There are 1406 total results for your 制 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
制蔵 see styles |
seizou / sezo せいぞう |
(personal name) Seizou |
制藥 制药 see styles |
zhì yào zhi4 yao4 chih yao |
to manufacture medicine |
制行 see styles |
seikou / seko せいこう |
(personal name) Seikou |
制衡 see styles |
zhì héng zhi4 heng2 chih heng |
to check and balance (power); checks and balances |
制衣 see styles |
zhì yī zhi4 yi1 chih i seie |
clothing manufacture regulation clothing |
制裁 see styles |
zhì cái zhi4 cai2 chih ts`ai chih tsai seisai / sesai せいさい |
to punish; punishment; sanctions (incl. economic) (noun, transitive verb) sanctions; punishment |
制裕 see styles |
seiyuu / seyu せいゆう |
(personal name) Seiyū |
制覇 see styles |
seiha / seha せいは |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) conquest; domination; supremacy; mastery; (noun, transitive verb) (2) winning (a championship) |
制訂 制订 see styles |
zhì dìng zhi4 ding4 chih ting |
to work out; to formulate |
制記 see styles |
seiki / seki せいき |
(personal name) Seiki |
制豪 see styles |
seigou / sego せいごう |
(personal name) Seigou |
制貴 see styles |
seiki / seki せいき |
(personal name) Seiki |
制赦 see styles |
seijirou / sejiro せいじろう |
(male given name) Seijirō |
制輔 see styles |
seisuke / sesuke せいすけ |
(personal name) Seisuke |
制輝 see styles |
seiki / seki せいき |
(personal name) Seiki |
制造 see styles |
seizou / sezo せいぞう |
(personal name) Seizou |
制那 see styles |
seina / sena せいな |
(personal name) Seina |
制郷 see styles |
seigou / sego せいごう |
(personal name) Seigou |
制都 see styles |
seimiya / semiya せいみや |
(personal name) Seimiya |
制野 see styles |
seino / seno せいの |
(surname) Seino |
制錢 制钱 see styles |
zhì qián zhi4 qian2 chih ch`ien chih chien |
copper coin of the Ming and Qing Dynasties |
制門 制门 see styles |
zhì mén zhi4 men2 chih men seimon |
The way or method of discipline, contrasted with the 化門, i. e. of teaching, both methods used by the Buddha, hence called 化制二門. |
制限 see styles |
seigen / segen せいげん |
(noun, transitive verb) restriction; restraint; limitation; limit |
制雄 see styles |
seiyuu / seyu せいゆう |
(personal name) Seiyū |
制震 see styles |
seishin / seshin せいしん |
(noun/participle) vibration control (in earthquake-resistant construction) |
制霸 see styles |
zhì bà zhi4 ba4 chih pa |
to reign supreme; to dominate (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 制霸 "seiha") |
制馭 see styles |
seigyo / segyo せいぎょ |
(noun/participle) control; governing; checking; suppression; repression; restraint; mastery; management |
之制 see styles |
yukinori ゆきのり |
(male given name) Yukinori |
令制 see styles |
ryousei / ryose りょうせい |
(abbreviation) (hist) (See 律令制) ritsuryō system |
仿製 仿制 see styles |
fǎng zhì fang3 zhi4 fang chih |
to copy; to imitate; to make by imitating a model |
体制 see styles |
taisei / taise たいせい |
order; system; structure; set-up; organization; organisation |
先制 see styles |
sensei / sense せんせい |
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) head start; initiative; preemption |
克制 see styles |
kè zhì ke4 zhi4 k`o chih ko chih |
to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control |
公制 see styles |
gōng zhì gong1 zhi4 kung chih kiminori きみのり |
metric system (given name) Kiminori |
兵制 see styles |
bīng zhì bing1 zhi4 ping chih heisei / hese へいせい |
military system military system |
再製 再制 see styles |
zài zhì zai4 zhi4 tsai chih saisei / saise さいせい |
to make more of the same thing; to reproduce; to reprocess; to remanufacture (noun, transitive verb) remanufacture; reconditioning |
創制 创制 see styles |
chuàng zhì chuang4 zhi4 ch`uang chih chuang chih |
to formulate; to institute; to create |
創製 创制 see styles |
chuàng zhì chuang4 zhi4 ch`uang chih chuang chih sousei / sose そうせい |
to create; to inaugurate; to contrive; to build (a mechanism) (noun, transitive verb) invention; origination; discovery |
卒制 see styles |
sotsusei; sossei / sotsuse; sosse そつせい; そっせい |
(abbreviation) (See 卒業制作) art project which is done in place of a graduation thesis at a college of arts |
印製 印制 see styles |
yìn zhì yin4 zhi4 yin chih |
to print; to produce (a publication) |
反制 see styles |
fǎn zhì fan3 zhi4 fan chih |
to take countermeasures against; to hit back; to counter |
受制 see styles |
shòu zhì shou4 zhi4 shou chih |
to be controlled (by sb); to suffer under a yoke |
古制 see styles |
kosei / kose こせい |
ancient establishment; ancient laws |
土製 土制 see styles |
tǔ zhì tu3 zhi4 t`u chih tu chih dosei / dose どせい |
homemade; earthen clay; earthen |
圧制 see styles |
assei / asse あっせい |
oppression; tyranny; despotism |
壓制 压制 see styles |
yā zhì ya1 zhi4 ya chih |
to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle |
威制 see styles |
wēi zhì wei1 zhi4 wei chih isei |
to subdue (demons, perverse views, etc.) by authoritative power |
学制 see styles |
gakusei / gakuse がくせい |
educational or school system |
學制 学制 see styles |
xué zhì xue2 zhi4 hsüeh chih |
educational system; length of schooling See: 学制 |
守制 see styles |
shǒu zhì shou3 zhi4 shou chih |
to go into mourning for one's parents |
官制 see styles |
guān zhì guan1 zhi4 kuan chih kansei / kanse かんせい |
the civil service system; the bureaucratic system government-regulated organization or facility, etc. (organisation) |
定製 定制 see styles |
dìng zhì ding4 zhi4 ting chih |
custom-made; made-to-order; to have something custom made |
宜制 see styles |
yoshitada よしただ |
(given name) Yoshitada |
宰制 see styles |
zǎi zhì zai3 zhi4 tsai chih |
to rule; to dominate |
寛制 see styles |
kansei / kanse かんせい |
(given name) Kansei |
専制 see styles |
sensei / sense せんせい |
(n,vs,adj-no) despotism; autocracy |
專制 专制 see styles |
zhuān zhì zhuan1 zhi4 chuan chih |
autocracy; dictatorship |
市制 see styles |
shì zhì shi4 zhi4 shih chih shisei / shise しせい |
Chinese units of measurement municipal organization; municipal organisation; municipality |
帝制 see styles |
dì zhì di4 zhi4 ti chih teisei / tese ていせい |
autocratic monarchy; imperial regime (noun - becomes adjective with の) imperial government; imperialism; monarchical rule |
幣制 币制 see styles |
bì zhì bi4 zhi4 pi chih heisei / hese へいせい |
currency system monetary system; currency |
建制 see styles |
jiàn zhì jian4 zhi4 chien chih |
organizational structure |
強制 强制 see styles |
qiáng zhì qiang2 zhi4 ch`iang chih chiang chih kyousei / kyose きょうせい |
to force; to compel; to coerce; forced; compulsory; Taiwan pr. [qiang3zhi4] (noun, transitive verb) compulsion; coercion; forcing (to do); enforcement |
形制 see styles |
xíng zhì xing2 zhi4 hsing chih |
form; shape; structure; design |
後製 后制 see styles |
hòu zhì hou4 zhi4 hou chih |
postproduction |
憲制 宪制 see styles |
xiàn zhì xian4 zhi4 hsien chih |
system of constitutional government; (attributive) constitutional |
應制 应制 see styles |
yìng zhì ying4 zhi4 ying chih |
to write a poem on the order of the Emperor |
手製 手制 see styles |
shǒu zhì shou3 zhi4 shou chih tesei / tese てせい |
to make by hand; handmade (can be adjective with の) handmade; homemade |
打製 打制 see styles |
dǎ zhì da3 zhi4 ta chih dasei / dase だせい |
to make (by hammering, chipping etc); to forge (silverware, metal implements etc) (noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 打製石器) made by hitting (e.g. striking stone flakes from a tool stone); made using lithic reduction |
扼制 see styles |
è zhì e4 zhi4 o chih |
to control; to restrain |
抑制 see styles |
yì zhì yi4 zhi4 i chih yokusei / yokuse よくせい |
to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress (noun, transitive verb) control; restraint; suppression; constraint; curtailment; inhibition; check; curb |
抵制 see styles |
dǐ zhì di3 zhi4 ti chih |
to resist; to boycott; to refuse (to cooperate); to reject; resistance; refusal |
拉制 see styles |
lā zhì la1 zhi4 la chih |
manufacture |
拉製 拉制 see styles |
lā zhì la1 zhi4 la chih |
drawing (manufacturing process in which hot metal or glass is stretched) |
挾制 挟制 see styles |
xié zhì xie2 zhi4 hsieh chih |
to exploit sb's point of weakness to force them to do one's bidding |
挾製 挟制 see styles |
xié zhì xie2 zhi4 hsieh chih |
forced submission; to exploit advantage to force sb to do one's bidding |
採制 采制 see styles |
cǎi zhì cai3 zhi4 ts`ai chih tsai chih |
collect and process |
採製 采制 see styles |
cǎi zhì cai3 zhi4 ts`ai chih tsai chih |
to gather and process (herbs etc); (of a reporter) to gather material and put together (a recorded news item) |
控制 see styles |
kòng zhì kong4 zhi4 k`ung chih kung chih kousei / kose こうせい |
to control (noun/participle) restraint; containment |
揉制 see styles |
róu zhì rou2 zhi4 jou chih |
to knead (leather) |
提製 提制 see styles |
tí zhì ti2 zhi4 t`i chih ti chih |
to refine; to extract |
擅制 see styles |
sensei / sense せんせい |
(n,vs,adj-no) despotism; autocracy |
擬制 拟制 see styles |
nǐ zhì ni3 zhi4 ni chih gisei / gise ぎせい |
legal fiction {law} (legal) fiction |
擬製 拟制 see styles |
nǐ zhì ni3 zhi4 ni chih gisei / gise ぎせい |
to draft (a plan etc) (noun/participle) imitation; forgery; copy |
攝製 摄制 see styles |
shè zhì she4 zhi4 she chih |
to produce (a TV show etc) |
改制 see styles |
gǎi zhì gai3 zhi4 kai chih |
to reorganize; to restructure |
新制 see styles |
shinsei / shinse しんせい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) new system |
旧制 see styles |
kyuusei / kyuse きゅうせい |
old system; old order |
時制 see styles |
jisei / jise じせい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {gramm} tense |
木製 木制 see styles |
mù zhì mu4 zhi4 mu chih mokusei / mokuse もくせい |
wooden (adj-no,n) wooden; made of wood |
機制 机制 see styles |
jī zhì ji1 zhi4 chi chih kisei / kise きせい |
mechanism mechanism |
機製 机制 see styles |
jī zhì ji1 zhi4 chi chih |
machine-processed; machine-made |
正制 see styles |
masanori まさのり |
(given name) Masanori |
水制 see styles |
suisei / suise すいせい |
{civeng} groin; groyne; spur dike |
法制 see styles |
fǎ zhì fa3 zhi4 fa chih housei / hose ほうせい |
legal system and institutions legislation; laws legal systems |
法製 法制 see styles |
fǎ zhì fa3 zhi4 fa chih |
made in France See: 法制 |
泡制 see styles |
pào zhì pao4 zhi4 p`ao chih pao chih |
to brew; to infuse; to pickle |
泡製 泡制 see styles |
pào zhì pao4 zhi4 p`ao chih pao chih |
to infuse; to brew (a herbal remedy or beverage) |
炮製 炮制 see styles |
páo zhì pao2 zhi4 p`ao chih pao chih housei / hose ほうせい |
to concoct; to invent; to fabricate; to produce; to process; processing and curing (Chinese medicine) processing (in Chinese herbal medicine) |
烘製 烘制 see styles |
hōng zhì hong1 zhi4 hung chih |
to bake |
烹製 烹制 see styles |
pēng zhì peng1 zhi4 p`eng chih peng chih |
to cook; to prepare (food) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "制" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.