There are 868 total results for your 支 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
七支 see styles |
qī zhī qi1 zhi1 ch`i chih chi chih shichishi |
The seven (spreading) branches—three sins of the body and four of speech, 身三 killing, robbing, adultery; 口四 lying, slander, abuse, double-tongue (or vain conversation). These are the first seven of the ten evils 十惡. |
三支 see styles |
sān zhī san1 zhi1 san chih san shi |
(三支比量) Three members of a syllogism: pratijñā宗 the proposition, hetu 因 the reason, udāharaṇa 喩the example; cf. 因明. |
不支 see styles |
bù zhī bu4 zhi1 pu chih |
to be unable to endure |
中支 see styles |
chuushi / chushi ちゅうし |
Central China |
五支 see styles |
wǔ zhī wu3 zhi1 wu chih Goshi |
Pañcakaṅga; Pañcakāṅga |
借支 see styles |
jiè zhī jie4 zhi1 chieh chih |
to get an advance on one's pay |
健支 see styles |
kenshi けんし |
(given name) Kenshi |
八支 see styles |
bā zhī ba1 zhi1 pa chih hasshi |
idem 八正道 also the eight sections of the 八支 śāstra; also a term for the first eight commandments. |
分支 see styles |
fēn zhī fen1 zhi1 fen chih |
branch (of company, river etc); to branch; to diverge; to ramify; to subdivide |
北支 see styles |
hokushi ほくし |
North China |
半支 see styles |
bàn zhī ban4 zhi1 pan chih Hanshi |
Pāñcika |
南支 see styles |
nanshi なんし |
(obsolete) south China; southern China |
印支 see styles |
yìn zhī yin4 zhi1 yin chih |
abbr. for 印度支那[Yin4 du4 zhi1 na4] |
収支 see styles |
shuushi / shushi しゅうし |
income and expenditure |
啓支 see styles |
hiroshi ひろし |
(male given name) Hiroshi |
四支 see styles |
sì zhī si4 zhi1 ssu chih shi shi |
four constituents [of meditation] |
在支 see styles |
zaishi ざいし |
(obsolete) staying in China; residing in China; being stationed in China |
地支 see styles |
dì zhī di4 zhi1 ti chih chishi ちし |
the 12 earthly branches 子[zi3], 丑[chou3], 寅[yin2], 卯[mao3], 辰[chen2], 巳[si4], 午[wu3], 未[wei4], 申[shen1], 酉[you3], 戌[xu1], 亥[hai4], used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal numbers I, II etc (See 十二支) earthly branches (the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac) |
基支 see styles |
motoshi もとし |
(personal name) Motoshi |
墊支 垫支 see styles |
diàn zhī dian4 zhi1 tien chih |
to advance funds |
大支 see styles |
hiroshi ひろし |
(personal name) Hiroshi |
対支 see styles |
taishi たいし |
(See 対中・たいちゅう,対華) concerning China |
屈支 see styles |
qū zhī qu1 zhi1 ch`ü chih chü chih Kusshi |
屈茨; 庫車; 龜弦; 丘玆 Kutche (Kucha). An ancient kingdom and city in Turkestan, north-east of Kashgar. |
山支 see styles |
yamashi やまし |
(place-name) Yamashi |
干支 see styles |
gān zhī gan1 zhi1 kan chih kanshi かんし |
the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1] and twelve earthly branches 十二枝; sexagenary cycle (1) sexagenary cycle; 60-term cycle of 12 zodiac animals combined with 5 elements in the traditional Chinese calendar; currently used in Japan for years, historically also for days; (2) (えと only) 12-year Chinese zodiac; (given name) Kanshi |
悠支 see styles |
yuuji / yuji ゆうじ |
(given name) Yūji |
愛支 see styles |
hashiki はしき |
(personal name) Hashiki |
收支 see styles |
shōu zhī shou1 zhi1 shou chih |
cash flow; financial balance; income and expenditure |
散支 see styles |
sàn zhī san4 zhi1 san chih Sanshi |
散脂 (散脂迦); 半只迦 (or半支迦) Pañcika, one of the eight generals of Vaiśravaṇa, cf. 毘. |
敦支 see styles |
atsushi あつし |
(personal name) Atsushi |
日支 see styles |
nisshi にっし |
(hist) (See 日支事変) Japan and China (esp. before WWII) |
月支 see styles |
yuè zhī yue4 zhi1 yüeh chih Gasshi げっし |
the Yuezhi, an ancient people of central Asia during the Han dynasty (also written 月氏[Yue4 zhi1]) Yuezhi; Rouzhi; an ancient Central Asian people (月支國) The Yuezhi, or 'Indo-Scythians', 月氏 (國) and a country they at one time occupied, i. e. 都貨羅 Tukhara, Tokharestan, or Badakshan. Driven out from the northern curve of the Yellow River by the Huns, circa 165 B. C., they conquered Bactria 大夏, the Punjab, Kashmir, 'and the greater part of India. ' Their expulsion from the north of Shansi was the cause of the famous journey of Zhangqian of the Han dynasty and the beginning of Chinese expansion to the north-west. Kanishka, king of the Yuezhi towards the end of the first century A. D., became the great protector and propagator of Buddhism. |
有支 see styles |
yǒu zhī you3 zhi1 yu chih ushi |
To have a branch; also the category of bhāva, one of the twelve nidānas, v. 有. |
栄支 see styles |
eiji / eji えいじ |
(given name) Eiji |
桃支 see styles |
toushi / toshi とうし |
(given name) Toushi |
條支 条支 see styles |
tiáo zhī tiao2 zhi1 t`iao chih tiao chih Jōshi |
The Tajiks anciently settled 'near the Sirikol lake'. Eitel. |
楢支 see styles |
narashi ならし |
(surname) Narashi |
槍支 枪支 see styles |
qiāng zhī qiang1 zhi1 ch`iang chih chiang chih |
a gun; guns in general |
流支 see styles |
liú zhī liu2 zhi1 liu chih Rushi |
An abbreviation for Bodhiruci, v. 菩. |
清支 see styles |
kiyoshi きよし |
(male given name) Kiyoshi |
燕支 see styles |
enji えんじ |
(1) dark-red pigment; rouge; (2) (abbreviation) dark red; deep red; (3) cochineal |
現支 see styles |
genshi げんし |
(surname, given name) Genshi |
生支 see styles |
shēng zhī sheng1 zhi1 sheng chih shōshi |
liṅga; aṅga-jāta; the male organ, penis. |
町支 see styles |
machishi まちし |
(surname) Machishi |
祇支 只支 see styles |
qí zhī qi2 zhi1 ch`i chih chi chih gishi |
v. 僧祇支. |
秀支 see styles |
hotsuki ほつき |
(personal name) Hotsuki |
竭支 see styles |
jié zhī jie2 zhi1 chieh chih katsushi |
v. 僧祇支. |
節支 节支 see styles |
jié zhī jie2 zhi1 chieh chih |
to save on expenditure |
紗支 纱支 see styles |
shā zhī sha1 zhi1 sha chih |
(textiles) yarn count (unit indicating the fineness of a yarn); (sometimes used loosely to mean thread count) |
脫支 脱支 see styles |
tuō zhī tuo1 zhi1 t`o chih to chih |
de-Sinicization and rejection of Han culture |
腸支 肠支 see styles |
cháng zhī chang2 zhi1 ch`ang chih chang chih |
cecum |
舍支 see styles |
shè zhī she4 zhi1 she chih shashi |
śaśa, 設施 a hare; śaśī, or śaśin, the moon; śakti, energy. (1) The hare (which threw itself into the fire to save starving people), transferred by Indra to the centre of the moon. (2) śakti is the wife or female energy of a deity, cf. 舍脂. (3) The female organ. |
茂支 see styles |
shigeki しげき |
(personal name) Shigeki |
藤支 see styles |
fujishi ふじし |
(surname) Fujishi |
覺支 觉支 see styles |
jué zhī jue2 zhi1 chüeh chih kakushi |
The various branches or modes of enlightenment; for the seven覺支 v. 七菩提分. |
語支 语支 see styles |
yǔ zhī yu3 zhi1 yü chih |
language branch |
超支 see styles |
chāo zhī chao1 zhi1 ch`ao chih chao chih |
to overspend |
辟支 see styles |
bì zhī bi4 zhi1 pi chih byakushi |
(辟支迦) pratyeka, each one, individual, oneself only. |
透支 see styles |
tòu zhī tou4 zhi1 t`ou chih tou chih |
(banking) to overdraw; to take out an overdraft; an overdraft; to overspend (i.e. expenditure in excess of revenue); (old) to draw one's wage in advance; (fig.) to exhaust (one's enthusiasm, energy etc); to damage a natural resource through overuse |
里支 see styles |
satoshi さとし |
(given name) Satoshi |
開支 开支 see styles |
kāi zhī kai1 zhi1 k`ai chih kai chih |
expenditures; expenses (CL:筆|笔[bi3],項|项[xiang4]); to spend money; (coll.) to pay wages |
青支 see styles |
seishi / seshi せいし |
(given name) Seishi |
非支 see styles |
fēi zhī fei1 zhi1 fei chih |
wrong organs |
預支 预支 see styles |
yù zhī yu4 zhi1 yü chih |
to pay in advance; to get payment in advance |
駐支 see styles |
chuushi / chushi ちゅうし |
(can be adjective with の) resident in China |
支える see styles |
sasaeru ささえる |
(transitive verb) (1) to support; to prop; to sustain; to underlay; to hold up; to defend; (transitive verb) (2) to hold at bay; to stem; to check |
支え棒 see styles |
tsukaebou / tsukaebo つかえぼう sasaebou / sasaebo ささえぼう |
stay bar; bearer bar |
支久恵 see styles |
kikue きくえ |
(personal name) Kikue |
支付宝 see styles |
jiifuubao / jifubao ジーフーバオ |
(product) Alipay; (product name) Alipay |
支付寶 支付宝 see styles |
zhī fù bǎo zhi1 fu4 bao3 chih fu pao |
Alipay, online payment platform See: 支付宝 |
支以良 see styles |
shiira / shira しいら |
(female given name) Shiira |
支伐羅 支伐罗 see styles |
zhī fá luó zhi1 fa2 luo2 chih fa lo shibara |
至縛羅 cīvara. A mendicant' s garment. |
支佛地 see styles |
zhī fó dì zhi1 fo2 di4 chih fo ti shibutsu ji |
pratyekabuddha stage |
支保工 see styles |
shihokou / shihoko しほこう |
(mine) timbering; support |
支倉台 see styles |
hasekuradai はせくらだい |
(place-name) Hasekuradai |
支倉川 see styles |
hasekuragawa はせくらがわ |
(place-name) Hasekuragawa |
支倉町 see styles |
hasekuramachi はせくらまち |
(place-name) Hasekuramachi |
支公司 see styles |
zhī gōng sī zhi1 gong1 si1 chih kung ssu |
subsidiary; branch |
支出金 see styles |
shishutsukin ししゅつきん |
disbursement; payout |
支出額 see styles |
shishutsugaku ししゅつがく |
(amount of) expenditures or disbursements |
支努干 see styles |
zhī nǔ gān zhi1 nu3 gan1 chih nu kan |
Chinook (helicopter) |
支原體 支原体 see styles |
zhī yuán tǐ zhi1 yuan2 ti3 chih yüan t`i chih yüan ti |
Mycoplasma (parasitic bacteria without cell wall) |
支咲子 see styles |
shisako しさこ |
(female given name) Shisako |
支央里 see styles |
shiori しおり |
(female given name) Shiori |
支奈子 see styles |
shinako しなこ |
(female given name) Shinako |
支守花 see styles |
shizuka しずか |
(female given name) Shizuka |
支富田 see styles |
shitonda しとんだ |
(place-name) Shitonda |
支寒内 see styles |
shishamonai ししゃもない |
(place-name) Shishamonai |
支寿子 see styles |
shizuko しずこ |
(female given name) Shizuko |
支寿香 see styles |
shizuka しずか |
(female given name) Shizuka |
支局長 see styles |
shikyokuchou / shikyokucho しきょくちょう |
head of a branch; branch office manager; bureau chief |
支帆子 see styles |
shihoko しほこ |
(female given name) Shihoko |
支帆梨 see styles |
shihori しほり |
(female given name) Shihori |
支幌呂 see styles |
shihororo しほろろ |
(place-name) Shihororo |
支店名 see styles |
shitenmei / shitenme してんめい |
branch office name |
支店網 see styles |
shitenmou / shitenmo してんもう |
branch store network |
支店長 see styles |
shitenchou / shitencho してんちょう |
branch manager; manager of a branch office |
支度金 see styles |
shitakukin したくきん |
money to cover the cost of preparations or arrangements |
支恭明 see styles |
zhī gōng míng zhi1 gong1 ming2 chih kung ming Shi Kyōmei |
Zhi Gongming |
支恵美 see styles |
shiemi しえみ |
(personal name) Shiemi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "支" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.