There are 695 total results for your 玄 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
玄市 see styles |
genichi げんいち |
(personal name) Gen'ichi |
玄希 see styles |
haruki はるき |
(female given name) Haruki |
玄師 see styles |
genshi げんし |
(surname) Genshi |
玄幡 see styles |
genba げんば |
(surname) Genba |
玄平 see styles |
genpei / genpe げんぺい |
(given name) Genpei |
玄幸 see styles |
genkou / genko げんこう |
(personal name) Genkou |
玄幹 see styles |
genkan げんかん |
(given name) Genkan |
玄幻 see styles |
xuán huàn xuan2 huan4 hsüan huan |
xuanhuan, a fusion of Western and Eastern fantasy (subgenre of Chinese fantasy fiction) |
玄庵 see styles |
genan げんあん |
(given name) Gen'an |
玄康 see styles |
shizuyasu しずやす |
(personal name) Shizuyasu |
玄弥 see styles |
genya げんや |
(given name) Gen'ya |
玄当 see styles |
gentou / gento げんとう |
(surname) Gentou |
玄彦 see styles |
haruhiko はるひこ |
(male given name) Haruhiko |
玄後 see styles |
gengo げんご |
(surname) Gengo |
玄得 see styles |
gentoku げんとく |
(given name) Gentoku |
玄徳 see styles |
gentoku げんとく |
(personal name) Gentoku |
玄德 see styles |
xuán dé xuan2 de2 hsüan te gen toku |
profound virtue |
玄志 see styles |
fukashi ふかし |
(personal name) Fukashi |
玄応 see styles |
genou / geno げんおう |
(surname) Gen'ou |
玄忠 see styles |
michitada みちただ |
(given name) Michitada |
玄恭 see styles |
genkyou / genkyo げんきょう |
(given name) Genkyō |
玄恵 see styles |
gene げんえ |
(person) Gen'e; Genne (?-1350 CE) |
玄悟 see styles |
xuán wù xuan2 wu4 hsüan wu gengo げんご |
(personal name) Gengo profound realization |
玄悦 see styles |
genetsu げんえつ |
(given name) Gen'etsu |
玄惟 see styles |
harutada はるただ |
(personal name) Harutada |
玄慎 see styles |
genshin げんしん |
(personal name) Genshin |
玄慧 see styles |
genne げんね |
(person) Gen'e; Genne (?-1350 CE) |
玄應 玄应 see styles |
xuán yìng xuan2 ying4 hsüan ying genou / geno げんおう |
(surname) Gen'ou Deep, or abstruse response; also Xuanying, the author in the Tang dynasty of the 玄應音義, i. e. 一切經音義 a Buddhist dictionary in 25 juan, not considered very reliable. |
玄房 see styles |
genbou / genbo げんぼう |
(personal name) Genbou |
玄手 see styles |
gente げんて |
(surname) Gente |
玄承 see styles |
genshou / gensho げんしょう |
(given name) Genshou |
玄播 see styles |
genba げんば |
(given name) Genba |
玄教 see styles |
shizunori しずのり |
(given name) Shizunori |
玄新 see styles |
genshin げんしん |
(personal name) Genshin |
玄旦 see styles |
gentan げんたん |
(given name) Gentan |
玄旨 see styles |
xuán zhǐ xuan2 zhi3 hsüan chih genshi |
profound implications |
玄昉 see styles |
xuán fěng xuan2 feng3 hsüan feng Genbō |
Genbō |
玄昌 see styles |
genshou / gensho げんしょう |
(personal name) Genshou |
玄明 see styles |
haruaki はるあき |
(personal name) Haruaki |
玄昭 see styles |
genshou / gensho げんしょう |
(given name) Genshou |
玄晋 see styles |
genshin げんしん |
(personal name) Genshin |
玄景 see styles |
xuán jǐng xuan2 jing3 hsüan ching Genkei |
Xuanjing, a monk, d. 606, noted for his preaching, and for his many changes of garments, as 衡嶽 Hengyue was noted for wearing one garment all his days. |
玄智 see styles |
genchi げんち |
(given name) Genchi |
玄暉 玄晖 see styles |
xuán huī xuan2 hui1 hsüan hui genki げんき |
(male given name) Genki Hyeonhwi |
玄暢 玄畅 see styles |
xuán chàng xuan2 chang4 hsüan ch`ang hsüan chang Genchō |
Xuanchang, a famous Shensi monk, who was invited to be tutor of the heir-apparent, A. D. 445, but refused, died 484. |
玄曦 see styles |
xuán xī xuan2 xi1 hsüan hsi gengi |
sun |
玄會 玄会 see styles |
xuán huì xuan2 hui4 hsüan hui gene |
to come together mysteriously |
玄月 see styles |
gengetsu げんげつ |
(personal name) Gengetsu |
玄有 see styles |
genyuu / genyu げんゆう |
(given name) Gen'yū |
玄朋 see styles |
genhou / genho げんほう |
(given name) Genhou |
玄朔 see styles |
gensaku げんさく |
(given name) Gensaku |
玄朗 see styles |
xuán lǎng xuan2 lang3 hsüan lang genrou / genro げんろう |
(personal name) Genrou Xuanlang, a Chekiang monk of the Tang dynasty, died 854, at 83 years of age, noted for his influence on his disciples and for having remained in one room for over thirty years: also called 慧明 Huiming and 左溪 Zuoqi. |
玄朝 see styles |
genchou / gencho げんちょう |
(personal name) Genchō |
玄木 see styles |
genki げんき |
(personal name) Genki |
玄本 see styles |
genmoto げんもと |
(surname) Genmoto |
玄朴 see styles |
genboku げんぼく |
(personal name) Genboku |
玄杲 see styles |
gengou / gengo げんごう |
(personal name) Gengou |
玄松 see styles |
genmatsu げんまつ |
(surname) Genmatsu |
玄果 see styles |
genka げんか |
(given name) Genka |
玄根 see styles |
shizune しずね |
(personal name) Shizune |
玄梅 see styles |
genbai げんばい |
(surname) Genbai |
玄森 see styles |
genmori げんもり |
(surname) Genmori |
玄極 玄极 see styles |
xuán jí xuan2 ji2 hsüan chi gengoku |
ultimate profundity |
玄樹 see styles |
haruki はるき |
(personal name) Haruki |
玄機 玄机 see styles |
xuán jī xuan2 ji1 hsüan chi genki げんき |
profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism); mysterious principles (personal name) Genki |
玄次 see styles |
genji げんじ |
(given name) Genji |
玄正 see styles |
michimasa みちまさ |
(given name) Michimasa |
玄武 see styles |
xuán wǔ xuan2 wu3 hsüan wu hirotake ひろたけ |
More info & calligraphy: Xuan Wu / Genbu / Black Tortoise God(1) (See 四神) Black Tortoise (god said to rule over the northern heavens); (2) {astron} (See 二十八宿) seven mansions (Chinese constellations) of the northern heavens; (personal name) Hirotake |
玄歩 see styles |
shizuho しずほ |
(personal name) Shizuho |
玄気 see styles |
genki げんき |
(male given name) Genki |
玄永 see styles |
harunaga はるなが |
(given name) Harunaga |
玄汰 see styles |
genta げんた |
(given name) Genta |
玄沙 see styles |
xuán shā xuan2 sha1 hsüan sha Gensha |
Xuansha, a famous Fukien monk who had over 800 disciples, died A. D. 908; his chief subjects were the fundamental ailments of men— blindness, deafness, and dumbness. |
玄沢 see styles |
gentaku げんたく |
(surname) Gentaku |
玄治 see styles |
genji げんじ |
(given name) Genji |
玄洋 see styles |
tsunehiro つねひろ |
(given name) Tsunehiro |
玄洞 see styles |
gendou / gendo げんどう |
(given name) Gendou |
玄津 see styles |
gentsu げんつ |
(surname) Gentsu |
玄流 see styles |
xuán liú xuan2 liu2 hsüan liu shizuru しずる |
(personal name) Shizuru The black-robed sect of monks. |
玄浦 see styles |
genpo げんぽ |
(place-name) Genpo |
玄海 see styles |
genkai げんかい |
(place-name, surname) Genkai |
玄涛 see styles |
gentou / gento げんとう |
(given name) Gentou |
玄潮 see styles |
genchou / gencho げんちょう |
(given name) Genchō |
玄澄 see styles |
genchou / gencho げんちょう |
(given name) Genchō |
玄照 see styles |
genshou / gensho げんしょう |
(given name) Genshou |
玄爾 see styles |
genji げんじ |
(male given name) Genji |
玄牛 see styles |
gengyuu / gengyu げんぎゅう |
(given name) Gengyū |
玄狐 see styles |
xuán hú xuan2 hu2 hsüan hu |
silver or black fox (Vulpes alopex argentatus) |
玄猪 see styles |
gencho げんちょ |
(1) (See 亥の子) day of the boar in the tenth month; (2) mochi eaten on the day of the boar (esp. at the time of the boar) |
玄猷 see styles |
xuán yóu xuan2 you2 hsüan yu genyū |
arcane path |
玄猿 see styles |
genen げんえん |
(See テナガザル) gibbon |
玄玄 see styles |
xuán xuán xuan2 xuan2 hsüan hsüan gengen |
mystery within mystery |
玄珠 see styles |
harumi はるみ |
(female given name) Harumi |
玄理 see styles |
xuán lǐ xuan2 li3 hsüan li harumasa はるまさ |
profound theory; philosophical theory of Wei and Jin 玄學|玄学 sect (personal name) Harumasa unfathomably deep principle of the Way |
玄琢 see styles |
gentaku げんたく |
(given name) Gentaku |
玄琬 see styles |
xuán wǎn xuan2 wan3 hsüan wan Genon |
Xuanyuan, an influential Shensi monk who lived through the persecution of Buddhism in the 北周 Northern Zhou dynasty into the Sui and Tang dynasties. |
玄瑞 see styles |
genzui げんずい |
(given name) Genzui |
玄生 see styles |
gensei / gense げんせい |
(surname) Gensei |
玄甫 see styles |
genpo げんぽ |
(surname) Genpo |
玄田 see styles |
genda げんだ |
(surname) Genda |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "玄" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.