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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 shitennoujikokusaibukkyoudaigaku / shitennojikokusaibukkyodaigaku
(org) Shitennōji International Buddhist University; (o) Shitennōji International Buddhist University



see styles
dà wēi lì wū shū sè mó míng wáng jīng
    da4 wei1 li4 wu1 shu1 se4 mo2 ming2 wang2 jing1
ta wei li wu shu se mo ming wang ching
 Daīriki Ususama myōō kyō
Daweili wushusemo mingwang jing


see styles
 tsukihamujihinayorunojoou / tsukihamujihinayorunojoo
(work) The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (1966 novel by Robert A. Heinlein); (wk) The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (1966 novel by Robert A. Heinlein)



see styles
dōng fāng zuì shèng dēng wáng tuó luó ní jīng
    dong1 fang1 zui4 sheng4 deng1 wang2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
tung fang tsui sheng teng wang t`o lo ni ching
    tung fang tsui sheng teng wang to lo ni ching
 Tōhō saishō tō ō daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Eastern, Foremost King of Brightness



see styles
shèng liù zì dà míng wáng tuó luó ní jīng
    sheng4 liu4 zi4 da4 ming2 wang2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
sheng liu tzu ta ming wang t`o lo ni ching
    sheng liu tzu ta ming wang to lo ni ching
 Shōrokujidaimyōōdarani kyō
Shengliuzi damingwang tuoluoni jing



see styles
dì guān fǎ wáng fǎ fǎ wáng fǎ rú shì
    di4 guan1 fa3 wang2 fa3 fa3 wang2 fa3 ru2 shi4
ti kuan fa wang fa fa wang fa ju shih
 tai kan ho o ho, ho o ho nyoze
when you truly perceive the Dharma King's dharma, the Dharma King's dharma is as it is


see styles
 ehobanoshouninnooukokukaikan / ehobanoshoninnookokukaikan
(place-name) Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses



see styles
rén wáng hù guó bō rě bō luó mì duō jīng
    ren2 wang2 hu4 guo2 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 jing1
jen wang hu kuo po je po lo mi to ching
 Nin'ō gokoku hannya haramitta kyō
Perfection of Wisdom Sūtra for Humane Kings Protecting Their Countries



see styles
mì jī lì shì dà quán shén wáng jīng jì sòng
    mi4 ji1 li4 shi4 da4 quan2 shen2 wang2 jing1 ji4 song4
mi chi li shih ta ch`üan shen wang ching chi sung
    mi chi li shih ta chüan shen wang ching chi sung
 Misshaku rikishi daigonjinnōkyō geju
Stanzas on the Sūtras of the Esoteric One's, Mighty Kings of Great Supernatural Power



see styles
shān zhōng wú lǎo hǔ , hóu zi chēng dà wáng
    shan1 zhong1 wu2 lao3 hu3 , hou2 zi5 cheng1 da4 wang2
shan chung wu lao hu , hou tzu ch`eng ta wang
    shan chung wu lao hu , hou tzu cheng ta wang
in the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king (idiom); (depending on the source, the last word is either 大[da4 wang2] or 大[dai4 wang5])



see styles
zhāng sān , lǐ sì , wáng wǔ , zhào liù
    zhang1 san1 , li3 si4 , wang2 wu3 , zhao4 liu4
chang san , li ssu , wang wu , chao liu
(four proverbial names) Tom, Dick and Harry



see styles
zuì shàng dà shèng jīn gāng dà jiào bǎo wáng jīng
    zui4 shang4 da4 sheng4 jin1 gang1 da4 jiao4 bao3 wang2 jing1
tsui shang ta sheng chin kang ta chiao pao wang ching
 Saijō daijō kongō daikyō hōō kyō



see styles
pú tí chǎng suǒ shuō yī zì dǐng lún wáng jīng
    pu2 ti2 chang3 suo3 shuo1 yi1 zi4 ding3 lun2 wang2 jing1
p`u t`i ch`ang so shuo i tzu ting lun wang ching
    pu ti chang so shuo i tzu ting lun wang ching
 Bodaijō shosetsu ichiji chō rinnō kyō
Sūtra of the One-Syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler Spoken at the Seat of Enlightenment



see styles
ā mí tuó gǔ yīn shēng wáng tuó luó ní jīng
    a1 mi2 tuo2 gu3 yin1 sheng1 wang2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
a mi t`o ku yin sheng wang t`o lo ni ching
    a mi to ku yin sheng wang to lo ni ching
 Amida ku onjō ō darani kyō
Dhāraṇī Sūtra of the King of the Sound of Amitâbha's Drum


see styles
 oushou / osho
(1) {shogi} king (of the senior player); (2) {shogi} Ōshō (one of the eight major titles in professional shogi)


see styles
 ouritsuaburaegakakyoukaimeiyokaiin / oritsuaburaegakakyokaimeyokain
(o) Honorary Member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters



see styles
wú èr píng děng zuì shàng yú qié dà jiào wáng jīng
    wu2 er4 ping2 deng3 zui4 shang4 yu2 qie2 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1
wu erh p`ing teng tsui shang yü ch`ieh ta chiao wang ching
    wu erh ping teng tsui shang yü chieh ta chiao wang ching
 uni byōdō saijō yuga daikyō ōkyō
Triumphant Yoga of the Nonduality of Sameness, Great King of Tantras



see styles
yào shī qī fó gōng yǎng yí guǐ rú yì wáng jīng
    yao4 shi1 qi1 fo2 gong1 yang3 yi2 gui3 ru2 yi4 wang2 jing1
yao shih ch`i fo kung yang i kuei ju i wang ching
    yao shih chi fo kung yang i kuei ju i wang ching
 Yakushi shichibutsu kuyō giki nyoiō kyō
Ritual Procedure for Making Offerings to the Seven Healing-Master Buddhas, the Wish-Fulfilling Kings


see styles
 rikujoujieitaioujoujibaraenshuujou / rikujojietaiojojibaraenshujo
(place-name) Rikujōjieitaioujōjibaraenshuujou


see styles
 outeokakeru / oteokakeru
(exp,v1) (1) to check (in chess); (exp,v1) (2) (idiom) to threaten (someone's position, etc.); to close in (on someone)


see styles
 aizenmyouou / aizenmyoo
{Buddh} Ragaraja (esoteric school deity of love)


see styles
 aizenmyouou / aizenmyoo
{Buddh} Ragaraja (esoteric school deity of love)



see styles
yī qiè mì mì zuì shàng míng yì dà jiào wáng yí guǐ
    yi1 qie4 mi4 mi4 zui4 shang4 ming2 yi4 da4 jiao4 wang2 yi2 gui3
i ch`ieh mi mi tsui shang ming i ta chiao wang i kuei
    i chieh mi mi tsui shang ming i ta chiao wang i kuei
 Issai himitsu saijō myōgi daikyō ō giki
Yiqie mimi zuishang mingyi dajiaowang yigui



see styles
běi fāng pí shā mén tiān wáng suí jun hù fǎ zhēn yán
    bei3 fang1 pi2 sha1 men2 tian1 wang2 sui2 jun1 hu4 fa3 zhen1 yan2
pei fang p`i sha men t`ien wang sui chün hu fa chen yen
    pei fang pi sha men tien wang sui chün hu fa chen yen
 Hoppō Bishamontennō zuigun gohō shingon
Mantra for Protection of the Northern King Vaiśravāna, whom Armies Follow



see styles
guàn dǐng qī wàn èr qiān shén wáng hù bǐ qiū zhòu jīng
    guan4 ding3 qi1 wan4 er4 qian1 shen2 wang2 hu4 bi3 qiu1 zhou4 jing1
kuan ting ch`i wan erh ch`ien shen wang hu pi ch`iu chou ching
    kuan ting chi wan erh chien shen wang hu pi chiu chou ching
 Kanjō shichiuman nisen jinnō gobikuju kyō
Guanding qiwanerjian shenwang hu biqiu zhou jing



see styles
wú néng shèng fān wáng rú lái zhuāng yán tuó luó ní jīng
    wu2 neng2 sheng4 fan1 wang2 ru2 lai2 zhuang1 yan2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
wu neng sheng fan wang ju lai chuang yen t`o lo ni ching
    wu neng sheng fan wang ju lai chuang yen to lo ni ching
 Munōshō bannō nyorai shōgon daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of [the Tathāgatas Ornament, the Invincible] Ring-Adorned Banner


see styles
 oukoushoushouizukunzoshuaranya / okoshoshoizukunzoshuaranya
(expression) (proverb) high status does not depend on birth; every man can achieve great power if he exerts himself



see styles
miào lún shàng lè wáng mì mì bù sī yì dà jiào wáng jīng
    miao4 lun2 shang4 le4 wang2 mi4 mi4 bu4 si1 yi4 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1
miao lun shang le wang mi mi pu ssu i ta chiao wang ching
 Myōrin shōraku ō himitsu fushigi daikyōō kyō
Inconceivable Secret of the Wheel of Ecstasy: Great King of Tantras



see styles
màn shū shī lì pú sà zhòu zàng zhōng yī zì zhòu wáng jīng
    man4 shu1 shi1 li4 pu2 sa4 zhou4 zang4 zhong1 yi1 zi4 zhou4 wang2 jing1
man shu shih li p`u sa chou tsang chung i tzu chou wang ching
    man shu shih li pu sa chou tsang chung i tzu chou wang ching
 Manjushiri Bosatsujuzō chū ichiji juō kyō
One-Syllable King of Spells from the Bodhisattvapiṭaka of Mañjuśrī


see styles
 saboten; shaboten(仙人掌)
    サボテン; シャボテン(仙人掌)
(kana only) (サボ, シャボ poss. from Portuguese "sabão") cactus



see styles
chū shēng yī qiè rú lái fǎ yǎn biàn zhào dà lì míng wáng jīng
    chu1 sheng1 yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 fa3 yan3 bian4 zhao4 da4 li4 ming2 wang2 jing1
ch`u sheng i ch`ieh ju lai fa yen pien chao ta li ming wang ching
    chu sheng i chieh ju lai fa yen pien chao ta li ming wang ching
 Shusshō issai nyorai hōgen he
Sūtra of the Greatly Powerful Mantra King [The Universally Shining Dharma-Eye from which All Tathāgatas Arise



see styles
jīn gāng shǒu pú sà jiàng fú yī qiè bù duō dà jiào wáng jīng
    jin1 gang1 shou3 pu2 sa4 jiang4 fu2 yi1 qie4 bu4 duo1 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1
chin kang shou p`u sa chiang fu i ch`ieh pu to ta chiao wang ching
    chin kang shou pu sa chiang fu i chieh pu to ta chiao wang ching
 Kongōshu bosatsu gobuku issai buta daikyōō kyō
Vajrapaṇi Bodhisattvās Exorcist of the Bhūtas: Great King of Tantras



see styles
shèng yán màn dé jiā wēi nù wáng lì chéng dà shén yàn niàn sòng fǎ
    sheng4 yan2 man4 de2 jia1 wei1 nu4 wang2 li4 cheng2 da4 shen2 yan4 nian4 song4 fa3
sheng yen man te chia wei nu wang li ch`eng ta shen yen nien sung fa
    sheng yen man te chia wei nu wang li cheng ta shen yen nien sung fa
 Shō Emmantokka inuō ryūjō daijin ken nenju hō
Method for Recitation and Establishing Supernatural Effects through Sacred Yamāntaka, the Indignant King



see styles
wén shū shī lì pú sà gēn běn dà jiào wáng jīng jīn chì niǎo wáng pǐn
    wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 pu2 sa4 gen1 ben3 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1 jin1 chi4 niao3 wang2 pin3
wen shu shih li p`u sa ken pen ta chiao wang ching chin ch`ih niao wang p`in
    wen shu shih li pu sa ken pen ta chiao wang ching chin chih niao wang pin
 Monjushiri bosatsu kompon daikyōoukyō konji chōō bon
Chapter on the Golden-Winged King of Birds from the Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa



see styles
rén wáng hù guó bō rě bō luó mì duō jīng tuó luó ní niàn sòng yí guǐ
    ren2 wang2 hu4 guo2 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 jing1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 nian4 song4 yi2 gui3
jen wang hu kuo po je po lo mi to ching t`o lo ni nien sung i kuei
    jen wang hu kuo po je po lo mi to ching to lo ni nien sung i kuei
 Ninnō gokoku hannya haramitta kyō darani nenshō giki
Instructions for the Rites, Chants, and Meditations of the Prajñāpāramitā Dhāraṇī Scripture for Humane Kings Who Wish to Protect Their States


see styles
 rengououkoku / rengookoku
(See イギリス・1) United Kingdom


see styles
 gakumonnioudounashi / gakumonniodonashi
(expression) (proverb) (See 王道・2) there are no shortcuts in learning


see styles
 ninnouhannyaharamitsukyou / ninnohannyaharamitsukyo
{Buddh} (See 仁王経) Humane King Sutra


see styles
 hadakanoousama / hadakanoosama
(exp,n) (idiom) (from the Japanese title of "The Emperor's New Clothes") person of high standing, with a warped view of reality; naked emperor


see styles
 ususamamyouou; usushamamyouou / ususamamyoo; usushamamyoo
    うすさまみょうおう; うすしゃまみょうおう
{Buddh} Ucchusma



see styles
yī qiè fó shè xiāng yìng dà jiào wáng jīng shèng guān zì zài pú sà niàn sòng yí guǐ
    yi1 qie4 fo2 she4 xiang1 ying4 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1 sheng4 guan1 zi4 zai4 pu2 sa4 nian4 song4 yi2 gui3
i ch`ieh fo she hsiang ying ta chiao wang ching sheng kuan tzu tsai p`u sa nien sung i kuei
    i chieh fo she hsiang ying ta chiao wang ching sheng kuan tzu tsai pu sa nien sung i kuei
 Issai butsu shō sōō dai kyōō kyōshōkan jizai bosatsu nenshō giki
Yiqie foshe xiangyingdajiaowang jingshengguan zizai pusa niansongyigui



see styles
dà shèng yú qié jīn gāng xìng hǎi màn shū shì lì qiān bì qiān bō dà jiào wáng jīng
    da4 sheng4 yu2 qie2 jin1 gang1 xing4 hai3 man4 shu1 shi4 li4 qian1 bi4 qian1 bo1 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1
ta sheng yü ch`ieh chin kang hsing hai man shu shih li ch`ien pi ch`ien po ta chiao wang ching
    ta sheng yü chieh chin kang hsing hai man shu shih li chien pi chien po ta chiao wang ching
 Daijō yuga kongō shōkai manjushiri sempi sempatsu daikyōōkyō
Mahāyana Yoga of the Adamantine Ocean, Mañjusrī with a Thousand Arms and Thousand Bowls: Great King of Tantras.


see styles
 kannowanonanokokuouin; kannowanonanokokuounoin / kannowanonanokokuoin; kannowanonanokokuonoin
    かんのわのなのこくおういん; かんのわのなのこくおうのいん
King of Na gold seal (National Treasure of Japan)



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng jīng yī zì dǐng lún wáng yú jiā yī qiè shí chǔ niàn sòng chéng fó yí guǐ
    jin1 gang1 ding3 jing1 yi1 zi4 ding3 lun2 wang2 yu2 jia1 yi1 qie4 shi2 chu3 nian4 song4 cheng2 fo2 yi2 gui3
chin kang ting ching i tzu ting lun wang yü chia i ch`ieh shih ch`u nien sung ch`eng fo i kuei
    chin kang ting ching i tzu ting lun wang yü chia i chieh shih chu nien sung cheng fo i kuei
 Kongōchōgyō ichiji chōrinnō yuga issaiji shonenju jōbutsu giki
Ritual Procedure of Becoming Buddha through Recitation, Anytime, Anywhere, by the Yoga of the One-syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler from the Vajraśekhara



see styles
pǔ biàn guāng míng qīng jìng chì chéng rú yì bǎo yìn xīn wú néng shèng dà míng wáng dà suí qiú tuó luó ní jīng
    pu3 bian4 guang1 ming2 qing1 jing4 chi4 cheng2 ru2 yi4 bao3 yin4 xin1 wu2 neng2 sheng4 da4 ming2 wang2 da4 sui2 qiu2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
p`u pien kuang ming ch`ing ching ch`ih ch`eng ju i pao yin hsin wu neng sheng ta ming wang ta sui ch`iu t`o lo ni ching
    pu pien kuang ming ching ching chih cheng ju i pao yin hsin wu neng sheng ta ming wang ta sui chiu to lo ni ching
 Fuhen kōmyō shōjō shijō nyoishō inshin munōshō daimyōō daizuigu daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Great Protectress, Queen of Mantras



see styles
dà shèng fāng guǎng màn shū shì lì pú sà huā yán běn jiào yán màn dé jiā fèn nù wáng zhēn yán dà wēi dé yí guǐ pǐn
    da4 sheng4 fang1 guang3 man4 shu1 shi4 li4 pu2 sa4 hua1 yan2 ben3 jiao4 yan2 man4 de2 jia1 fen4 nu4 wang2 zhen1 yan2 da4 wei1 de2 yi2 gui3 pin3
ta sheng fang kuang man shu shih li p`u sa hua yen pen chiao yen man te chia fen nu wang chen yen ta wei te i kuei p`in
    ta sheng fang kuang man shu shih li pu sa hua yen pen chiao yen man te chia fen nu wang chen yen ta wei te i kuei pin
 Daijō hōkō Manjushiri bosatsu kegon honkyō emmantokka funnuō shingon daītoku giki bon
Ritual Chapter on Yamāntaka, Ferocious King of Mantras and Great Intimidating Righteousness, from the Āryamañjuśriyamūlakalpa-bodhisattvapiṭakāvataṃsaka-mahāyāna-vaipulya-sūtra



see styles
dà fāng guǎng màn shū shì lì tóng zhēn pú sà huā yán běn jiào zàn yán màn dé jiā fèn nù wáng zhēn yán ā pí zhē lū jiā yí guǐ pǐn
    da4 fang1 guang3 man4 shu1 shi4 li4 tong2 zhen1 pu2 sa4 hua1 yan2 ben3 jiao4 zan4 yan2 man4 de2 jia1 fen4 nu4 wang2 zhen1 yan2 a1 pi2 zhe1 lu1 jia1 yi2 gui3 pin3
ta fang kuang man shu shih li t`ung chen p`u sa hua yen pen chiao tsan yen man te chia fen nu wang chen yen a p`i che lu chia i kuei p`in
    ta fang kuang man shu shih li tung chen pu sa hua yen pen chiao tsan yen man te chia fen nu wang chen yen a pi che lu chia i kuei pin
 aihōkō Manjushiridō shimbosatsu kegon honkyō san Emmantokka funnuō shingon abisharoka giki bon
Ritual Chapter on Yamāntaka, Ferocious King of Mantras and Abhicāraka, from the Bodhisattvapiṭakāvisara-mañjusr'īkumārabhūta-mūlakalpa


see styles
 kaerunoousama / kaerunoosama
(work) The Frog Prince (fairy tale)


see styles
 gureetoburitenoyobikitaairurandorengououkoku / gureetoburitenoyobikitairurandorengookoku
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 49 results for "王" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary