There are 559 total results for your 衆 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
多衆 see styles |
tashuu / tashu たしゅう |
crowd (of people); large group of people |
大衆 大众 see styles |
dà zhòng da4 zhong4 ta chung taishuu / taishu たいしゅう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) general public; the masses mahāsaṅgha. The great assembly, any assembly, all present, everybody. |
天衆 天众 see styles |
tiān zhòng tian1 zhong4 t`ien chung tien chung tenshu; tenju; tenshuu / tenshu; tenju; tenshu てんしゅ; てんじゅ; てんしゅう |
{Buddh} deva; celestial being The host of heaven, Brahma, Indra, and all their host. |
女衆 see styles |
onnashuu; onnashu; onnashi / onnashu; onnashu; onnashi おんなしゅう; おんなしゅ; おんなし |
(1) (See 男衆・おとこしゅう・1) women; (2) (See 男衆・おとこしゅう・2) maidservant |
容衆 see styles |
katahiro かたひろ |
(male given name) Katahiro |
密衆 密众 see styles |
mì zhòng mi4 zhong4 mi chung misshu |
The followers of the esoteric school. |
徒衆 徒众 see styles |
tú zhòng tu2 zhong4 t`u chung tu chung toshū |
The company of disciples. |
御衆 御众 see styles |
yù zhòng yu4 zhong4 yü chung gyoshu |
guides the followers |
悅衆 悦众 see styles |
yuè zhòng yue4 zhong4 yüeh chung etsushu |
Please all, name for the manager of affairs in a monastery, also called 知事 karmadāna. |
時衆 时众 see styles |
shí zhòng shi2 zhong4 shih chung jishu; jishuu / jishu; jishu じしゅ; じしゅう |
(1) {Buddh} assembly of monks and laity (at a rite, sermon, etc.); (2) {Buddh} (See 時宗) (monks and laity of) the Jishū sect The present company, i.e. of monks and laity; the community in general. |
智衆 see styles |
chishuu / chishu ちしゅう |
(given name) Chishuu |
會衆 会众 see styles |
huì zhòng hui4 zhong4 hui chung eshu |
To assemble the community, or company; to meet all. |
有衆 有众 see styles |
yǒu zhòng you3 zhong4 yu chung yuushuu / yushu ゆうしゅう |
the multitudes; the people group |
梵衆 梵众 see styles |
fàn zhòng fan4 zhong4 fan chung bonshu |
Monks, so called because of their religious practices. |
樓衆 楼众 see styles |
lóu zhòng lou2 zhong4 lou chung rōshu |
A tower or pile of charcoal, e.g. the world for conflagration. |
正衆 see styles |
seishuu / seshu せいしゅう |
(given name) Seishuu |
民衆 see styles |
minshuu / minshu みんしゅう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) people; populace; masses |
法衆 法众 see styles |
fǎ zhòng fa3 zhong4 fa chung hōshu |
The Buddhist monkhood; an assembly of monks or nuns. |
海衆 海众 see styles |
hǎi zhòng hai3 zhong4 hai chung kaishu |
Ocean assembly, i.e. a great assembly of monks, the whole body of monks. |
淨衆 淨众 see styles |
jìng zhòng jing4 zhong4 ching chung jōshu |
Pure assembly, the company of the chaste, the body of monks. |
男衆 see styles |
otokoshuu; otokoshu; otokoshi / otokoshu; otokoshu; otokoshi おとこしゅう; おとこしゅ; おとこし |
(1) (See 女衆・1) men; (2) (See 女衆・2) manservant; (3) male attendants to an actor |
町衆 see styles |
machishuu / machishu まちしゅう |
(archaism) important local businessmen (in the Muromachi period); local leaders |
番衆 see styles |
banshuu; banshu / banshu; banshu ばんしゅう; ばんしゅ |
(hist) guard (of a daimyo, emperor, etc.) |
百衆 百众 see styles |
bǎi zhòng bai3 zhong4 pai chung hyakushu |
festival of the hungry ghosts |
知衆 知众 see styles |
zhī zhòng zhi1 zhong4 chih chung chishu |
know the various classes of people |
示衆 示众 see styles |
shì zhòng shi4 zhong4 shih chung jishu |
teaching for the group |
神衆 神众 see styles |
shén zhòng shen2 zhong4 shen chung jinshu |
guardian deities |
童衆 see styles |
warashi わらし wappa わっぱ |
(archaism) child |
結衆 结众 see styles |
jié zhòng jie2 zhong4 chieh chung kesshu |
a set group |
群衆 see styles |
gunshuu(p); gunshu; gunju / gunshu(p); gunshu; gunju ぐんしゅう(P); ぐんしゅ; ぐんじゅ |
(See 群集) group (of people); crowd; horde; throng; mob; multitude |
聖衆 圣众 see styles |
shèng zhòng sheng4 zhong4 sheng chung shōju |
The holy multitude, all the saints. |
聴衆 see styles |
choushuu / choshu ちょうしゅう |
audience; attendance; hearers |
聽衆 听众 see styles |
tīng zhòng ting1 zhong4 t`ing chung ting chung chō shū |
audience |
色衆 色众 see styles |
sè zhòng se4 zhong4 se chung shikishu |
idem 色蘊, 色陰. |
若衆 see styles |
wakashu; wakashuu / wakashu; wakashu わかしゅ; わかしゅう |
(1) (dated) young person; young man; young woman; (2) (archaism) boy who has not yet had his coming-of-age ceremony (Edo period); (3) (archaism) young (homosexual) male prostitute; young kabuki actor also working as a male prostitute; (4) (archaism) (See 念者・2) boy in a homosexual relationship (with a man) |
處衆 处众 see styles |
chù zhòng chu4 zhong4 ch`u chung chu chung shoshu |
an assembly |
衲衆 衲众 see styles |
nà zhòng na4 zhong4 na chung nōshu |
Monks who wear these robes. |
観衆 see styles |
kanshuu / kanshu かんしゅう |
spectators; onlookers; members of the audience |
讚衆 讚众 see styles |
zàn zhòng zan4 zhong4 tsan chung sanshu |
The assembly of praise-singers, led by the 讚頭 precentor. |
道衆 道众 see styles |
dào zhòng dao4 zhong4 tao chung dōshu |
Those who practise religion, the body of monks. |
部衆 部众 see styles |
bù zhòng bu4 zhong4 pu chung |
troops |
集衆 集众 see styles |
jí zhòng ji2 zhong4 chi chung shūshu |
To assemble all, or everybody. |
雨衆 雨众 see styles |
yǔ zhòng yu3 zhong4 yü chung ushu |
The disciples of 伐里沙 Vārṣya, i.e. Vārṣagaṇya, a leader of the Saṃkhyā school. |
衆一郎 see styles |
shuuichirou / shuichiro しゅういちろう |
(male given name) Shuuichirō |
衆三郎 see styles |
shuuzaburou / shuzaburo しゅうざぶろう |
(male given name) Shuuzaburō |
衆同分 众同分 see styles |
zhòng tóng fēn zhong4 tong2 fen1 chung t`ung fen chung tung fen shū dōbun |
commonality of sentient beings |
衆大會 众大会 see styles |
zhòng dà huì zhong4 da4 hui4 chung ta hui shudai e |
a big assembly |
衆學法 众学法 see styles |
zhòng xué fǎ zhong4 xue2 fa3 chung hsüeh fa shugaku hō |
(Skt. śaikṣādharmāḥ) |
衆楽園 see styles |
shuurakuen / shurakuen しゅうらくえん |
(place-name) Shuurakuen |
衆生垢 众生垢 see styles |
zhòng shēng gòu zhong4 sheng1 gou4 chung sheng kou shujō ku |
The common defilement of all beings by the false view that the ego has real existence. |
衆生執 众生执 see styles |
zhòng shēng zhí zhong4 sheng1 zhi2 chung sheng chih shūjō shū |
attachment to sentient being-hood |
衆生尊 众生尊 see styles |
zhòng shēng zūn zhong4 sheng1 zun1 chung sheng tsun shūjō son |
honored among sentient beings |
衆生心 众生心 see styles |
zhòng shēng xīn zhong4 sheng1 xin1 chung sheng hsin shujō shin |
the mind of sentient beings |
衆生忍 众生忍 see styles |
zhòng shēng rěn zhong4 sheng1 ren3 chung sheng jen shujō nin |
Patience towards all living beings under all circumstances. |
衆生性 众生性 see styles |
zhòng shēng xìng zhong4 sheng1 xing4 chung sheng hsing shūjō shō |
natures of sentient beings |
衆生想 众生想 see styles |
zhòng shēng xiǎng zhong4 sheng1 xiang3 chung sheng hsiang shujō sō |
The false notion that all beings have reality. |
衆生根 众生根 see styles |
zhòng shēng gēn zhong4 sheng1 gen1 chung sheng ken shujō kon |
The nature, or root, of all beings, cf. 衆生本性. |
衆生業 众生业 see styles |
zhòng shēng yè zhong4 sheng1 ye4 chung sheng yeh shūjō gō |
activities of sentient beings |
衆生濁 众生浊 see styles |
zhòng shēng zhuó zhong4 sheng1 zhuo2 chung sheng cho shujō taku |
The fourth of the five periods of decay, sattvākaṣāya, when all creatures are stupid and unclean. |
衆生界 众生界 see styles |
zhòng shēng jiè zhong4 sheng1 jie4 chung sheng chieh shūjō kai |
The realm of all the living in contrast with the Buddha-realm. |
衆生相 众生相 see styles |
zhòng shēng xiàng zhong4 sheng1 xiang4 chung sheng hsiang shujō sō |
衆生見 The concept that all beings have reality. |
衆生等 众生等 see styles |
zhòng shēng děng zhong4 sheng1 deng3 chung sheng teng shūjō tō |
rank of sentient beings |
衆生緣 众生缘 see styles |
zhòng shēng yuán zhong4 sheng1 yuan2 chung sheng yüan shujō en |
sentient beings as object |
衆生見 众生见 see styles |
zhòng shēng jiàn zhong4 sheng1 jian4 chung sheng chien shujō ken |
view of sentient beinghood |
衆生身 众生身 see styles |
zhòng shēng shēn zhong4 sheng1 shen1 chung sheng shen shūjō shin |
body of sentient beings |
衆生類 众生类 see styles |
zhòng shēng lèi zhong4 sheng1 lei4 chung sheng lei shushōrui |
sentient beings |
衆緣生 众缘生 see styles |
zhòng yuán shēng zhong4 yuan2 sheng1 chung yüan sheng shuen shō |
produced from myriad conditions |
衆議院 see styles |
shuugiin / shugin しゅうぎいん |
(See 参議院) House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan) |
衆過患 众过患 see styles |
zhòng guò huàn zhong4 guo4 huan4 chung kuo huan shu kakan |
myriad faults |
衆院選 see styles |
shuuinsen / shuinsen しゅういんせん |
House of Representatives election; lower house election |
一切衆 一切众 see styles |
yī qiè zhòng yi1 qie4 zhong4 i ch`ieh chung i chieh chung issai shu |
all groups |
七如衆 七如众 see styles |
qī rú zhòng qi1 ru2 zhong4 ch`i ju chung chi ju chung shichinyoshu |
sapta-tathāgatāḥ. The seven tathāgatas whose names are inscribed on a heptagonal pillar (七如來寶塔) in some Buddhist temples. One list 阿彌陀, 甘露飯王, 觀音, 毘耶娑, 色妙身, 羅担納担羅耶and 寶勝. Another list gives Amitābha, Kan-lu-wang, 離怖畏, 廣博身, Miaoseshen, Baosheng (Ratnasaṃbhava) 多寶 (Prabhūtaratna). |
七衆人 七众人 see styles |
qī zhòng rén qi1 zhong4 ren2 ch`i chung jen chi chung jen shichi shu nin |
seven groups of people |
上二衆 上二众 see styles |
shàn ger zhòng shan4 ger4 zhong4 shan ger chung jōnishu |
upper two groups of practitioners |
五衆魔 五众魔 see styles |
wǔ zhòng mó wu3 zhong4 mo2 wu chung mo goshu ma |
devils of the five aggregates |
伊達衆 see styles |
dateshuu / dateshu だてしゅう |
dandy; gallant; chivalrous person |
伏衆根 伏众根 see styles |
fú zhòng gēn fu2 zhong4 gen1 fu chung ken Fuku shu kon |
Kāma-śreṣṭha |
佛衆會 佛众会 see styles |
fó zhòng huì fo2 zhong4 hui4 fo chung hui butsushue |
buddha assembly |
作衆惡 作众恶 see styles |
zuò zhon gè zuo4 zhon4 ge4 tso zhon ko sa shuaku |
to do much evil |
僧堂衆 僧堂众 see styles |
sēng táng zhòng seng1 tang2 zhong4 seng t`ang chung seng tang chung sōdō shu |
saṃgha hall assembly |
全会衆 see styles |
zenkaishuu / zenkaishu ぜんかいしゅう |
the whole assembly; the whole congregation |
全民衆 see styles |
zenminshuu / zenminshu ぜんみんしゅう |
all the peoples |
八部衆 八部众 see styles |
bā bù zhòng ba1 bu4 zhong4 pa pu chung hachibushuu / hachibushu はちぶしゅう |
{Buddh} the eight legions (devas, nagas, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas) eight kinds of beings |
公家衆 see styles |
kugeshuu; kugeshu / kugeshu; kugeshu くげしゅう; くげしゅ |
(See 武家衆) courtier; noble; people serving the Imperial Court |
公衆網 see styles |
koushuumou / koshumo こうしゅうもう |
public network |
六衆生 六众生 see styles |
liù zhòng shēng liu4 zhong4 sheng1 liu chung sheng roku shujō |
The six senses 六根 are likened to six wild creatures in confinement always struggling to escape. Only when they are domesticated will they be happy. So is it with the six senses and the taming power of Buddha truth. The six creatures are a dog, a bird, a snake, a hyena, a crocodile (śiśumāra), and a monkey. |
利衆生 利众生 see styles |
lì zhòng shēng li4 zhong4 sheng1 li chung sheng ri shūjō |
to improve [the spiritual condition of] sentient beings |
化御衆 化御众 see styles |
huà yù zhòng hua4 yu4 zhong4 hua yü chung kegyo shu |
to be master of the multitude |
合衆国 see styles |
gasshuukoku / gasshukoku がっしゅうこく |
(1) federal state; (2) (abbreviation) United States of America; (place-name) United States (of America) |
和合衆 和合众 see styles |
hé hé zhòng he2 he2 zhong4 ho ho chung wagō shu |
saṃgha as a harmonized group |
四攝衆 四摄众 see styles |
sì shè zhòng si4 she4 zhong4 ssu she chung shishō shu |
four ways of gathering in sentient beings |
四部衆 四部众 see styles |
sì bù zhòng si4 bu4 zhong4 ssu pu chung shibushu しぶしゅ |
(rare) (See 四衆・1) four orders of Buddhist followers (monks, nuns, male lay devotees and female lay devotees) 四部弟子; 四部僧; 四衆 The four divisions of disciples— bhikṣu, bhikṣuṇī, upāsaka, and upāsikā, monks, nuns, and male and female devotees. |
在国衆 see styles |
zaikokushuu / zaikokushu ざいこくしゅう |
(hist) feudal lord who did not leave his domains to meet the shogun in Kyoto (during the Muromachi period) |
城衆内 see styles |
joushuuuchi / joshuuchi じょうしゅううち |
(place-name) Jōshuuuchi |
多衆生 多众生 see styles |
duō zhòng shēng duo1 zhong4 sheng1 to chung sheng ta shūjō |
many sentient beings |
大會衆 大会众 see styles |
dà huì zhòng da4 hui4 zhong4 ta hui chung daie shu |
The general assembly (of the saints). |
大海衆 大海众 see styles |
dà hǎi zhòng da4 hai3 zhong4 ta hai chung dai kaishu |
The great ocean congregation; as all waters flowing into the sea become salty, so all ranks flowing into the sangha become of one flavour and lose old differentiations. |
大衆中 大众中 see styles |
dà zhòng zhōng da4 zhong4 zhong1 ta chung chung daishu chū |
surrounded by a great crowd |
大衆化 see styles |
taishuuka / taishuka たいしゅうか |
(n,vs,vt,vi) popularization; popularisation |
大衆印 大众印 see styles |
dà zhòng yìn da4 zhong4 yin4 ta chung yin daishu in |
The seal of a monastery. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "衆" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.