There are 246 total results for your 如来 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
如來法界 如来法界 see styles |
rú lái fǎ jiè ru2 lai2 fa3 jie4 ju lai fa chieh nyorai hokkai |
dharma-realm of the Tathāgata |
如來法身 如来法身 see styles |
rú lái fǎ shēn ru2 lai2 fa3 shen1 ju lai fa shen nyorai hosshin |
reality body of the Tathāgata |
如來滅後 如来灭后 see styles |
rú lái miè hòu ru2 lai2 mie4 hou4 ju lai mieh hou nyorai metsu go |
after the extinction of the thus-come one |
如來神力 如来神力 see styles |
rú lái shén lì ru2 lai2 shen2 li4 ju lai shen li nyorai jinriki |
supernatural powers of the thus-come one |
如來種性 如来种性 see styles |
rú lái zhǒng xìng ru2 lai2 zhong3 xing4 ju lai chung hsing nyorai shushō |
family of the Tathāgata |
如來種知 如来种知 see styles |
rú lái zhǒng zhī ru2 lai2 zhong3 zhi1 ju lai chung chih nyorai shuchi |
the Tathāgata's comprehensive knowledge of particular things |
如來聖教 如来圣教 see styles |
rú lái shèng jiào ru2 lai2 sheng4 jiao4 ju lai sheng chiao nyorai shōkyō |
holy teaching of the Tathāgata |
如來聖種 如来圣种 see styles |
rú lái shèng zhǒng ru2 lai2 sheng4 zhong3 ju lai sheng chung nyorai shōshu |
the Tathāgata's noble lineage |
如來興世 如来兴世 see styles |
rú lái xīng shì ru2 lai2 xing1 shi4 ju lai hsing shih nyorai no kōse |
Tathāgata appearing in this world |
如來菩提 如来菩提 see styles |
rú lái pú tí ru2 lai2 pu2 ti2 ju lai p`u t`i ju lai pu ti nyorai bodai |
enlightenment of the Tathāgata(s) |
如來藏佛 如来藏佛 see styles |
rú lái cáng fó ru2 lai2 cang2 fo2 ju lai ts`ang fo ju lai tsang fo nyorai zōbutsu |
teaching of the universal Buddha |
如來藏心 如来藏心 see styles |
rú lái zàng xīn ru2 lai2 zang4 xin1 ju lai tsang hsin nyorai zō shin |
idem 眞如心. |
如來藏性 如来藏性 see styles |
rú lái zàng xìng ru2 lai2 zang4 xing4 ju lai tsang hsing nyoraizō shō |
The natures of all the living are the nature of the Tathāgata; for which v. the 如來藏經, 如來藏論, etc. |
如來言音 如来言音 see styles |
rú lái yán yīn ru2 lai2 yan2 yin1 ju lai yen yin nyorai gon'on |
Tathāgata's speech and voice |
如來說法 如来说法 see styles |
rú lái shuō fǎ ru2 lai2 shuo1 fa3 ju lai shuo fa nyorai seppō |
the Tathāgata expounds the dharma |
定義如来 see styles |
jouginyorai / joginyorai じょうぎにょらい |
(place-name) Jōginyorai |
宝生如来 see styles |
houshounyorai / hoshonyorai ほうしょうにょらい |
{Buddh} (See 宝生) Ratnasambhava |
寶勝如來 宝胜如来 see styles |
bǎo shèng rú lái bao3 sheng4 ru2 lai2 pao sheng ju lai Hōshō Nyorai |
Ratnaketu Tathāgata |
寶幢如來 宝幢如来 see styles |
bǎo chuáng rú lái bao3 chuang2 ru2 lai2 pao ch`uang ju lai pao chuang ju lai Hōtō Nyorai |
Ratnaketu Tathāgata |
寶生如來 宝生如来 see styles |
bǎo shēng rú lái bao3 sheng1 ru2 lai2 pao sheng ju lai Hōshō nyorai |
Ratnasaṃbhava |
寶聲如來 宝声如来 see styles |
bǎo shēng rú lái bao3 sheng1 ru2 lai2 pao sheng ju lai Hōshō nyorai |
Prabhūta-ratna |
寶藏如來 宝藏如来 see styles |
bǎo zàng rú lái bao3 zang4 ru2 lai2 pao tsang ju lai Hōzō Nyorai |
Ratnagarha; a Buddha to whom Śākyamuni and Amitābha are said to have owed their awakening. |
山海如來 山海如来 see styles |
shān hǎi rú lái shan1 hai3 ru2 lai2 shan hai ju lai sankai nyorai |
Sāgara-varadhara-buddhi-vikiditā-bhijñā. 山海慧 (or 惠) 自在通王如來. The name under which Ānanda is to reappear as Buddha, in Anavanamita-vaijayanta, during the kalpa Manojna-sabdabhigarjita, v. 法華經. |
彌陀如來 弥陀如来 see styles |
mí tuó rú lái mi2 tuo2 ru2 lai2 mi t`o ju lai mi to ju lai Mida nyorai |
Amitâbha-tathāgata |
心王如來 心王如来 see styles |
xīn wáng rú lái xin1 wang2 ru2 lai2 hsin wang ju lai shinō nyorai |
Vairocana as the ultimate mind, the attributes being personified as his retinue. Applied also to the 五佛 and the 九尊. |
法身如來 法身如来 see styles |
fǎ shēn rú lái fa3 shen1 ru2 lai2 fa shen ju lai hosshin nyorai |
The dharmakāyatathāgata, the Buddha who reveals the spiritual body. |
生如來家 生如来家 see styles |
shēng rú lái jiā sheng1 ru2 lai2 jia1 sheng ju lai chia shō nyorai ke |
born from the family of the tathāgatas |
稱歎如來 称歎如来 see styles |
chēng tàn rú lái cheng1 tan4 ru2 lai2 ch`eng t`an ju lai cheng tan ju lai shōtan nyorai |
to praise the Tathāgata |
空如來藏 空如来藏 see styles |
kōng rú lái zàng kong1 ru2 lai2 zang4 k`ung ju lai tsang kung ju lai tsang kū nyoraizō |
The bhūtatathatā in its purity, or absoluteness. |
華光如來 华光如来 see styles |
huā guāng rú lái hua1 guang1 ru2 lai2 hua kuang ju lai Kekō nyorai |
Flower Light Tathāgata |
薬師如来 see styles |
yakushinyorai やくしにょらい |
Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills); (place-name) Yakushinyorai |
藥師如來 药师如来 see styles |
yào shī rú lái yao4 shi1 ru2 lai2 yao shih ju lai Yakushi Nyorai |
Medicine Buddha (Sanskrit: Bhaisajyaguru) Medicine Tathāgata |
觀如來身 观如来身 see styles |
guān rú lái shēn guan1 ru2 lai2 shen1 kuan ju lai shen kan nyorai shin |
analyzing the Tathāgata's person |
諸佛如來 诸佛如来 see styles |
zhū fó rú lái zhu1 fo2 ru2 lai2 chu fo ju lai sho butsu nyorai |
all buddha-tathāgatas |
遍照如來 遍照如来 see styles |
biàn zhào rú lái bian4 zhao4 ru2 lai2 pien chao ju lai Henjō Nyorai |
The universally shining Tathāgata, i.e. Vairocana. |
釈迦如来 see styles |
nikurube にくるべ |
Gautama Buddha; Shakyamuni; the historical Buddha (5th century BCE?); (surname) Nikurube |
釋迦如來 释迦如来 see styles |
shì jiā rú lái shi4 jia1 ru2 lai2 shih chia ju lai Shakuka Nyorai |
the Tathāgata Śākyamuni |
金粟如來 金粟如来 see styles |
jīn sù rú lái jin1 su4 ru2 lai2 chin su ju lai Konzoku nyorai |
The golden grain tathāgata, a title of Vimalakīrti 維摩 in a previous incarnation. |
錠光如來 锭光如来 see styles |
dìng guāng rú lái ding4 guang1 ru2 lai2 ting kuang ju lai Jōkō Nyorai |
Dīpaṃkara-Tathāgata |
長如來家 长如来家 see styles |
cháng rú lái jiā chang2 ru2 lai2 jia1 ch`ang ju lai chia chang ju lai chia chō nyorai ke |
long in the family of the tathāgata |
阿閦如來 阿閦如来 see styles |
ā chù rú lái a1 chu4 ru2 lai2 a ch`u ju lai a chu ju lai Ashuku nyorai |
Akṣobhya |
一切如來定 一切如来定 see styles |
yī qiè rú lái dìng yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 ding4 i ch`ieh ju lai ting i chieh ju lai ting issai nyorai jō |
The highest of the 108 degrees of samādhi practised by bodhisattvas, also called 大空三昧 śūnyasamādhi, i.e. of the great void, or immateriality, and 金剛三昧 vajrasamādhi, Diamond samādhi. A samādhi on the idea that all things are of the (same) Buddha-nature. |
一切如來寶 一切如来宝 see styles |
yī qiè rú lái bǎo yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 bao3 i ch`ieh ju lai pao i chieh ju lai pao issai nyorai hō |
The talismanic pearl of all Buddhas, especially one in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala who holds a lotus in his left hand and the talismanic pearl in his right. |
一切如來行 一切如来行 see styles |
yī qiè rú lái xíng yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 xing2 i ch`ieh ju lai hsing i chieh ju lai hsing issai nyorai gyō |
all tathāgata practices |
一切諸如來 一切诸如来 see styles |
yī qiè zhū rú lái yi1 qie4 zhu1 ru2 lai2 i ch`ieh chu ju lai i chieh chu ju lai issai sho nyorai |
all tathāgatas |
七如來寶塔 七如来宝塔 see styles |
qī rú lái bǎo tǎ qi1 ru2 lai2 bao3 ta3 ch`i ju lai pao t`a chi ju lai pao ta shichi nyorai hōtō |
jeweled pillar of the seven tathāgatas |
不動如來使 不动如来使 see styles |
bù dòng rú lái shǐ bu4 dong4 ru2 lai2 shi3 pu tung ju lai shih fudō nyorai shi |
messengers of Akṣobhya |
不空如來藏 不空如来藏 see styles |
bù kōng rú lái zàng bu4 kong1 ru2 lai2 zang4 pu k`ung ju lai tsang pu kung ju lai tsang fukū nyorai zō |
不空眞如 The realm of phenomena; in contrast with the universal 眞如 or 法身 dharmakāya, unmingled with the illusion of phenomena. |
光照如來相 光照如来相 see styles |
guāng zhào rú lái xiàng guang1 zhao4 ru2 lai2 xiang4 kuang chao ju lai hsiang kōshō nyorai sō |
Vairocana-raśmi-prati-maṇḍita-dhvaja; 'a Bodhisattva, disciple of Śākyamuni, who was in a former life Vimaladattā. ' Eitel. |
十方諸如來 十方诸如来 see styles |
shí fāng zhū rú lái shi2 fang1 zhu1 ru2 lai2 shih fang chu ju lai jippō sho nyorai |
tathāgatas in the ten directions |
唯如來能知 唯如来能知 see styles |
wéi rú lái néng zhī wei2 ru2 lai2 neng2 zhi1 wei ju lai neng chih yui nyorai nōchi |
only the tathāgatas are able to understand |
如來不出世 如来不出世 see styles |
rú lái bù chū shì ru2 lai2 bu4 chu1 shi4 ju lai pu ch`u shih ju lai pu chu shih nyorai fu shusse |
birth in a land where the Buddha's doctrine does not flourish |
如來乘種性 如来乘种性 see styles |
rú lái chéng zhǒng xìng ru2 lai2 cheng2 zhong3 xing4 ju lai ch`eng chung hsing ju lai cheng chung hsing nyoraijō shushō |
tathāgata family |
如來壽量品 如来寿量品 see styles |
rú lái shòu liáng pǐn ru2 lai2 shou4 liang2 pin3 ju lai shou liang p`in ju lai shou liang pin Nyorai juryō bon |
Chapter on the Longevity of the Tathāgata |
如來愍菩薩 如来愍菩萨 see styles |
rú lái mǐn pú sà ru2 lai2 min3 pu2 sa4 ju lai min p`u sa ju lai min pu sa Nyorai min bosatsu |
怛他蘗多母隸底多 The seventh Bodhisattva to the right of Śākyamuni in the Garbhadhātu group, in charge of the pity or sympathy of the Tathāgata. There are other bodhisattvas in charge of other Tathāgata forms or qualities in the same group. |
如來智慧海 如来智慧海 see styles |
rú lái zhì huì hǎi ru2 lai2 zhi4 hui4 hai3 ju lai chih hui hai nyorai chie kai |
ocean of the Tathāgata's wisdom |
如來死後有 如来死后有 see styles |
rú lái sǐ hòu yǒu ru2 lai2 si3 hou4 you3 ju lai ssu hou yu nyorai shigo u |
the Tathāgata exists after death |
如來死後無 如来死后无 see styles |
rú lái sǐ hòu wú ru2 lai2 si3 hou4 wu2 ju lai ssu hou wu nyorai shigo mu |
the Tathāgata does not exist after death |
如來淸淨禪 如来淸淨禅 see styles |
rú lái qīng jìng chán ru2 lai2 qing1 jing4 chan2 ju lai ch`ing ching ch`an ju lai ching ching chan nyorai shōjō zen |
the tathāgatas' pure meditation |
如來神力品 如来神力品 see styles |
rú lái shén lì pǐn ru2 lai2 shen2 li4 pin3 ju lai shen li p`in ju lai shen li pin nyorai jinriki bon |
如來壽量品 Chapters in the Lotus Sutra on Tathāgata powers and eternity. |
如來興顯經 如来兴显经 see styles |
rú lái xīng xiǎn jīng ru2 lai2 xing1 xian3 jing1 ju lai hsing hsien ching Nyorai kōken kyō |
Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra) |
如來菩提智 如来菩提智 see styles |
rú lái pú tí zhì ru2 lai2 pu2 ti2 zhi4 ju lai p`u t`i chih ju lai pu ti chih nyorai bodai chi |
enlightened cognition of the Tathāgata(s) |
如來藏思想 如来藏思想 see styles |
rú lái zàng sī xiǎng ru2 lai2 zang4 si1 xiang3 ju lai tsang ssu hsiang nyorai zō shisō |
tathāgata-garbha thought |
如來藏性起 如来藏性起 see styles |
rú lái cáng xìng qǐ ru2 lai2 cang2 xing4 qi3 ju lai ts`ang hsing ch`i ju lai tsang hsing chi nyorai zō shōki |
the arising of all phenomena dependent upon or due to tathāgatagarbha |
如來藏緣起 如来藏缘起 see styles |
rú lái zàng yuán qǐ ru2 lai2 zang4 yuan2 qi3 ju lai tsang yüan ch`i ju lai tsang yüan chi nyorai zō engi |
dependent arising from the tathāgatagarbha |
妙色身如來 妙色身如来 see styles |
miào sè shēn rú lái miao4 se4 shen1 ru2 lai2 miao se shen ju lai Myō shikishin nyorai |
Surūpakāya Tathāgata (Akṣobhya, the Buddha of the East), who is thus addressed when offerings are made to the hungry spirits. |
廣博身如來 广博身如来 see styles |
guǎng bó shēn rú lái guang3 bo2 shen1 ru2 lai2 kuang po shen ju lai Kōbaku shin nyorai |
Vipulakāya-tathāgata |
正法明如來 正法明如来 see styles |
zhèng fǎ míng rú lái zheng4 fa3 ming2 ru2 lai2 cheng fa ming ju lai shōhōmyō nyorai |
The Tathāgata who clearly understands the true law, i. e. Guanyin, who attained Buddhahood in the past. |
無礙光如來 无碍光如来 see styles |
wú ài guāng rú lái wu2 ai4 guang1 ru2 lai2 wu ai kuang ju lai muge kō nyorai |
Tathāgata of Unobstructed Luminosity |
無量光如來 无量光如来 see styles |
wú liáng guāng rú lái wu2 liang2 guang1 ru2 lai2 wu liang kuang ju lai Muryōkō Nyorai |
Tathāgata of Immeasurable Light |
無量壽如來 无量寿如来 see styles |
wú liáng shòu rú lái wu2 liang2 shou4 ru2 lai2 wu liang shou ju lai Muryōju Nyorai |
Tathāgata of Immeasurable Life |
甘露王如來 甘露王如来 see styles |
gān lù wáng rú lái gan1 lu4 wang2 ru2 lai2 kan lu wang ju lai Kanro ō nyorai |
Āmṛta-rāja-tathāgata |
藥師如來佛 药师如来佛 see styles |
yào shī rú lái fó yao4 shi1 ru2 lai2 fo2 yao shih ju lai fo Yakushi Nyorai Butsu |
Healing Tathāgata Buddha |
諸佛如來身 诸佛如来身 see styles |
zhū fó rú lái shēn zhu1 fo2 ru2 lai2 shen1 chu fo ju lai shen shobutsu nyorai shin |
bodies of buddha-tathāgatas |
遍照王如來 遍照王如来 see styles |
biàn zhào wáng rú lái bian4 zhao4 wang2 ru2 lai2 pien chao wang ju lai Henshōō nyorai |
Mahāvairocana Tathāgata |
金剛如來拳 金刚如来拳 see styles |
jīn gāng rú lái quán jin1 gang1 ru2 lai2 quan2 chin kang ju lai ch`üan chin kang ju lai chüan kongō nyorai ken |
adamantine fists |
阿弥陀如来 see styles |
amidanyorai あみだにょらい |
{Buddh} Amitabha Tathagata; Amithaba; (person) Amida Nyorai; Amitabha Buddha |
阿彌陀如來 阿弥陀如来 see styles |
ē mí tuó rú lái e1 mi2 tuo2 ru2 lai2 o mi t`o ju lai o mi to ju lai |
Amitabha, Buddha of infinite light See: 阿弥陀如来 |
離怖畏如來 离怖畏如来 see styles |
lí bù wèi rú lái li2 bu4 wei4 ru2 lai2 li pu wei ju lai Rifui nyorai |
Abhayaṃkara-tathāgata |
一切如來智印 一切如来智印 see styles |
yī qiè rú lái zhì yìn yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 zhi4 yin4 i ch`ieh ju lai chih yin i chieh ju lai chih yin issai nyorai chi in |
A sign of the wisdom of all buddhas, a triangle on a lotus in the Garbhadhātu group. |
不可思議如來 不可思议如来 see styles |
bù kě sī yì rú lái bu4 ke3 si1 yi4 ru2 lai2 pu k`o ssu i ju lai pu ko ssu i ju lai fukashigi nyorai |
inconceivable tathāgata |
不空成就如來 不空成就如来 see styles |
bù kōng chéng jiù rú lái bu4 kong1 cheng2 jiu4 ru2 lai2 pu k`ung ch`eng chiu ju lai pu kung cheng chiu ju lai Fukū jōshū nyorai |
Amoghasiddhi. The Tathāgata of unerring performance, the fifth of the five wisdom or dhyāni-buddhas of the diamond-realm. He is placed in the north; his image is gold-colored, left hand clenched, right fingers extended pointing to breast. Also, 'He is seated in 'adamantine' pose (legs closely locked) '(Getty), soles apparent, left hand in lap, palm upwards, may balance a double vajra, or sword; right hand erect in blessing, fingers extended. Symbol, double vajra; color, green (Getty); word, ah!; blue-green lotus; element, earth; animal, garuḍa; Śakti (female personification), Tārā; Mānuṣi-Buddha (human or savior Buddha), Maitreya. T., dongrub; J., Fukū jō-jū. |
南無多寶如來 南无多宝如来 see styles |
nán wú duō bǎo rú lái nan2 wu2 duo1 bao3 ru2 lai2 nan wu to pao ju lai nanmu Tahō Nyorai |
Homage to Tathāgata Abundant Treasures |
如來佛的掌心 如来佛的掌心 see styles |
rú lái fó de zhǎng xīn ru2 lai2 fo2 de5 zhang3 xin1 ju lai fo te chang hsin |
the palm of the Buddha's hand (a metaphor for a higher authority or force from whose control one cannot break free, from 西遊記|西游记[Xi1you2 Ji4], "Journey to the West") |
如來十力次第 如来十力次第 see styles |
rú lái shí lì cì dì ru2 lai2 shi2 li4 ci4 di4 ju lai shih li tz`u ti ju lai shih li tzu ti nyorai jūriki shidai |
the sequence of the Tathāgatas' ten powers |
如來善巧呪經 如来善巧呪经 see styles |
rú lái shàn qiǎo zhòu jīng ru2 lai2 shan4 qiao3 zhou4 jing1 ju lai shan ch`iao chou ching ju lai shan chiao chou ching Nyorai zenkōju kyō |
Rulai shanqiaozhou jing |
如來學問念處 如来学问念处 see styles |
rú lái xué wèn niàn chù ru2 lai2 xue2 wen4 nian4 chu4 ju lai hsüeh wen nien ch`u ju lai hsüeh wen nien chu nyorai gakumon nenjo |
mindfulness of Buddhist studies |
如來應正等覺 如来应正等觉 see styles |
rú lái yìng zhèng děng jué ru2 lai2 ying4 zheng4 deng3 jue2 ju lai ying cheng teng chüeh nyorai ōshō tōgaku |
thus come, worthy of respect, perfectly enlightened |
如來應正遍智 如来应正遍智 see styles |
rú lái yìng zhèng biàn zhì ru2 lai2 ying4 zheng4 bian4 zhi4 ju lai ying cheng pien chih nyorai ō shōhenchi |
the Tathāgata who has omniscience and is worthy of offerings |
如來應正遍知 如来应正遍知 see styles |
rú lái yìng zhèng biàn zhī ru2 lai2 ying4 zheng4 bian4 zhi1 ju lai ying cheng pien chih nyorai ōshō henchi |
Thus-come, Worthy [of Offerings], Perfectly Omniscient |
如來死後爲有 如来死后为有 see styles |
rú lái sǐ hòu wéi yǒu ru2 lai2 si3 hou4 wei2 you3 ju lai ssu hou wei yu nyorai shigo iu |
existence of Buddha after passing into nirvāṇa |
如來死後非有 如来死后非有 see styles |
rú lái sǐ hòu fēi yǒu ru2 lai2 si3 hou4 fei1 you3 ju lai ssu hou fei yu nyorai shigo hiu |
non-existence of Buddha after passing into nirvāṇa |
如來無量功德 如来无量功德 see styles |
rú lái wú liáng gōng dé ru2 lai2 wu2 liang2 gong1 de2 ju lai wu liang kung te nyorai muryō kudoku |
innumerable virtues of the Tathāgata |
如來聲聞緣覺 如来声闻缘觉 see styles |
rú lái shēng wén yuán jué ru2 lai2 sheng1 wen2 yuan2 jue2 ju lai sheng wen yüan chüeh nyorai shōmon enkaku |
tathāgatas, śrāvakas, and pratyekabuddhas |
無量壽如來會 无量寿如来会 see styles |
wú liáng shòu rú lái huì wu2 liang2 shou4 ru2 lai2 hui4 wu liang shou ju lai hui Muryō ju nyorai e |
Tathāgata's Sermon on the Contemplation of the Buddha of Limitless Life |
開敷華王如來 开敷华王如来 see styles |
kāi fū huā wáng rú lái kai1 fu1 hua1 wang2 ru2 lai2 k`ai fu hua wang ju lai kai fu hua wang ju lai Kaifukeō nyorai |
Saṃkusumitarāja Tathāgata |
阿しゅく如来 see styles |
ashukunyorai あしゅくにょらい |
Akshobhya (one of the Five Wisdom Buddhas) |
一切如來必定印 一切如来必定印 see styles |
yī qiè rú lái bì dìng yìn yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 bi4 ding4 yin4 i ch`ieh ju lai pi ting yin i chieh ju lai pi ting yin issai nyorai hitsujō in |
The sign of the assurance of attaining Buddhahood. |
不可思議光如來 不可思议光如来 see styles |
bù kě sī yì guāng rú lái bu4 ke3 si1 yi4 guang1 ru2 lai2 pu k`o ssu i kuang ju lai pu ko ssu i kuang ju lai Fukashigi Kō Nyorai |
unfathomable Radiant Tathāgata |
佛說如來興顯經 佛说如来兴显经 see styles |
fó shuō rú lái xīng xiǎn jīng fo2 shuo1 ru2 lai2 xing1 xian3 jing1 fo shuo ju lai hsing hsien ching Bussetsu nyorai kōgankyō |
Foshuo rulai xingxian jing |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "如来" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.