Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
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There are 338 total results for your 十二 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 juuniinnen / juninnen
{Buddh} the twelve nidanas (continuum of twelve phases that lead to suffering)


see styles
shí èr dì zhī
    shi2 er4 di4 zhi1
shih erh ti chih
the 12 earthly branches 子[zi3], 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥 (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal numbers)


see styles
 juuniyamori / juniyamori
(place-name) Jūniyamori



see styles
shí èr dà yuàn
    shi2 er4 da4 yuan4
shih erh ta yüan
 jūni daigan
twelve great vows


see styles
 juunitenhokora / junitenhokora
(place-name) Jūnitenhokora


see styles
 juunikisakijima / junikisakijima
(place-name) Jūnikisakijima


see styles
 juunioiwa / junioiwa
(place-name) Jūnioiwa


see styles
 juunikawara / junikawara
(place-name) Jūnikawara


see styles
 juunishoichi / junishoichi
(place-name) Jūnishoichi


see styles
 juunishoni / junishoni
(place-name) Jūnishoni


see styles
 juunishomae / junishomae
(place-name) Jūnishomae


see styles
 juunishoeki / junishoeki
(st) Jūnisho Station


see styles
 juuniori / juniori
duodecimo (folding)



see styles
shí èr zhǐ cháng
    shi2 er4 zhi3 chang2
shih erh chih ch`ang
    shih erh chih chang
 juunishichou / junishicho
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {anat} duodenum



see styles
shí èr zhī yuán
    shi2 er4 zhi1 yuan2
shih erh chih yüan
 jūni shien
twelve limbs of dependent arising


see styles
(place-name) Junishinden


see styles
shí èr xīng zuò
    shi2 er4 xing1 zuo4
shih erh hsing tso
the twelve signs of the zodiac



see styles
shí èr shí chen
    shi2 er4 shi2 chen5
shih erh shih ch`en
    shih erh shih chen
twelve divisions of the day of early Chinese and Babylonian timekeeping and astronomy


see styles
shí èr yuè fèn
    shi2 er4 yue4 fen4
shih erh yüeh fen


see styles
(personal name) Shiwasuda


see styles
(personal name) Shiwasuda


see styles
 juunigatsubyou / junigatsubyo
Christmas blues; holiday stress (during December)


see styles
(place-name) Shiwasuno


see styles
shí èr yǒu zhī
    shi2 er4 you3 zhi1
shih erh yu chih
 jūni ushi
twelve limbs of dependent arising


see styles
 juunijouhigashi / junijohigashi
(place-name) Jūnijōhigashi


see styles
 juunijounishi / junijonishi
(place-name) Jūnijōnishi



see styles
shí èr jí yuán
    shi2 er4 ji2 yuan2
shih erh chi yüan
 jūni kokuon
twelve limbs of dependent arising


see styles
 juunikyoueki / junikyoeki
(st) Jūnikyō Station


see styles
 juunidantouge / junidantoge
(place-name) Jūnidantōge


see styles
 juunisawagawa / junisawagawa
(place-name) Jūnisawagawa


see styles
shí èr fǎ rén
    shi2 er4 fa3 ren2
shih erh fa jen
Those who follow the twelve practices of the ascetics: (1) live in a hermitage; (2) always beg for food; (3) take turns at begging food; (4) one meal a day; (5) reduce amount of food; (6) do not take a drink made of fruit or honey after midday; (7) wear dust-heap garments; (8) wear only the three clerical garments; (9) dwell among graves; (10) stay under a tree; (11) on the dewy ground; (12) sit and never lie.


see styles
 juunikoeki / junikoeki
(st) Jūniko Station


see styles
 juunigatamachi / junigatamachi
(place-name) Jūnigatamachi


see styles
shí èr huǒ tiān
    shi2 er4 huo3 tian1
shih erh huo t`ien
    shih erh huo tien
The homa-, or fire-spirits; Whose representations, colours, magic words, signs, symbols, and mode of worship are given in the 大日經疏20. Also 十二火尊; 十二種火法. The twelve fire-spirits are: (1) Indra or Vairocana, the discoverer or source of fire, symbolizing 智 knowledge; (2) the moon 行滿 which progresses to fullness, with mercy as root and enlightenment as fruit, i,e. Buddha; (3) the wind, represented as a half-moon, fanner of fame, of zeal, and by driving away dark clouds, of enlightenment; (4) the red rays of the rising sun, rohitaka, his swords (or rays) indicating 議 wisdom; (5) 沒M004101拏 a form half stern, half smiling, sternly driving away the passions and trials; (6) 忿怒 irate, bellowing with open mouth, showing four teeth, flowing locks, one eye closed; (7) 闍吒羅 fire burning within, i.e. the inner witness, or realization; (8) 迄灑耶 the waster, or destroyer of waste and injurious products within, i.e. inner purification; (9) 意生 the producer at will, capable of all variety, resembling Viśvakarman, the Brahmanic Vulcan; (10) 羯羅微 the fire-eater; (11) untraceable; (12) 謨賀那 the completer, also the subduer of demons.


see styles
shí èr huǒ zūn
    shi2 er4 huo3 zun1
shih erh huo tsun
 jūni kason
twelve fire deities



see styles
shí èr wú wéi
    shi2 er4 wu2 wei2
shih erh wu wei
 jūni mui
v. 十二眞如.



see styles
shí èr shuài lián
    shi2 er4 shuai4 lian2
shih erh shuai lien
 jūni sotsuren
twelve limbs of dependent arising


see styles
 juunichoujima / junichojima
(place-name) Jūnichōjima


see styles
 jounichougata / jonichogata
(place-name) Jōnichōgata


see styles
 juunibanchou / junibancho
(place-name) Jūnibanchō


see styles
shí èr zhēn rú
    shi2 er4 zhen1 ru2
shih erh chen ju
 jūni shinnyo
The twelve aspects of the bhūtatathhatā or the ultimate, which is also styled the 十二無為 "inactive" or nirvana-like: and the 十二空 "void" or immaterial: (1) The chen ju itself; (2) 法界 as the medium of all things; (3) 法性 as the nature of all things; (4) 不虛妄性 its reality contra the unreality of phenomena; (5) 不變異性 its immutability contra mortality and phenomenal variation; (6) 平等性 as universal or undifferentiated; (7) 離生性 as immortal, i.e. apart from birth and death, or creation and destruction; (8) 法定 as eternal, its nature ever sure; (9) 法住 as the abode of all things; (10) 實際 as the bounds of all reality; (11) 虛空界 as the realm of space, the void, or immateriality; (12)不思議界 as the realm beyond thought or expression.


see styles
 juunijinshou / junijinsho
{Buddh} (See 薬師如来) the twelve divine generals (of Bhaisajyaguru)



see styles
shí èr shén jiāng
    shi2 er4 shen2 jiang1
shih erh shen chiang
 Jūni Shinshō
twelve divine generals


see styles
 juunijinyama / junijinyama
(personal name) Jūnijin'yama



see styles
shí èr zhǒng zhù
    shi2 er4 zhong3 zhu4
shih erh chung chu
 jūnishu jū
twelve stages



see styles
shí èr jīng mài
    shi2 er4 jing1 mai4
shih erh ching mai
twelve channels of TCM



see styles
shí èr yuán qǐ
    shi2 er4 yuan2 qi3
shih erh yüan ch`i
    shih erh yüan chi
 jūni engi
十二輪; 十二門; idem十二因緣.


see styles
shí èr xíng xiàng
    shi2 er4 xing2 xiang4
shih erh hsing hsiang
 jūni gyōsō
twelve aspects [of the four truths]



see styles
shí èr jiàn fú
    shi2 er4 jian4 fu2
shih erh chien fu
 jūni kenbaku
twelve binding views


see styles
shí èr jiǎo xíng
    shi2 er4 jiao3 xing2
shih erh chiao hsing
 juunikakukei; juunikakkei / junikakuke; junikakke
    じゅうにかくけい; じゅうにかっけい
{geom} dodecagon


see styles
 juuniyaike / juniyaike
(place-name) Jūniyaike


see styles
 juunikenya / junikenya
(place-name) Jūnikenya


see styles
 juunikenchou / junikencho
(place-name) Jūnikenchō


see styles
 juunishinhou / junishinho
{math} duodecimal system; base twelve system



see styles
shí èr yóu jīng
    shi2 er4 you2 jing1
shih erh yu ching
 Jūniyu kyō
Dvādaśaviharaṇa sūtra. The life of Śākyamuni to his twelfth year, translated by Kālodaka A.D. 392.


see styles
 juunidoushima / junidoshima
(place-name) Jūnidoushima



see styles
shí èr biān xíng
    shi2 er4 bian1 xing2
shih erh pien hsing


see styles
shí èr bù jiào
    shi2 er4 bu4 jiao4
shih erh pu chiao
 jūni bukyō
twelve kinds of canonical texts


see styles
shí èr bù fǎ
    shi2 er4 bu4 fa3
shih erh pu fa
 jūni bu hō
twelvefold scriptures



see styles
shí èr bù jīng
    shi2 er4 bu4 jing1
shih erh pu ching
 jūnibu kyō
Twelve divisions of the Mahāyāna canon: (1) 修多羅 sūtra; (2) 祇夜 geya; (3) 伽陀 gāthā; (4) 尼陀那 nidāna, also 因緣; (5) 伊帝目多 itivṛttaka; (6) 闍多伽 jātaka; (7) 阿浮達摩 adbhuta-dharma, i.e. the 阿毘達摩 abhidhama; (8) 阿波陀那 avadāna; (9) 優婆提舍 upadeśa; (10) 優陀那udāna; (11) 毘佛略 vaipulya; (12) 和 伽羅 vyākaraṇa. Cf. 九部經.



see styles
shí èr bù xiàn
    shi2 er4 bu4 xian4
shih erh pu hsien
 jūni bu sen
twelve dividing lines


see styles
 juunirichou / juniricho
(place-name) Jūnirichō


see styles
shí èr zhòng chéng
    shi2 er4 zhong4 cheng2
shih erh chung ch`eng
    shih erh chung cheng
 jūni jūjō
twelve limbs of dependent arising



see styles
shí èr mén lùn
    shi2 er4 men2 lun4
shih erh men lun
 Jūnimon ron
Dvāda-śanikāya Śastra. One of the 三論, composed by Nāgārjuna, translated by Kumārajīva A.D. 408. There are several works on it.


see styles
 juunimentai / junimentai
{math} dodecahedron



see styles
shí èr miàn tǐ
    shi2 er4 mian4 ti3
shih erh mien t`i
    shih erh mien ti
See: 十二面体



see styles
shí èr tóu tuó
    shi2 er4 tou2 tuo2
shih erh t`ou t`o
    shih erh tou to
 jūni zuta
twelve disciplines of restraint concerning food, clothing and shelter



see styles
shí èr yuàn wáng
    shi2 er4 yuan4 wang2
shih erh yüan wang
 Jūnigan ō
The twelve-vow king, i.e. Yao Shih 藥師, the Master of Healing.


see styles
 shichijuunikou / shichijuniko
(See 節気,候・こう) the 72 microseasons of the year based on the 24 solar seasons further divided into 3


see styles
qī shí èr tiān
    qi1 shi2 er4 tian1
ch`i shih erh t`ien
    chi shih erh tien
 shichijūni ten
The seventy-two devas, namely, sixty-nine devas, the lord of Tai Shan, the god of the five roads, and 大吉祥天 Mahāśrī .


see styles
qī shí èr zì
    qi1 shi2 er4 zi4
ch`i shih erh tzu
    chi shih erh tzu
 shichijūni ji
Brahma obtained seventy-two words with which to save the world, but failing he swallowed seventy, leaving one at each side of his mouth 阿 and 漚 , i.e. 無 and 有 things are, things are not, being and non-being.


see styles
qī shí èr suì
    qi1 shi2 er4 sui4
ch`i shih erh sui
    chi shih erh sui
 shichijūni sai
The age, 72, at which Buddha is reputed to have preached the Lotus Sutra.


see styles
sān shí èr tiān
    san1 shi2 er4 tian1
san shih erh t`ien
    san shih erh tien
 sanjūni ten
the thirty-second heaven



see styles
sān shí èr yìng
    san1 shi2 er4 ying4
san shih erh ying
 sanjūni ō
thirty-two adaptations


see styles
sān shí èr xiàng
    san1 shi2 er4 xiang4
san shih erh hsiang
 sanjūni sō
the thirty-two physical characteristics of Buddha
thirty-two marks


see styles
sān shí èr biǎo
    san1 shi2 er4 biao3
san shih erh piao
 sanjūni hyō
the thirty-two marks (of a buddha)


see styles
sān shí èr shēn
    san1 shi2 er4 shen1
san shih erh shen
 sanjūni shin
thirty-two bodies


see styles
èr shí èr pǐn
    er4 shi2 er4 pin3
erh shih erh p`in
    erh shih erh pin
 nijūni hon
Twenty-two of the 三十七道品 q.v.; they are 四念處, 四正勤、四如意, 足五根 and 五力.


see styles
èr shí èr yú
    er4 shi2 er4 yu2
erh shih erh yü
 nijūni gu
twenty-two kinds of folly


see styles
 nijuuninichi / nijuninichi
(1) twenty-second day of the month; (2) twenty-two days


see styles
èr shí èr gēn
    er4 shi2 er4 gen1
erh shih erh ken
 nijūni kon
The twenty-two roots, organs, or powers, v. 根. They are: (1) 眼根 eye, cakṣurindriya; (2) 耳 根 ear, śrotrendriya; (3) 鼻根 nose, ghrāṇendriya; (4) 舌根 tongue, jihvendriya; (5) 身根 body, kāyendriya; (6) 意根 mind, manaīndriya (the above are the 六根); (7) 女根 female organ, strīndriya; (8) 男根 male organ, puruṣendriya; (9) 命根 life, jīvitendriya; (10) 苦根 suffering (or pain), duḥkhendriya; (11) 樂根 pleasure, sukhendriya; (12) 憂根 sorrow, daurmanasyendriya; (13) 喜根 joy, saumanas-yendriya; (14) 捨根 abandoning, upekṣendriya (from 10 to 14 they are the 五受); (15) 信根 faith, śraddhendriya; (16) 精進根 zeal, vīryendriya; (17) 念根 memory, smṛtīndriya; (18) 定根 meditation, or trance, samādhīndriya; (19) 慧根 wisdom, prajñendriya (these are the 信等之五根); (20) 未知當知根 the power for learning (the Four Noble Truths) anājñātamājñāsyāmīndriya; (21) 巳知根 the power of having learned (them), ājñendriya; (22) 具知根 the power of perfect knowledge (of them), ājñātādvīndriya (these three are called the 無漏根) .


see styles
 nijuunisha / nijunisha
{Shinto} the Twenty-Two Shrines; the 22 most important Shinto shrines, as designated during the Heian period



see styles
èr shí èr mén
    er4 shi2 er4 men2
erh shih erh men
 nijūni mon
The Abhidharma-kośa divides the eighteen realms 十八界 into twenty-two categories. Also, there are twenty-two modes or processes in the perfect development of a Buddha and his works.


see styles
wǔ shí èr wèi
    wu3 shi2 er4 wei4
wu shih erh wei
 gojūni i
The fifty-two stages in the process of becoming a Buddha; of these fifty-one are to bodhisattvahood, the fifty-second to Buddhahood. They are: Ten 十信 or stages of faith; thirty of the 三賢 or three grades of virtue i. e. ten 十住, ten 十行, and ten 十廻向; and twelve of the three grades of 聖 holiness, or sainthood, i. e. ten 地, plus 等覺 and 妙覺. These are the Tiantai stages; there are others, and the number and character of the stages vary in different schools.


see styles
wǔ shí èr zūn
    wu3 shi2 er4 zun1
wu shih erh tsun
 gojūni son
images of the fifty-two honored ones



see styles
wǔ shí èr zhòng
    wu3 shi2 er4 zhong4
wu shih erh chung
 gojūni shu
十二類 The fifty-two groups of living beings, human and not-human, who, according to the Nirvana-sutra, assembled at the nirvana of the Buddha.



see styles
wǔ shí èr lèi
    wu3 shi2 er4 lei4
wu shih erh lei
 gojūni rui
fifty-two kinds of beings


see styles
 yasojirou / yasojiro
(male given name) Yasojirō



see styles
bā wàn shí èr
    ba1 wan4 shi2 er4
pa wan shih erh
 hachiman jūni
An abbreviation for 八萬四千法藏 the 84,000 teachings or lessons credited to the Buddha for the cure of all sufferings, and the二部經 12 sūtras in which they are contained.



see styles
liù shí èr jiàn
    liu4 shi2 er4 jian4
liu shih erh chien
 rokujūni ken
The sixty-two 見 or views, of which three groups are given: The 大品般若經 in the 佛母品 takes each of the five skandhas under four considerations of 常 time, considered as time past, whether each of the five has had permanence, impermanence, both, neither, 5 x 4 = 20; again as to their space, or extension, considered as present time, whether each is finite, infinite, both, neither =20; again as to their destination, i. e. future, as to whether each goes on, or does not, both, neither (e. g. continued personality) = 20, or in all 60; add the two ideas whether body and mind 神 are a unity or different = 62. The Tiantai School takes 我見, or personality, as its basis and considers each of the five skandhas under four aspects, e. g (1) rūpa, the organized body, as the ego; (2) the ego as apart from the rūpa; (3) rūpa as the greater, the ego the smaller or inferior, and the ego as dwelling in the rūpa; (4) the ego as the greater, rupa the inferior, and the rupa in the ego. Consider these twenty in the past, present, and future = 60, and add 斷 and 常 impermanence and permanence as fundamentals = 62. There is also a third group.


see styles
sì shí èr wèi
    si4 shi2 er4 wei4
ssu shih erh wei
 shijūni i
The forty-two stages, i. e. all above the 十信 of the fifty-two stages.


see styles
sì shí èr zì
    si4 shi2 er4 zi4
ssu shih erh tzu
 shijūni ji
forty-two letters


see styles
 shijuunikoku / shijunikoku
(place-name) Shijuunikoku


see styles
 akebonojuunijou / akebonojunijo
(place-name) Akebonojuunijō


see styles
 higashijuunijou / higashijunijo
(place-name) Higashijuunijō


see styles
 higashijuuniban / higashijuniban
(place-name) Higashijuuniban


see styles
 nishijuuniban / nishijuniban
(place-name) Nishijuuniban


see styles
 juunigasawagawa / junigasawagawa
(place-name) Jūnigasawagawa



see styles
shí èr bù lǜ yí
    shi2 er4 bu4 lv4 yi2
shih erh pu lü i
 jūni furitsugi
idem 十二惡律儀.



see styles
shí èr pǐn wú míng
    shi2 er4 pin3 wu2 ming2
shih erh p`in wu ming
    shih erh pin wu ming
 jūnihon mumyō
twelve classes of nescience

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "十二" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary