There are 1074 total results for your 調 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
調訓 调训 see styles |
tiáo xùn tiao2 xun4 t`iao hsün tiao hsün |
to train; to care for and educate |
調試 调试 see styles |
tiáo shì tiao2 shi4 t`iao shih tiao shih |
to debug; to adjust components during testing; debugging |
調諧 调谐 see styles |
tiáo xié tiao2 xie2 t`iao hsieh tiao hsieh |
harmonious; to adjust; to tune (e.g. wireless receiver); to bring into harmony |
調謔 调谑 see styles |
tiáo xuè tiao2 xue4 t`iao hsüeh tiao hsüeh |
to make fun of; to mock |
調譺 调譺 see styles |
diào yí diao4 yi2 tiao i jōgai |
to deride |
調變 调变 see styles |
tiáo biàn tiao2 bian4 t`iao pien tiao pien |
modulation; to modulate (electronics) |
調資 调资 see styles |
tiáo zī tiao2 zi1 t`iao tzu tiao tzu |
wage adjustment; to raise or lower wages |
調赴 调赴 see styles |
diào fù diao4 fu4 tiao fu |
to dispatch (troops to the front) |
調轉 调转 see styles |
diào zhuǎn diao4 zhuan3 tiao chuan |
to reassign sb to a different job; to turn around; to change direction; to make a U turn |
調速 调速 see styles |
tiáo sù tiao2 su4 t`iao su tiao su |
to adjust the speed |
調造 see styles |
chouzou / chozo ちょうぞう |
(given name) Chōzou |
調進 see styles |
choushin / choshin ちょうしん |
(noun, transitive verb) preparation; supplying; procurement |
調達 调达 see styles |
diào dá diao4 da2 tiao ta choutatsu / chotatsu ちょうたつ |
(noun, transitive verb) supply; provision; raising; procurement (調婆達) (調多, 調婆多) v. 提 Devadatta. |
調遣 调遣 see styles |
diào qiǎn diao4 qian3 tiao ch`ien tiao chien |
to dispatch; to assign; a dispatch |
調適 调适 see styles |
tiáo shì tiao2 shi4 t`iao shih tiao shih jōjaku |
to adapt (to an environment etc); to make something suitable; adaptation; adjustment; adaptive adjust |
調遷 调迁 see styles |
diào qiān diao4 qian1 tiao ch`ien tiao chien |
to transfer; to move; to shift |
調配 调配 see styles |
tiáo pèi tiao2 pei4 t`iao p`ei tiao pei |
to blend (colors, herbs); to mix |
調酒 调酒 see styles |
tiáo jiǔ tiao2 jiu3 t`iao chiu tiao chiu |
to mix drinks; cocktail |
調門 调门 see styles |
tiáo mén tiao2 men2 t`iao men tiao men |
valve |
調閱 调阅 see styles |
diào yuè diao4 yue4 tiao yüeh |
to access (a document); to consult |
調防 调防 see styles |
diào fáng diao4 fang2 tiao fang |
to relieve a garrison |
調降 调降 see styles |
tiáo jiàng tiao2 jiang4 t`iao chiang tiao chiang |
(Tw) to lower (prices, interest rates etc); to reduce; to cut |
調隱 调隐 see styles |
tiáo yǐn tiao2 yin3 t`iao yin tiao yin jōon |
to adjust |
調集 调集 see styles |
diào jí diao4 ji2 tiao chi |
to summon; to muster; to assemble |
調音 调音 see styles |
tiáo yīn tiao2 yin1 t`iao yin tiao yin chouon / choon ちょうおん |
to tune (a musical instrument) (noun/participle) {ling} articulation |
調順 调顺 see styles |
tiáo shùn tiao2 shun4 t`iao shun tiao shun jōjun |
obedient |
調頌 调颂 see styles |
tiáo sòng tiao2 song4 t`iao sung tiao sung jōju |
Hymns and chants, an intp. of gāthā. |
調頭 调头 see styles |
diào tou diao4 tou5 tiao t`ou tiao tou |
tone (of voice); tune |
調頻 调频 see styles |
tiáo pín tiao2 pin2 t`iao p`in tiao pin |
frequency modulation; FM |
調飾 调饰 see styles |
tiáo shì tiao2 shi4 t`iao shih tiao shih jōshoku |
to arrange and adorn |
調養 调养 see styles |
tiáo yǎng tiao2 yang3 t`iao yang tiao yang |
to take care of (sb's health); to nurse |
調香 see styles |
choukou / choko ちょうこう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) perfume blending; fragrance mixing |
調馬 see styles |
chouba / choba ちょうば |
(noun/participle) horse training or breaking |
調馴 调驯 see styles |
tiáo xùn tiao2 xun4 t`iao hsün tiao hsün |
to look after and train (animals) |
調駕 调驾 see styles |
tiáo jià tiao2 jia4 t`iao chia tiao chia jōka |
to adjust and drive |
調髪 see styles |
chouhatsu / chohatsu ちょうはつ |
(n,vs,vi) haircut; barbering |
イ調 see styles |
ichou / icho イちょう |
{music} key of A |
ト調 see styles |
tochou / tocho トちょう |
{music} key of G |
ニ調 see styles |
nichou / nicho ニちょう |
{music} key of D |
ハ調 see styles |
hachou / hacho ハちょう |
{music} key of C |
ヘ調 see styles |
hechou / hecho ヘちょう |
{music} key of F |
ホ調 see styles |
hochou / hocho ホちょう |
{music} key of E |
ロ調 see styles |
rochou / rocho ロちょう |
{music} key of B |
上調 上调 see styles |
shàng tiáo shang4 tiao2 shang t`iao shang tiao |
to raise (prices); to adjust upwards |
下調 下调 see styles |
xià tiáo xia4 tiao2 hsia t`iao hsia tiao |
to adjust downwards; to lower (prices, wages etc) |
不調 不调 see styles |
bù tiáo bu4 tiao2 pu t`iao pu tiao fuchou / fucho ふちょう |
(n,adj-no,adj-na) (1) bad condition; poor condition; disorder; slump; being out of form; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) failure; rupture; breakdown (e.g. of negotiations) out of harmony |
中調 中调 see styles |
zhōng diào zhong1 diao4 chung tiao |
(perfumery) middle note; heart note |
主調 主调 see styles |
zhǔ diào zhu3 diao4 chu tiao shuchou / shucho しゅちょう |
main point of an argument; a principal viewpoint (1) {music} keynote; (2) predominant element; main point |
乱調 see styles |
ranchou / rancho らんちょう |
confusion |
伊調 see styles |
ichou / icho いちょう |
(surname) Ichō |
低調 低调 see styles |
dī diào di1 diao4 ti tiao teichou / techo ていちょう |
low pitch; quiet (voice); subdued; low-key; low-profile (noun or adjectival noun) inactive; slow; sluggish; slack; low tone; undertone; dullness; (market) weakness |
体調 see styles |
taichou / taicho たいちょう |
physical condition; state of health; shape |
佛調 佛调 see styles |
fó diào fo2 diao4 fo tiao Butchō |
Fodiao |
佳調 see styles |
kachou / kacho かちょう |
good tune |
俗調 see styles |
zokuchou / zokucho ぞくちょう |
popular music; vulgar music |
修調 修调 see styles |
xiū tiáo xiu1 tiao2 hsiu t`iao hsiu tiao shujō |
disciplined |
候調 see styles |
sourouchou / sorocho そうろうちょう |
epistolary style |
借調 借调 see styles |
jiè diào jie4 diao4 chieh tiao |
to temporarily transfer (personnel) |
内調 see styles |
naichou / naicho ないちょう |
(abbreviation) (See 内閣情報調査室) Cabinet Information Research Office |
再調 see styles |
saichou / saicho さいちょう |
(noun, transitive verb) reexamination; reinvestigation |
前調 前调 see styles |
qián diào qian2 diao4 ch`ien tiao chien tiao |
(perfumery) top note |
化調 see styles |
kachou / kacho かちょう |
(abbreviation) (See 化学調味料・かがくちょうみりょう) chemical seasoning |
升調 升调 see styles |
shēng diào sheng1 diao4 sheng tiao |
to promote to a higher post; (linguistics) rising intonation; (Chinese linguistics) rising tone |
協調 协调 see styles |
xié tiáo xie2 tiao2 hsieh t`iao hsieh tiao kyouchou / kyocho きょうちょう |
to coordinate; to harmonize; to fit together; to match (colors etc); harmonious; concerted (n,vs,vi) cooperation; conciliation; harmony; coordination |
単調 see styles |
tanchou / tancho たんちょう |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) monotony; monotone; dullness; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) {math} monotone; monotonic |
双調 see styles |
soujou / sojo そうじょう |
(1) {music} (See 十二律,仲呂・1) (in Japan) 6th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G); (2) {music} (See 六調子) sōjō mode (one of the six main gagaku modes) |
取調 see styles |
torishirabe とりしらべ |
investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors); examination; inquiry; enquiry |
口調 see styles |
kuchou / kucho くちょう |
tone (of voice); manner of talking |
可調 可调 see styles |
kě tiáo ke3 tiao2 k`o t`iao ko tiao |
adjustable |
合調 see styles |
gouchou / gocho ごうちょう |
{music} tuning |
同調 同调 see styles |
tóng diào tong2 diao4 t`ung tiao tung tiao douchou / docho どうちょう |
same tone; in agreement with; homology (invariant of a topological space in math.) (n,vs,vi) (1) conformity; alignment; agreement; sympathy; following suit; (n,vs,vi) (2) {elec} tuning; (3) same tone; same pitch |
和調 see styles |
natsuki なつき |
(female given name) Natsuki |
哀調 see styles |
aichou / aicho あいちょう |
plaintive strains; mournful tone; sad melody |
商調 商调 see styles |
shāng diào shang1 diao4 shang tiao |
to negotiate the transfer of personnel |
單調 单调 see styles |
dān diào dan1 diao4 tan tiao |
monotonous |
回調 回调 see styles |
huí diào hui2 diao4 hui tiao |
callback (computing) |
地調 地调 see styles |
dì diào di4 diao4 ti tiao |
geological survey, abbr. for 地質調查|地质调查[di4 zhi4 diao4 cha2] |
基調 基调 see styles |
jī diào ji1 diao4 chi tiao kichou / kicho きちょう |
main key (of a musical composition); keynote (speech) (1) basic tone; underlying tone; basic theme; basis; keynote; (2) trend; (3) {music} (See 主調・1) keynote |
堅調 see styles |
kenchou / kencho けんちょう |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) (ant: 軟調・なんちょう・1) firm (market); bullish; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) strong (sales, economy, etc.); steady; sound |
声調 see styles |
seichou / secho せいちょう |
(1) tone (of voice); (2) {ling} tone (e.g. in Chinese) |
変調 see styles |
henchou / hencho へんちょう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) irregularity; abnormality; anomaly; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) {music} change of tone; transposition; (n,vs,vt,vi) (3) {telec} modulation |
多調 see styles |
tachou / tacho たちょう |
{music} polytonality; polytonalism |
大調 大调 see styles |
dà diào da4 diao4 ta tiao |
major key (in music) |
失調 失调 see styles |
shī tiáo shi1 tiao2 shih t`iao shih tiao shicchou / shiccho しっちょう |
imbalance; to become dysfunctional; to lack proper care (after an illness etc) (1) lack of harmony; lack of balance; lack of coordination; malfunction; (2) {med} ataxia |
奏調 see styles |
kanatsuki かなつき |
(female given name) Kanatsuki |
好調 see styles |
kouchou / kocho こうちょう |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape |
字調 字调 see styles |
zì diào zi4 diao4 tzu tiao |
tone of a character |
孤調 孤调 see styles |
gū diào gu1 diao4 ku tiao kochō |
Self-arranging, the Hīnayāna method of salvation by individual effort. |
完調 see styles |
kanchou / kancho かんちょう |
one's best form |
定調 定调 see styles |
dìng diào ding4 diao4 ting tiao |
to set the tone |
実調 see styles |
michou / micho みちょう |
(female given name) Michō |
宮調 宫调 see styles |
gōng diào gong1 diao4 kung tiao |
modes of ancient Chinese music |
家調 see styles |
kachou / kacho かちょう |
(place-name) Kachō |
對調 对调 see styles |
duì diào dui4 diao4 tui tiao |
to swap places; to exchange roles |
小調 小调 see styles |
xiǎo diào xiao3 diao4 hsiao tiao |
xiaodiao, a Chinese folk song genre; minor key (in music) |
岔調 岔调 see styles |
chà diào cha4 diao4 ch`a tiao cha tiao |
(of a voice) husky; hoarse; affected; (music) to go off-key |
帶調 带调 see styles |
dài diào dai4 diao4 tai tiao |
to have a tone mark |
平調 see styles |
heichou / hecho へいちょう |
calm condition; normal condition |
強調 强调 see styles |
qiáng diào qiang2 diao4 ch`iang tiao chiang tiao kyouchou / kyocho きょうちょう |
to emphasize (a statement); to stress (noun, transitive verb) (1) emphasis; stress; highlighting; underlining; underscoring; (noun, transitive verb) (2) accentuating (a feature or certain part); accenting; (3) {finc} strong tone (of the market); firm tone |
後調 后调 see styles |
hòu diào hou4 diao4 hou tiao gochou / gocho ごちょう |
(perfumery) base note (surname) Gochō |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "調" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.