuō fǎ wei2 shuo1 fa3 wei shuo fa i seppō |
teach the dharma [to someone else] |
爲邪行 为邪行 see styles |
wéi xié xíng wei2 xie2 xing2 wei hsieh hsing i jagyō |
carries out immoral activities |
爲開解 为开解 see styles |
wéi kāi jiě wei2 kai1 jie3 wei k`ai chieh wei kai chieh i kaige |
discloses [for them] |
爲開顯 为开显 see styles |
wéi kāi xiǎn wei2 kai1 xian3 wei k`ai hsien wei kai hsien i kaiken |
to reveal |
爲障礙 为障碍 see styles |
wéi zhàn gài wei2 zhan4 gai4 wei chan kai i shōge |
to serve as an obstruction (obscuration, etc.) |
犍為縣 犍为县 see styles |
qián wèi xiàn qian2 wei4 xian4 ch`ien wei hsien chien wei hsien |
Qianwei county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan |
略爲一 略为一 see styles |
lüè wéi yī lve4 wei2 yi1 lve wei i ryaku i ichi |
summarized in one |
稱之為 称之为 see styles |
chēng zhī wéi cheng1 zhi1 wei2 ch`eng chih wei cheng chih wei |
to call it...; known as... |
統稱為 统称为 see styles |
tǒng chēng wéi tong3 cheng1 wei2 t`ung ch`eng wei tung cheng wei |
collectively known as; to call something as a group |
總名爲 总名为 see styles |
zǒng míng wéi zong3 ming2 wei2 tsung ming wei sō myō i |
generally called... |
聲爲常 声为常 see styles |
shēng wéi cháng sheng1 wei2 chang2 sheng wei ch`ang sheng wei chang shō i jō |
sound is eternal |
聲爲體 声为体 see styles |
shēng wéi tǐ sheng1 wei2 ti3 sheng wei t`i sheng wei ti shō i tai |
to take sound as essence |
走為上 走为上 see styles |
zǒu wéi shàng zou3 wei2 shang4 tsou wei shang |
see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4] |
開爲二 开为二 see styles |
kāi wéi èr kai1 wei2 er4 k`ai wei erh kai wei erh kai i ni |
to open up into two |
難為情 难为情 see styles |
nán wéi qíng nan2 wei2 qing2 nan wei ch`ing nan wei ching |
embarrassed |
一之為甚 一之为甚 see styles |
yī zhī wéi shèn yi1 zhi1 wei2 shen4 i chih wei shen |
once is more than enough (idiom) |
一分為二 一分为二 see styles |
yī fēn wéi èr yi1 fen1 wei2 er4 i fen wei erh |
one divides into two; to be two-sided; there are two sides to everything; to see both sb's good points and shortcomings (idiom) |
一切有爲 一切有为 see styles |
yī qiè yǒu wéi yi1 qie4 you3 wei2 i ch`ieh yu wei i chieh yu wei issai ui |
All phenomena, the phenomenal; all that is produced by causative action; everything that is dynamic and not static. |
一吐為快 一吐为快 see styles |
yī tǔ wéi kuài yi1 tu3 wei2 kuai4 i t`u wei k`uai i tu wei kuai |
to get something off one's chest |
一眞無爲 一眞无为 see styles |
yī zhēn wú wéi yi1 zhen1 wu2 wei2 i chen wu wei isshin mui |
The 一眞法界 one reality, or undivided absolute, is static, not phenomenal, it is effortless, just as it is 自然 self-existing. |
一言為定 一言为定 see styles |
yī yán wéi dìng yi1 yan2 wei2 ding4 i yen wei ting |
(idiom) it's a deal; that's settled then |
一言為重 一言为重 see styles |
yī yán wéi zhòng yi1 yan2 wei2 zhong4 i yen wei chung |
each word carries weight; a promise must be kept (idiom) |
三有爲法 三有为法 see styles |
sān yǒu wéi fǎ san1 you3 wei2 fa3 san yu wei fa san ui hō |
three conditioned phenomena |
三無爲法 三无为法 see styles |
sān wú wéi fǎ san1 wu2 wei2 fa3 san wu wei fa san mui hō |
three unconditioned phenomena |
下不為例 下不为例 see styles |
xià bù wéi lì xia4 bu4 wei2 li4 hsia pu wei li |
not to be repeated; not to be taken as a precedent; just this once |
不以為意 不以为意 see styles |
bù yǐ wéi yì bu4 yi3 wei2 yi4 pu i wei i |
not to mind; unconcerned |
不以為然 不以为然 see styles |
bù yǐ wéi rán bu4 yi3 wei2 ran2 pu i wei jan |
not to accept as correct (idiom); to object; to disapprove; to take exception to |
不動無爲 不动无为 see styles |
bù dòng wú wéi bu4 dong4 wu2 wei2 pu tung wu wei fudō mui |
One of the six 無爲 kinds of inaction, or laissez aIIer, the state of being unmoved by pleasure or pain. |
不為人知 不为人知 see styles |
bù wéi rén zhī bu4 wei2 ren2 zhi1 pu wei jen chih |
not known to anyone; secret; unknown |
不為已甚 不为已甚 see styles |
bù wéi yǐ shèn bu4 wei2 yi3 shen4 pu wei i shen |
refrain from going to extremes in meting out punishment; not be too hard on subject |
不為所動 不为所动 see styles |
bù wéi suǒ dòng bu4 wei2 suo3 dong4 pu wei so tung |
to remain unmoved |
不為酒困 不为酒困 see styles |
bù wéi jiǔ kùn bu4 wei2 jiu3 kun4 pu wei chiu k`un pu wei chiu kun |
not a slave to the bottle; able to enjoy alcohol in moderation; able to hold one's drink |
不足為奇 不足为奇 see styles |
bù zú wéi qí bu4 zu2 wei2 qi2 pu tsu wei ch`i pu tsu wei chi |
not at all surprising (idiom) |
不足為怪 不足为怪 see styles |
bù zú wéi guài bu4 zu2 wei2 guai4 pu tsu wei kuai |
not at all surprising (idiom) |
不足為慮 不足为虑 see styles |
bù zú wéi lǜ bu4 zu2 wei2 lu:4 pu tsu wei lü |
to give no cause for anxiety; nothing to worry about |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "为" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.