There are 445 total results for your 壁 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
奥壁 see styles |
okuheki おくへき |
inner wall (e.g. cave); inner rockface (mountain valley, etc.) |
妻壁 see styles |
tsumakabe つまかべ |
{archit} gable wall |
完壁 see styles |
kanpeki かんぺき kanbeki かんべき |
(irregular kanji usage) (adjectival noun) perfect; complete; flawless; (irregular kanji usage) (ik) (adjectival noun) perfect; complete; flawless |
宝壁 see styles |
houkabe / hokabe ほうかべ |
(surname) Houkabe |
宮壁 see styles |
miyakabe みやかべ |
(surname) Miyakabe |
家壁 see styles |
yakabe やかべ |
(place-name) Yakabe |
小壁 see styles |
kokabe こかべ |
(surname) Kokabe |
居壁 see styles |
ikabe いかべ |
(surname) Ikabe |
山壁 see styles |
yamakabe やまかべ |
(surname) Yamakabe |
岩壁 see styles |
iwakabe いわかべ |
wall of rock; rock cliff; rock face; (surname) Iwakabe |
岸壁 see styles |
ganpeki がんぺき |
(1) quay; wharf; jetty; (2) (See 岩壁) wall-like shoreline; cliff wall |
峭壁 see styles |
qiào bì qiao4 bi4 ch`iao pi chiao pi |
cliff; steep; precipice |
崖壁 see styles |
yá bì ya2 bi4 ya pi |
escarpment; precipice; cliff |
巌壁 see styles |
ganpeki がんぺき |
wall of rock; rock cliff; rock face |
川壁 see styles |
kawakabe かわかべ |
(surname) Kawakabe |
市壁 see styles |
shiheki しへき |
city walls; town walls |
帯壁 see styles |
tatekabe たてかべ |
(surname) Tatekabe |
建壁 see styles |
tatekabe たてかべ |
(surname) Tatekabe |
影壁 see styles |
yǐng bì ying3 bi4 ying pi |
spirit wall (screen wall used to shield an entrance in traditional Chinese architecture) |
後壁 后壁 see styles |
hòu bì hou4 bi4 hou pi kouheki / koheki こうへき |
Houbi, a district in Tainan 台南|台南[Tai2 nan2], Taiwan {med} posterior wall |
御壁 see styles |
okabe おかべ |
(archaism) (feminine speech) (secret language of court ladies) (See 豆腐) tofu |
忍壁 see styles |
osakabe おさかべ |
(surname) Osakabe |
戈壁 see styles |
gē bì ge1 bi4 ko pi gobi ゴビ |
Gobi (desert) (place-name) Gobi Desert (China) |
扶壁 see styles |
fuheki ふへき |
(1) {archit} (See パラペット) parapet; (2) {archit} (See 控え壁) buttress |
折壁 see styles |
orikabe おりかべ |
(place-name, surname) Orikabe |
擁壁 see styles |
youheki / yoheki ようへき |
{engr} retaining wall; breast wall; revetment |
方壁 see styles |
katakabe かたかべ |
(surname) Katakabe |
日壁 see styles |
hikabe ひかべ |
(surname) Hikabe |
明壁 see styles |
asukabe あすかべ |
(surname) Asukabe |
有壁 see styles |
arikabe ありかべ |
(place-name, surname) Arikabe |
朱壁 see styles |
akakabe あかかべ |
(surname) Akakabe |
東壁 see styles |
touheki / toheki とうへき |
east wall; east face (of a mountain) |
板壁 see styles |
bǎn bì ban3 bi4 pan pi itakabe いたかべ |
wooden partition wooden wall; (surname) Itakabe |
横壁 see styles |
yokokabe よこかべ |
(place-name) Yokokabe |
橋壁 see styles |
hashikabe はしかべ |
(surname) Hashikabe |
母壁 see styles |
hahakabe ははかべ |
(surname) Hahakabe |
氷壁 see styles |
hyouheki / hyoheki ひょうへき |
ice wall; ice ridge |
波壁 see styles |
hakabe はかべ |
(surname) Hakabe |
浦壁 see styles |
urakabe うらかべ |
(surname) Urakabe |
海壁 see styles |
kaiheki かいへき |
sea wall |
涙壁 see styles |
ruiheki るいへき |
(place-name) Ruiheki |
渡壁 see styles |
watarikabe わたりかべ |
(surname) Watarikabe |
炉壁 see styles |
roheki ろへき |
furnace wall |
照壁 see styles |
zhào bì zhao4 bi4 chao pi |
a screen wall across the gate of a house (for privacy) |
牆壁 墙壁 see styles |
qiáng bì qiang2 bi4 ch`iang pi chiang pi shōheki しょうへき |
wall (1) enclosing wall; boundary fence; (2) obstacle; barrier wall(s) |
猿壁 see styles |
sakkabe さっかべ |
(place-name) Sakkabe |
生壁 see styles |
namakabe なまかべ |
undried wall |
白壁 see styles |
shirakabe しらかべ |
(1) white plaster wall; (2) (しらかべ only) tofu; bean curd; (place-name, surname) Shirakabe |
盲壁 see styles |
mekurakabe めくらかべ |
(sensitive word) windowless wall |
相壁 see styles |
aikabe あいかべ |
(surname) Aikabe |
眞壁 see styles |
makabe まかべ |
(surname) Makabe |
真壁 see styles |
makabe まかべ |
(See 大壁) wall with exposed timber pillars; (p,s,f) Makabe |
矢壁 see styles |
yakabe やかべ |
(surname) Yakabe |
石壁 see styles |
ishikabe; sekiheki いしかべ; せきへき |
(1) stone wall; dry wall; (2) rocky cliff; stone precipice |
砂壁 see styles |
sunakabe すなかべ |
sand-coated interior wall (in traditional Japanese architecture); (surname) Sunakabe |
研壁 see styles |
surikabe すりかべ |
(surname) Surikabe |
破壁 see styles |
pò bì po4 bi4 p`o pi po pi |
dilapidated wall; to break through a wall; (fig.) to break through; (biotechnology) to disrupt cell walls; cell disruption |
碰壁 see styles |
pèng bì peng4 bi4 p`eng pi peng pi |
to hit a wall; (fig.) to hit a brick wall; to hit a snag; to have the door slammed in one's face |
磁壁 see styles |
jiheki じへき |
magnetic domain |
磯壁 see styles |
isokabe いそかべ |
(place-name) Isokabe |
立壁 see styles |
tatekabe たてかべ |
(place-name, surname) Tatekabe |
笹壁 see styles |
sasakabe ささかべ |
(surname) Sasakabe |
篠壁 see styles |
sasakabe ささかべ |
(surname) Sasakabe |
粉壁 see styles |
funpeki ふんぺき |
white wall |
粕壁 see styles |
kasugabe かすがべ |
(surname) Kasugabe |
粗壁 see styles |
arakabe あらかべ |
rough-coated wall |
糟壁 see styles |
kasukabe かすかべ |
(surname) Kasukabe |
紅壁 see styles |
akakabe あかかべ |
(surname) Akakabe |
絕壁 绝壁 see styles |
jué bì jue2 bi4 chüeh pi |
precipice |
絶壁 see styles |
zeppeki ぜっぺき |
(1) precipice; cliff; (2) flat head |
織壁 see styles |
orikabe おりかべ |
(surname) Orikabe |
羽壁 see styles |
hakabe はかべ |
(surname) Hakabe |
胃壁 see styles |
iheki いへき |
stomach lining; gastric wall |
胸壁 see styles |
kyouheki / kyoheki きょうへき |
(1) {mil} (See 胸墻) breastwork; parapet; (2) fortress; (3) {archit} (See パラペット) parapet; (4) chest wall |
腔壁 see styles |
qiāng bì qiang1 bi4 ch`iang pi chiang pi |
cavity wall |
腰壁 see styles |
koshikabe こしかべ |
(See 間仕切り,垂れ壁) waist-high partition wall; breast wall |
腸壁 肠壁 see styles |
cháng bì chang2 bi4 ch`ang pi chang pi chouheki / choheki ちょうへき |
wall of intestine; lining of gut intestinal wall |
腹壁 see styles |
fù bì fu4 bi4 fu pi fukuheki ふくへき |
abdominal wall abdominal wall |
膜壁 see styles |
makuheki まくへき |
membrane wall |
膣壁 see styles |
chitsuheki ちつへき |
vaginal wall |
茅壁 see styles |
chikabe ちかべ |
(surname) Chikabe |
草壁 see styles |
kusakabe くさかべ |
(surname) Kusakabe |
荒壁 see styles |
arakabe あらかべ |
rough-coated wall |
蔦壁 see styles |
tsutakabe つたかべ |
(surname) Tsutakabe |
虫壁 see styles |
mushikabe むしかべ |
(surname) Mushikabe |
西壁 see styles |
seiheki / seheki せいへき |
west wall; west face (of a mountain) |
赤壁 see styles |
chì bì chi4 bi4 ch`ih pi chih pi akakabe あかかべ |
Chibi, county-level city in Xianning 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian2 ning2 shi4], Hubei; Chibi or Red Cliff in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区[Huang2 zhou1 qu1] of Huanggang city 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei, scene of the famous battle of Red Cliff of 208 (surname) Akakabe |
鉄壁 see styles |
teppeki てっぺき |
(1) iron wall; impregnable fortress; (can be adjective with の) (2) impregnable; invulnerable; unassailable; cast-iron |
長壁 see styles |
nagaheki ながへき |
(surname) Nagaheki |
間壁 间壁 see styles |
jiàn bì jian4 bi4 chien pi makabe まかべ |
next door; partition wall (surname) Makabe |
防壁 see styles |
bouheki / boheki ぼうへき |
protective wall; defensive wall; barrier; bulwark |
陡壁 see styles |
dǒu bì dou3 bi4 tou pi |
steep cliff; precipice; vertical slope |
隔壁 see styles |
gé bì ge2 bi4 ko pi kakuheki かくへき |
next door; neighbor (noun - becomes adjective with の) barrier wall; bulkhead; partition; septum; diaphragm |
障壁 see styles |
zhàng bì zhang4 bi4 chang pi shouheki / shoheki しょうへき |
barrier (1) enclosing wall; boundary fence; (2) obstacle; barrier |
雲壁 see styles |
kumokabe くもかべ |
(surname) Kumokabe |
面壁 see styles |
miàn bì mian4 bi4 mien pi omokabe おもかべ |
to face the wall; to sit facing the wall in meditation (Buddhism); (fig.) to devote oneself to study, work etc (n,vs,vi) meditation facing a wall; (surname) Omokabe To sit in meditation with the face to a wall, as did Bodhidharma for nine years, without uttering a word. |
馬壁 see styles |
makabe まかべ |
(surname) Makabe |
體壁 体壁 see styles |
tǐ bì ti3 bi4 t`i pi ti pi |
integument (biology) See: 体壁 |
鬼壁 see styles |
onikabe おにかべ |
(place-name) Onikabe |
鶴壁 鹤壁 see styles |
hè bì he4 bi4 ho pi |
More info & calligraphy: Hebi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "壁" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.