There are 235 total results for your 言語 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
言語社会学 see styles |
gengoshakaigaku げんごしゃかいがく |
(1) sociology of language; (2) (See 社会言語学) sociolinguistics |
言語聴覚士 see styles |
gengochoukakushi / gengochokakushi げんごちょうかくし |
speech therapist |
言語障害者 see styles |
gengoshougaisha / gengoshogaisha げんごしょうがいしゃ |
person with a language disorder; person with a speech disorder |
言語音聲欲 言语音声欲 see styles |
yán yǔ yīn shēng yù yan2 yu3 yin1 sheng1 yu4 yen yü yin sheng yü gongo onshō yoku |
sexual attraction to voice |
マクロ言語 see styles |
makurogengo マクロげんご |
{comp} macro language |
一般言語学 see styles |
ippangengogaku いっぱんげんごがく |
general linguistics |
会話型言語 see styles |
kaiwakeigengo / kaiwakegengo かいわけいげんご |
{comp} conversational language |
低水準言語 see styles |
teisuijungengo / tesuijungengo ていすいじゅんげんご |
{comp} low-level language |
公開文言語 see styles |
koukaibungengo / kokaibungengo こうかいぶんげんご |
{comp} public text language |
共時言語学 see styles |
kyoujigengogaku / kyojigengogaku きょうじげんごがく |
synchronic linguistics |
出離言語道 出离言语道 see styles |
chū lí yán yǔ dào chu1 li2 yan2 yu3 dao4 ch`u li yen yü tao chu li yen yü tao shutsuri gongo dō |
to free oneself from the path of words |
分析的言語 see styles |
bunsekitekigengo ぶんせきてきげんご |
analytic language |
命令型言語 see styles |
meireigatagengo / meregatagengo めいれいがたげんご |
{comp} imperative language |
問合せ言語 see styles |
toiawasegengo といあわせげんご |
{comp} query language |
多国籍言語 see styles |
takokusekigengo たこくせきげんご |
multilingual; in many languages |
多言語対応 see styles |
tagengotaiou / tagengotaio たげんごたいおう |
{comp} multilingual support |
宣言型言語 see styles |
sengengatagengo せんげんがたげんご |
{comp} declarative language |
宣言形言語 see styles |
sengengatagengo せんげんがたげんご |
{comp} declarative language |
対照言語学 see styles |
taishougengogaku / taishogengogaku たいしょうげんごがく |
contrastive linguistics |
心理言語学 see styles |
shinrigengogaku しんりげんごがく |
psycholinguistics |
応用言語学 see styles |
ouyougengogaku / oyogengogaku おうようげんごがく |
applied linguistics |
数理言語学 see styles |
suurigengogaku / surigengogaku すうりげんごがく |
mathematical linguistics |
構造化言語 see styles |
kouzoukagengo / kozokagengo こうぞうかげんご |
{comp} structured language |
構造言語学 see styles |
kouzougengogaku / kozogengogaku こうぞうげんごがく |
structural linguistics |
欧米諸言語 see styles |
oubeishogengo / obeshogengo おうべいしょげんご |
the languages of Europe and America |
歴史言語学 see styles |
rekishigengogaku れきしげんごがく |
historical linguistics |
比較言語学 see styles |
hikakugengogaku ひかくげんごがく |
comparative linguistics |
決定性言語 see styles |
ketteiseigengo / kettesegengo けっていせいげんご |
{comp} deterministic language |
理論言語学 see styles |
rirongengogaku りろんげんごがく |
theoretical linguistics |
生物言語学 see styles |
seibutsugengogaku / sebutsugengogaku せいぶつげんごがく |
biolinguistics |
社会言語学 see styles |
shakaigengogaku しゃかいげんごがく |
sociolinguistics |
神経言語学 see styles |
shinkeigengogaku / shinkegengogaku しんけいげんごがく |
neurolinguistics |
総合的言語 see styles |
sougoutekigengo / sogotekigengo そうごうてきげんご |
{ling} synthetic language |
翻訳元言語 see styles |
honyakumotogengo ほんやくもとげんご |
language being translated from; source language |
翻訳先言語 see styles |
honyakusakigengo ほんやくさきげんご |
language being translated to; target language |
解釈型言語 see styles |
kaishakugatagengo かいしゃくがたげんご |
(rare) {comp} (See インタプリタ型言語) interpreted language |
計算言語学 see styles |
keisangengogaku / kesangengogaku けいさんげんごがく |
computational linguistics |
計量言語学 see styles |
keiryougengogaku / keryogengogaku けいりょうげんごがく |
quantitative linguistics |
記号型言語 see styles |
kigougatagengo / kigogatagengo きごうがたげんご |
{comp} symbolic language |
記述言語学 see styles |
kijutsugengogaku きじゅつげんごがく |
descriptive linguistics |
認知言語学 see styles |
ninchigengogaku にんちげんごがく |
cognitive linguistics |
論理型言語 see styles |
ronrigatagengo ろんりがたげんご |
{comp} logic programming language |
身振り言語 see styles |
miburigengo みぶりげんご |
(See ボディーランゲージ) body language |
通時言語学 see styles |
tsuujigengogaku / tsujigengogaku つうじげんごがく |
diachronic linguistics |
関数型言語 see styles |
kansuugatagengo / kansugatagengo かんすうがたげんご |
{comp} functional language |
関数形言語 see styles |
kansuugatagengo / kansugatagengo かんすうがたげんご |
{comp} functional language |
音声下言語 see styles |
onseikagengo / onsekagengo おんせいかげんご |
subvocal speech |
高水準言語 see styles |
kousuijungengo / kosuijungengo こうすいじゅんげんご |
{comp} high-level language |
C++言語 see styles |
shiipurasupurasugengo / shipurasupurasugengo シープラスプラスげんご |
{comp} C++; C plus plus |
言語に絶する see styles |
gengonizessuru げんごにぜっする |
(exp,vs-s) to be beyond words; to defy description |
言語のサラダ see styles |
kotobanosarada ことばのサラダ |
(exp,n) {med} (See ワードサラダ・1) word salad |
言語構成要素 see styles |
gengokouseiyouso / gengokoseyoso げんごこうせいようそ |
{comp} language construct |
言語聴覚療法 see styles |
gengochoukakuryouhou / gengochokakuryoho げんごちょうかくりょうほう |
speech-language-hearing therapy |
言語論的転回 see styles |
gengorontekitenkai げんごろんてきてんかい |
linguistic turn |
人工知能言語 see styles |
jinkouchinougengo / jinkochinogengo じんこうちのうげんご |
artificial intelligence language; AI language |
問題向き言語 see styles |
mondaimukigengo もんだいむきげんご |
{comp} problem-oriented language |
基本多言語面 see styles |
kihontagengomen きほんたげんごめん |
{comp} basic multi-lingual plane; BMP |
孤立した言語 see styles |
dokuritsushitagengo どくりつしたげんご |
(exp,n) language isolate |
手続き型言語 see styles |
tetsuzukigatagengo てつづきがたげんご |
{comp} procedural language |
手続き形言語 see styles |
tetsuzukigatagengo てつづきがたげんご |
{comp} procedural language |
文脈自由言語 see styles |
bunmyakujiyuugengo / bunmyakujiyugengo ぶんみゃくじゆうげんご |
context-free language |
日常言語学派 see styles |
nichijougengogakuha / nichijogengogakuha にちじょうげんごがくは |
{phil} ordinary language school |
日本言語学会 see styles |
nihongengogakkai にほんげんごがっかい |
(org) Linguistic Society of Japan; LSJ; (o) Linguistic Society of Japan; LSJ |
消滅危機言語 see styles |
shoumetsukikigengo / shometsukikigengo しょうめつききげんご |
near-extinct language; seriously endangered language |
社会言語学会 see styles |
shakaigengogakkai しゃかいげんごがっかい |
(org) Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences; (o) Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences |
第四世代言語 see styles |
daiyonsedaigengo だいよんせだいげんご |
(computer terminology) fourth generation language; 4GL |
第4世代言語 see styles |
daiyonsedaigengo だいよんせだいげんご |
(computer terminology) fourth generation language; 4GL |
自然言語処理 see styles |
shizengengoshori しぜんげんごしょり |
{comp} natural language processing; NLP |
自然言語理解 see styles |
shizengengorikai しぜんげんごりかい |
{comp} natural language understanding; NLU |
言語プロセッサ see styles |
gengopurosessa げんごプロセッサ |
{comp} language processor |
言語学的実在論 see styles |
gengogakutekijitsuzairon げんごがくてきじつざいろん |
{ling} linguistic realism |
言語学的観念論 see styles |
gengogakutekikannenron げんごがくてきかんねんろん |
{ling} linguistic conceptualism |
アセンブラ言語 see styles |
asenburagengo アセンブラげんご |
(computer terminology) assembly language |
アセンブリ言語 see styles |
asenburigengo アセンブリげんご |
(computer terminology) assembly language |
コンパイラ言語 see styles |
konpairagengo コンパイラげんご |
{comp} compiled language |
コーパス言語学 see styles |
koopasugengogaku コーパスげんごがく |
corpus linguistics |
ジョブ制御言語 see styles |
jobuseigyogengo / jobusegyogengo ジョブせいぎょげんご |
{comp} Job Control Language; JCL |
スクリプト言語 see styles |
sukuriputogengo スクリプトげんご |
{comp} scripting language; script language |
データ定義言語 see styles |
deetateigigengo / deetategigengo データていぎげんご |
{comp} Data Definition Language; DDL |
データ操作言語 see styles |
deetasousagengo / deetasosagengo データそうさげんご |
{comp} Data Manipulation Language; DML |
データ記述言語 see styles |
deetakijutsugengo データきじゅつげんご |
{comp} Data Description Language; DDL |
バントゥ系言語 see styles |
bantotokeigengo / bantotokegengo バントゥけいげんご |
(See バンツー諸語) Bantu language (of the Bantu language family) |
プログラム言語 see styles |
puroguramugengo プログラムげんご |
{comp} programming language; programing language |
ページ記述言語 see styles |
peejikijutsugengo ページきじゅつげんご |
{comp} Page Description Language; PDL |
中間言語レベル see styles |
chuukangengoreberu / chukangengoreberu ちゅうかんげんごレベル |
{comp} intermediate language level |
事務文書用言語 see styles |
jimubunshoyougengo / jimubunshoyogengo じむぶんしょようげんご |
{comp} Office Document Language |
北海道言語学会 see styles |
hokkaidougengogakkai / hokkaidogengogakkai ほっかいどうげんごがっかい |
(o) Hokkaido Linguistics Society |
多言語サポート see styles |
tagengosapooto たげんごサポート |
{comp} multilingual support |
手続き向き言語 see styles |
tetsuzukimukigengo てつづきむきげんご |
{comp} procedural language |
構造化照会言語 see styles |
kouzoukashoukaigengo / kozokashokaigengo こうぞうかしょうかいげんご |
{comp} SQL; Structured Query Language |
解一切衆生言語 解一切众生言语 see styles |
jiě yī qiè zhòng shēng yán yǔ jie3 yi1 qie4 zhong4 sheng1 yan2 yu3 chieh i ch`ieh chung sheng yen yü chieh i chieh chung sheng yen yü ge issai shujō gongo |
sarva-ruta-kauśalya, supernatural power of interpreting all the language of all beings. |
計算機依存言語 see styles |
keisankiizongengo / kesankizongengo けいさんきいぞんげんご |
{comp} computer-dependent language |
計算機設計言語 see styles |
keisankisekkeigengo / kesankisekkegengo けいさんきせっけいげんご |
{comp} CDL; Computer Design Language |
非手続き型言語 see styles |
hitetsuzukigatagengo ひてつづきがたげんご |
{comp} nonprocedural language |
言語道斷心行處滅 言语道断心行处灭 see styles |
yán yǔ dào duàn xīn xíng chù miè yan2 yu3 dao4 duan4 xin1 xing2 chu4 mie4 yen yü tao tuan hsin hsing ch`u mieh yen yü tao tuan hsin hsing chu mieh gongodō dan shingyō sho metsu |
cutting off the path of language, annihilating the locus of mental functioning |
アセンブラー言語 see styles |
asenburaagengo / asenburagengo アセンブラーげんご |
(computer terminology) assembly language |
アセンブリー言語 see styles |
asenburiigengo / asenburigengo アセンブリーげんご |
(computer terminology) assembly language |
コンパイラー言語 see styles |
konpairaagengo / konpairagengo コンパイラーげんご |
compiler language |
コンパイラ型言語 see styles |
konpairagatagengo コンパイラがたげんご |
{comp} compiled language |
マークアップ言語 see styles |
maakuapugengo / makuapugengo マークアップげんご |
{comp} markup language |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "言語" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.