There are 340 total results for your 鱼 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
魚鰭 鱼鳍 see styles |
yú qí yu2 qi2 yü ch`i yü chi |
fin |
魚鰾 鱼鳔 see styles |
yú biào yu2 biao4 yü piao |
swim bladder |
魚鱗 鱼鳞 see styles |
yú lín yu2 lin2 yü lin gyorin ぎょりん |
fish scales fish scales |
魚鷹 鱼鹰 see styles |
yú yīng yu2 ying1 yü ying |
name used for many fishing birds; cormorant; osprey |
魚麗 鱼丽 see styles |
yú lì yu2 li4 yü li |
"fish" battle formation in ancient times: chariots in front, infantry behind; The Fish Enter the Trap (title of Ode 170 in the Shijing) |
魚鼓 鱼鼓 see styles |
yú gǔ yu2 gu3 yü ku hō |
percussion instrument in the form of a bamboo fish (traditionally used by Daoist priests) Similar to魚板. |
魚龍 鱼龙 see styles |
yú lóng yu2 long2 yü lung |
ichthyosaur |
魟魚 𫚉鱼 see styles |
hóng yú hong2 yu2 hung yü |
skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae); stingray |
魣魚 魣鱼 see styles |
yú yú yu2 yu2 yü yü |
perch |
魷魚 鱿鱼 see styles |
yóu yú you2 yu2 yu yü |
squid |
鮁魚 鲅鱼 see styles |
bà yú ba4 yu2 pa yü |
Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius) |
鮑魚 鲍鱼 see styles |
bào yú bao4 yu2 pao yü hougyo / hogyo ほうぎょ |
abalone salt-cured fish |
鮪魚 鲔鱼 see styles |
wěi yú wei3 yu2 wei yü |
(Tw) tuna |
鮫魚 鲛鱼 see styles |
jiāo yú jiao1 yu2 chiao yü |
(archaic) shark |
鮭魚 鲑鱼 see styles |
guī yú gui1 yu2 kuei yü |
salmon; trout |
鯉魚 鲤鱼 see styles |
lǐ yú li3 yu2 li yü |
More info & calligraphy: Carp / Koi Fish |
鯊魚 鲨鱼 see styles |
shā yú sha1 yu2 sha yü |
More info & calligraphy: Shark |
鯔魚 鲻鱼 see styles |
zī yú zi1 yu2 tzu yü |
flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) |
鯖魚 鲭鱼 see styles |
qīng yú qing1 yu2 ch`ing yü ching yü |
mackerel |
鯗魚 鲞鱼 see styles |
xiǎng yú xiang3 yu2 hsiang yü |
dried fish |
鯛魚 鲷鱼 see styles |
diāo yú diao1 yu2 tiao yü |
porgy; sea bream (family Sparidae); (Tw) tilapia |
鯡魚 鲱鱼 see styles |
fēi yú fei1 yu2 fei yü |
herring |
鯧魚 鲳鱼 see styles |
chāng yú chang1 yu2 ch`ang yü chang yü |
silvery pomfret; butterfish |
鯨魚 鲸鱼 see styles |
jīng yú jing1 yu2 ching yü keigyo |
whale; CL:條|条[tiao2] makara, sea-monster, whale. |
鯪魚 鲮鱼 see styles |
líng yú ling2 yu2 ling yü |
see 鯪|鲮[ling2] |
鯰魚 鲶鱼 see styles |
nián yú nian2 yu2 nien yü |
catfish |
鯷魚 鳀鱼 see styles |
tí yú ti2 yu2 t`i yü ti yü |
anchovy |
鯽魚 鲫鱼 see styles |
jì yú ji4 yu2 chi yü |
crucian carp |
鯿魚 鳊鱼 see styles |
biān yú bian1 yu2 pien yü |
white Amur bream (Parabramis pekinensis) |
鰆魚 䲠鱼 see styles |
chūn yú chun1 yu2 ch`un yü chun yü |
Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius); see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2] |
鰈魚 鲽鱼 see styles |
dié yú die2 yu2 tieh yü |
flounder; plaice |
鰐魚 鳄鱼 see styles |
è yú e4 yu2 o yü gakugyo がくぎょ |
(See 鰐・1) crocodile; alligator; crocodilian v. kumbhīra. |
鰣魚 鲥鱼 see styles |
shí yú shi2 yu2 shih yü jigyo; jigyo じぎょ; ジギョ |
Reeves shad (Tenualosa reevesii) (kana only) Reeves' shad (Tenualosa reevesii); Chinese shad |
鰱魚 鲢鱼 see styles |
lián yú lian2 yu2 lien yü rengyo; rengyo れんぎょ; レンギョ |
silver carp (kana only) (See 白鰱,黒鰱) silver carp; bighead carp |
鰻魚 鳗鱼 see styles |
mán yú man2 yu2 man yü |
eel |
鱅魚 鳙鱼 see styles |
yōng yú yong1 yu2 yung yü |
bighead carp; Hypophthalmichthys nobilis |
鱆魚 𫠒鱼 see styles |
zhāng yú zhang1 yu2 chang yü |
variant of 章魚|章鱼[zhang1yu2] |
鱈魚 鳕鱼 see styles |
xuě yú xue3 yu2 hsüeh yü |
cod |
鱒魚 鳟鱼 see styles |
zūn yú zun1 yu2 tsun yü |
trout |
鱔魚 鳝鱼 see styles |
shàn yú shan4 yu2 shan yü |
eel |
鱖魚 鳜鱼 see styles |
guì yú gui4 yu2 kuei yü |
mandarin fish; Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi) |
鱘魚 鲟鱼 see styles |
xún yú xun2 yu2 hsün yü |
sturgeon |
鱟魚 鲎鱼 see styles |
hòu yú hou4 yu2 hou yü |
horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus) |
鱠魚 鲙鱼 see styles |
kuài yú kuai4 yu2 k`uai yü kuai yü |
Chinese herring (Ilisha elongata) |
鱧魚 鳢鱼 see styles |
lǐ yú li3 yu2 li yü |
blotched snakehead (Channa maculata) |
鱷魚 鳄鱼 see styles |
è yú e4 yu2 o yü |
alligator; crocodile (CL:條|条[tiao2]) |
鱸魚 鲈鱼 see styles |
lú yú lu2 yu2 lu yü |
bass; perch |
鳴魚 鸣鱼 see styles |
míng yú ming2 yu2 ming yü |
To sound the wooden fish to announce a meal time. |
鹹魚 咸鱼 see styles |
xián yú xian2 yu2 hsien yü |
salted fish |
黃魚 黄鱼 see styles |
huáng yú huang2 yu2 huang yü |
yellow croaker (fish) |
黿魚 鼋鱼 see styles |
yuán yú yuan2 yu2 yüan yü |
soft-shelled turtle; also termed 鱉|鳖[bie1] |
三文魚 三文鱼 see styles |
sān wén yú san1 wen2 yu2 san wen yü |
salmon (loanword) |
八帶魚 八带鱼 see styles |
bā dài yú ba1 dai4 yu2 pa tai yü |
octopus |
八爪魚 八爪鱼 see styles |
bā zhuǎ yú ba1 zhua3 yu2 pa chua yü |
octopus |
冠魚狗 冠鱼狗 see styles |
guān yú gǒu guan1 yu2 gou3 kuan yü kou |
(bird species of China) crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris) |
劍魚座 剑鱼座 see styles |
jiàn yú zuò jian4 yu2 zuo4 chien yü tso |
Dorado (constellation) |
加吉魚 加吉鱼 see styles |
jiā jí yú jia1 ji2 yu2 chia chi yü |
porgy (Pagrosomus major) |
南魚座 南鱼座 see styles |
nán yú zuò nan2 yu2 zuo4 nan yü tso minaminouoza / minaminooza みなみのうおざ |
Piscis Austrinus (constellation) (astron) Piscis Austrinus (constellation); the Southern Fish |
印頭魚 印头鱼 see styles |
yìn tóu yú yin4 tou2 yu2 yin t`ou yü yin tou yü |
shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) |
吞拿魚 吞拿鱼 see styles |
tūn ná yú tun1 na2 yu2 t`un na yü tun na yü |
tuna (loanword) |
吳郭魚 吴郭鱼 see styles |
wú guō yú wu2 guo1 yu2 wu kuo yü |
(Tw) tilapia |
吸盤魚 吸盘鱼 see styles |
xī pán yú xi1 pan2 yu2 hsi p`an yü hsi pan yü |
shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) |
嘉魚縣 嘉鱼县 see styles |
jiā yú xiàn jia1 yu2 xian4 chia yü hsien |
Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei |
土魠魚 土魠鱼 see styles |
tǔ tuō yú tu3 tuo1 yu2 t`u t`o yü tu to yü |
see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2] |
土鯪魚 土鲮鱼 see styles |
tǔ líng yú tu3 ling2 yu2 t`u ling yü tu ling yü |
see 鯪|鲮[ling2] |
塘角魚 塘角鱼 see styles |
táng jiǎo yú tang2 jiao3 yu2 t`ang chiao yü tang chiao yü |
Hong Kong catfish (Clarias fuscus) |
多寶魚 多宝鱼 see styles |
duō bǎo yú duo1 bao3 yu2 to pao yü |
turbot; European imported turbot; same as 大菱鮃|大菱鲆 |
大鰈魚 大鲽鱼 see styles |
dà dié yú da4 die2 yu2 ta tieh yü |
turbot fish |
大黃魚 大黄鱼 see styles |
dà huáng yú da4 huang2 yu2 ta huang yü |
Croceine croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea), a fish popular in Cantonese cooking |
娃娃魚 娃娃鱼 see styles |
wá wa yú wa2 wa5 yu2 wa wa yü |
Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) |
小丑魚 小丑鱼 see styles |
xiǎo chǒu yú xiao3 chou3 yu2 hsiao ch`ou yü hsiao chou yü |
clownfish; anemonefish |
尖嘴魚 尖嘴鱼 see styles |
jiān zuǐ yú jian1 zui3 yu2 chien tsui yü |
Indo-Pacific wrasse (Gomphosus varius) |
山椒魚 山椒鱼 see styles |
shān jiāo yú shan1 jiao1 yu2 shan chiao yü sanshouuo; sanshouuo / sanshouo; sanshouo さんしょううお; サンショウウオ |
Hynobius formosanus; Taiwan salamander (kana only) salamander (amphibian of the order Caudata) |
左口魚 左口鱼 see styles |
zuǒ kǒu yú zuo3 kou3 yu2 tso k`ou yü tso kou yü |
flounder |
巴沙魚 巴沙鱼 see styles |
bā shā yú ba1 sha1 yu2 pa sha yü |
(loanword) basa (Pangasius bocourti) |
彈塗魚 弹涂鱼 see styles |
tán tú yú tan2 tu2 yu2 t`an t`u yü tan tu yü |
mudskipper (amphibious fish) |
拆魚羹 拆鱼羹 see styles |
chāi yú gēng chai1 yu2 geng1 ch`ai yü keng chai yü keng |
hand-shredded fish soup, a speciality of Shunde 順德|顺德[Shun4de2] |
摩竭魚 摩竭鱼 see styles |
mó jié yú mo2 jie2 yu2 mo chieh yü makatsugyo |
(Skt. makara) |
文昌魚 文昌鱼 see styles |
wén chāng yú wen2 chang1 yu2 wen ch`ang yü wen chang yü |
lancelet (Branchiostoma lanceolatum), a primitive fish |
斑馬魚 斑马鱼 see styles |
bān mǎ yú ban1 ma3 yu2 pan ma yü |
zebrafish |
斑魚狗 斑鱼狗 see styles |
bān yú gǒu ban1 yu2 gou3 pan yü kou |
(bird species of China) pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) |
曹白魚 曹白鱼 see styles |
cáo bái yú cao2 bai2 yu2 ts`ao pai yü tsao pai yü |
Chinese herring (Ilisha elongata); white herring; slender shad |
曼波魚 曼波鱼 see styles |
màn bō yú man4 bo1 yu2 man po yü |
ocean sunfish (Mola mola) |
木魚花 木鱼花 see styles |
mù yú huā mu4 yu2 hua1 mu yü hua |
see 柴魚片|柴鱼片[chai2 yu2 pian4] |
柴魚片 柴鱼片 see styles |
chái yú piàn chai2 yu2 pian4 ch`ai yü p`ien chai yü pien |
katsuobushi or dried bonito flakes (paper-thin shavings of preserved skipjack tuna) |
梁辰魚 梁辰鱼 see styles |
liáng chén yú liang2 chen2 yu2 liang ch`en yü liang chen yü |
Liang Chenyu (1521-1594), Ming dramatist of the Kunshan opera school |
梭子魚 梭子鱼 see styles |
suō zi yú suo1 zi5 yu2 so tzu yü kamasu かます |
barracuda (kana only) barracuda |
梵魚寺 梵鱼寺 see styles |
fàn yú sì fan4 yu2 si4 fan yü ssu Bongyoji |
Beomeosa |
歐蝶魚 欧蝶鱼 see styles |
ōu dié yú ou1 die2 yu2 ou tieh yü |
plaice |
比目魚 比目鱼 see styles |
bǐ mù yú bi3 mu4 yu2 pi mu yü hirame ひらめ |
flatfish; flounder (1) (kana only) flounder (esp. the large-tooth flounders of family Paralichthyidae, but also lefteye flounders of family Bothidae); (2) bastard halibut; olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) |
水滴魚 水滴鱼 see styles |
shuǐ dī yú shui3 di1 yu2 shui ti yü |
blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) |
水煮魚 水煮鱼 see styles |
shuǐ zhǔ yú shui3 zhu3 yu2 shui chu yü |
Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil |
水虎魚 水虎鱼 see styles |
shuǐ hǔ yú shui3 hu3 yu2 shui hu yü |
piranha (fish) |
沙丁魚 沙丁鱼 see styles |
shā dīng yú sha1 ding1 yu2 sha ting yü |
sardine (loanword) |
淡水魚 淡水鱼 see styles |
dàn shuǐ yú dan4 shui3 yu2 tan shui yü tansuigyo たんすいぎょ |
freshwater fish freshwater fish |
炒魷魚 炒鱿鱼 see styles |
chǎo yóu yú chao3 you2 yu2 ch`ao yu yü chao yu yü |
(coll.) to fire sb; to sack sb |
烏魚子 乌鱼子 see styles |
wū yú zǐ wu1 yu2 zi3 wu yü tzu karasumi からすみ |
mullet roe (salted and dried); bottarga dried mullet roe |
熱帶魚 热带鱼 see styles |
rè dài yú re4 dai4 yu2 je tai yü |
tropical fish |
燈籠魚 灯笼鱼 see styles |
dēng lóng yú deng1 long2 yu2 teng lung yü |
lantern fish |
琵琶魚 琵琶鱼 see styles |
pí pa yú pi2 pa5 yu2 p`i p`a yü pi pa yü |
anglerfish |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "鱼" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.