There are 654 total results for your 算 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
稱算 称算 see styles |
chēng suàn cheng1 suan4 ch`eng suan cheng suan shōsan |
to calculate |
積算 see styles |
sekisan せきさん |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) addition; adding up; (noun, transitive verb) (2) integration; (noun, transitive verb) (3) estimate; quantity survey |
筆算 笔算 see styles |
bǐ suàn bi3 suan4 pi suan hissan ひっさん |
to do a sum in writing; written calculation (noun/participle) (1) calculating on paper; (2) (obsolete) (See 算筆) writing and arithmetic |
籌算 筹算 see styles |
chóu suàn chou2 suan4 ch`ou suan chou suan |
to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board); to count beads; (fig.) to budget; to plan (an investment) |
精算 see styles |
jīng suàn jing1 suan4 ching suan seisan / sesan せいさん |
actuarial (noun, transitive verb) exact calculation; squaring of accounts; adjustment |
累算 see styles |
ruisan るいさん |
(noun, transitive verb) total |
結算 结算 see styles |
jié suàn jie2 suan4 chieh suan |
to settle a bill; to close an account |
總算 总算 see styles |
zǒng suàn zong3 suan4 tsung suan |
at long last; finally; on the whole |
義算 see styles |
yoshikazu よしかず |
(given name) Yoshikazu |
聖算 see styles |
seisan / sesan せいさん |
Emperor's age |
虻算 see styles |
asako あさこ |
(personal name) Asako |
計算 计算 see styles |
jì suàn ji4 suan4 chi suan keisan / kesan けいさん |
to calculate; to compute; to consider; to think over; to plot; to scheme (noun, transitive verb) (1) calculation; computation; reckoning; counting; adding up; working out; figures; (noun, transitive verb) (2) consideration; calculation; estimation; expectation |
試算 see styles |
shisan しさん |
(noun, transitive verb) trial calculation; preliminary calculation; estimation |
誤算 see styles |
gosan ごさん |
(noun, transitive verb) miscalculation |
起算 see styles |
kisan きさん |
(n,vs,vi) reckoning from some position (e.g. point, date, etc.) |
超算 see styles |
chāo suàn chao1 suan4 ch`ao suan chao suan |
supercomputing (abbr. for 超級計算|超级计算[chao1 ji2 ji4 suan4]); supercomputer (abbr. for 超級計算機|超级计算机[chao1 ji2 ji4 suan4 ji1]) |
逆算 see styles |
gyakusan ぎゃくさん |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) counting backwards; calculating backwards; (2) {math} inverse operation |
通算 see styles |
tsuusan / tsusan つうさん |
(noun, transitive verb) total; sum; aggregate |
速算 see styles |
sokusan そくさん |
(noun, transitive verb) rapid calculation |
運算 运算 see styles |
yùn suàn yun4 suan4 yün suan unzan うんざん |
to perform calculations; (mathematical) operation (noun, transitive verb) mathematical operation; calculation |
違算 see styles |
isan いさん |
miscalculation |
重算 see styles |
chóng suàn chong2 suan4 ch`ung suan chung suan |
to recalculate; to reckon again |
限算 see styles |
xiàn suàn xian4 suan4 hsien suan gensan |
to calculate |
除算 see styles |
josan; jozan じょさん; じょざん |
(noun, transitive verb) {math} (See 乗算) division |
電算 see styles |
densoro でんそろ |
electronic calculator combined with a soroban |
預算 预算 see styles |
yù suàn yu4 suan4 yü suan |
budget |
験算 see styles |
kenzan けんざん |
(noun/participle) verification of accounts; checking figures; arithmetic check |
驗算 验算 see styles |
yàn suàn yan4 suan4 yen suan |
to verify a calculation; a double-check |
默算 see styles |
mò suàn mo4 suan4 mo suan |
mental arithmetic; to figure out |
鼠算 see styles |
nezumizan ねずみざん nezumisan ねずみさん |
(1) geometric progression; (2) proliferation; multiplying like rats |
算える see styles |
kazoeru かぞえる |
(transitive verb) to count; to enumerate |
算不了 see styles |
suàn bù liǎo suan4 bu4 liao3 suan pu liao |
does not count for anything; of no account |
算不得 see styles |
suàn bù dé suan4 bu4 de2 suan pu te |
not count as |
算之介 see styles |
sannosuke さんのすけ |
(male given name) Sannosuke |
算你狠 see styles |
suàn nǐ hěn suan4 ni3 hen3 suan ni hen |
you got me!; you win!; you are something! |
算命家 see styles |
suàn mìng jiā suan4 ming4 jia1 suan ming chia |
fortune-teller |
算命者 see styles |
suàn mìng zhě suan4 ming4 zhe3 suan ming che |
fortune-teller |
算所町 see styles |
sanjochou / sanjocho さんじょちょう |
(place-name) Sanjochō |
算用子 see styles |
sanyoushi / sanyoshi さんようし |
(surname) San'youshi |
算用師 see styles |
sanyoushi / sanyoshi さんようし |
(place-name) San'youshi |
算用畑 see styles |
sanyoubata / sanyobata さんようばた |
(place-name) Sanyoubata |
算盤尽 see styles |
sorobanzuku そろばんづく |
(irregular okurigana usage) (adj-no,n) (kana only) mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal |
算老幾 算老几 see styles |
suàn lǎo jǐ suan4 lao3 ji3 suan lao chi |
just who do (you) think (you) are? (or "just who does (she) think (she) is?" etc) |
算術和 see styles |
sanjutsuwa さんじゅつわ |
{comp} arithmetic sum |
算術式 算术式 see styles |
suàn shù shì suan4 shu4 shi4 suan shu shih sanjutsushiki さんじゅつしき |
(math.) arithmetic expression {comp} arithmetic expression |
算術文 see styles |
sanjutsubun さんじゅつぶん |
{comp} arithmetic statement |
算起來 算起来 see styles |
suàn qǐ lái suan4 qi3 lai2 suan ch`i lai suan chi lai |
to calculate; to estimate; in total; all told; (fig.) if you think about it |
かけ算 see styles |
kakezan かけざん |
(mathematics term) multiplication |
ご破算 see styles |
gohasan ごはさん |
starting afresh |
上算所 see styles |
kamisanjo かみさんじょ |
(place-name) Kamisanjo |
下算所 see styles |
shimosanjo しもさんじょ |
(place-name) Shimosanjo |
不划算 see styles |
bù huá suàn bu4 hua2 suan4 pu hua suan |
it isn't worth it; not cost-effective; not profitable; too expensive |
不可算 see styles |
fukasan ふかさん |
(can act as adjective) {gramm} (See 不可算名詞) (ant: 可算・1) uncountable (of a noun) |
不採算 see styles |
fusaisan ふさいさん |
(n,adj-f) unprofitability |
乗算器 see styles |
jouzanki / jozanki じょうざんき |
multiplier (written) |
予算上 see styles |
yosanjou / yosanjo よさんじょう |
(can be adjective with の) budgetary |
予算化 see styles |
yosanka よさんか |
(noun/participle) budgeting |
予算外 see styles |
yosangai よさんがい |
outside the budget |
予算委 see styles |
yosani よさんい |
(abbreviation) (See 予算委員会・1) Budget Committee (of the Diet) |
予算案 see styles |
yosanan よさんあん |
draft budget |
低予算 see styles |
teiyosan / teyosan ていよさん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) low budget; low-budget |
再計算 see styles |
saikeisan / saikesan さいけいさん |
(noun/participle) {comp} recalculation; recalculate |
割り算 see styles |
warizan わりざん |
(noun/participle) (mathematics term) division |
加え算 see styles |
kuwaezan くわえざん |
addition |
加算器 see styles |
kasanki かさんき |
adder (written); adding machine |
加算機 see styles |
kasanki かさんき |
adder (written); adding machine |
加算税 see styles |
kasanzei / kasanze かさんぜい |
penalty tax; tax penalty; additional tax |
占屋算 see styles |
urayasan うらやさん |
(1) (See 占い・1) divination (esp. one carried out with divination rods or sticks); (2) diviner |
卦算冠 see styles |
keisankanmuri / kesankanmuri けいさんかんむり |
(See 鍋蓋) kanji "kettle lid" radical (radical 8) |
和算家 see styles |
wasanka わさんか |
(hist) (See 和算) scholar of Japanese mathematics; expert in Japanese mathematics |
好決算 see styles |
koukessan / kokessan こうけっさん |
healthy profit; positive earnings |
寄せ算 see styles |
yosezan よせざん |
(noun/participle) addition; adding up |
小算盤 小算盘 see styles |
xiǎo suàn pán xiao3 suan4 pan2 hsiao suan p`an hsiao suan pan |
lit. small abacus; fig. selfish calculations; bean-counting |
引き算 see styles |
hikizan ひきざん |
(noun/participle) (mathematics term) subtraction |
御破算 see styles |
gohasan ごはさん |
starting afresh |
手計算 see styles |
tekeisan / tekesan てけいさん |
(noun, transitive verb) calculation by hand |
打算的 see styles |
dasanteki ださんてき |
(adjectival noun) calculating; mercenary; selfish; self-interested |
打算盤 打算盘 see styles |
dǎ suàn pán da3 suan4 pan2 ta suan p`an ta suan pan |
to compute on the abacus; (fig.) to calculate; to plan; to scheme |
掛け算 see styles |
kakezan かけざん |
(mathematics term) multiplication |
採算性 see styles |
saisansei / saisanse さいさんせい |
profitability |
採算株 see styles |
saisankabu さいさんかぶ |
high-yield stock |
換算率 see styles |
kansanritsu かんさんりつ |
conversion rate |
換算表 see styles |
kansanhyou; kanzanhyou / kansanhyo; kanzanhyo かんさんひょう; かんざんひょう |
conversion table |
未決算 see styles |
mikessan みけっさん |
outstanding (account) |
本予算 see styles |
honyosan ほんよさん |
main budget |
歩合算 see styles |
buaizan ぶあいざん |
percentage calculation |
決算日 see styles |
kessanbi けっさんび |
settlement day; day of reckoning |
決算書 see styles |
kessansho けっさんしょ |
financial statement; statement of accounts |
決算期 see styles |
kessanki けっさんき |
accounting period |
清算人 see styles |
seisannin / sesannin せいさんにん |
adjustor; liquidator |
清算書 see styles |
seisansho / sesansho せいさんしょ |
liquidation statement or account |
清算行 see styles |
qīng suàn háng qing1 suan4 hang2 ch`ing suan hang ching suan hang |
clearing bank |
減算器 see styles |
genzanki げんざんき |
{comp} subtracter |
演算器 see styles |
enzanki えんざんき |
{comp} functional unit (e.g. in analog computing) |
演算子 see styles |
enzanshi えんざんし |
{math;comp} operator |
演算数 see styles |
enzansuu / enzansu えんざんすう |
{math;comp} operand |
演算機 see styles |
enzanki えんざんき |
{comp} processor (as in computer chip) |
演算法 see styles |
yǎn suàn fǎ yan3 suan4 fa3 yen suan fa |
algorithm (Tw) |
演算表 see styles |
enzanhyou / enzanhyo えんざんひょう |
{comp} operation table |
演算部 see styles |
enzanbu えんざんぶ |
{comp} operation part |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "算" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.