There are 212 total results for your 从 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
順從 顺从 see styles |
shùn cóng shun4 cong2 shun ts`ung shun tsung |
obedient; to comply; to submit; to defer |
馴從 驯从 see styles |
xùn cóng xun4 cong2 hsün ts`ung hsün tsung |
tame; obedient |
騶從 驺从 see styles |
zōu cóng zou1 cong2 tsou ts`ung tsou tsung |
mounted escort |
不從師 不从师 see styles |
bù cóng shī bu4 cong2 shi1 pu ts`ung shih pu tsung shih fujūshi |
does not follow a [certain] teacher |
侍從官 侍从官 see styles |
shì cóng guān shi4 cong2 guan1 shih ts`ung kuan shih tsung kuan |
aide-de-camp |
從今日 从今日 see styles |
cóng jīn rì cong2 jin1 ri4 ts`ung chin jih tsung chin jih jū konnichi |
from today |
從他信 从他信 see styles |
cóng tā xìn cong2 ta1 xin4 ts`ung t`a hsin tsung ta hsin jūta shin |
faith [from hearing] form others |
從他生 从他生 see styles |
cóng tā shēng cong2 ta1 sheng1 ts`ung t`a sheng tsung ta sheng jūta shō |
created, or produced, from other things |
從來不 从来不 see styles |
cóng lái bù cong2 lai2 bu4 ts`ung lai pu tsung lai pu |
never |
從來沒 从来没 see styles |
cóng lái méi cong2 lai2 mei2 ts`ung lai mei tsung lai mei |
have never; has never |
從先來 从先来 see styles |
cóng xiān lái cong2 xian1 lai2 ts`ung hsien lai tsung hsien lai jū senrai |
from before |
從化市 从化市 see styles |
cóng huà shì cong2 hua4 shi4 ts`ung hua shih tsung hua shih |
Conghua, county-level city in Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1], Guangdong |
從因生 从因生 see styles |
cóng yīn shēng cong2 yin1 sheng1 ts`ung yin sheng tsung yin sheng jūin shō |
produced from causes |
從定出 从定出 see styles |
cóng dìng chū cong2 ding4 chu1 ts`ung ting ch`u tsung ting chu jūjōshutsu |
yielding |
從容錄 从容录 see styles |
cóng róng lù cong2 rong2 lu4 ts`ung jung lu tsung jung lu Shōyō roku |
Congrong lu |
從昔來 从昔来 see styles |
cóng xí lái cong2 xi2 lai2 ts`ung hsi lai tsung hsi lai jū shakurai |
since long ago |
從本來 从本来 see styles |
cóng běn lái cong2 ben3 lai2 ts`ung pen lai tsung pen lai jū honrai |
from the beginning |
從業者 从业者 see styles |
cóng yè zhě cong2 ye4 zhe3 ts`ung yeh che tsung yeh che |
people in the (aforementioned) industry; practitioner; industry professional |
從此後 从此后 see styles |
cóng cǐ hòu cong2 ci3 hou4 ts`ung tz`u hou tsung tzu hou jūshigo |
from then on |
從江縣 从江县 see styles |
cóng jiāng xiàn cong2 jiang1 xian4 ts`ung chiang hsien tsung chiang hsien |
Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou |
從法生 从法生 see styles |
cóng fǎ shēng cong2 fa3 sheng1 ts`ung fa sheng tsung fa sheng jū hō shō |
born from the dharma |
從無始 从无始 see styles |
cóng wú shǐ cong2 wu2 shi3 ts`ung wu shih tsung wu shih jū mushi |
from beginningless [time] |
從無明 从无明 see styles |
cóng wú míng cong2 wu2 ming2 ts`ung wu ming tsung wu ming jū mumyō |
from nescience |
從緣生 从缘生 see styles |
cóng yuán shēng cong2 yuan2 sheng1 ts`ung yüan sheng tsung yüan sheng jūen shō |
to arise according to conditions |
所從聲 所从声 see styles |
suǒ cóng shēng suo3 cong2 sheng1 so ts`ung sheng so tsung sheng shojū shō |
ablative case |
沈從文 沈从文 see styles |
shěn cóng wén shen3 cong2 wen2 shen ts`ung wen shen tsung wen |
Shen Congwen (1902-1988), novelist |
無從生 无从生 see styles |
wú cóng shēng wu2 cong2 sheng1 wu ts`ung sheng wu tsung sheng mujūshō |
(the principle of) unborn Dharmas |
脅從犯 胁从犯 see styles |
xié cóng fàn xie2 cong2 fan4 hsieh ts`ung fan hsieh tsung fan |
accomplice under duress; coerced accomplice; induced accomplice |
三從四德 三从四德 see styles |
sān cóng sì dé san1 cong2 si4 de2 san ts`ung ssu te san tsung ssu te |
Confucian moral injunctions for women, namely: obey in turn three men father, husband and son, plus the four virtues of morality 德[de2], physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功 |
五障三從 五障三从 see styles |
wǔ zhàng sān cóng wu3 zhang4 san1 cong2 wu chang san ts`ung wu chang san tsung goshō sanshō |
The five hindrances to woman, see above, and her three subordinations, i. e. to father, husband. and son. |
以假從實 以假从实 see styles |
yǐ jiǎ cóng shí yi3 jia3 cong2 shi2 i chia ts`ung shih i chia tsung shih ike jūjitsu |
using the nominal to follow the real |
何去何從 何去何从 see styles |
hé qù hé cóng he2 qu4 he2 cong2 ho ch`ü ho ts`ung ho chü ho tsung |
what course to follow; what path to take |
力不從心 力不从心 see styles |
lì bù cóng xīn li4 bu4 cong2 xin1 li pu ts`ung hsin li pu tsung hsin |
less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak |
名從主人 名从主人 see styles |
míng cóng zhǔ rén ming2 cong2 zhu3 ren2 ming ts`ung chu jen ming tsung chu jen |
(idiom) to refer to something by the name its owners use; to refer to a place by the name its inhabitants use (e.g. refer to Seoul as 首爾|首尔[Shou3 er3] rather than 漢城|汉城[Han4 cheng2]) |
唯命是從 唯命是从 see styles |
wéi mìng shì cóng wei2 ming4 shi4 cong2 wei ming shih ts`ung wei ming shih tsung |
to follow obediently |
喜從天降 喜从天降 see styles |
xǐ cóng tiān jiàng xi3 cong2 tian1 jiang4 hsi ts`ung t`ien chiang hsi tsung tien chiang |
joy from heaven (idiom); overjoyed at unexpected good news; unlooked-for happy event |
從一而終 从一而终 see styles |
cóng yī ér zhōng cong2 yi1 er2 zhong1 ts`ung i erh chung tsung i erh chung |
faithful unto death (i.e. Confucian ban on widow remarrying) |
從事研究 从事研究 see styles |
cóng shì yán jiū cong2 shi4 yan2 jiu1 ts`ung shih yen chiu tsung shih yen chiu |
to do research; to carry out research |
從井救人 从井救人 see styles |
cóng jǐng jiù rén cong2 jing3 jiu4 ren2 ts`ung ching chiu jen tsung ching chiu jen |
to jump into a well to rescue sb else (idiom); fig. to help others at the risk to oneself |
從今以後 从今以后 see styles |
cóng jīn yǐ hòu cong2 jin1 yi3 hou4 ts`ung chin i hou tsung chin i hou |
from now on; henceforward |
從來沒有 从来没有 see styles |
cóng lái méi yǒu cong2 lai2 mei2 you3 ts`ung lai mei yu tsung lai mei yu |
there has never been; has never had; (before a verb) has never |
從假入空 从假入空 see styles |
cóng jiǎ rù kōng cong2 jia3 ru4 kong1 ts`ung chia ju k`ung tsung chia ju kung juge nikkū |
realizing emptiness from the provisional |
從冥入冥 从冥入冥 see styles |
cóng míng rù míng cong2 ming2 ru4 ming2 ts`ung ming ju ming tsung ming ju ming kuraki yori kuraki niiru |
proceed from darkness into (deeper) darkness |
從初生已 从初生已 see styles |
cóng chū shēng yǐ cong2 chu1 sheng1 yi3 ts`ung ch`u sheng i tsung chu sheng i jūsho shōi |
fully arisen from the beginning |
從善如流 从善如流 see styles |
cóng shàn rú liú cong2 shan4 ru2 liu2 ts`ung shan ju liu tsung shan ju liu |
readily following good advice (idiom); willing to accept other people's views |
從嚴懲處 从严惩处 see styles |
cóng yán chéng chǔ cong2 yan2 cheng2 chu3 ts`ung yen ch`eng ch`u tsung yen cheng chu |
to deal with sb severely (idiom) |
從因緣生 从因缘生 see styles |
cóng yīn yuán shēng cong2 yin1 yuan2 sheng1 ts`ung yin yüan sheng tsung yin yüan sheng jū innen shō |
produced from causes and conditions |
從地涌出 从地涌出 see styles |
cóng dì yǒng chū cong2 di4 yong3 chu1 ts`ung ti yung ch`u tsung ti yung chu jūchi yōshutsu |
welling up out of the earth |
從地踊出 从地踊出 see styles |
cóng dì yǒng chū cong2 di4 yong3 chu1 ts`ung ti yung ch`u tsung ti yung chu jūchi yōshutsu |
Springing out of the earth, chapter 15 in the Lotus Sutra. |
從天而降 从天而降 see styles |
cóng tiān ér jiàng cong2 tian1 er2 jiang4 ts`ung t`ien erh chiang tsung tien erh chiang |
(idiom) to fall from the sky; (idiom) (fig.) to appear unexpectedly; to drop into one's lap |
從始至終 从始至终 see styles |
cóng shǐ zhì zhōng cong2 shi3 zhi4 zhong1 ts`ung shih chih chung tsung shih chih chung jūshi shishū |
from the beginning to the end |
從定起已 从定起已 see styles |
cóng dìng qǐ yǐ cong2 ding4 qi3 yi3 ts`ung ting ch`i i tsung ting chi i jū jō ki i |
due to their predilection to arise |
從容不迫 从容不迫 see styles |
cóng róng bù pò cong2 rong2 bu4 po4 ts`ung jung pu p`o tsung jung pu po |
calm; unruffled |
從實招來 从实招来 see styles |
cóng shí zhāo lái cong2 shi2 zhao1 lai2 ts`ung shih chao lai tsung shih chao lai |
to own up to the facts |
從從容容 从从容容 see styles |
cóng cóng róng róng cong2 cong2 rong2 rong2 ts`ung ts`ung jung jung tsung tsung jung jung |
unhurried; all in good time |
從心所欲 从心所欲 see styles |
cóng xīn suǒ yù cong2 xin1 suo3 yu4 ts`ung hsin so yü tsung hsin so yü |
whatever you like; to do as one pleases |
從早到晚 从早到晚 see styles |
cóng zǎo dào wǎn cong2 zao3 dao4 wan3 ts`ung tsao tao wan tsung tsao tao wan |
from morning till night; from dawn to dusk; all day long |
從明入明 从明入明 see styles |
cóng míng rù míng cong2 ming2 ru4 ming2 ts`ung ming ju ming tsung ming ju ming jūmyō nyūmyō |
proceed from the light into the (greater) light |
從本以來 从本以来 see styles |
cóng běn yǐ lái cong2 ben3 yi3 lai2 ts`ung pen i lai tsung pen i lai jū hon irai |
since the beginning |
從業人員 从业人员 see styles |
cóng yè rén yuán cong2 ye4 ren2 yuan2 ts`ung yeh jen yüan tsung yeh jen yüan |
employee; person employed in a trade or profession |
從此已上 从此已上 see styles |
cóng cǐ yǐ shàng cong2 ci3 yi3 shang4 ts`ung tz`u i shang tsung tzu i shang jūshi ijō |
from abode this |
從此已後 从此已后 see styles |
cóng cǐ yǐ hòu cong2 ci3 yi3 hou4 ts`ung tz`u i hou tsung tzu i hou jūshi igo |
henceforth |
從此往後 从此往后 see styles |
cóng cǐ wǎng hòu cong2 ci3 wang3 hou4 ts`ung tz`u wang hou tsung tzu wang hou |
from here on |
從此無間 从此无间 see styles |
cóng cǐ wú jiān cong2 ci3 wu2 jian1 ts`ung tz`u wu chien tsung tzu wu chien jūshi mugen |
immediately after this |
從牛出乳 从牛出乳 see styles |
cóng niú chū rǔ cong2 niu2 chu1 ru3 ts`ung niu ch`u ju tsung niu chu ju jū go shutsu nyū |
from the cow comes milk |
從空入假 从空入假 see styles |
cóng kōng rù jiǎ cong2 kong1 ru4 jia3 ts`ung k`ung ju chia tsung kung ju chia jugū nikke |
realizing the conventional from emptiness |
從空出假 从空出假 see styles |
cóng kōng chū jiǎ cong2 kong1 chu1 jia3 ts`ung k`ung ch`u chia tsung kung chu chia jūkū shukke |
realizing the conventional from emptiness |
從裡到外 从里到外 see styles |
cóng lǐ dào wài cong2 li3 dao4 wai4 ts`ung li tao wai tsung li tao wai |
from the inside to the outside; through and through; thoroughly |
從諫如流 从谏如流 see styles |
cóng jiàn rú liú cong2 jian4 ru2 liu2 ts`ung chien ju liu tsung chien ju liu |
to follow admonition as natural flow (idiom); to accept criticism or correction (even from one's inferiors) |
從長計議 从长计议 see styles |
cóng cháng jì yì cong2 chang2 ji4 yi4 ts`ung ch`ang chi i tsung chang chi i |
(idiom) to take one's time making a decision; to consider at length |
從離欲退 从离欲退 see styles |
cóng lí yù tuì cong2 li2 yu4 tui4 ts`ung li yü t`ui tsung li yü tui jū riyoku tai |
fall into the retrogression of those who are free from the desire realm |
從難從嚴 从难从严 see styles |
cóng nán cóng yán cong2 nan2 cong2 yan2 ts`ung nan ts`ung yen tsung nan tsung yen |
demanding and strict (idiom); exacting |
從零開始 从零开始 see styles |
cóng líng kāi shǐ cong2 ling2 kai1 shi3 ts`ung ling k`ai shih tsung ling kai shih |
to start from scratch |
從頭到尾 从头到尾 see styles |
cóng tóu dào wěi cong2 tou2 dao4 wei3 ts`ung t`ou tao wei tsung tou tao wei |
from start to finish; from head to tail; the whole (thing) |
從頭到腳 从头到脚 see styles |
cóng tóu dào jiǎo cong2 tou2 dao4 jiao3 ts`ung t`ou tao chiao tsung tou tao chiao |
from head to foot |
投筆從戎 投笔从戎 see styles |
tóu bǐ cóng róng tou2 bi3 cong2 rong2 t`ou pi ts`ung jung tou pi tsung jung |
to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom); to join the military (esp. of educated person) |
捨正從邪 舍正从邪 see styles |
shě zhèng cóng xié she3 zheng4 cong2 xie2 she cheng ts`ung hsieh she cheng tsung hsieh |
to be corrupted by evil influences (idiom) |
擇善而從 择善而从 see styles |
zé shàn ér cóng ze2 shan4 er2 cong2 tse shan erh ts`ung tse shan erh tsung |
to choose the right course and follow it (idiom) |
敢不從命 敢不从命 see styles |
gǎn bù cóng mìng gan3 bu4 cong2 ming4 kan pu ts`ung ming kan pu tsung ming |
to not dare to disobey an order (idiom) |
棄惡從善 弃恶从善 see styles |
qì è cóng shàn qi4 e4 cong2 shan4 ch`i o ts`ung shan chi o tsung shan |
to renounce evil and turn to virtue (idiom) |
治喪從儉 治丧从俭 see styles |
zhì sàng cóng jiǎn zhi4 sang4 cong2 jian3 chih sang ts`ung chien chih sang tsung chien |
to be frugal in attending to funeral rites (idiom) |
無從下手 无从下手 see styles |
wú cóng xià shǒu wu2 cong2 xia4 shou3 wu ts`ung hsia shou wu tsung hsia shou |
not know where to start |
無從生忍 无从生忍 see styles |
wú cóng shēng rěn wu2 cong2 sheng1 ren3 wu ts`ung sheng jen wu tsung sheng jen mujūshō nin |
the acceptance of (the principle of) unborn Dharmas |
無所適從 无所适从 see styles |
wú suǒ shì cóng wu2 suo3 shi4 cong2 wu so shih ts`ung wu so shih tsung |
not knowing which course to follow (idiom); at a loss what to do |
病從口入 病从口入 see styles |
bìng cóng kǒu rù bing4 cong2 kou3 ru4 ping ts`ung k`ou ju ping tsung kou ju |
Illness enters by the mouth (idiom). Mind what you eat!; fig. A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble. |
礙難從命 碍难从命 see styles |
ài nán cóng mìng ai4 nan2 cong2 ming4 ai nan ts`ung ming ai nan tsung ming |
difficult to obey orders (idiom); much to my embarrassment, I am unable to comply |
禍從口出 祸从口出 see styles |
huò cóng kǒu chū huo4 cong2 kou3 chu1 huo ts`ung k`ou ch`u huo tsung kou chu |
Trouble issues from the mouth (idiom). A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble. |
行不從徑 行不从径 see styles |
xíng bù cóng jìng xing2 bu4 cong2 jing4 hsing pu ts`ung ching hsing pu tsung ching |
lit. not following the straight path (idiom); fig. looking for a shortcut to get ahead in work or study |
言聽計從 言听计从 see styles |
yán tīng jì cóng yan2 ting1 ji4 cong2 yen t`ing chi ts`ung yen ting chi tsung |
to see, hear and obey (idiom); to take advice; to take sb at his word |
誓死不從 誓死不从 see styles |
shì sǐ bù cóng shi4 si3 bu4 cong2 shih ssu pu ts`ung shih ssu pu tsung |
to vow to die rather than obey (idiom) |
趙州從諗 赵州从谂 see styles |
zhào zhōu cóng shěn zhao4 zhou1 cong2 shen3 chao chou ts`ung shen chao chou tsung shen Jōshū Jūshin |
Zhaozhou Congshen |
輕車簡從 轻车简从 see styles |
qīng chē jiǎn cóng qing1 che1 jian3 cong2 ch`ing ch`e chien ts`ung ching che chien tsung |
(of an official) to travel with little luggage and just a small escort; to travel without ostentation |
人從眾𠈌 人从众𠈌 see styles |
rén cóng zhòng yú ren2 cong2 zhong4 yu2 jen ts`ung chung yü jen tsung chung yü |
(Internet slang) huge crowds of people (emphatic form of 人[ren2]) |
不從因緣生 不从因缘生 see styles |
bù cóng yīn yuán shēng bu4 cong2 yin1 yuan2 sheng1 pu ts`ung yin yüan sheng pu tsung yin yüan sheng fu jū innen shō |
not produced from causes and conditions |
從假入空觀 从假入空观 see styles |
cóng jiǎ rù kōng guān cong2 jia3 ru4 kong1 guan1 ts`ung chia ju k`ung kuan tsung chia ju kung kuan jūke nyū kū kan |
contemplation of realizing emptiness from the conventional (and the two truths) |
從兜率天下 从兜率天下 see styles |
cóng dōu shuài tiān xià cong2 dou1 shuai4 tian1 xia4 ts`ung tou shuai t`ien hsia tsung tou shuai tien hsia jū tosotsuten ge |
descent from tuṣita heaven |
從空入假觀 从空入假观 see styles |
cóng kōng rù jiǎ guān cong2 kong1 ru4 jia3 guan1 ts`ung k`ung ju chia kuan tsung kung ju chia kuan ju gū nikke kan |
contemplation realizing the conventional from emptiness (and equality) |
恭敬不如從命 恭敬不如从命 see styles |
gōng jìng bù rú cóng mìng gong1 jing4 bu4 ru2 cong2 ming4 kung ching pu ju ts`ung ming kung ching pu ju tsung ming |
deference is no substitute for obedience (idiom); (said to accept sb's request, invitation etc) |
無所從生法忍 无所从生法忍 see styles |
wú suǒ cóng shēng fǎ rěn wu2 suo3 cong2 sheng1 fa3 ren3 wu so ts`ung sheng fa jen wu so tsung sheng fa jen mushojū shōhō nin |
the acceptance of (the principle of) non-arising dharmas |
眞際大師從諗 眞际大师从谂 see styles |
zhēn jì dà shī cóng shěn zhen1 ji4 da4 shi1 cong2 shen3 chen chi ta shih ts`ung shen chen chi ta shih tsung shen Shinsai daishi jūshin |
Zhenji Dashi Congshen |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "从" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.