There are 345 total results for your 复 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
故復 故复 see styles |
gù fù gu4 fu4 ku fu kofuku |
also |
數復 数复 see styles |
shuò fù shuo4 fu4 shuo fu sakufuku |
repeatedly |
普覆 普复 see styles |
pǔ fù pu3 fu4 p`u fu pu fu fufuku |
completely covering |
更復 更复 see styles |
gēng fù geng1 fu4 keng fu kyōfuku |
again |
有覆 有复 see styles |
yǒu fù you3 fu4 yu fu ufuku |
an obstruction |
染覆 染复 see styles |
rǎn fù ran3 fu4 jan fu zenpuku |
to defile |
極覆 极复 see styles |
jí fù ji2 fu4 chi fu gokufuku |
to veil |
次復 次复 see styles |
cì fù ci4 fu4 tz`u fu tzu fu shifuku |
thereafter |
沈復 沈复 see styles |
shěn fù shen3 fu4 shen fu |
Shen Fu (1763-c. 1810), Qing dynasty writer, author of Six Records of a Floating Life 浮生六記|浮生六记[Fu2 Sheng1 Liu4 Ji4] |
況復 况复 see styles |
kuàng fù kuang4 fu4 k`uang fu kuang fu kyōfuku |
moreover how much more |
無復 无复 see styles |
wú fù wu2 fu4 wu fu mufuku |
never again |
無覆 无复 see styles |
wú fù wu2 fu4 wu fu mufuku |
unhindered |
當復 当复 see styles |
dāng fù dang1 fu4 tang fu tōfuku |
(how, what,) who on earth? |
癒復 愈复 see styles |
yù fù yu4 fu4 yü fu |
recovery (after illness) |
盼覆 盼复 see styles |
pàn fù pan4 fu4 p`an fu pan fu |
expecting your reply (epistolary style) |
示覆 示复 see styles |
shì fù shi4 fu4 shih fu |
please answer (epistolary style) |
稟復 禀复 see styles |
bǐng fù bing3 fu4 ping fu |
to report back (to a superior) |
答復 答复 see styles |
dá fù da2 fu4 ta fu |
variant of 答覆|答复[da2 fu4] |
答覆 答复 see styles |
dá fù da2 fu4 ta fu |
to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email header) |
繁複 繁复 see styles |
fán fù fan2 fu4 fan fu |
complicated |
羅覆 罗复 see styles |
luó fù luo2 fu4 lo fu rafuku |
to be spread above |
而復 而复 see styles |
ér fù er2 fu4 erh fu jifuku |
and |
若復 若复 see styles |
ruò fù ruo4 fu4 jo fu nyafuku |
if |
蓋覆 盖复 see styles |
gài fù gai4 fu4 kai fu kaifuku |
obscurations |
複利 复利 see styles |
fù lì fu4 li4 fu li fukuri ふくり |
compound interest {finc} (See 単利) compound interest |
複刻 复刻 see styles |
fù kè fu4 ke4 fu k`o fu ko fukkoku ふっこく |
variant of 復刻|复刻[fu4 ke4] (noun/participle) republishing; republication; reissuing; reproduction |
複包 复包 see styles |
fù bāo fu4 bao1 fu pao fukuhō |
a bundle |
複印 复印 see styles |
fù yìn fu4 yin4 fu yin |
to photocopy; to duplicate a document |
複句 复句 see styles |
fù jù fu4 ju4 fu chü |
compound phrase |
複合 复合 see styles |
fù hé fu4 he2 fu ho fukugou / fukugo ふくごう |
complex; compound; composite; hybrid; to compound; to combine (n,vs,adj-no) composite; combined; complex |
複姓 复姓 see styles |
fù xìng fu4 xing4 fu hsing fukusei / fukuse ふくせい |
two-character surname (such as 司馬|司马[Si1ma3] or 諸葛|诸葛[Zhu1ge3]) (1) two-character surname (in China); compound surname; (2) (hist) family name consisting of two combined names (in ancient Japan) |
複子 复子 see styles |
fù zǐ fu4 zi3 fu tzu fukusu |
a bundle |
複寫 复写 see styles |
fù xiě fu4 xie3 fu hsieh |
to duplicate; to carbon copy |
複帕 复帕 see styles |
fù pà fu4 pa4 fu p`a fu pa fukuha |
a bundle |
複式 复式 see styles |
fù shì fu4 shi4 fu shih fukushiki ふくしき |
double; multiple; compound; combined; double-entry (accounting) double-entry (e.g. bookkeeping) |
複數 复数 see styles |
fù shù fu4 shu4 fu shu |
(linguistics) plural; (math.) complex number |
複方 复方 see styles |
fù fāng fu4 fang1 fu fang fukuhou / fukuho ふくほう |
compound prescription (involving several medicines) compound drug |
複本 复本 see styles |
fù běn fu4 ben3 fu pen fukuhon ふくほん |
copy duplicate; copy |
複比 复比 see styles |
fù bǐ fu4 bi3 fu pi fukuhi ふくひ |
compound ratio (i.e. the product of two or more ratios) {math} compound ratio; cross ratio; compound proportion |
複用 复用 see styles |
fù yòng fu4 yong4 fu yung |
to reuse |
複疊 复叠 see styles |
fù dié fu4 die2 fu tieh |
reduplication of words or syllables (as a stylistic device in Chinese) |
複眼 复眼 see styles |
fù yǎn fu4 yan3 fu yen fukugan ふくがん |
compound eye {zool} (See 単眼・2) compound eye |
複社 复社 see styles |
fù shè fu4 she4 fu she |
late Ming cultural renewal movement, led by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥[Zhang1 Pu3] and others |
複線 复线 see styles |
fù xiàn fu4 xian4 fu hsien fukusen ふくせん |
multiple track (e.g. rail); multilane (e.g. highway); (math.) complex line double track; two-track line |
複習 复习 see styles |
fù xí fu4 xi2 fu hsi |
variant of 復習|复习[fu4 xi2] |
複聽 复听 see styles |
fù tīng fu4 ting1 fu t`ing fu ting |
double hearing; diplacusis |
複葉 复叶 see styles |
fù yè fu4 ye4 fu yeh fukuyou / fukuyo ふくよう |
compound leaf (botany) compound leaf; biplane |
複製 复制 see styles |
fù zhì fu4 zhi4 fu chih fukusei / fukuse ふくせい |
to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone (noun, transitive verb) reproduction; duplication; reprinting |
複視 复视 see styles |
fù shì fu4 shi4 fu shih fukushi ふくし |
double vision; diplopia double vision; polyopia |
複詞 复词 see styles |
fù cí fu4 ci2 fu tz`u fu tzu |
compound word; polysyllabic word |
複試 复试 see styles |
fù shì fu4 shi4 fu shih |
to sit for the second round of a two-stage exam |
複讀 复读 see styles |
fù dú fu4 du2 fu tu |
(of an audio device) to repeat a recorded phrase (e.g. for language learning) |
複變 复变 see styles |
fù biàn fu4 bian4 fu pien |
(math.) complex variable |
複購 复购 see styles |
fù gòu fu4 gou4 fu kou |
to buy again |
複賽 复赛 see styles |
fù sài fu4 sai4 fu sai |
(sports) semifinal or quarterfinal; to compete in a semifinal (or a quarterfinal) |
複迭 复迭 see styles |
fù dié fu4 die2 fu tieh |
variant of 複疊|复叠[fu4 die2] |
複述 复述 see styles |
fù shù fu4 shu4 fu shu |
to repeat (one's own words or sb else's); (in the classroom) to paraphrase what one has learned |
複雜 复杂 see styles |
fù zá fu4 za2 fu tsa |
complicated; complex |
覆器 复器 see styles |
fù qì fu4 qi4 fu ch`i fu chi fukuki |
Things for turning off, e.g. water, as tiles do; impermeable, resistant to teaching. |
覆墓 复墓 see styles |
fù mù fu4 mu4 fu mu fukubo |
To return to or visit a grave on the third day after interment. |
覆帛 复帛 see styles |
fù bó fu4 bo2 fu po fuhaku |
To throw a coverlet (over an image). |
覆弊 复弊 see styles |
fù bì fu4 bi4 fu pi fukuhei |
to obfuscate |
覆翳 复翳 see styles |
fù yì fu4 yi4 fu i fukuei |
to cover |
覆肩 复肩 see styles |
fù jiān fu4 jian1 fu chien fukugen |
To throw a robe over the shoulder. |
覆苫 复苫 see styles |
fù shān fu4 shan1 fu shan fukusen |
a thatch |
覆蔽 复蔽 see styles |
fù bì fu4 bi4 fu pi fukuhei |
covered |
覆藏 复藏 see styles |
fù zàng fu4 zang4 fu tsang fukuzō |
concealing |
覆諦 复谛 see styles |
fù dì fu4 di4 fu ti fuku tai |
(覆俗諦) The unenlightened inversion of reality, common views of things. |
覆講 复讲 see styles |
fù jiǎng fu4 jiang3 fu chiang fukukō |
To repeat a lesson to a teacher. |
覆護 复护 see styles |
fù hù fu4 hu4 fu hu fukugo |
to cover and guard |
覆載 复载 see styles |
fù zài fu4 zai4 fu tsai fukusai |
encompassing all things under heaven without discrimination |
覆迭 复迭 see styles |
fù dié fu4 die2 fu tieh |
variant of 覆疊|覆叠[fu4 die2] |
覆述 复述 see styles |
fù shù fu4 shu4 fu shu |
variant of 複述|复述[fu4 shu4] |
覆鉢 复钵 see styles |
fù bō fu4 bo1 fu po fukubachi ふくばち |
(obscure) fukubachi (inverted bowl-shaped part of a pagoda finial) The inverted bowl at the top of a pagoda below the nine circles. |
覆陰 复阴 see styles |
fù yīn fu4 yin1 fu yin fukuon |
to cover |
覆障 复障 see styles |
fù zhàng fu4 zhang4 fu chang fukushō |
obstruction |
覆面 复面 see styles |
fù miàn fu4 mian4 fu mien fukumen ふくめん |
(n,vs,vi,adj-no) (1) mask; veil; disguise; (adj-f,n) (2) anonymous; unmarked; incognito A veil for the face; to cover the face. |
規復 规复 see styles |
guī fù gui1 fu4 kuei fu |
to restore (deposed monarch, rule, system of laws, ecological system etc); restoration |
設復 设复 see styles |
shè fù she4 fu4 she fu setsufuku |
if |
輒復 辄复 see styles |
zhé fù zhe2 fu4 che fu chōfuku |
then |
轉復 转复 see styles |
zhuǎn fù zhuan3 fu4 chuan fu tenpuku |
repeated expansion |
遍覆 遍复 see styles |
biàn fù bian4 fu4 pien fu henfuku |
to completely cover |
還復 还复 see styles |
huán fù huan2 fu4 huan fu genpuku |
to return |
重複 重复 see styles |
chóng fù chong2 fu4 ch`ung fu chung fu choufuku(p); juufuku(p) / chofuku(p); jufuku(p) ちょうふく(P); じゅうふく(P) |
to repeat; to duplicate; CL:個|个[ge4] (n,vs,vi,adj-no) duplication; repetition; overlapping; redundancy; restoration |
重覆 重复 see styles |
chóng fù chong2 fu4 ch`ung fu chung fu |
variant of 重複|重复[chong2 fu4] |
隱覆 隐复 see styles |
yǐn fù yin3 fu4 yin fu onbuku |
To hide, conceal; secret. |
雖復 虽复 see styles |
suī fù sui1 fu4 sui fu suifuku |
even if |
駁復 驳复 see styles |
bó fù bo2 fu4 po fu |
to refute |
不復現 不复现 see styles |
bù fù xiàn bu4 fu4 xian4 pu fu hsien fu fukugen |
does not reappear |
不復生 不复生 see styles |
bù fù shēng bu4 fu4 sheng1 pu fu sheng fufukushō |
does not [again] arise |
不復轉 不复转 see styles |
bù fù zhuǎn bu4 fu4 zhuan3 pu fu chuan fu fukuten |
do(es) not reappear |
不復退 不复退 see styles |
bù fù tuì bu4 fu4 tui4 pu fu t`ui pu fu tui fu fukutai |
does not retrogress |
不覆藏 不复藏 see styles |
bù fù zàng bu4 fu4 zang4 pu fu tsang fu fukuzō |
not covered up again |
亦復然 亦复然 see styles |
yì fù rán yi4 fu4 ran2 i fu jan yaku fukunen |
likewise |
來復槍 来复枪 see styles |
lái fù qiāng lai2 fu4 qiang1 lai fu ch`iang lai fu chiang |
rifle (loanword); also written 來福槍|来福枪 |
來復線 来复线 see styles |
lái fù xiàn lai2 fu4 xian4 lai fu hsien |
rifling (spiral lines on inside of gun barrel imparting spin to the bullet) |
光復會 光复会 see styles |
guāng fù huì guang1 fu4 hui4 kuang fu hui |
anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培[Cai4 Yuan2 pei2]; aka 復古會|复古会[Fu4 gu3 hui4] |
光復鄉 光复乡 see styles |
guāng fù xiāng guang1 fu4 xiang1 kuang fu hsiang |
Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 Xian4], east Taiwan |
再轉復 再转复 see styles |
zài zhuǎn fù zai4 zhuan3 fu4 tsai chuan fu |
to transfer again |
半復賽 半复赛 see styles |
bàn fù sài ban4 fu4 sai4 pan fu sai |
eighth finals |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "复" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.