There are 205 total results for your 疾 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
大声疾呼 see styles |
taiseishikko / taiseshikko たいせいしっこ |
(noun/participle) (yoji) shout with a loud voice; fulminate; vociferate |
大聲疾呼 大声疾呼 see styles |
dà shēng jí hū da4 sheng1 ji2 hu1 ta sheng chi hu |
to call loudly (idiom); to get people's attention; to make one's views known See: 大声疾呼 |
奮筆疾書 奋笔疾书 see styles |
fèn bǐ jí shū fen4 bi3 ji2 shu1 fen pi chi shu |
to write at a tremendous speed |
廃疾条件 see styles |
haishitsujouken / haishitsujoken はいしつじょうけん |
disability clause |
弔死問疾 吊死问疾 see styles |
diào sǐ wèn jí diao4 si3 wen4 ji2 tiao ssu wen chi |
to grieve for the sick and the dying; to show great concern for people's suffering |
心臟疾患 心脏疾患 see styles |
xīn zàng jí huàn xin1 zang4 ji2 huan4 hsin tsang chi huan |
heart disease |
慢性疾患 see styles |
manseishikkan / manseshikkan まんせいしっかん |
{med} chronic disease; chronic illness |
慢性疾病 see styles |
màn xìng jí bìng man4 xing4 ji2 bing4 man hsing chi ping |
chronic illness; disease that takes effect slowly |
救療疹疾 救疗疹疾 see styles |
jiù liáo zhěn jí jiu4 liao2 zhen3 ji2 chiu liao chen chi kuryō shinshitsu |
treats illness |
歯牙疾患 see styles |
shigashikkan しがしっかん |
{med} dental disease |
無倒速疾 无倒速疾 see styles |
wú dào sù jí wu2 dao4 su4 ji2 wu tao su chi mutō sokushitsu |
unerring quickness |
無疾而終 无疾而终 see styles |
wú jí ér zhōng wu2 ji2 er2 zhong1 wu chi erh chung |
to die peacefully; (fig.) to result in failure (without any outside interference); to come to nothing; to fizzle out |
特定疾患 see styles |
tokuteishikkan / tokuteshikkan とくていしっかん |
{med} diseases specified by the Japanese government as being worrisome, having no known treatment and of unknown causes |
痛心疾首 see styles |
tòng xīn jí shǒu tong4 xin1 ji2 shou3 t`ung hsin chi shou tung hsin chi shou |
bitter and hateful (idiom); to grieve and lament (over something) |
眼疾手快 see styles |
yǎn jí shǒu kuài yan3 ji2 shou3 kuai4 yen chi shou k`uai yen chi shou kuai |
sharp-eyed and adroit |
積勞成疾 积劳成疾 see styles |
jī láo chéng jí ji1 lao2 cheng2 ji2 chi lao ch`eng chi chi lao cheng chi |
to accumulate work causes sickness (idiom); to fall ill from constant overwork |
精神疾患 see styles |
seishinshikkan / seshinshikkan せいしんしっかん |
{med} mental disorder; mental disease |
精神疾病 see styles |
jīng shén jí bìng jing1 shen2 ji2 bing4 ching shen chi ping |
mental illness |
胸部疾患 see styles |
kyoubushikkan / kyobushikkan きょうぶしっかん |
{med} chest disease |
脱髄疾患 see styles |
datsuzuishikkan だつずいしっかん |
{med} demyelinating disease |
血管疾患 see styles |
kekkanshikkan けっかんしっかん |
{med} vascular disease; valvular disease |
諱疾忌醫 讳疾忌医 see styles |
huì jí jì yī hui4 ji2 ji4 yi1 hui chi chi i |
hiding a sickness for fear of treatment (idiom); fig. concealing a fault to avoid criticism; to keep one's shortcomings secret; to refuse to listen to advice |
速疾圓證 速疾圆证 see styles |
sù jí yuán zhèng su4 ji2 yuan2 zheng4 su chi yüan cheng sokushitsu enshō |
rapidly and completely realize |
速疾能辦 速疾能办 see styles |
sù jí néng bàn su4 ji2 neng2 ban4 su chi neng pan sokushitsu nōhan |
quickly accomplishes |
速疾趣證 速疾趣证 see styles |
sù jí qù zhèng su4 ji2 qu4 zheng4 su chi ch`ü cheng su chi chü cheng sokushitsu shushō |
rapidly advances to realization |
速疾轉變 速疾转变 see styles |
sù jí zhuǎn biàn su4 ji2 zhuan3 bian4 su chi chuan pien sokushitsu tenpen |
quickly change |
高藤疾土 see styles |
takatouhayato / takatohayato たかとうはやと |
(person) Takatou Hayato (1983.1.7-) |
疾っくの昔 see styles |
tokkunomukashi とっくのむかし |
(exp,n-t) a long time ago |
疾病恐怖症 see styles |
shippeikyoufushou / shippekyofusho しっぺいきょうふしょう |
{med} nosophobia; disease phobia |
疾風知勁草 疾风知劲草 see styles |
jí fēng zhī jìng cǎo ji2 feng1 zhi1 jing4 cao3 chi feng chih ching ts`ao chi feng chih ching tsao |
lit. sturdy grass withstands high winds (idiom); fig. strength of character is revealed in a crisis |
Variations: |
rinshitsu りんしつ |
(dated) (See 淋病) gonorrhea; gonorrhoea |
全身性疾患 see styles |
zenshinseishikkan / zenshinseshikkan ぜんしんせいしっかん |
{med} systemic disease; systemic disorder |
冠動脈疾患 see styles |
kandoumyakushikkan / kandomyakushikkan かんどうみゃくしっかん |
{med} coronary artery disease; coronary heart disease; CAD |
呼吸器疾患 see styles |
kokyuukishikkan / kokyukishikkan こきゅうきしっかん |
{med} respiratory illness |
心血管疾患 see styles |
shinkekkanshikkan しんけっかんしっかん |
{med} cardiovascular disease |
心血管疾病 see styles |
xīn xuè guǎn jí bìng xin1 xue4 guan3 ji2 bing4 hsin hsüeh kuan chi ping |
cardiovascular disease |
神経筋疾患 see styles |
shinkeikinshikkan / shinkekinshikkan しんけいきんしっかん |
{med} neuromuscular disease |
細菌性痢疾 细菌性痢疾 see styles |
xì jun xìng lì jí xi4 jun1 xing4 li4 ji2 hsi chün hsing li chi |
bacillary dysentery |
脳血管疾患 see styles |
noukekkanshikkan / nokekkanshikkan のうけっかんしっかん |
{med} cerebrovascular disease |
腦血管疾病 脑血管疾病 see styles |
nǎo xuè guǎn jí bìng nao3 xue4 guan3 ji2 bing4 nao hsüeh kuan chi ping |
cerebrovascular disease |
藏毛性疾病 see styles |
cáng máo xìng jí bìng cang2 mao2 xing4 ji2 bing4 ts`ang mao hsing chi ping tsang mao hsing chi ping |
pilonidal disease |
遺伝子疾患 see styles |
idenshishikkan いでんししっかん |
{med} genetic disorder |
遺伝性疾患 see styles |
idenseishikkan / idenseshikkan いでんせいしっかん |
{med} hereditary disease; hereditary disorder |
遺傳性疾病 遗传性疾病 see styles |
yí chuán xìng jí bìng yi2 chuan2 xing4 ji2 bing4 i ch`uan hsing chi ping i chuan hsing chi ping |
genetic disorder |
阿米巴痢疾 see styles |
ā mǐ bā lì ji a1 mi3 ba1 li4 ji5 a mi pa li chi |
amebic dysentery |
疾病控制中心 see styles |
jí bìng kòng zhì zhōng xīn ji2 bing4 kong4 zhi4 zhong1 xin1 chi ping k`ung chih chung hsin chi ping kung chih chung hsin |
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) |
疾病除愈方便 see styles |
jí bìng chú yù fāng biàn ji2 bing4 chu2 yu4 fang1 bian4 chi ping ch`u yü fang pien chi ping chu yü fang pien shitsubyō joyu hōben |
skillful remedy |
疾病預防中心 疾病预防中心 see styles |
jí bìng yù fáng zhōng xīn ji2 bing4 yu4 fang2 zhong1 xin1 chi ping yü fang chung hsin |
Center for Disease Control (US) |
先天性心疾患 see styles |
sentenseishinshikkan / sentenseshinshikkan せんてんせいしんしっかん |
{med} congenital heart disease |
冠状動脈疾患 see styles |
kanjoudoumyakushikkan / kanjodomyakushikkan かんじょうどうみゃくしっかん |
{med} coronary-artery disease |
溶酶儲存疾病 溶酶储存疾病 see styles |
róng méi chǔ cún jí bìng rong2 mei2 chu3 cun2 ji2 bing4 jung mei ch`u ts`un chi ping jung mei chu tsun chi ping |
lysosomal storage disease (LSD) |
炎症性腸疾患 see styles |
enshouseichoushikkan / enshosechoshikkan えんしょうせいちょうしっかん |
{med} inflammatory bowel disease; IBD |
神経変性疾患 see styles |
shinkeihenseishikkan / shinkehenseshikkan しんけいへんせいしっかん |
{med} neurodegenerative disease; neurodegenerative disorder |
自己免疫疾患 see styles |
jikomenekishikkan じこめんえきしっかん |
{med} autoimmune disorder |
自體免疫疾病 自体免疫疾病 see styles |
zì tǐ miǎn yì jí bìng zi4 ti3 mian3 yi4 ji2 bing4 tzu t`i mien i chi ping tzu ti mien i chi ping |
autoimmune disease |
虚血性心疾患 see styles |
kyoketsuseishinshikkan / kyoketsuseshinshikkan きょけつせいしんしっかん |
{med} ischemic heart disease; ischaemic heart disease; coronary artery disease; coronary heart disease |
疾うに(rK) see styles |
touni / toni とうに |
(adverb) (kana only) (See とっくに) long ago; a long time ago; already |
疾っく(rK) see styles |
tokku とっく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (kana only) (See とっくに) a long time ago |
Variations: |
haruhayate はるはやて |
(See 春嵐・しゅんらん) strong spring storm |
Variations: |
yamashii / yamashi やましい |
(adjective) (kana only) feeling guilty; having a guilty conscience; having qualms about |
Variations: |
kiwadoi きわどい |
(adjective) (1) (kana only) risky; dangerous; hazardous; perilous; close (e.g. game); narrow (e.g. victory); (adjective) (2) (kana only) suggestive; bordering on the obscene; risqué; delicate (e.g. question); questionable; shady; (adjective) (3) (archaism) extreme; harsh; cruel |
ウイルス性疾患 see styles |
uirususeishikkan / uirususeshikkan ウイルスせいしっかん |
{med} viral disease |
ヒト疾患モデル see styles |
hitoshikkanmoderu ヒトしっかんモデル |
human disease model (e.g. using experimental animals) |
一體速疾力三昧 一体速疾力三昧 see styles |
yī tǐ sù jí lì sān mèi yi1 ti3 su4 ji2 li4 san1 mei4 i t`i su chi li san mei i ti su chi li san mei ittai sokushitsuriki zanmai |
A samādhi in which instantaneous powers are acquired. |
劇団疾風DO党 see styles |
gekidanshippuudotou / gekidanshippudoto げきだんしっぷうどとう |
(person) Gekidan Shippuudotou |
救療小兒疾病經 救疗小儿疾病经 see styles |
jiù liáo xiǎo ér jí bìng jīng jiu4 liao2 xiao3 er2 ji2 bing4 jing1 chiu liao hsiao erh chi ping ching Kyūryō shōji shitsubyō kyō |
Jiuliao xiaoer jibing jing |
泌尿器疾患財団 see styles |
hinyoukishikkanzaidan / hinyokishikkanzaidan ひにょうきしっかんざいだん |
(o) American Foundation for Urologic Disease; AFUD |
解離性人格疾患 解离性人格疾患 see styles |
jiě lí xìng rén gé jí huàn jie3 li2 xing4 ren2 ge2 ji2 huan4 chieh li hsing jen ko chi huan |
dissociative identity disorder; multiple personality disorder |
疾うから(rK) see styles |
toukara / tokara とうから |
(adverb) (kana only) (since) long ago; for a long time |
疾っくに(rK) see styles |
tokkuni とっくに |
(adverb) (kana only) long ago; a long time ago; already |
Variations: |
shippuu(疾風)(p); hayate / shippu(疾風)(p); hayate しっぷう(疾風)(P); はやて |
gale; strong wind; swift wind; fresh breeze (Beaufort scale) |
疾病対策センター see styles |
shippeitaisakusentaa / shippetaisakusenta しっぺいたいさくセンター |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CDC |
アレルギー性疾患 see styles |
arerugiiseishikkan / arerugiseshikkan アレルギーせいしっかん |
{med} allergic disease |
中國殘疾人聯合會 中国残疾人联合会 see styles |
zhōng guó cán jí rén lián hé huì zhong1 guo2 can2 ji2 ren2 lian2 he2 hui4 chung kuo ts`an chi jen lien ho hui chung kuo tsan chi jen lien ho hui |
China Disabled Persons' Federation |
慢性閉塞性肺疾患 see styles |
manseiheisokuseihaishikkan / mansehesokusehaishikkan まんせいへいそくせいはいしっかん |
{med} chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPD |
新生児溶血性疾患 see styles |
shinseijiyouketsuseishikkan / shinsejiyoketsuseshikkan しんせいじようけつせいしっかん |
{med} hemolytic disease of the newborn (haemolytic); erythroblastosis fetalis |
日本胸部疾患学会 see styles |
nipponkyoubushikkangakkai / nipponkyobushikkangakkai にっぽんきょうぶしっかんがっかい |
(org) Japan Society of Chest Diseases; (o) Japan Society of Chest Diseases |
神経精神疾患学会 see styles |
shinkeiseishinshikkangakkai / shinkeseshinshikkangakkai しんけいせいしんしっかんがっかい |
(o) Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease |
Variations: |
shittsuusantan / shittsusantan しっつうさんたん |
(yoji) (rare) terrible worry; extreme anxiety |
Variations: |
shippuudotou / shippudoto しっぷうどとう |
(yoji) storm and stress; Sturm und Drang |
Variations: |
tokunomukashi とくのむかし |
(exp,n) (dated) (See とっくの昔) a long time ago; long ago |
運動ニューロン疾患 see styles |
undounyuuronshikkan / undonyuronshikkan うんどうニューロンしっかん |
{med} motor neurone disease; MND |
除一切疾病陀羅尼經 除一切疾病陀罗尼经 see styles |
chú yī qiè jí bìng tuó luó ní jīng chu2 yi1 qie4 ji2 bing4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 ch`u i ch`ieh chi ping t`o lo ni ching chu i chieh chi ping to lo ni ching Jo issai shitsubyō darani kyō |
Dhāraṇī for Healing All Diseases |
疾っくの疾う(rK) see styles |
tokkunotou / tokkunoto とっくのとう |
(exp,n) (kana only) (rare) a long time ago |
ヒト疾患モデルマウス see styles |
hitoshikkanmoderumausu ヒトしっかんモデルマウス |
mouse model for human disease |
中国疾病預防控制中心 see styles |
chuugokushippeiyoboukouseichuushin / chugokushippeyobokosechushin ちゅうごくしっぺいよぼうこうせいちゅうしん |
(o) Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; CCDC |
全米希少疾病患者団体 see styles |
zenbeikishoushippeikanjadantai / zenbekishoshippekanjadantai ぜんべいきしょうしっぺいかんじゃだんたい |
(o) National Organization for Rare Disorders; NORD |
慢性閉塞性呼吸器疾患 see styles |
manseiheisokuseikokyuukishikkan / mansehesokusekokyukishikkan まんせいへいそくせいこきゅうきしっかん |
{med} chronic obstructive respiratory disease |
米国自己免疫疾患協会 see styles |
beikokujikomenekishikkankyoukai / bekokujikomenekishikkankyokai べいこくじこめんえきしっかんきょうかい |
(o) American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, Inc.; AARDA |
疾風知勁草,烈火見真金 疾风知劲草,烈火见真金 see styles |
jí fēng zhī jìn cǎo , liè huǒ jiàn zhēn jīn ji2 feng1 zhi1 jin4 cao3 , lie4 huo3 jian4 zhen1 jin1 chi feng chih chin ts`ao , lieh huo chien chen chin chi feng chih chin tsao , lieh huo chien chen chin |
lit. sturdy grass withstands high winds and true gold stands the test of fire (idiom); fig. strength of character is revealed in a crisis |
Variations: |
yamashii / yamashi やましい |
(adjective) (kana only) feeling guilty; having a guilty conscience; having qualms about |
Variations: |
kiwadoi きわどい |
(adjective) (1) (kana only) risky; dangerous; hazardous; perilous; close (e.g. game); narrow (e.g. victory); (adjective) (2) (kana only) suggestive; bordering on the obscene; risqué; delicate (e.g. question); questionable; shady; (adjective) (3) (archaism) extreme; harsh; cruel |
Variations: |
tokkunomukashi とっくのむかし |
(exp,n,adv) a long time ago |
囉嚩拏說救療小兒疾病經 囉嚩拏说救疗小儿疾病经 see styles |
luó mó ná shuō jiù liáo xiǎo ér jí bìng jīng luo2 mo2 na2 shuo1 jiu4 liao2 xiao3 er2 ji2 bing4 jing1 lo mo na shuo chiu liao hsiao erh chi ping ching Rabana setsu kuryō shōni shitsubyō kyō |
Rāvaṇa Explains the [Wandering Seizers'] Alleviation of Children's Illnesses |
能淨一切眼疾病陀羅尼經 能淨一切眼疾病陀罗尼经 see styles |
néng jìng yī qiè yǎn jí bìng tuó luó ní jīng neng2 jing4 yi1 qie4 yan3 ji2 bing4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 neng ching i ch`ieh yen chi ping t`o lo ni ching neng ching i chieh yen chi ping to lo ni ching Nōjō issai gen shitsubyō darani kyō |
Dhāraṇī for Cleansing the Eye of All Maladies |
中国疾病予防管理センター see styles |
chuugokushippeiyoboukanrisentaa / chugokushippeyobokanrisenta ちゅうごくしっぺいよぼうかんりセンター |
(org) Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; CCDC; (o) Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; CCDC |
Variations: |
naizoushikkan / naizoshikkan ないぞうしっかん |
{med} internal disease |
速疾立驗魔醯首羅天說阿尾奢法 速疾立验魔醯首罗天说阿尾奢法 see styles |
sù jí lì yàn mó xī shǒu luó tiān shuō ā wěi shē fǎ su4 ji2 li4 yan4 mo2 xi1 shou3 luo2 tian1 shuo1 a1 wei3 she1 fa3 su chi li yen mo hsi shou lo t`ien shuo a wei she fa su chi li yen mo hsi shou lo tien shuo a wei she fa Sokushitsu ryū ken Makeshuraten setsu abisha hō |
A Rapidly Established Effect: the Abhicāra Method Explained by Maheśvāra |
Variations: |
tokkunomukashi とっくのむかし |
(exp,n) a long, long time ago; very long ago |
Variations: |
toshi とし |
(adj-ku) (1) (archaism) (esp. 利し, 鋭し) sharp; (adj-ku) (2) (archaism) (esp. 疾し, 鋭し) intense; strong; powerful; (adj-ku) (3) (archaism) (esp. 疾し, 捷し) quick; rapid; fast; (adj-ku) (4) (archaism) (esp. 敏し, 聆し) keen; sharp; clever |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "疾" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.