There are 351 total results for your 科学 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
科學普及 科学普及 see styles |
kē xué pǔ jí ke1 xue2 pu3 ji2 k`o hsüeh p`u chi ko hsüeh pu chi |
popularization of science |
科學知識 科学知识 see styles |
kē xué zhī shi ke1 xue2 zhi1 shi5 k`o hsüeh chih shih ko hsüeh chih shih |
scientific knowledge |
科學研究 科学研究 see styles |
kē xué yán jiū ke1 xue2 yan2 jiu1 k`o hsüeh yen chiu ko hsüeh yen chiu |
scientific research See: 科学研究 |
科學種田 科学种田 see styles |
kē xué zhòng tián ke1 xue2 zhong4 tian2 k`o hsüeh chung t`ien ko hsüeh chung tien |
scientific crop planting; scientific farming |
科學管理 科学管理 see styles |
kē xué guǎn lǐ ke1 xue2 guan3 li3 k`o hsüeh kuan li ko hsüeh kuan li |
scientific management |
科學編輯 科学编辑 see styles |
kē xué biān jí ke1 xue2 bian1 ji2 k`o hsüeh pien chi ko hsüeh pien chi |
editor of a scientific journal, publication etc |
科學育兒 科学育儿 see styles |
kē xué yù ér ke1 xue2 yu4 er2 k`o hsüeh yü erh ko hsüeh yü erh |
scientific parenting |
精密科学 see styles |
seimitsukagaku / semitsukagaku せいみつかがく |
the exact sciences |
精神科学 see styles |
seishinkagaku / seshinkagaku せいしんかがく |
Geisteswissenschaften (i.e. the humanities, excluding the arts); mental science |
純正科学 see styles |
junseikagaku / junsekagaku じゅんせいかがく |
pure science |
経験科学 see styles |
keikenkagaku / kekenkagaku けいけんかがく |
empirical science |
統一科学 see styles |
touitsukagaku / toitsukagaku とういつかがく |
unified science |
総合科学 see styles |
sougoukagaku / sogokagaku そうごうかがく |
integrated science (i.e. collaboration of various sciences and arts); (a) synthetic science |
耳鼻科学 see styles |
jibikagaku じびかがく |
(rare) otolaryngology; otorhinology |
脳科学者 see styles |
noukagakusha / nokagakusha のうかがくしゃ |
brain scientist; cognitive psychologist; neuroscientist |
自然科学 see styles |
shizenkagaku しぜんかがく |
natural science |
自然科學 自然科学 see styles |
zì rán kē xué zi4 ran2 ke1 xue2 tzu jan k`o hsüeh tzu jan ko hsüeh |
natural sciences See: 自然科学 |
行動科学 see styles |
koudoukagaku / kodokagaku こうどうかがく |
behavioral science; behavioural science |
複合科学 see styles |
fukugoukagaku / fukugokagaku ふくごうかがく |
multidisciplinary science |
認知科学 see styles |
ninchikagaku にんちかがく |
cognitive science |
軍事科學 军事科学 see styles |
jun shì kē xué jun1 shi4 ke1 xue2 chün shih k`o hsüeh chün shih ko hsüeh |
military science |
近代科学 see styles |
kindaikagaku きんだいかがく |
modern science |
通俗科學 通俗科学 see styles |
tōng sú kē xué tong1 su2 ke1 xue2 t`ung su k`o hsüeh tung su ko hsüeh |
popular science |
醫科學校 医科学校 see styles |
yī kē xué xiào yi1 ke1 xue2 xiao4 i k`o hsüeh hsiao i ko hsüeh hsiao |
medical school |
非科学的 see styles |
hikagakuteki ひかがくてき |
(adjectival noun) unscientific |
麻酔科学 see styles |
masuikagaku ますいかがく |
anesthesiology; anaesthesiology |
科学博物館 see styles |
kagakuhakubutsukan かがくはくぶつかん |
science museum |
科学技術庁 see styles |
kagakugijutsuchou / kagakugijutsucho かがくぎじゅつちょう |
(See 文部科学省) Science and Technology Agency (1956-2001) |
科学技術部 see styles |
kagakugijutsubu かがくぎじゅつぶ |
(org) Ministry of Science and Technology (China); (o) Ministry of Science and Technology (China) |
科学的方法 see styles |
kagakutekihouhou / kagakutekihoho かがくてきほうほう |
scientific method |
科学的根拠 see styles |
kagakutekikonkyo かがくてきこんきょ |
scientific basis; scientific foundation; scientific grounds |
科学的発見 see styles |
kagakutekihakken かがくてきはっけん |
scientific discovery |
科学研究所 see styles |
kagakukenkyuujo / kagakukenkyujo かがくけんきゅうじょ |
science institute; scientific laboratory |
さけ科学館 see styles |
sakekagakukan さけかがくかん |
(place-name) Sakekagakukan |
中国科学院 see styles |
chuugokukagakuin / chugokukagakuin ちゅうごくかがくいん |
(org) Chinese Academy of Sciences; (o) Chinese Academy of Sciences |
中國科學院 中国科学院 see styles |
zhōng guó kē xué yuàn zhong1 guo2 ke1 xue2 yuan4 chung kuo k`o hsüeh yüan chung kuo ko hsüeh yüan |
Chinese Academy of Science See: 中国科学院 |
交通科学館 see styles |
koutsuukagakukan / kotsukagakukan こうつうかがくかん |
(place-name) Kōtsuukagakukan |
原子科學家 原子科学家 see styles |
yuán zǐ kē xué jiā yuan2 zi3 ke1 xue2 jia1 yüan tzu k`o hsüeh chia yüan tzu ko hsüeh chia |
atomic scientist; nuclear scientist |
吉田科学館 see styles |
yoshidakagakukan よしだかがくかん |
(place-name) Yoshidakagakukan |
天文科学館 see styles |
tenmonkagakukan てんもんかがくかん |
(place-name) Tenmonkagakukan |
幸福の科学 see styles |
koufukunokagaku / kofukunokagaku こうふくのかがく |
Kofuku-no-Kagaku; The Institute for Research in Human Happiness (religion founded in Japan in 1986) |
文化科学館 see styles |
bunkakagakukan ぶんかかがくかん |
(place-name) Bunkakagakukan |
文部科学相 see styles |
monbukagakushou / monbukagakusho もんぶかがくしょう |
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
文部科学省 see styles |
monbukagakushou / monbukagakusho もんぶかがくしょう |
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT; (o) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT |
極低温科学 see styles |
kyokuteionkagaku / kyokuteonkagaku きょくていおんかがく |
cryonics |
水産科学館 see styles |
suisankagakukan すいさんかがくかん |
(place-name) Suisankagakukan |
火山科学館 see styles |
kazankagakukan かざんかがくかん |
(place-name) Kazankagakukan |
産業科学館 see styles |
sangyoukagakukan / sangyokagakukan さんぎょうかがくかん |
(place-name) Sangyoukagakukan |
社会諸科学 see styles |
shakaishokagaku しゃかいしょかがく |
social sciences |
神経科学者 see styles |
shinkeikagakusha / shinkekagakusha しんけいかがくしゃ |
neuroscientist |
科學發展觀 科学发展观 see styles |
kē xué fā zhǎn guān ke1 xue2 fa1 zhan3 guan1 k`o hsüeh fa chan kuan ko hsüeh fa chan kuan |
Scientific Outlook on Development, a guiding principle for the CCP attributed to Hu Jintao 胡錦濤|胡锦涛[Hu2 Jin3 tao1], incorporated into the Constitution of the CCP in 2007 |
総合科学部 see styles |
sougoukagakubu / sogokagakubu そうごうかがくぶ |
department of integrated arts and sciences |
脳外科学会 see styles |
nougekagakkai / nogekagakkai のうげかがっかい |
(org) Congress of Neurological Surgeons; (o) Congress of Neurological Surgeons |
自然科学者 see styles |
shizenkagakusha しぜんかがくしゃ |
natural scientist |
自然科学館 see styles |
shizenkagakukan しぜんかがくかん |
(place-name) Shizenkagakukan |
船の科学館 see styles |
funenokagakukan ふねのかがくかん |
(place-name) Funenokagakukan |
計算機科学 see styles |
keisankikagaku / kesankikagaku けいさんきかがく |
computer science |
計算機科學 计算机科学 see styles |
jì suàn jī kē xué ji4 suan4 ji1 ke1 xue2 chi suan chi k`o hsüeh chi suan chi ko hsüeh |
computer science |
記述的科学 see styles |
kijutsutekikagaku きじゅつてきかがく |
(See 説明的科学) descriptive science |
説明的科学 see styles |
setsumeitekikagaku / setsumetekikagaku せつめいてきかがく |
(See 記述的科学) explanatory science |
科学技術倫理 see styles |
kagakugijutsurinri かがくぎじゅつりんり |
ethics of science and technology |
科学技術大学 see styles |
kagakugijutsudaigaku かがくぎじゅつだいがく |
(org) Kagakugijutsu University; (o) Kagakugijutsu University |
科学技術計算 see styles |
kagakugijutsukeisan / kagakugijutsukesan かがくぎじゅつけいさん |
{comp} scientific computing |
科学捜査研究 see styles |
kagakusousakenkyuu / kagakusosakenkyu かがくそうさけんきゅう |
forensic research |
科学的実在論 see styles |
kagakutekijitsuzairon かがくてきじつざいろん |
scientific realism |
科学的方法論 see styles |
kagakutekihouhouron / kagakutekihohoron かがくてきほうほうろん |
scientific methodology |
科学的管理法 see styles |
kagakutekikanrihou / kagakutekikanriho かがくてきかんりほう |
scientific management |
科学的記数法 see styles |
kagakutekikisuuhou / kagakutekikisuho かがくてききすうほう |
{comp} scientific notation |
科学観測衛星 see styles |
kagakukansokueisei / kagakukansokuese かがくかんそくえいせい |
scientific research satellite |
科学調査協会 see styles |
kagakuchousakyoukai / kagakuchosakyokai かがくちょうさきょうかい |
(o) Science Research Associates |
ガスの科学館 see styles |
gasunokagakukan ガスのかがくかん |
(place-name) Gasunokagakukan |
スポーツ科学 see styles |
supootsukagaku スポーツかがく |
sports science |
保健科学大学 see styles |
hokenkagakudaigaku ほけんかがくだいがく |
(org) Hokenkagaku University; (o) Hokenkagaku University |
健康科学大学 see styles |
kenkoukagakudaigaku / kenkokagakudaigaku けんこうかがくだいがく |
(org) Health Science University; (o) Health Science University |
全米科学財団 see styles |
zenbeikagakuzaidan / zenbekagakuzaidan ぜんべいかがくざいだん |
{comp} National Science Foundation (USA); NSF |
創造科学協会 see styles |
souzoukagakukyoukai / sozokagakukyokai そうぞうかがくきょうかい |
(o) Creation Science Association |
千葉科学大学 see styles |
chibakagakudaigaku ちばかがくだいがく |
(org) Chiba Institute of Science; (o) Chiba Institute of Science |
国際内科学会 see styles |
kokusainaikagakkai こくさいないかがっかい |
(org) International Society of Internal Medicine; (o) International Society of Internal Medicine |
国際科学会議 see styles |
kokusaikagakukaigi こくさいかがくかいぎ |
(org) International Council for Science; ICSU; (o) International Council for Science; ICSU |
国際科学財団 see styles |
kokusaikagakuzaidan こくさいかがくざいだん |
(o) International Foundation for Science |
地理科学学会 see styles |
chirikagakugakkai ちりかがくがっかい |
(org) Hiroshima Geographical Association; HGA; (o) Hiroshima Geographical Association; HGA |
基督教科學派 基督教科学派 see styles |
jī dū jiào kē xué pài ji1 du1 jiao4 ke1 xue2 pai4 chi tu chiao k`o hsüeh p`ai chi tu chiao ko hsüeh pai |
Christian Science |
大型装置科学 see styles |
oogatasouchikagaku / oogatasochikagaku おおがたそうちかがく |
big science (particle accelerators, space telescopes, etc.) |
子ども科学館 see styles |
kodomokagakukan こどもかがくかん |
(place-name) Kodomokagakukan |
帝京科学大学 see styles |
teikyoukagakudaigaku / tekyokagakudaigaku ていきょうかがくだいがく |
(org) Teikyo University of Science; (o) Teikyo University of Science |
応用科学大学 see styles |
ouyoukagakudaigaku / oyokagakudaigaku おうようかがくだいがく |
university of applied science (e.g. the Dutch "Hogeschool" and the German "Fachhochschule" institutes of higher education) |
技術科学大学 see styles |
gijutsukagakudaigaku ぎじゅつかがくだいがく |
university of technology; science and technology college |
文部科学大臣 see styles |
monbukagakudaijin もんぶかがくだいじん |
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
水環境科学館 see styles |
mizukankyoukagakukan / mizukankyokagakukan みずかんきょうかがくかん |
(place-name) Mizukankyōkagakukan |
流通科学大学 see styles |
ryuutsuukagakudaigaku / ryutsukagakudaigaku りゅうつうかがくだいがく |
(org) University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences; (o) University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences |
理想科学工業 see styles |
risoukagakukougyou / risokagakukogyo りそうかがくこうぎょう |
(org) Riso Kagaku Corporation; (o) Riso Kagaku Corporation |
空想科学小説 see styles |
kuusoukagakushousetsu / kusokagakushosetsu くうそうかがくしょうせつ |
science fiction; sci-fi; fantasy fiction |
米国外科学会 see styles |
beikokugekagakkai / bekokugekagakkai べいこくげかがっかい |
(org) American College of Surgeons; ACS; (o) American College of Surgeons; ACS |
米国歯科学会 see styles |
beikokushikagakkai / bekokushikagakkai べいこくしかがっかい |
(org) American College of Dentists; ACD; (o) American College of Dentists; ACD |
米国眼科学会 see styles |
beikokugankagakkai / bekokugankagakkai べいこくがんかがっかい |
(org) American Academy of Ophthalmology; (o) American Academy of Ophthalmology |
米国科学協会 see styles |
beikokukagakukyoukai / bekokukagakukyokai べいこくかがくきょうかい |
(o) American Scientific Affiliation |
総合歯科学会 see styles |
sougoushikagakkai / sogoshikagakkai そうごうしかがっかい |
(o) Academy of General Dentistry; AGD |
総合科学大学 see styles |
sougoukagakudaigaku / sogokagakudaigaku そうごうかがくだいがく |
(org) Sougoukagaku University; (o) Sougoukagaku University |
肥満外科学会 see styles |
himangekagakkai ひまんげかがっかい |
(org) American Society for Bariatric Surgery; ASBS; (o) American Society for Bariatric Surgery; ASBS |
船の科学館駅 see styles |
funenokagakukaneki ふねのかがくかんえき |
(st) Funenokagakukan Station |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "科学" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.