There are 605 total results for your 脱 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
脫單 脱单 see styles |
tuō dān tuo1 dan1 t`o tan to tan |
to find oneself a partner |
脫垂 脱垂 see styles |
tuō chuí tuo1 chui2 t`o ch`ui to chui |
prolapse See: 脱垂 |
脫字 脱字 see styles |
tuō zì tuo1 zi4 t`o tzu to tzu datsu ji |
missing character |
脫孝 脱孝 see styles |
tuō xiào tuo1 xiao4 t`o hsiao to hsiao |
to get through the mourning period |
脫崗 脱岗 see styles |
tuō gǎng tuo1 gang3 t`o kang to kang |
to take time off; to take leave (e.g. for study); to skive off work |
脫序 脱序 see styles |
tuō xù tuo1 xu4 t`o hsü to hsü |
disorder |
脫手 脱手 see styles |
tuō shǒu tuo1 shou3 t`o shou to shou |
(not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods etc); to get rid of; to unload |
脫掉 脱掉 see styles |
tuō diào tuo1 diao4 t`o tiao to tiao |
to remove; to take off; to strip off; to discard; to shed; to come off; to fall off |
脫換 脱换 see styles |
tuō huàn tuo1 huan4 t`o huan to huan |
to molt |
脫支 脱支 see styles |
tuō zhī tuo1 zhi1 t`o chih to chih |
de-Sinicization and rejection of Han culture |
脫敏 脱敏 see styles |
tuō mǐn tuo1 min3 t`o min to min |
to desensitize; to become desensitized; to anonymize (data); to remove sensitive content |
脫星 脱星 see styles |
tuō xīng tuo1 xing1 t`o hsing to hsing |
actress or actor known for having been photographed in the nude or for appearing in sexy scenes |
脫期 脱期 see styles |
tuō qī tuo1 qi1 t`o ch`i to chi |
to fail to come out on time; to miss a deadline |
脫機 脱机 see styles |
tuō jī tuo1 ji1 t`o chi to chi |
offline |
脫檔 脱档 see styles |
tuō dàng tuo1 dang4 t`o tang to tang |
sold out; out of stock |
脫歐 脱欧 see styles |
tuō ōu tuo1 ou1 t`o ou to ou |
to withdraw from the European Union; abbr. for 脫離歐盟|脱离欧盟 |
脫殼 脱壳 see styles |
tuō ké tuo1 ke2 t`o k`o to ko |
to break out of an eggshell; to molt; to remove the husk; to shell |
脫毛 脱毛 see styles |
tuō máo tuo1 mao2 t`o mao to mao |
to lose hair or feathers; to molt; depilation; to shave See: 脱毛 |
脫氧 脱氧 see styles |
tuō yǎng tuo1 yang3 t`o yang to yang |
deoxidation |
脫氫 脱氢 see styles |
tuō qīng tuo1 qing1 t`o ch`ing to ching |
dehydrogenation |
脫水 脱水 see styles |
tuō shuǐ tuo1 shui3 t`o shui to shui |
to dry out; to extract water; dehydration; dehydrated; desiccation See: 脱水 |
脫泥 脱泥 see styles |
tuō ní tuo1 ni2 t`o ni to ni |
to remove mud; desliming (in coal production) |
脫淺 脱浅 see styles |
tuō qiǎn tuo1 qian3 t`o ch`ien to chien |
to refloat (a boat that has run aground) |
脫溶 脱溶 see styles |
tuō róng tuo1 rong2 t`o jung to jung |
to precipitate (solid from a solution) |
脫滑 脱滑 see styles |
tuō huá tuo1 hua2 t`o hua to hua |
to shirk; to try to get off work; to slide on the job |
脫漏 脱漏 see styles |
tuō lòu tuo1 lou4 t`o lou to lou |
omission; to leave out; missing See: 脱漏 |
脫澀 脱涩 see styles |
tuō sè tuo1 se4 t`o se to se |
to remove astringent taste |
脫灑 脱洒 see styles |
tuō sǎ tuo1 sa3 t`o sa to sa |
elegant; free and easy |
脫然 脱然 see styles |
tuō rán tuo1 ran2 t`o jan to jan |
unconcerned; without worries |
脫班 脱班 see styles |
tuō bān tuo1 ban1 t`o pan to pan |
behind schedule; late |
脫產 脱产 see styles |
tuō chǎn tuo1 chan3 t`o ch`an to chan |
to transfer (from production to other duties); to take leave (for study or other job); to dispose of property; to transfer assets (to avoid liability) |
脫略 脱略 see styles |
tuō lüè tuo1 lu:e4 t`o lu:e to lu:e |
unrestrained; throwing off strictures; unrespectful; indulgence |
脫疘 脱肛 see styles |
tuō gāng tuo1 gang1 t`o kang to kang |
variant of 脫肛|脱肛[tuo1gang1] See: 脱肛 |
脫皮 脱皮 see styles |
tuō pí tuo1 pi2 t`o p`i to pi |
to molt; to peel; fig. seriously hurt See: 脱皮 |
脫盲 脱盲 see styles |
tuō máng tuo1 mang2 t`o mang to mang |
to acquire literacy; to throw off blindness |
脫秀 脱秀 see styles |
tuō xiù tuo1 xiu4 t`o hsiu to hsiu |
strip show |
脫稿 脱稿 see styles |
tuō gǎo tuo1 gao3 t`o kao to kao |
(of a manuscript) to be completed; to do without prepared notes (when giving a speech) See: 脱稿 |
脫空 脱空 see styles |
tuō kōng tuo1 kong1 t`o k`ung to kung |
to fail; to come to nothing; to fall through (of plans, hopes); to lie |
脫窗 脱窗 see styles |
tuō chuāng tuo1 chuang1 t`o ch`uang to chuang |
cross-eyed (Tw) (from Taiwanese 挩窗, Tai-lo pr. [thuah-thang]) |
脫節 脱节 see styles |
tuō jié tuo1 jie2 t`o chieh to chieh |
to come apart |
脫粒 脱粒 see styles |
tuō lì tuo1 li4 t`o li to li |
to thresh |
脫粟 脱粟 see styles |
tuō sù tuo1 su4 t`o su to su |
grain kernel (after threshing and winnowing) |
脫線 脱线 see styles |
tuō xiàn tuo1 xian4 t`o hsien to hsien |
derailment; to jump the track (of train); to derail |
脫羽 脱羽 see styles |
tuō yǔ tuo1 yu3 t`o yü to yü |
to shed feathers; to molt (of birds) |
脫肛 脱肛 see styles |
tuō gāng tuo1 gang1 t`o kang to kang |
rectal prolapse See: 脱肛 |
脫胎 脱胎 see styles |
tuō tāi tuo1 tai1 t`o t`ai to tai |
to be born; (fig.) to develop out of something else (of ideas, stories, political systems etc); (fig.) to shed one's body (to be reborn); bodiless (e.g. lacquerware) |
脫脂 脱脂 see styles |
tuō zhī tuo1 zhi1 t`o chih to chih |
to remove fat; to skim (milk) See: 脱脂 |
脫脫 脱脱 see styles |
tuō tuō tuo1 tuo1 t`o t`o to to |
Toktoghan (1314-1355), Mongol politician during the Yuan dynasty, prime minister until 1345, compiled three dynastic histories of Song 宋史, Liao 遼史|辽史 and Jin 金史; also written Tuoketuo 托克托 |
脫腸 脱肠 see styles |
tuō cháng tuo1 chang2 t`o ch`ang to chang |
(rectal) hernia |
脫臼 脱臼 see styles |
tuō jiù tuo1 jiu4 t`o chiu to chiu |
dislocation (of a joint) See: 脱臼 |
脫色 脱色 see styles |
tuō sè tuo1 se4 t`o se to se |
to lose color; to turn pale; to bleach; to fade See: 脱色 |
脫苦 脱苦 see styles |
tuō kǔ tuo1 ku3 t`o k`u to ku datsuku |
liberates from suffering |
脫落 脱落 see styles |
tuō luò tuo1 luo4 t`o lo to lo datsuraku |
to drop off; to fall off; (of hair, teeth etc) to fall out; to omit (a character when writing) escape and let go of |
脫衣 脱衣 see styles |
tuō yī tuo1 yi1 t`o i to i datsue |
to remove one's clothes |
脫誤 脱误 see styles |
tuō wù tuo1 wu4 t`o wu to wu |
omission; missing word |
脫貧 脱贫 see styles |
tuō pín tuo1 pin2 t`o p`in to pin |
to lift oneself out of poverty |
脫貨 脱货 see styles |
tuō huò tuo1 huo4 t`o huo to huo |
out of stock; sold out |
脫身 脱身 see styles |
tuō shēn tuo1 shen1 t`o shen to shen |
to get away; to escape (from obligations); to free oneself; to disengage |
脫軌 脱轨 see styles |
tuō guǐ tuo1 gui3 t`o kuei to kuei |
to leave the rails; to derail; to jump the track |
脫逃 脱逃 see styles |
tuō táo tuo1 tao2 t`o t`ao to tao |
to run away; to escape |
脫道 脱道 see styles |
tuō dào tuo1 dao4 t`o tao to tao datsudō |
path to liberation |
脫鉤 脱钩 see styles |
tuō gōu tuo1 gou1 t`o kou to kou |
to cut ties; to disconnect; out of touch |
脫銷 脱销 see styles |
tuō xiāo tuo1 xiao1 t`o hsiao to hsiao |
to sell out; to run out (of supplies); deficient; lack of supplies |
脫門 脱门 see styles |
tuō mén tuo1 men2 t`o men to men datsumon |
the gate of emancipation, deliverance |
脫開 脱开 see styles |
tuō kāi tuo1 kai1 t`o k`ai to kai |
to withdraw |
脫闍 脱阇 see styles |
tuō shé tuo1 she2 t`o she to she datsuja |
dhvaja, a banner, flag. |
脫除 脱除 see styles |
tuō chú tuo1 chu2 t`o ch`u to chu |
to get rid of |
脫險 脱险 see styles |
tuō xiǎn tuo1 xian3 t`o hsien to hsien |
to get out of danger |
脫離 脱离 see styles |
tuō lí tuo1 li2 t`o li to li |
to separate oneself from; to break away from; diastasis (medicine); abscission; abjunction (botany) |
脫靶 脱靶 see styles |
tuō bǎ tuo1 ba3 t`o pa to pa |
to miss; to shoot and miss the target; off the mark |
脫鞋 脱鞋 see styles |
tuō xié tuo1 xie2 t`o hsieh to hsieh |
to take off one's shoes |
脫韁 脱缰 see styles |
tuō jiāng tuo1 jiang1 t`o chiang to chiang |
(of a horse etc) to break free from the reins; (fig.) to become unconstrained |
脫體 脱体 see styles |
tuō tǐ tuo1 ti3 t`o t`i to ti dattai |
To strip the body, naked; to get rid of the body. |
脫髮 脱发 see styles |
tuō fà tuo1 fa4 t`o fa to fa |
to lose one's hair; hair loss; alopecia |
脫黨 脱党 see styles |
tuō dǎng tuo1 dang3 t`o tang to tang |
to leave a political party; to give up party membership See: 脱党 |
落脱 see styles |
rakudatsu らくだつ |
(noun/participle) (1) (See 脱落・1) dropping out; falling behind; falling by the wayside; desertion; (noun/participle) (2) (See 脱落・2) omission; being left out; missing part; (noun/participle) (3) (See 脱落・3) falling off; coming off; shedding |
虚脱 see styles |
kyodatsu きょだつ |
(n,vs,vi) (1) lethargy; despondency; mental numbness; (n,vs,vi) (2) {med} (physical) collapse; prostration |
虛脫 虚脱 see styles |
xū tuō xu1 tuo1 hsü t`o hsü to |
to collapse (from dehydration or loss of blood); heat exhaustion See: 虚脱 |
解脫 解脱 see styles |
jiě tuō jie3 tuo1 chieh t`o chieh to gedatsu |
to untie; to free; to absolve of; to get free of; to extirpate oneself; (Buddhism) to free oneself of worldly worries mukti, 'loosing, release, deliverance, liberation, setting free,... emancipation.' M.W. mokṣa, 'emancipation, deliverance, freedom, liberation, escape, release.' M.W. Escape from bonds and the obtaining of freedom, freedom from transmigration, from karma, from illusion, from suffering; it denotes nirvāṇa and also the freedom obtained in dhyāna-meditation; it is one of the five characteristics of Buddha; v. 五分法身. It is also vimukti and vimokṣa, especially in the sense of final emancipation. There are several categories of two kinds of emancipation, also categories of three and eight. Cf. 毘; and 八解脫.; v. 解. |
解脱 see styles |
gedatsu げだつ |
(n,vs,vi) {Buddh} liberation from earthly desires and the woes of man; deliverance of one's soul; moksha; mukti; vimukti; (personal name) Gedatsu |
誤脱 see styles |
godatsu ごだつ |
errors and omissions |
超脫 超脱 see styles |
chāo tuō chao1 tuo1 ch`ao t`o chao to |
to stand aloof; to be detached from; to transcend worldliness; untrammeled; unconventional See: 超脱 |
超脱 see styles |
choudatsu / chodatsu ちょうだつ |
(n,vs,vi) transcendency; detachment |
跳脫 跳脱 see styles |
tiào tuō tiao4 tuo1 t`iao t`o tiao to |
(Tw) to break free of (outmoded ways of thinking etc); to move beyond; to transcend |
踏脱 see styles |
fumitatsu ふみたつ |
(surname) Fumitatsu |
逃脫 逃脱 see styles |
táo tuō tao2 tuo1 t`ao t`o tao to |
to run away; to escape |
透脫 透脱 see styles |
tòu tuō tou4 tuo1 t`ou t`o tou to tōdatsu |
liberation |
透脱 see styles |
toudatsu; choutotsu / todatsu; chototsu とうだつ; ちょうとつ |
{Buddh} liberation; reaching enlightenment |
逸脱 see styles |
itsudatsu いつだつ |
(n,vs,vi) (1) deviation; departure; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) (accidental) omission |
遺脱 see styles |
idatsu いだつ |
(n,vs,vt,vi) omission |
開脫 开脱 see styles |
kāi tuō kai1 tuo1 k`ai t`o kai to |
to exculpate; to absolve; to exonerate |
離脱 see styles |
ridatsu りだつ |
(n,vs,vi) withdrawal; secession; separation; breakaway |
鬆脫 松脱 see styles |
sōng tuō song1 tuo1 sung t`o sung to |
loose; flaking |
脱がす see styles |
nugasu ぬがす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to strip someone; to help someone remove (clothes) |
脱ぎ着 see styles |
nugiki ぬぎき |
(noun/participle) undressing and dressing; taking off and putting on (clothes) |
脱ける see styles |
nugeru ぬげる |
(v1,vi) to come off; to slip down; to slip off |
脱け殻 see styles |
nukegara ぬけがら |
cast-off skin (snake, insect, etc.); husk; empty shell; exuvia; exuviae |
脱け毛 see styles |
nukege ぬけげ |
fallen hair; combings; hair left on comb |
脱する see styles |
dassuru だっする |
(suru verb) to escape from; to get out |
脱オタ see styles |
datsuota だつおた |
(colloquialism) (See 脱オタク) ex-nerd; one who has given up geeky or nerdy hobbies; one who has given up stereotypically geeky dress, mannerisms, etc. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "脱" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.