There are 242 total results for your 敵 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
輕敵 轻敌 see styles |
qīng dí qing1 di2 ch`ing ti ching ti |
to underestimate the enemy |
通敵 通敌 see styles |
tōng dí tong1 di2 t`ung ti tung ti |
to collaborate with the enemy |
難敵 see styles |
nanteki なんてき |
formidable enemy |
頓敵 see styles |
tonteki とんてき |
(archaism) thoughtlessness; thoughtless person |
餌敵 饵敌 see styles |
ěr dí er3 di2 erh ti |
to lure the enemy; to trap |
Variations: |
kataki かたき |
(n-suf,n) (1) (usu. pronounced がたき when used as a suffix) (See 仇・あだ・1,敵・てき・1) rival; opponent; adversary; competitor; enemy (esp. one with which there is longstanding enmity); foe; (2) revenge; (3) (archaism) spouse |
敵佔區 敌占区 see styles |
dí zhàn qū di2 zhan4 qu1 ti chan ch`ü ti chan chü |
enemy occupied territory |
敵同士 see styles |
tekidoushi / tekidoshi てきどうし katakidoushi / katakidoshi かたきどうし |
mutual enemies |
敵味方 see styles |
tekimikata てきみかた |
friend and foe; enemies and allies; both sides |
敵基督 敌基督 see styles |
dí jī dū di2 ji1 du1 ti chi tu |
Antichrist |
敵対国 see styles |
tekitaikoku てきたいこく |
enemy nation |
敵対的 see styles |
tekitaiteki てきたいてき |
(adjectival noun) hostile; adversarial; antagonistic |
敵対者 see styles |
tekitaisha てきたいしゃ |
opponent; antagonist |
敵対視 see styles |
tekitaishi てきたいし |
(noun/participle) regarding as an enemy; treating as an enemy |
敵對性 敌对性 see styles |
dí duì xìng di2 dui4 xing4 ti tui hsing |
hostile; hostility |
敵性語 see styles |
tekiseigo / tekisego てきせいご |
language of the enemy (esp. English in Japan during WWII) |
敵愾心 see styles |
tekigaishin てきがいしん |
hostility; enmity |
敵敵畏 敌敌畏 see styles |
dí dí wèi di2 di2 wei4 ti ti wei |
(loanword) DDVP, aka dichlorvos (an organophosphate used as an insecticide) |
敵殺死 敌杀死 see styles |
dí shā sǐ di2 sha1 si3 ti sha ssu |
Decis (insecticide brand) |
敵百蟲 敌百虫 see styles |
dí bǎi chóng di2 bai3 chong2 ti pai ch`ung ti pai chung |
trichlorphon C4H8Cl3PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide; also called dipterex |
敵艦隊 see styles |
tekikantai てきかんたい |
enemy fleet |
敵討ち see styles |
katakiuchi かたきうち |
vengeance; revenge; retaliation |
敵論者 敌论者 see styles |
dí lùn zhě di2 lun4 zhe3 ti lun che jakuron sha |
an opponent [in a debate] |
敵部隊 see styles |
tekibutai てきぶたい |
enemy forces |
假想敵 假想敌 see styles |
jiǎ xiǎng dí jia3 xiang3 di2 chia hsiang ti |
opposing force (in war games); hypothetical enemy (in strategic studies) |
初無敵 see styles |
somuteki そむてき |
(place-name) Somuteki |
商売敵 see styles |
shoubaigataki / shobaigataki しょうばいがたき |
business rival; professional jealousy |
好敵手 see styles |
koutekishu / kotekishu こうてきしゅ |
worthy opponent; worthy rival; good match |
對敵者 对敌者 see styles |
duì dí zhě dui4 di2 zhe3 tui ti che |
rival |
懷敵意 怀敌意 see styles |
huái dí yì huai2 di2 yi4 huai ti i |
hostile |
目の敵 see styles |
menokataki めのかたき |
(exp,n) enemy |
萬人敵 万人敌 see styles |
wàn rén dí wan4 ren2 di2 wan jen ti |
a match for ten thousand enemies |
魔怨敵 see styles |
mó yuàn dí mo2 yuan4 di2 mo yüan ti |
Māra, the enemy (of the Dharma) |
敵と戦う see styles |
tekitotatakau てきとたたかう |
(Godan verb with "u" ending) to fight one's enemy |
敵に付く see styles |
tekinitsuku てきにつく |
(exp,v5k) to take the side of the enemy |
敵に回す see styles |
tekinimawasu てきにまわす |
(exp,v5s) to make an enemy (of); to turn (someone) into an enemy; to antagonize |
敵に回る see styles |
tekinimawaru てきにまわる |
(exp,v5r) (See 敵に回す・てきにまわす) to turn against; to become an enemy |
敵わない see styles |
kanawanai かなわない |
(adjective) (1) (kana only) no match for; (2) (kana only) unbearable; (3) (kana only) unable; can't do; beyond one's power |
敵を倒す see styles |
tekiotaosu てきをたおす |
(exp,v5s) to kill one's enemy (opponent) |
敵を斃す see styles |
tekiotaosu てきをたおす |
(exp,v5s) to kill one's enemy (opponent) |
敵を破る see styles |
tekioyaburu てきをやぶる |
(exp,v5r) to defeat one's enemy |
敵を討つ see styles |
katakioutsu / katakiotsu かたきをうつ |
(exp,v5t) to avenge (somebody) by striking down their killer |
敵前上陸 see styles |
tekizenjouriku / tekizenjoriku てきぜんじょうりく |
landing in the face of the enemy; opposed landing |
敵前逃亡 see styles |
tekizentoubou / tekizentobo てきぜんとうぼう |
desertion in the face of the enemy; deserting under enemy fire |
敵対勢力 see styles |
tekitaiseiryoku / tekitaiseryoku てきたいせいりょく |
adversary; opposition; hostile forces |
敵対行為 see styles |
tekitaikoui / tekitaikoi てきたいこうい |
hostile act |
敵対関係 see styles |
tekitaikankei / tekitaikanke てきたいかんけい |
hostile relations; hostile relationship |
敵性国家 see styles |
tekiseikokka / tekisekokka てきせいこっか |
hostile nation |
敵我矛盾 敌我矛盾 see styles |
dí wǒ máo dùn di2 wo3 mao2 dun4 ti wo mao tun |
contradictions between ourselves and the enemy; Either you are for us or against us. |
敵本主義 see styles |
tekihonshugi てきほんしゅぎ |
(yoji) (See 敵は本能寺にあり) diversionary tactics; concealing one's true motives until the last moment |
敵特份子 敌特分子 see styles |
dí tè fèn zǐ di2 te4 fen4 zi3 ti t`e fen tzu ti te fen tzu |
enemy agents in our midst; reds under the beds |
敵眾我寡 敌众我寡 see styles |
dí zhòng wǒ guǎ di2 zhong4 wo3 gua3 ti chung wo kua |
multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius); heavily outnumbered; beaten by the weight of numbers |
上陣殺敵 上阵杀敌 see styles |
shàng zhèn shā dí shang4 zhen4 sha1 di2 shang chen sha ti |
to go into battle; to strike at the enemy |
亦敵亦友 亦敌亦友 see styles |
yì dí yì yǒu yi4 di2 yi4 you3 i ti i yu |
(idiom) to be both friend and foe to each other; to have a friendly rivalry |
人民公敵 人民公敌 see styles |
rén mín gōng dí ren2 min2 gong1 di2 jen min kung ti |
the enemy of the people; the class enemy (Marxism) |
仮想敵国 see styles |
kasoutekikoku / kasotekikoku かそうてきこく |
hypothetical or imaginary enemy |
公敵一号 see styles |
koutekiichigou / kotekichigo こうてきいちごう |
public enemy No. 1 |
利敵行為 see styles |
ritekikoui / ritekikoi りてきこうい |
act which serves the interests of (benefits) the enemy |
勢均力敵 势均力敌 see styles |
shì jun - lì dí shi4 jun1 - li4 di2 shih chün - li ti |
(idiom) evenly matched |
化敵為友 化敌为友 see styles |
huà dí wéi yǒu hua4 di2 wei2 you3 hua ti wei yu |
to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom) |
同仇敵愾 同仇敌忾 see styles |
tóng chóu dí kài tong2 chou2 di2 kai4 t`ung ch`ou ti k`ai tung chou ti kai |
anger against a common enemy (idiom); joined in opposition to the same adversary |
大敵當前 大敌当前 see styles |
dà dí - dāng qián da4 di2 - dang1 qian2 ta ti - tang ch`ien ta ti - tang chien |
(idiom) to be faced with a formidable enemy |
大胆不敵 see styles |
daitanfuteki だいたんふてき |
More info & calligraphy: Fearless / Daring |
天下無敵 see styles |
tenkamuteki てんかむてき |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (yoji) (See 天下無双,天下無比) peerless; unequalled; unequaled |
天敵関係 see styles |
tentekikankei / tentekikanke てんてきかんけい |
relationship of being natural enemies |
如臨大敵 如临大敌 see styles |
rú lín dà dí ru2 lin2 da4 di2 ju lin ta ti |
lit. as if meeting a great enemy (idiom); fig. cautious; with great preoccupation; with strict precaution |
富可敵國 富可敌国 see styles |
fù kě dí guó fu4 ke3 di2 guo2 fu k`o ti kuo fu ko ti kuo |
having wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation (idiom); extremely wealthy |
寡不敵眾 寡不敌众 see styles |
guǎ bù dí zhòng gua3 bu4 di2 zhong4 kua pu ti chung |
the few are no match for the many; heavily outnumbered; facing impossible odds (idiom) |
怨敵異論 怨敌异论 see styles |
yuàn dí yì lùn yuan4 di2 yi4 lun4 yüan ti i lun onteki iron |
doctrinal opponents |
怨敵相違 怨敌相违 see styles |
yuàn dí xiāng wéi yuan4 di2 xiang1 wei2 yüan ti hsiang wei ontekisōi |
the conflict caused by enmity |
怨敵退散 see styles |
ontekitaisan おんてきたいさん |
(expression) (yoji) invoking disaster upon one's mortal enemy; Confusion to the enemy! |
所向無敵 所向无敌 see styles |
suǒ xiàng wú dí suo3 xiang4 wu2 di2 so hsiang wu ti |
to be invincible; unrivalled |
接敵移動 see styles |
settekiidou / settekido せってきいどう |
movement to contact |
棋逢敵手 棋逢敌手 see styles |
qí féng dí shǒu qi2 feng2 di2 shou3 ch`i feng ti shou chi feng ti shou |
see 棋逢對手|棋逢对手[qi2 feng2 dui4 shou3] |
油断大敵 see styles |
yudantaiteki ゆだんたいてき |
(expression) (yoji) don't let your guard down; carelessness is the great enemy; danger comes soonest when it is despised |
無可匹敵 无可匹敌 see styles |
wú kě pǐ dí wu2 ke3 pi3 di2 wu k`o p`i ti wu ko pi ti |
unsurpassed; unparalleled |
無敵の人 see styles |
mutekinohito むてきのひと |
(exp,n) (slang) person (esp. social outcast) who has nothing left to lose; invincible person |
無敵艦隊 see styles |
mutekikantai むてきかんたい |
Spanish Armada; invincible armada |
立敵共許 立敌共许 see styles |
lì dí gòng xǔ li4 di2 gong4 xu3 li ti kung hsü ryūteki gūko |
mutual acceptance [of the validity of the proposition] by the protagonist and antagonist in a debate |
素敵女子 see styles |
sutekijoshi すてきじょし |
(feminine speech) (manga slang) perfect woman; woman other women aspire to be like |
素敵滅法 see styles |
sutekimeppou / sutekimeppo すてきめっぽう |
(adjectival noun) (rare) very lovely; extremely nice; absolutely wonderful; truly splendid |
聖教怨敵 圣教怨敌 see styles |
shèng jiào yuàn dí sheng4 jiao4 yuan4 di2 sheng chiao yüan ti shōkyō onteki |
opponent of the noble teaching |
腹背受敵 腹背受敌 see styles |
fù bèi shòu dí fu4 bei4 shou4 di2 fu pei shou ti |
(idiom) to be attacked from the front and rear |
萬人之敵 万人之敌 see styles |
wàn rén zhī dí wan4 ren2 zhi1 di2 wan jen chih ti |
a match for ten thousand enemies |
邪不敵正 邪不敌正 see styles |
xié bù dí zhèng xie2 bu4 di2 zheng4 hsieh pu ti cheng |
good will always triumph over evil (idiom) |
Variations: |
tekijou / tekijo てきじょう |
enemy movements; enemy's position |
Variations: |
tekijou / tekijo てきじょう |
enemy movements; enemy's position |
敵に掛かる see styles |
tekinikakaru てきにかかる |
(exp,v5r) to assail the enemy |
敵味方識別 see styles |
tekimikatashikibetsu てきみかたしきべつ |
{mil} Identification, Friend or Foe; IFF |
敵対的買収 see styles |
tekitaitekibaishuu / tekitaitekibaishu てきたいてきばいしゅう |
hostile takeover |
敵性戦闘員 see styles |
tekiseisentouin / tekisesentoin てきせいせんとういん |
enemy combatant |
Variations: |
shouteki / shoteki しょうてき |
weak opponent; weak enemy |
Variations: |
aikata あいかた |
(1) (相方 only) (See 漫才) partner (esp. in manzai); companion; (2) partner for the night (e.g. at a brothel) |
Variations: |
tonteki とんてき |
(archaism) thoughtlessness; thoughtless person |
敵に塩を贈る see styles |
tekinishioookuru てきにしおをおくる |
(exp,v5r) to save an enemy from trouble instead of taking advantage of their weakness; to show humanity even to one's enemy; to help one's enemy in difficulty |
敵に塩を送る see styles |
tekinishioookuru てきにしおをおくる |
(exp,v5r) to save an enemy from trouble instead of taking advantage of their weakness; to show humanity even to one's enemy; to help one's enemy in difficulty |
不倶戴天の敵 see styles |
fugutaitennoteki ふぐたいてんのてき |
(exp,n) mortal enemy; sworn enemy; nemesis |
対敵諜報機関 see styles |
taitekichouhoukikan / taitekichohokikan たいてきちょうほうきかん |
counterintelligence agency |
目の敵にする see styles |
menokatakinisuru めのかたきにする |
(exp,vs-i) to hate the very sight of; to hold a grudge against; to treat like an enemy; to bear constant enmity; to be gunning for; to have it in for |
與全世界為敵 与全世界为敌 see styles |
yǔ quán shì jiè wéi dí yu3 quan2 shi4 jie4 wei2 di2 yü ch`üan shih chieh wei ti yü chüan shih chieh wei ti |
(idiom) to fight the whole world |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "敵" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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