There are 589 total results for your 腹 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
短腹 see styles |
tanpara たんぱら |
(adjectival noun) (hob:) quick-tempered; easily offended |
私腹 see styles |
shifuku しふく |
(See 私腹を肥やす) one's own profits; one's own pockets |
空腹 see styles |
kōng fù kong1 fu4 k`ung fu kung fu kuufuku / kufuku くうふく |
an empty stomach (n,adj-na,adj-no) (ant: 満腹・1) empty stomach; hunger |
立腹 see styles |
rippuku りっぷく |
(n,vs,vi) anger; getting angry; taking offense; losing one's temper |
粥腹 see styles |
kayubara かゆばら |
surviving on rice gruel |
肚腹 see styles |
dù fù du4 fu4 tu fu |
belly (old) |
脇腹 see styles |
wakibara わきばら |
(1) side; flank; (2) illegitimate child; child born by someone other than one's wife |
脾腹 see styles |
hibara ひばら |
one's side; spleen |
腓腹 see styles |
hifuku ひふく |
(1) calf muscle; (can be adjective with の) (2) sural |
自腹 see styles |
jibara じばら |
paying one's own way |
舟腹 see styles |
funabara ふなばら |
side or bottom of a ship; ship's hold; bottoms; shipping; tonnage; freight space |
船腹 see styles |
funabara ふなばら senpuku せんぷく |
side or bottom of a ship; ship's hold; bottoms; shipping; tonnage; freight space |
茂腹 see styles |
mofuku もふく |
(surname) Mofuku |
茶腹 see styles |
chabara ちゃばら |
stomach filled with tea |
虫腹 see styles |
mushibara むしばら |
stomach pain due to worms |
蛇腹 see styles |
jabara じゃばら |
(1) bellows (of an accordion, camera, etc.); (2) {archit} cornice; (3) rickrack; ricrac; wave-shaped braid; (4) pleated shape; accordion pleats; pleated flexible design |
裏腹 see styles |
urahara うらはら |
(noun or adjectival noun) opposite; reverse; contrary |
詰腹 see styles |
tsumebara つめばら |
(1) being forced to commit seppuku; (2) to be forced to bear responsibility and resign from one's position |
豪腹 see styles |
goufuku / gofuku ごうふく |
(noun or adjectival noun) obstinacy; stubbornness |
赤腹 see styles |
akahara; akahara あかはら; アカハラ |
(1) (kana only) brown-headed thrush (Turdus chrysolaus); (2) (kana only) (See 石斑魚) Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis); (3) (kana only) (colloquialism) (See 井守) Japanese fire belly newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster); (4) (colloquialism) (See 赤痢) dysentery |
追腹 see styles |
oibara おいばら |
following one's master into death by committing ritual suicide (seppuku) |
量腹 see styles |
liàng fù liang4 fu4 liang fu |
to estimate how much food is required for a meal |
金腹 see styles |
kinpara; kinpara きんぱら; キンパラ |
(kana only) chestnut munia (Lonchura atricapilla); black-headed munia |
鍱腹 see styles |
yè fù ye4 fu4 yeh fu Chōfuku |
The Indian philosopher who is said to have worn a rice-pan over his belly, the seat of wisdom, lest it should be injured and his wisdom be lost. |
開腹 see styles |
kaifuku かいふく |
(n,vs,vi) {med} making an incision in the abdomen; performing a laparotomy |
陰腹 see styles |
kagebara かげばら |
secretly slitting one's belly (and only eventually revealing one's mortal wound) (in kabuki, bunraku, etc.) |
雪腹 see styles |
yukibara ゆきばら |
back pain due to the cold accompanying a snowfall |
韻腹 韵腹 see styles |
yùn fù yun4 fu4 yün fu |
main vowel in diphthong |
馬腹 see styles |
mabara まばら |
(surname) Mabara |
魚腹 see styles |
gyofuku ぎょふく |
fish entrails |
鱈腹 see styles |
tarafuku たらふく |
(ateji / phonetic) (adverb) (kana only) to one's heart's content (food and drink) |
鼓腹 see styles |
kofuku こふく |
More info & calligraphy: Happiness / Contentment |
腹いせ see styles |
haraise はらいせ |
retaliation; revenge |
腹の中 see styles |
haranonaka はらのなか haranouchi / haranochi はらのうち |
(n,exp) (1) in the belly; (2) in one's heart of hearts |
腹の内 see styles |
haranouchi / haranochi はらのうち |
(n,exp) (1) in the belly; (2) in one's heart of hearts |
腹の虫 see styles |
haranomushi はらのむし |
(exp,n) (1) roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides); mawworm; intestinal worm; (exp,n) (2) (See 腹の虫が治まらない) feelings that influence one's mood; (exp,n) (3) (See 腹の虫が鳴る) stomach growling |
腹ばい see styles |
harabai はらばい |
lying on one's belly |
腹びれ see styles |
harabire はらびれ |
pelvic fin; ventral fin |
腹ぺこ see styles |
harapeko はらぺこ |
(adj-no,adj-na) hungry; starving |
腹ぼて see styles |
harabote はらぼて |
showing (i.e. being visibly pregnant); someone who is visibly pregnant |
腹一杯 see styles |
haraippai はらいっぱい |
(n,adj-no,adv) (1) full stomach; bellyful; (eat) heartily; (adverb) (2) to one's heart's content |
腹上死 see styles |
fukujoushi / fukujoshi ふくじょうし |
death during sexual intercourse |
腹下し see styles |
harakudashi はらくだし |
(1) laxative; purgative; evacuant; (noun/participle) (2) loose bowels; diarrhea; diarrhoea |
腹下り see styles |
harakudari はらくだり |
(noun/participle) (See 腹下し・はらくだし・2) loose bowels; diarrhea; diarrhoea |
腹八分 see styles |
harahachibu はらはちぶ |
eating moderately; moderation in eating; eating until 80% full |
腹具合 see styles |
haraguai はらぐあい |
condition of one's stomach |
腹切り see styles |
harakiri はらきり |
(colloquialism) ritual suicide; (self-)disembowelment; harakiri |
腹吸盤 腹吸盘 see styles |
fù xī pán fu4 xi1 pan2 fu hsi p`an fu hsi pan |
acetabulum (part of the pelvis bone) |
腹変り see styles |
haragawari はらがわり |
half-sibling |
腹太町 see styles |
harabutochou / harabutocho はらぶとちょう |
(place-name) Harabutochō |
腹巻き see styles |
haramaki はらまき |
breast-protector; stomach band |
腹巻山 see styles |
haramakiyama はらまきやま |
(place-name) Haramakiyama |
腹巻田 see styles |
haramakida はらまきだ |
(place-name) Haramakida |
腹帯駅 see styles |
harataieki はらたいえき |
(st) Haratai Station |
腹庖丁 see styles |
harahouchou / harahocho はらほうちょう |
(place-name) Harahōchou |
腹当て see styles |
haraate / harate はらあて |
(1) bellyband; apron; bib; (2) breastplate |
腹所生 see styles |
fù suǒ shēng fu4 suo3 sheng1 fu so sheng fuku shoshō |
born from [his] breast |
腹拵え see styles |
haragoshirae はらごしらえ |
(noun/participle) having a meal (before doing something); fortifying oneself with a meal |
腹持ち see styles |
haramochi はらもち |
feeling of fullness; ability of a food to fill you up |
腹掛け see styles |
haragake はらがけ |
workman's apron; bib |
腹時計 see styles |
haradokei / haradoke はらどけい |
one's internal clock |
腹横筋 see styles |
fukuoukin / fukuokin ふくおうきん |
transverse abdominal muscle; transversus abdominis muscle |
腹毛類 see styles |
fukumourui / fukumorui ふくもうるい |
gastrotrichs (members of a phylum of tiny bristled wormlike animals) |
腹汚い see styles |
haragitanai はらぎたない |
(adjective) black-hearted; nasty |
腹熟し see styles |
haragonashi はらごなし |
(noun/participle) exercise to help digestion |
腹癒せ see styles |
haraise はらいせ |
retaliation; revenge |
腹直筋 see styles |
fukuchokukin ふくちょくきん |
{anat} rectus abdominis muscle |
腹直肌 see styles |
fù zhí jī fu4 zhi2 ji1 fu chih chi |
rectus abdominis muscle (aka abdominals or abs) |
腹積り see styles |
harazumori はらづもり |
plan; intention |
腹穢い see styles |
haragitanai はらぎたない |
(adjective) black-hearted; nasty |
腹立ち see styles |
haradachi はらだち |
anger |
腹立つ see styles |
haradatsu はらだつ |
(Godan verb with "tsu" ending) to get angry |
腹笑い see styles |
fukuwarai ふくわらい |
belly laugh |
腹股溝 腹股沟 see styles |
fù gǔ gōu fu4 gu3 gou1 fu ku kou |
groin (anatomy) |
腹腔鏡 see styles |
fukukuukyou; fukukoukyou; fukkoukyou / fukukukyo; fukukokyo; fukkokyo ふくくうきょう; ふくこうきょう; ふっこうきょう |
laparoscope |
腹膜炎 see styles |
fukumakuen ふくまくえん |
{med} peritonitis |
腹落ち see styles |
haraochi はらおち |
(noun/participle) (See 腹に落ちる) being satisfied; being convinced; understanding |
腹話術 see styles |
fukuwajutsu ふくわじゅつ |
ventriloquism; throwing one's voice |
腹語師 腹语师 see styles |
fù yǔ shī fu4 yu3 shi1 fu yü shih |
ventriloquist |
腹語術 腹语术 see styles |
fù yǔ shù fu4 yu3 shu4 fu yü shu |
ventriloquism |
腹足綱 腹足纲 see styles |
fù zú gāng fu4 zu2 gang1 fu tsu kang fukusokukou / fukusokuko ふくそくこう |
gastropod (class of mollusks including snails) (See 腹足類) Gastropoda (class of molluscs) |
腹足類 see styles |
fukusokurui ふくそくるい |
gastropods |
腹這い see styles |
harabai はらばい |
lying on one's belly |
腹這う see styles |
harabau はらばう |
(Godan verb with "u" ending) to lie on one's stomach; to sleep while lying on one's stomach; to crawl on the ground; to sprawl |
腹違い see styles |
harachigai はらちがい |
(adj-no,n) (See 種違い) half- (sibling by a different mother); paternal |
腹黒い see styles |
haraguroi はらぐろい |
(adjective) mean; malicious; scheming; wicked; black-hearted |
すき腹 see styles |
sukibara すきばら sukihara すきはら |
empty stomach; hunger |
わき腹 see styles |
wakibara わきばら |
(1) side; flank; (2) illegitimate child; child born by someone other than one's wife |
ボテ腹 see styles |
botebara ボテばら |
(slang) (See ボテボテ・1) belly of a pregnant woman |
一人腹 see styles |
hitoribara ひとりばら |
taking for granted; rash conclusion |
三段腹 see styles |
sandanbara さんだんばら |
potbelly; beer belly |
下っ腹 see styles |
shitappara したっぱら |
abdomen; stomach; under parts |
下り腹 see styles |
kudaribara くだりばら |
diarrhoea; diarrhea; loose bowels |
下腹部 see styles |
xià fù bù xia4 fu4 bu4 hsia fu pu kafukubu かふくぶ |
lower abdomen abdomen |
中っ腹 see styles |
chuuppara; chuppara / chuppara; chuppara ちゅうっぱら; ちゅっぱら |
anger (held in check); irritation; rage |
亀腹岩 see styles |
kameharanoiwa かめはらのいわ |
(place-name) Kameharanoiwa |
冷え腹 see styles |
hiebara ひえばら |
abdominal chills; diarrhea; diarrhoea |
剖腹產 剖腹产 see styles |
pōu fù chǎn pou1 fu4 chan3 p`ou fu ch`an pou fu chan |
cesarean birth |
同腹仔 see styles |
doufukushi / dofukushi どうふくし |
litter |
向か腹 see styles |
mukabara むかばら |
anger; passion |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "腹" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.