There are 511 total results for your 过 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
過少 过少 see styles |
guò shǎo guo4 shao3 kuo shao kashou / kasho かしょう |
too few; insufficient (adjectival noun) (ant: 過多) too few; too little; insufficient |
過帳 过帐 see styles |
guò zhàng guo4 zhang4 kuo chang |
posting (accounting) |
過年 过年 see styles |
guò nián guo4 nian2 kuo nien |
to celebrate the Chinese New Year |
過度 过度 see styles |
guò dù guo4 du4 kuo tu kado かど |
excessive; over-; excess; going too far; extravagant; intemperate; overdue (adj-na,adj-no,n) excessive; immoderate To pass from mortal life. |
過往 过往 see styles |
guò wǎng guo4 wang3 kuo wang kaō |
to come and go; to have friendly relations with; in the past; previous passed away |
過後 过后 see styles |
guò hòu guo4 hou4 kuo hou |
after the event |
過得 过得 see styles |
guò dé guo4 de2 kuo te |
How are you getting by?; How's life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well; not too bad |
過從 过从 see styles |
guò cóng guo4 cong2 kuo ts`ung kuo tsung |
to have relations with; to associate with |
過患 过患 see styles |
guò huàn guo4 huan4 kuo huan kagen |
faults and distress |
過惡 过恶 see styles |
guò è guo4 e4 kuo o kaaku |
dauṣṭhulya. Surpassing evil; extremely evil. |
過想 过想 see styles |
guò xiǎng guo4 xiang3 kuo hsiang kasō |
mistaken perception |
過慢 过慢 see styles |
guò màn guo4 man4 kuo man kaman |
The pride which among equals regards self as superior and among superiors as equal; one of the seven arrogances. |
過慣 过惯 see styles |
guò guàn guo4 guan4 kuo kuan |
to be accustomed to (a certain lifestyle etc) |
過戶 过户 see styles |
guò hù guo4 hu4 kuo hu |
to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, securities etc); (real estate) conveyancing |
過房 过房 see styles |
guò fáng guo4 fang2 kuo fang |
to adopt; to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative) |
過招 过招 see styles |
guò zhāo guo4 zhao1 kuo chao |
to fight; to exchange blows |
過敏 过敏 see styles |
guò mǐn guo4 min3 kuo min kabin かびん |
oversensitive; allergic; allergy (noun or adjectival noun) nervousness; oversensitivity |
過於 过于 see styles |
guò yú guo4 yu2 kuo yü |
excessively; too |
過早 过早 see styles |
guò zǎo guo4 zao3 kuo tsao |
premature; untimely; (dialect) to have breakfast; breakfast |
過是 过是 see styles |
guō shì guo1 shi4 kuo shih ka ze |
hereafter |
過時 过时 see styles |
guò shí guo4 shi2 kuo shih kaji |
old-fashioned; out of date; to be later than the time stipulated or agreed upon Uruvilvā |
過期 过期 see styles |
guò qī guo4 qi1 kuo ch`i kuo chi kaki |
to be overdue; to exceed the time limit; to expire (as in expiration date) Beyond the time. |
過未 过未 see styles |
guō wèi guo1 wei4 kuo wei kami |
past and future |
過此 过此 see styles |
guò cǐ guo4 ci3 kuo tz`u kuo tzu kashi |
to err in regard to this |
過氣 过气 see styles |
guò qì guo4 qi4 kuo ch`i kuo chi |
past one's prime; has-been |
過氧 过氧 see styles |
guò yǎng guo4 yang3 kuo yang |
peroxy-; peroxide (chemistry) |
過活 过活 see styles |
guò huó guo4 huo2 kuo huo |
to live one's life; to make a living |
過渡 过渡 see styles |
guò dù guo4 du4 kuo tu kato かと |
to cross over (by ferry); transition; interim; caretaker (administration) (1) crossing; ferry; (2) transient; (3) changing old to new |
過激 过激 see styles |
guò jī guo4 ji1 kuo chi kageki かげき |
drastic; extreme; aggressive (noun or adjectival noun) (1) (ant: 穏健) extreme (measure, idea, etc.); radical; violent (language); (noun or adjectival noun) (2) strenuous (exercise, work, etc.); excessive; (physically) demanding |
過濾 过滤 see styles |
guò lǜ guo4 lu:4 kuo lü |
to filter |
過火 过火 see styles |
guò huǒ guo4 huo3 kuo huo |
to go too far; to go overboard (in words or actions); over the top; excessive; burned |
過熱 过热 see styles |
guò rè guo4 re4 kuo je kanetsu かねつ |
too hot; (fig.) (economics) overheated; (physics) to superheat (noun/participle) superheating; overheating |
過犯 过犯 see styles |
guò fàn guo4 fan4 kuo fan kabon |
previous sins transgress |
過獎 过奖 see styles |
guò jiǎng guo4 jiang3 kuo chiang |
to overpraise; to flatter |
過當 过当 see styles |
guò dàng guo4 dang4 kuo tang |
excessive |
過癮 过瘾 see styles |
guò yǐn guo4 yin3 kuo yin |
to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of something; gratifying; immensely enjoyable; satisfying; fulfilling |
過目 过目 see styles |
guò mù guo4 mu4 kuo mu |
to look over |
過硬 过硬 see styles |
guò yìng guo4 ying4 kuo ying |
to have perfect mastery of something; to be up to the mark |
過磅 过磅 see styles |
guò bàng guo4 bang4 kuo pang |
to weigh (on a scale) |
過程 过程 see styles |
guò chéng guo4 cheng2 kuo ch`eng kuo cheng katei / kate かてい |
course of events; process; CL:個|个[ge4] process; course; mechanism |
過節 过节 see styles |
guò jié guo4 jie2 kuo chieh |
to celebrate a festival; after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over) |
過細 过细 see styles |
guò xì guo4 xi4 kuo hsi |
extremely careful; meticulous; overattentive |
過繼 过继 see styles |
guò jì guo4 ji4 kuo chi |
to adopt; to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative) |
過罪 过罪 see styles |
guò zuì guo4 zui4 kuo tsui kazai |
destructive |
過膠 过胶 see styles |
guò jiāo guo4 jiao1 kuo chiao |
(stationery) to laminate |
過譽 过誉 see styles |
guò yù guo4 yu4 kuo yü |
to praise too much; I really don't deserve so much praise |
過身 过身 see styles |
guò shēn guo4 shen1 kuo shen |
to die; to pass away |
過載 过载 see styles |
guò zài guo4 zai4 kuo tsai |
overload |
過道 过道 see styles |
guò dào guo4 dao4 kuo tao kadou / kado かどう |
passageway; corridor; aisle (given name) Kadō |
過重 过重 see styles |
guò zhòng guo4 zhong4 kuo chung kajuu / kaju かじゅう |
overweight (luggage) (noun or adjectival noun) overweight; too heavy (burden, workload, etc.); too severe |
過量 过量 see styles |
guò liàng guo4 liang4 kuo liang karyou / karyo かりょう |
excessive overdose; overdosage |
過錯 过错 see styles |
guò cuò guo4 cuo4 kuo ts`o kuo tso |
mistake; fault; responsibility (for a fault) |
過門 过门 see styles |
guò mén guo4 men2 kuo men |
to pass through a doorway; (of a woman) to marry; orchestral music interlude in an opera |
過關 过关 see styles |
guò guān guo4 guan1 kuo kuan |
to cross a barrier; to get through (an ordeal); to pass (a test); to reach (a standard) |
過難 过难 see styles |
guò nán guo4 nan2 kuo nan kanan |
fault(s) |
過頭 过头 see styles |
guò tóu guo4 tou2 kuo t`ou kuo tou |
to overdo it; to overstep the limit; excessively; above one's head; overhead |
過高 过高 see styles |
guò gāo guo4 gao1 kuo kao |
too high |
錯過 错过 see styles |
cuò guò cuo4 guo4 ts`o kuo tso kuo |
to miss (train, opportunity etc) |
閃過 闪过 see styles |
shǎn guò shan3 guo4 shan kuo |
to flash through (one's mind); to dodge (away from pursuers) |
闖過 闯过 see styles |
chuǎng guò chuang3 guo4 ch`uang kuo chuang kuo |
to crash one's way through |
除過 除过 see styles |
chú guò chu2 guo4 ch`u kuo chu kuo |
(dialect) except; besides |
離過 离过 see styles |
lí guò li2 guo4 li kuo ri ka |
free from error |
難過 难过 see styles |
nán guò nan2 guo4 nan kuo |
to feel sad; to feel unwell; (of life) to be difficult |
飛過 飞过 see styles |
fēi guò fei1 guo4 fei kuo tobisugi とびすぎ |
to fly over; to fly past (1) (archaism) passing by flying; (2) (archaism) fickle heart; man who frequently meets with harlots |
饒過 饶过 see styles |
ráo guò rao2 guo4 jao kuo |
to pardon; to excuse; to forgive |
一過性 一过性 see styles |
yī guò xìng yi1 guo4 xing4 i kuo hsing ikkasei / ikkase いっかせい |
transient (adj-no,n) transient (symptom, phenomenon); temporary; passing; fleeting |
不定過 不定过 see styles |
bù dìng guò bu4 ding4 guo4 pu ting kuo fujō ka |
fallacy of inconclusiveness |
不得過 不得过 see styles |
bù dé guò bu4 de2 guo4 pu te kuo futoku ka |
moderation |
不成過 不成过 see styles |
bù chéng guò bu4 cheng2 guo4 pu ch`eng kuo pu cheng kuo fujō ka |
fallacy of non-proof [in the reason] |
不為過 不为过 see styles |
bù wéi guò bu4 wei2 guo4 pu wei kuo |
not an exaggeration; not excessive; not wide of the mark |
不空過 不空过 see styles |
bù kōng guò bu4 kong1 guo4 pu k`ung kuo pu kung kuo fu kūka |
not in vain |
不過意 不过意 see styles |
bù guò yì bu4 guo4 yi4 pu kuo i |
to be sorry; to feel apologetic |
不離過 不离过 see styles |
bù lí guò bu4 li2 guo4 pu li kuo fu ri ka |
not free from error |
二過一 二过一 see styles |
èr guò yī er4 guo4 yi1 erh kuo i |
(soccer) one-two; push-and-run |
信不過 信不过 see styles |
xìn bù guò xin4 bu4 guo4 hsin pu kuo |
to distrust; to be suspicious |
信得過 信得过 see styles |
xìn de guò xin4 de5 guo4 hsin te kuo |
trustworthy; reliable |
倒過兒 倒过儿 see styles |
dào guò r dao4 guo4 r5 tao kuo r |
the wrong way round (back to front, inside out etc) |
倶有過 倶有过 see styles |
jù yǒu guò ju4 you3 guo4 chü yu kuo ku uka |
both have faults |
先過去 先过去 see styles |
xiān guō qù xian1 guo1 qu4 hsien kuo ch`ü hsien kuo chü sen kako |
bygone |
十四過 十四过 see styles |
shí sì guò shi2 si4 guo4 shih ssu kuo jūshi ka |
fourteen fallacies |
反過來 反过来 see styles |
fǎn guo lái fan3 guo5 lai2 fan kuo lai |
conversely; in reverse order; in an opposite direction |
只不過 只不过 see styles |
zhǐ bu guò zhi3 bu5 guo4 chih pu kuo |
only; merely; nothing but; no more than; it's just that ... |
喘不過 喘不过 see styles |
chuǎn bu guò chuan3 bu5 guo4 ch`uan pu kuo chuan pu kuo |
to be unable to breathe easily |
喩十過 喩十过 see styles |
yù shí guò yu4 shi2 guo4 yü shih kuo yu (no) jikka |
ten possible fallacies in the example |
大過失 大过失 see styles |
dà guò shī da4 guo4 shi1 ta kuo shih dai kashitsu |
great error |
大過年 大过年 see styles |
dà guò nián da4 guo4 nian2 ta kuo nien |
Chinese New Year |
宗九過 宗九过 see styles |
zōng jiǔ guò zong1 jiu3 guo4 tsung chiu kuo shū no kuka |
nine fallacies in the proposition |
左不過 左不过 see styles |
zuǒ bu guò zuo3 bu5 guo4 tso pu kuo |
anyhow; in any event; just; only |
已過去 已过去 see styles |
yǐ guō qù yi3 guo1 qu4 i kuo ch`ü i kuo chü i kako |
already gone |
往古過 往古过 see styles |
wǎng gǔ guō wang3 gu3 guo1 wang ku kuo ōkoka |
in ancient times |
思過半 思过半 see styles |
sī guō bàn si1 guo1 ban4 ssu kuo pan shi kahan |
able to understand more than half |
悔過書 悔过书 see styles |
huǐ guò shū hui3 guo4 shu1 hui kuo shu |
written repentance |
悔過法 悔过法 see styles |
huǐ guò fǎ hui3 guo4 fa3 hui kuo fa kaika hō |
repenting crimes to others |
惡無過 恶无过 see styles |
è wú guò e4 wu2 guo4 o wu kuo aku muka |
That it is not wrong to do evil; that there are no consequences at attached to an evil life. |
慢過慢 慢过慢 see styles |
màn guō màn man4 guo1 man4 man kuo man manka man |
Regarding oneself as superior, to superiors. |
打不過 打不过 see styles |
dǎ bu guò da3 bu5 guo4 ta pu kuo |
to be unable to defeat; to be no match for (sb) |
折過兒 折过儿 see styles |
zhē guò r zhe1 guo4 r5 che kuo r |
to turn over |
拗不過 拗不过 see styles |
niù bu guò niu4 bu5 guo4 niu pu kuo |
can't persuade; unable to make (sb) change their mind; unable to resist (sb) |
掉過兒 掉过儿 see styles |
diào guò r diao4 guo4 r5 tiao kuo r |
erhua variant of 掉過|掉过[diao4 guo4] |
於過去 于过去 see styles |
yú guō qù yu2 guo1 qu4 yü kuo ch`ü yü kuo chü o kako |
in the past |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "过" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.