There are 503 total results for your 微 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
微雨 see styles |
biu びう |
light rain; a drizzle |
微震 see styles |
bishin びしん |
slight earthquake |
微風 微风 see styles |
wēi fēng wei1 feng1 wei feng soyokaze そよかぜ |
breeze; light wind gentle breeze; soft wind; breath of air; zephyr; (surname) Soyokaze gentle breeze |
微香 see styles |
honoka ほのか |
(female given name) Honoka |
微駝 微驼 see styles |
wēi tuó wei1 tuo2 wei t`o wei to |
stooping; hunched |
七微 see styles |
qī wēi qi1 wei1 ch`i wei chi wei shichimi |
The seven atoms composing an aṇu 阿耨; 阿拏, 阿菟色. Eitel's definition is seven atoms of dust, but the definition is doubtful. This molecule is larger than an "atom" , and according to the Sarvāstivāda it is the smallest visible particle. It is also a division of a yojana. |
万微 see styles |
banbi ばんび |
(female given name) Banbi |
久微 see styles |
kumi くみ |
(female given name) Kumi |
些微 see styles |
xiē wēi xie1 wei1 hsieh wei |
slight; minor; small; slightly |
低微 see styles |
dī wēi di1 wei1 ti wei |
meager (wages); humble (social status); feeble (voice) |
優微 see styles |
yumi ゆみ |
(female given name) Yumi |
入微 see styles |
rù wēi ru4 wei1 ju wei |
down to the smallest detail; thoroughgoing; fine and detailed |
卑微 see styles |
bēi wēi bei1 wei1 pei wei |
lowly; humble |
可微 see styles |
kě wēi ke3 wei1 k`o wei ko wei |
differentiable (math.) |
哲微 see styles |
tetsumi てつみ |
(given name) Tetsumi |
四微 see styles |
sì wēi si4 wei1 ssu wei shimi |
The four minutest forms or atoms perceptible to the four senses of sight, smell, taste, or touch; from these arise the 四大 four elements, from which arise the 五智 five wisdoms, q. v. |
妃微 see styles |
himi ひみ |
(female given name) Himi |
姫微 see styles |
seara せあら |
(female given name) Seara |
寒微 see styles |
hán wēi han2 wei1 han wei |
of humble origin |
小微 see styles |
xiǎo wēi xiao3 wei1 hsiao wei shōmi |
slight |
幽微 see styles |
yōu wēi you1 wei1 yu wei yuubi / yubi ゆうび |
faint; subtle (of sound, scent etc); profound; mysterious; dim (adjectival noun) dim; indistinct |
幾微 几微 see styles |
jī wēi ji1 wei1 chi wei |
tiny; infinitesimal |
広微 see styles |
hiromi ひろみ |
(female given name) Hiromi |
式微 see styles |
shì wēi shi4 wei1 shih wei shikibi しきび |
(literary) to decline; to wane; title of a section in the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1] (n,vs,vi) (form) extreme decline; decay |
彩微 see styles |
abi あび |
(female given name) Abi |
忽微 see styles |
hū wēi hu1 wei1 hu wei |
minuscule quantity; minor matter |
最微 see styles |
zuì wēi zui4 wei1 tsui wei saimi |
extremely subtle |
望微 see styles |
nozomi のぞみ |
(female given name) Nozomi |
朱微 see styles |
akebi あけび |
(female given name) Akebi |
極微 极微 see styles |
jí wēi ji2 wei1 chi wei kyokubi; gokubi きょくび; ごくび |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) microscopic; infinitesimal An atom, especially as a mental concept, in contrast with 色聚之微, i.e. a material atom which has a center and the six directions, an actual but imperceptible atom; seven atoms make a 微塵 molecule, the smallest perceptible aggregation, called an aṇu 阿莬 or 阿拏; the perceptibility is ascribed to the deva-eye rather than to the human eye. There is much disputation as to whether the ultimate atom has real existence or not, whether it is eternal and immutable and so on. |
機微 see styles |
kibi きび |
(1) subtleties; niceties; fine points; inner workings; secrets; (adjectival noun) (2) subtle; sensitive |
毫微 see styles |
háo wēi hao2 wei1 hao wei |
(prefix) nano- |
球微 see styles |
tamami たまみ |
(female given name) Tamami |
甚微 see styles |
shèn wēi shen4 wei1 shen wei |
very small; very little; scant; minimal |
略微 see styles |
lüè wēi lu:e4 wei1 lu:e wei |
a little bit; slightly |
盛微 see styles |
morisumi もりすみ |
(personal name) Morisumi |
真微 see styles |
manami まなみ |
(female given name) Manami |
稍微 see styles |
shāo wēi shao1 wei1 shao wei |
a little bit |
精微 see styles |
jīng wēi jing1 wei1 ching wei shōmi |
subtle; profound subtle |
紫微 see styles |
shibi しび |
(abbreviation) (See 紫微垣) Purple Forbidden Enclosure (group of constellations in the northern sky associated with the emperor) |
細微 细微 see styles |
xì wēi xi4 wei1 hsi wei saibi さいび |
tiny; minute; fine; subtle; sensitive (instruments) (noun or adjectival noun) minute; meager; meagre; mean |
纖微 纤微 see styles |
xiān wēi xian1 wei1 hsien wei |
slight; slim |
翠微 see styles |
cuì wēi cui4 wei1 ts`ui wei tsui wei suibi すいび |
(1) approx. 80% of the way up a mountainside; (2) view of a light green mountain; mountain that appears green from afar Ch'wimi |
色微 see styles |
sè wēi se4 wei1 se wei shiki mi |
Atoms of things, of form, or colour. |
花微 see styles |
kabi かび |
(female given name) Kabi |
衰微 see styles |
shuāi wēi shuai1 wei1 shuai wei suibi すいび |
to decline; to wane; weakened; enfeebled; in decline (n,vs,vi) decline; decay; ebb |
軽微 see styles |
keibi / kebi けいび |
(noun or adjectival noun) slight; little; insignificant |
輕微 轻微 see styles |
qīng wēi qing1 wei1 ch`ing wei ching wei kyōmi |
slight; light; trivial; to a small extent gentle |
隠微 see styles |
inbi いんび |
(noun or adjectival noun) obscurity; mystery; abstruseness |
離微 离微 see styles |
lí wēi li2 wei1 li wei rimi |
Apart from all the phenomenal; li is intp. as spirit, wei as its subtle, mysterious functioning; li is also intp. as nirvana in character, wei as prajñā , or intelligence, knowledge, discrimination. |
顕微 see styles |
kenbi けんび |
(noun or adjectival noun) microscopic |
顯微 显微 see styles |
xiǎn wēi xian3 wei1 hsien wei |
micro-; microscopic; to make the minute visible |
麗微 see styles |
reibi / rebi れいび |
(female given name) Reibi |
麻微 see styles |
mami まみ |
(female given name) Mami |
微ノ華 see styles |
honoka ほのか |
(female given name) Honoka |
微レ存 see styles |
birezon; bireson びレぞん; びレそん |
(expression) (net-sl) (usu. as 可能性が微レ存; abbr. of 微粒子レベルで存在している) not completely unthinkable; not impossible |
微中子 see styles |
wēi zhōng zǐ wei1 zhong1 zi3 wei chung tzu |
neutrino (particle physics); also written 中微子[zhong1 wei1 zi3] |
微修正 see styles |
bishuusei / bishuse びしゅうせい |
(noun, transitive verb) slight revision; minor revision; small fix |
微分商 see styles |
bibunshou / bibunsho びぶんしょう |
differential quotient |
微分子 see styles |
bibunshi びぶんし |
particle; atom; molecule; corpuscle |
微分学 see styles |
bibungaku びぶんがく |
{math} differential calculus |
微分學 微分学 see styles |
wēi fēn xué wei1 fen1 xue2 wei fen hsüeh |
differential calculus See: 微分学 |
微分法 see styles |
bibunhou / bibunho びぶんほう |
{math} differentiation |
微劈恩 see styles |
wēi pī ēn wei1 pi1 en1 wei p`i en wei pi en |
VPN (loanword) |
微動脈 微动脉 see styles |
wēi dòng mài wei1 dong4 mai4 wei tung mai |
capillary artery |
微化石 see styles |
bikaseki びかせき |
microfossil |
微博客 see styles |
wēi bó kè wei1 bo2 ke4 wei po k`o wei po ko |
microblogging; microblog |
微圧計 see styles |
biatsukei / biatsuke びあつけい |
micromanometer; tasimeter |
微地形 see styles |
bichikei / bichike びちけい |
microtopography; microrelief |
微塵子 see styles |
mijinko みじんこ |
(kana only) water flea (Daphnia spp.); (female given name) Mijinko |
微塵數 微尘数 see styles |
wēi chén shù wei1 chen2 shu4 wei ch`en shu wei chen shu mijin zu |
Numerous as molecules, or atoms; numberless. |
微塵等 微尘等 see styles |
wēi chén děng wei1 chen2 deng3 wei ch`en teng wei chen teng mijintō |
the number of dust particles |
微塵粉 see styles |
mijinko みじんこ |
rice granules; coarse glutinous rice flour (often used in candy production) |
微塵衆 微尘众 see styles |
wēi chén zhòng wei1 chen2 zhong4 wei ch`en chung wei chen chung mijin shu |
congregations as numerous as atoms |
微妙い see styles |
bimyoi びみょい |
(adjective) (1) (slang) subtle; delicate; fine; (adjective) (2) (slang) difficult; complex; tricky; delicate (situation, position, etc.); close (e.g. decision) |
微妙好 see styles |
wēi miào hǎo wei1 miao4 hao3 wei miao hao mimyō kō |
refined and beautiful |
微妙字 see styles |
wēi miào zì wei1 miao4 zi4 wei miao tzu mimyō ji |
subtle seed-syllable |
微妙智 see styles |
wēi miào zhì wei1 miao4 zhi4 wei miao chih mimyō chi |
subtle wisdom |
微妙法 see styles |
wēi miào fǎ wei1 miao4 fa3 wei miao fa mimyō hō |
marvelous dharma |
微妙聲 微妙声 see styles |
wēi miào shēng wei1 miao4 sheng1 wei miao sheng Mimyō shō |
Madhura-svara-nirghoṣa |
微妙音 see styles |
wēi miào yīn wei1 miao4 yin1 wei miao yin mimyō on |
sublime sounds |
微孔膜 see styles |
wēi kǒng mó wei1 kong3 mo2 wei k`ung mo wei kung mo |
microporous membrane |
微安培 see styles |
wēi ān péi wei1 an1 pei2 wei an p`ei wei an pei |
microampere (one millionth of amp) |
微寿々 see styles |
misuzu みすず |
(female given name) Misuzu |
微小管 see styles |
bishoukan / bishokan びしょうかん |
microtubule |
微山縣 微山县 see styles |
wēi shān xiàn wei1 shan1 xian4 wei shan hsien |
Weishan County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong |
微惑星 see styles |
biwakusei / biwakuse びわくせい |
{astron} planetesimal |
微惹耶 see styles |
wēi rě yé wei1 re3 ye2 wei je yeh Mijaya |
Vijayā |
微戍陀 see styles |
wēi shù tuó wei1 shu4 tuo2 wei shu t`o wei shu to bijuda |
viśuddha, purified, pure. |
微擾論 微扰论 see styles |
wēi rǎo lùn wei1 rao3 lun4 wei jao lun |
perturbation theory |
微整形 see styles |
wēi zhěng xíng wei1 zheng3 xing2 wei cheng hsing |
non-surgical cosmetic procedure (injection of Botox, hyaluronic acid etc) |
微晶片 see styles |
wēi jīng piàn wei1 jing1 pian4 wei ching p`ien wei ching pien |
microchip |
微機化 微机化 see styles |
wēi jī huà wei1 ji1 hua4 wei chi hua |
miniaturization; micro-miniaturization |
微気候 see styles |
bikikou / bikiko びきこう |
microclimate |
微気象 see styles |
bikishou / bikisho びきしょう |
{met} micrometeorological phenomenon |
微波爐 微波炉 see styles |
wēi bō lú wei1 bo1 lu2 wei po lu |
microwave oven; CL:臺|台[tai2] |
微温い see styles |
nurui ぬるい |
(adjective) (1) (kana only) lukewarm; tepid; (2) (kana only) lenient |
微温湯 see styles |
nuruyu ぬるゆ |
tepid water; lukewarm water; (1) tepid water; lukewarm water; (adj-no,n) (2) comfortable; easy; relaxed; complacent; cossetted; unstimulating; dull; uneventful; (place-name) Nuruyu |
微温的 see styles |
bionteki びおんてき |
(adjectival noun) lukewarm; tepid; indifferent; halfhearted |
微煩惱 微烦恼 see styles |
wēi fán nǎo wei1 fan2 nao3 wei fan nao mi bonnō |
subtle afflictions |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "微" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.