There are 232 total results for your 序 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
葉脈序 叶脉序 see styles |
yè mài xù ye4 mai4 xu4 yeh mai hsü |
leaf venation (botany); the pattern of veins on a leaf, characteristic of each species |
順序性 see styles |
junjosei / junjose じゅんじょせい |
{comp} ordering; alignment |
順序数 see styles |
junjosuu / junjosu じゅんじょすう |
{math} ordinal number |
順序數 顺序数 see styles |
shùn xù shù shun4 xu4 shu4 shun hsü shu |
ordinal number |
順序木 see styles |
junjogi じゅんじょぎ |
{comp} ordered tree |
序ながら see styles |
tsuidenagara ついでながら |
(kana only) incidentally; taking the opportunity; while (you) are at it; on the occasion |
序の口格 see styles |
jonokuchikaku じょのくちかく |
(sumo) referee officiating the lowest division |
序二段格 see styles |
jonidankaku じょにだんかく |
{sumo} referee officiating the second lowest division |
序正流通 see styles |
xù zhèng liú tōng xu4 zheng4 liu2 tong1 hsü cheng liu t`ung hsü cheng liu tung jo shō ruzū |
preface, main text, and exhortation (dissemination, circulation) |
世界秩序 see styles |
sekaichitsujo せかいちつじょ |
world order |
並行程序 并行程序 see styles |
bìng xíng chéng xù bing4 xing2 cheng2 xu4 ping hsing ch`eng hsü ping hsing cheng hsü |
parallel program |
事の序で see styles |
kotonotsuide ことのついで |
(expression) (kana only) take the opportunity to (do something else) |
井然有序 see styles |
jǐng rán yǒu xù jing3 ran2 you3 xu4 ching jan yu hsü |
everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat and tidy |
伊良子序 see styles |
irakohajime いらこはじめ |
(person) Irako Hajime (1949.5-) |
作用機序 see styles |
sayoukijo / sayokijo さようきじょ |
{med} mechanism of action (e.g. drug); mode of action; action mechanism |
先後順序 先后顺序 see styles |
xiān hòu shùn xù xian1 hou4 shun4 xu4 hsien hou shun hsü |
sequential order |
公の秩序 see styles |
ooyakenochitsujo おおやけのちつじょ |
(exp,n) {law} public order; public policy |
公共秩序 see styles |
gōng gòng zhì xù gong1 gong4 zhi4 xu4 kung kung chih hsü |
public order |
公序良俗 see styles |
koujoryouzoku / kojoryozoku こうじょりょうぞく |
(yoji) public order and morals; social standards; public policy |
加工時序 加工时序 see styles |
jiā gōng shí xù jia1 gong1 shi2 xu4 chia kung shih hsü |
time course |
十牛圖序 十牛图序 see styles |
shí niú tú xù shi2 niu2 tu2 xu4 shih niu t`u hsü shih niu tu hsü Jūgyūzu jo |
Ten Oxherding Pictures |
原子序數 原子序数 see styles |
yuán zǐ xù shù yuan2 zi3 xu4 shu4 yüan tzu hsü shu |
atomic number |
国際秩序 see styles |
kokusaichitsujo こくさいちつじょ |
international order |
大小順序 see styles |
daishoujunjo / daishojunjo だいしょうじゅんじょ |
{comp} collating sequence |
字母順序 字母顺序 see styles |
zì mǔ shùn xù zi4 mu3 shun4 xu4 tzu mu shun hsü |
alphabetical order |
安寧秩序 see styles |
anneichitsujo / annechitsujo あんねいちつじょ |
(yoji) peace and order; law and order |
実行順序 see styles |
jikkoujunjo / jikkojunjo じっこうじゅんじょ |
{comp} execution order; execution sequence |
岡光序治 see styles |
okamitsunobuharu おかみつのぶはる |
(person) Okamitsu Nobuharu |
年功序列 see styles |
nenkoujoretsu / nenkojoretsu ねんこうじょれつ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) seniority by length of service |
循序漸進 循序渐进 see styles |
xún xù jiàn jìn xun2 xu4 jian4 jin4 hsün hsü chien chin |
in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally |
應用程序 应用程序 see styles |
yìng yòng chéng xù ying4 yong4 cheng2 xu4 ying yung ch`eng hsü ying yung cheng hsü |
(computing) program; application |
戦闘序列 see styles |
sentoujoretsu / sentojoretsu せんとうじょれつ |
order of battle |
抓取程序 see styles |
zhuā qǔ chéng xù zhua1 qu3 cheng2 xu4 chua ch`ü ch`eng hsü chua chü cheng hsü |
spider or crawler bot (Internet) |
拉開序幕 拉开序幕 see styles |
lā kāi xù mù la1 kai1 xu4 mu4 la k`ai hsü mu la kai hsü mu |
(fig.) to raise the curtain; to lift the curtain; to be a curtain raiser for |
排列次序 see styles |
pái liè cì xù pai2 lie4 ci4 xu4 p`ai lieh tz`u hsü pai lieh tzu hsü |
ranking; ordering in list |
擴展程序 扩展程序 see styles |
kuò zhǎn chéng xù kuo4 zhan3 cheng2 xu4 k`uo chan ch`eng hsü kuo chan cheng hsü |
(computing) extension (for a software application, esp. web browsers) |
收斂序列 收敛序列 see styles |
shōu liǎn xù liè shou1 lian3 xu4 lie4 shou lien hsü lieh |
convergent sequence (math.) |
散形花序 see styles |
sankeikajo / sankekajo さんけいかじょ |
umbellate inflorescence; umbel (i.e. flower with a large number of flowers growing radially from a common center) |
散房花序 see styles |
sanboukajo / sanbokajo さんぼうかじょ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) corymbose inflorescence; corymb |
整序問題 see styles |
seijomondai / sejomondai せいじょもんだい |
question based on rearranging (words) into the correct order |
斯禹伝序 see styles |
shiudenjou / shiudenjo しうでんじょう |
(person) Shiu Denjō |
時間序列 时间序列 see styles |
shí jiān xù liè shi2 jian1 xu4 lie4 shih chien hsü lieh |
time series (stats.) |
有限花序 see styles |
yuugenkajo / yugenkajo ゆうげんかじょ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) definite inflorescence |
柔荑花序 see styles |
róu tí huā xù rou2 ti2 hua1 xu4 jou t`i hua hsü jou ti hua hsü |
catkin (botany) |
檢證程序 检证程序 see styles |
jiǎn zhèng chéng xù jian3 zheng4 cheng2 xu4 chien cheng ch`eng hsü chien cheng cheng hsü |
procedure of verification (accountancy) |
海洋秩序 see styles |
kaiyouchitsujo / kaiyochitsujo かいようちつじょ |
{law} international order of the seas; public order at sea |
減壓程序 减压程序 see styles |
jiǎn yā chéng xù jian3 ya1 cheng2 xu4 chien ya ch`eng hsü chien ya cheng hsü |
decompression schedule |
無窮序列 无穷序列 see styles |
wú qióng xù liè wu2 qiong2 xu4 lie4 wu ch`iung hsü lieh wu chiung hsü lieh |
infinite sequence |
照合順序 see styles |
shougoujunjo / shogojunjo しょうごうじゅんじょ |
{comp} collating sequence |
物の序で see styles |
mononotsuide もののついで |
(expression) (kana only) take the opportunity to (do something else) |
社会秩序 see styles |
shakaichitsujo しゃかいちつじょ |
social order; public order |
秩序井然 see styles |
zhì xù jǐng rán zhi4 xu4 jing3 ran2 chih hsü ching jan |
in perfect order |
秩序保持 see styles |
chitsujohoji ちつじょほじ |
maintenance of public order |
秩序整然 see styles |
chitsujoseizen / chitsujosezen ちつじょせいぜん |
(adj-t,adv-to) in good order; in perfect order; orderly; well-organized |
秩序立つ see styles |
chitsujodatsu ちつじょだつ |
(v5t,vi) to be in order; to be organized; to be systematized |
秩序維持 see styles |
chitsujoiji ちつじょいじ |
maintaining order (e.g. in a courtroom) |
程序設計 程序设计 see styles |
chéng xù shè jì cheng2 xu4 she4 ji4 ch`eng hsü she chi cheng hsü she chi |
computer programming |
穂状花序 see styles |
suijoukajo / suijokajo すいじょうかじょ |
spike (inflorescence) |
総状花序 see styles |
soujoukajo / sojokajo そうじょうかじょ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) racemous inflorescence; raceme |
総穂花序 see styles |
sousuikajo / sosuikajo そうすいかじょ |
(See 集散花序) racemose inflorescence (any indeterminate simple inflorescence) |
線形順序 see styles |
senkeijunjo / senkejunjo せんけいじゅんじょ |
linear precedence; LP |
繖形花序 see styles |
sankeikajo / sankekajo さんけいかじょ |
umbellate inflorescence; umbel (i.e. flower with a large number of flowers growing radially from a common center) |
繖房花序 see styles |
sanboukajo / sanbokajo さんぼうかじょ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) corymbose inflorescence; corymb |
肉穂花序 see styles |
nikusuikajo にくすいかじょ |
spadix (inflorescence) |
葇荑花序 see styles |
róu tí huā xù rou2 ti2 hua1 xu4 jou t`i hua hsü jou ti hua hsü |
catkin (botany) |
計算順序 see styles |
keisanjunjo / kesanjunjo けいさんじゅんじょ |
{comp} computation sequence |
設計程序 设计程序 see styles |
shè jì chéng xù she4 ji4 cheng2 xu4 she chi ch`eng hsü she chi cheng hsü |
design process |
轉義序列 转义序列 see styles |
zhuǎn yì xù liè zhuan3 yi4 xu4 lie4 chuan i hsü lieh |
(computing) escape sequence |
通別二序 通别二序 see styles |
tōng bié èr xù tong1 bie2 er4 xu4 t`ung pieh erh hsü tung pieh erh hsü tsūbetsu nijo |
The general and specific introductions to a sūtra; 如是我聞 being the 通序 general introduction in every sūtra. |
遠心花序 see styles |
enshinkajo えんしんかじょ |
centrifugal inflorescence |
隠頭花序 see styles |
intoukajo / intokajo いんとうかじょ |
hypanthium |
集散花序 see styles |
shuusankajo / shusankajo しゅうさんかじょ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 総穂花序) cymose inflorescence (any determinate simple inflorescence); cyme |
順序不同 see styles |
junjofudou / junjofudo じゅんじょふどう |
unordered; random order |
順序列型 see styles |
junjoretsugata じゅんじょれつがた |
{comp} sequence type |
順序制御 see styles |
junjoseigyo / junjosegyo じゅんじょせいぎょ |
{comp} sequencing |
順序回路 see styles |
junjokairo じゅんじょかいろ |
{comp} sequential circuit |
順序探索 see styles |
junjotansaku じゅんじょたんさく |
{comp} linear search |
順序番号 see styles |
junjobangou / junjobango じゅんじょばんごう |
{comp} sequence-number |
順序通り see styles |
junjodoori じゅんじょどおり |
(adj-no,adv) in (the proper) order; in (the correct) sequence |
頭状花序 see styles |
toujoukajo / tojokajo とうじょうかじょ |
capitulum (inflorescence) |
驅動程序 驱动程序 see styles |
qū dòng chéng xù qu1 dong4 cheng2 xu4 ch`ü tung ch`eng hsü chü tung cheng hsü |
device driver (computing software) |
序でがある see styles |
tsuidegaaru / tsuidegaru ついでがある |
(exp,v5r-i) (kana only) to have occasion to do |
序でが有る see styles |
tsuidegaaru / tsuidegaru ついでがある |
(exp,v5r-i) (kana only) to have occasion to do |
序でながら see styles |
tsuidenagara ついでながら |
(kana only) incidentally; taking the opportunity; while (you) are at it; on the occasion |
共享程序庫 共享程序库 see styles |
gòng xiǎng chéng xù kù gong4 xiang3 cheng2 xu4 ku4 kung hsiang ch`eng hsü k`u kung hsiang cheng hsü ku |
shared library (computing) |
半順序集合 see styles |
hanjunjoshuugou / hanjunjoshugo はんじゅんじょしゅうごう |
{math} partially ordered set; poset; semi-ordered set |
可視化順序 see styles |
kashikajunjo かしかじゅんじょ |
{comp} imaging order |
子順序番号 see styles |
kojunjobangou / kojunjobango こじゅんじょばんごう |
{comp} child-sequence-number |
幀檢驗序列 帧检验序列 see styles |
zhēn jiǎn yàn xù liè zhen1 jian3 yan4 xu4 lie4 chen chien yen hsü lieh |
frame check sequence (FCS) |
新世界秩序 see styles |
shinsekaichitsujo しんせかいちつじょ |
New World Order (conspiracy theory); NWO |
時間順序積 see styles |
jikanjunjoseki じかんじゅんじょせき |
{physics} time ordered product |
秩序正しい see styles |
chitsujotadashii / chitsujotadashi ちつじょただしい |
(adjective) orderly; well-ordered |
秩序立てる see styles |
chitsujodateru ちつじょだてる |
(v1,vi) to put in order; to organize; to systematize |
複散形花序 see styles |
fukusankeikajo / fukusankekajo ふくさんけいかじょ |
compound umbellate inflorescence; compound umbel |
複総状花序 see styles |
fukusoujoukajo / fukusojokajo ふくそうじょうかじょ |
compound raceme |
親順序番号 see styles |
oyajunjobangou / oyajunjobango おやじゅんじょばんごう |
{comp} parent-sequence-number |
順序だてる see styles |
junjodateru じゅんじょだてる |
(transitive verb) to put into order; to arrange (one's thoughts) |
順序付ける see styles |
junjozukeru じゅんじょづける |
(exp,v1) {comp} to order; to place in order |
順序立てる see styles |
junjodateru じゅんじょだてる |
(transitive verb) to put into order; to arrange (one's thoughts) |
反射的半順序 see styles |
hanshatekihanjunjo はんしゃてきはんじゅんじょ |
{math} reflexive partial ordering |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "序" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.