There are 7183 total results for your 人 search. I have created 72 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
人心 see styles |
rén xīn ren2 xin1 jen hsin jinshin じんしん |
popular feeling; the will of the people (1) human nature; human heart; human spirit; kindness; sympathy; (2) (じんしん only) public feeling; people's sentiments; (3) (ひとごころ only) (See 人心地・ひとごこち・1) consciousness; awareness; (given name) Jinshin minds of men |
人志 see styles |
hitoshi ひとし |
(male given name) Hitoshi |
人性 see styles |
rén xìng ren2 xing4 jen hsing jinsei / jinse じんせい |
More info & calligraphy: Human Naturehuman nature; instinct; humanity; humanism |
人恵 see styles |
hitoe ひとえ |
(female given name) Hitoe |
人情 see styles |
rén qíng ren2 qing2 jen ch`ing jen ching ninjou / ninjo にんじょう |
More info & calligraphy: Empathy / Humanity(1) humanity; empathy; kindness; sympathy; (2) human nature; common sense; customs and manners human emotions |
人意 see styles |
rén yì ren2 yi4 jen i |
people's expectations |
人成 see styles |
hitonari ひとなり |
(given name) Hitonari |
人我 see styles |
rén wǒ ren2 wo3 jen wo jinga じんが |
oneself and others Personality, the human soul, i.e. the false view, 人我見 that every man has a permanent lord within 常一生宰, which he calls the ātman, soul, or permanent self, a view which forms the basis of all erroneous doctrine. Also styled 人見; 我見; 人執; cf. 二我. |
人手 see styles |
rén shǒu ren2 shou3 jen shou hitode ひとで |
manpower; staff; human hand (1) someone else's hands; someone else's possession; (2) hand (worker); aide; (3) labor; labour; work; manpower; effort; (4) help; assistance; (5) (human) hand; human act a person's hand |
人才 see styles |
rén cái ren2 cai2 jen ts`ai jen tsai jinsai じんさい |
talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks (noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 人材・1) capable person; talented person; (given name) Jinsai |
人数 see styles |
hitokazu ひとかず |
(1) (See 人数・にんずう・1) the number of people; (2) (being counted as an) adult |
人數 人数 see styles |
rén shù ren2 shu4 jen shu |
number of people See: 人数 |
人文 see styles |
rén wén ren2 wen2 jen wen jinbun(p); jinmon じんぶん(P); じんもん |
humanities; human affairs; culture humanity; civilization; civilisation; culture |
人族 see styles |
rén zú ren2 zu2 jen tsu |
Hominini |
人日 see styles |
ninnichi; ninbi にんにち; にんび |
man-day; person-day |
人時 see styles |
hitoki ひとき |
man-hour; (personal name) Hitoki |
人智 see styles |
jinchi じんち |
human intellect; knowledge |
人月 see styles |
ningetsu にんげつ |
man month; man-month |
人有 see styles |
rén yǒu ren2 you3 jen yu nin'u |
Human bhāva or existence, one of the 七有. |
人望 see styles |
rén wàng ren2 wang4 jen wang hitomu ひとむ |
prestige; esteem popularity; favorable reputation; high esteem; respect; (personal name) Hitomu |
人木 see styles |
hitoki ひとき |
(surname) Hitoki |
人本 see styles |
rén běn ren2 ben3 jen pen ninhon |
the nature of human beings |
人材 see styles |
rén cái ren2 cai2 jen ts`ai jen tsai jinzai じんざい |
variant of 人才[ren2 cai2] (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) capable person; talented person; (2) human resources; personnel |
人枝 see styles |
hitoe ひとえ |
(female given name) Hitoe |
人柄 see styles |
hitogara ひとがら |
More info & calligraphy: Character |
人柱 see styles |
hitobashira ひとばしら |
human pillar; human sacrifice |
人格 see styles |
rén gé ren2 ge2 jen ko jinkaku じんかく |
personality; integrity; dignity personality; character; individuality; personhood |
人梯 see styles |
rén tī ren2 ti1 jen t`i jen ti |
human ladder (formed to help sb climb a wall etc); (fig.) person who sacrifices himself for others' success |
人様 see styles |
hitosama ひとさま |
other people; others |
人権 see styles |
jinken じんけん |
human rights; civil liberties |
人樹 人树 see styles |
rén shù ren2 shu4 jen shu ninju |
The Tree among men, giving shelter as the bodhi-tree, a Buddha. |
人橋 see styles |
hitobashi ひとばし |
(place-name) Hitobashi |
人權 人权 see styles |
rén quán ren2 quan2 jen ch`üan jen chüan |
human rights |
人次 see styles |
rén cì ren2 ci4 jen tz`u jen tzu hitotsugi ひとつぎ |
person-times; visits; classifier for number of people participating (place-name) Hitotsugi |
人欲 see styles |
jinyoku じんよく |
human desires; human passions |
人武 see styles |
rén wǔ ren2 wu3 jen wu |
armed forces |
人母 see styles |
rén mǔ ren2 mu3 jen mu hitobo ひとぼ |
mother (as a social role) (place-name, surname) Hitobo |
人毎 see styles |
hitogoto ひとごと |
(adverb) with each person; with everyone |
人氏 see styles |
rén shì ren2 shi4 jen shih |
native; person from a particular place |
人民 see styles |
rén mín ren2 min2 jen min jinmin じんみん |
the people; CL:個|个[ge4] the people; citizens; the populace common people |
人気 see styles |
ninki にんき |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) popularity; public favor; (2) condition (e.g. market); tone; character; nature |
人氣 人气 see styles |
rén qì ren2 qi4 jen ch`i jen chi |
popularity; personality; character |
人治 see styles |
rén zhì ren2 zhi4 jen chih |
rule of man |
人法 see styles |
rén fǎ ren2 fa3 jen fa ninpō |
Men and things; also, men and the Buddha's law, or teaching. |
人波 see styles |
hitonami ひとなみ |
surging crowd; wave of humanity; stampede |
人流 see styles |
rén liú ren2 liu2 jen liu jinryuu / jinryu じんりゅう |
stream of people; abortion; abbr. for 人工流產|人工流产[ren2 gong1 liu2 chan3] population flow; movement of people; flow of people; community mobility |
人海 see styles |
rén hǎi ren2 hai3 jen hai jinkai じんかい |
a multitude; a sea of people (See 人海戦術・1) sea of people; (very large) crowd of people |
人渣 see styles |
rén zhā ren2 zha1 jen cha |
dregs of society; scum |
人潮 see styles |
rén cháo ren2 chao2 jen ch`ao jen chao |
a tide of people |
人澤 see styles |
hitozawa ひとざわ |
(surname) Hitozawa |
人濱 see styles |
hitohama ひとはま |
(surname) Hitohama |
人瀬 see styles |
hitose ひとせ |
(surname) Hitose |
人災 see styles |
jinsai じんさい |
man-made calamity |
人為 人为 see styles |
rén wéi ren2 wei2 jen wei jini じんい |
artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort (noun - becomes adjective with の) human work; human agency; art; artificiality |
人煙 人烟 see styles |
rén yān ren2 yan1 jen yen jinen じんえん |
sign of human habitation smoke from human habitations |
人爵 see styles |
jinshaku じんしゃく |
worldly honors; worldly honours |
人父 see styles |
rén fù ren2 fu4 jen fu |
father (as a social role) |
人牆 人墙 see styles |
rén qiáng ren2 qiang2 jen ch`iang jen chiang |
human barricade; (soccer) defensive wall |
人物 see styles |
rén wù ren2 wu4 jen wu jinbutsu じんぶつ |
person; personage; figure (esp. sb of importance); character (in a play, novel etc); (genre of traditional Chinese painting) figure painting (1) person; character; figure; personage; man; woman; (2) one's character; one's personality; (3) able person; talented person human possessions |
人犯 see styles |
rén fàn ren2 fan4 jen fan |
criminal; culprit; suspect (old) |
人狐 see styles |
hitogitsune; ninko ひとぎつね; にんこ |
fox spirit that possesses people (typical of the Chūgoku region) |
人狼 see styles |
jinrou / jinro じんろう |
(1) (See 狼男) werewolf; (2) Werewolf (social deduction game); Mafia |
人猿 see styles |
rén yuán ren2 yuan2 jen yüan |
anthropoid ape |
人獣 see styles |
jinjuu / jinju じんじゅう |
(1) humans and animals; humans and beasts; (2) (See 人面獣心) beast in human form |
人王 see styles |
rén wáng ren2 wang2 jen wang ninnō |
Narêndra |
人球 see styles |
rén qiú ren2 qiu2 jen ch`iu jen chiu |
person who is passed back and forth, with nobody willing to look after them (e.g. a child of divorced parents); (esp.) patient who gets shuttled from hospital to hospital, each of which refuses to admit the patient for treatment |
人瑞 see styles |
rén ruì ren2 rui4 jen jui |
very old person; venerable old person |
人生 see styles |
rén shēng ren2 sheng1 jen sheng hitoha ひとは |
life (one's time on earth) (one's) life; (female given name) Hitoha human birth |
人用 see styles |
jinyou / jinyo じんよう |
human usage; (for) use by people |
人界 see styles |
rén jiè ren2 jie4 jen chieh ningai にんがい |
{Buddh} (See 十界) spiritual realm of humanity realm of human existence |
人畜 see styles |
jinchiku じんちく |
men and animals |
人的 see styles |
jinteki じんてき |
(adjectival noun) human; personal |
人皇 see styles |
rén huáng ren2 huang2 jen huang ninnou; jinnou; jinkou / ninno; jinno; jinko にんのう; じんのう; じんこう |
Human Sovereign, one of the three legendary sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2] emperor |
人目 see styles |
hitome ひとめ jinmoku じんもく |
public gaze; public notice; attention |
人相 see styles |
rén xiàng ren2 xiang4 jen hsiang ninsou / ninso にんそう |
physiognomy (1) looks; countenance; facial features; (2) physiognomy marks of personhood |
人盾 see styles |
rén dùn ren2 dun4 jen tun |
human shield |
人知 see styles |
hitoji ひとじ |
human intellect; knowledge; (place-name) Hitoji |
人礦 人矿 see styles |
rén kuàng ren2 kuang4 jen k`uang jen kuang |
(neologism c. 2023) (slang) the Chinese people, seen as a resource that is exploited for its value to the nation |
人祖 see styles |
jinso じんそ |
progenitor |
人神 see styles |
ninjin にんじん |
{Shinto} man-god; person enshrined as a god; (place-name) Ninjin |
人禍 人祸 see styles |
rén huò ren2 huo4 jen huo |
man-made disaster |
人称 see styles |
ninshou / ninsho にんしょう |
{gramm} person |
人種 人种 see styles |
rén zhǒng ren2 zhong3 jen chung jinshu じんしゅ |
race (of people) (1) race (of people); (2) (colloquialism) type of person the human race |
人稱 人称 see styles |
rén chēng ren2 cheng1 jen ch`eng jen cheng |
person (first person, second person etc in grammar); called; known as See: 人称 |
人穴 see styles |
hitoana ひとあな |
volcanic cave traditionally said to be inhabited; (place-name) Hitoana |
人空 see styles |
rén kōng ren2 kong1 jen k`ung jen kung ningū |
Man is only a temporary combination formed by the five skandhas and the twelve nidānas, being the product of previous causes, and without a real self or permanent soul. Hīnayāna is said to end these causes and consequent reincarnation by discipline in subjection of the passions and entry into nirvana by the emptying of the self. Mahāyāna fills the "void" with the Absolute, declaring that when man has emptied himself of the ego he realizes his nature to be that of the absolute, bhūtatathatā; v. 二空. |
人籟 see styles |
jinrai じんらい |
sound of a wind instrument |
人精 see styles |
rén jīng ren2 jing1 jen ching |
sophisticate; man with extensive experience; child prodigy; Wunderkind (i.e. brilliant child); spirit within a person (i.e. blood and essential breath 血氣|血气 of TCM) |
人糞 see styles |
jinpun じんぷん |
human excrement; night soil |
人絹 see styles |
jinken じんけん |
rayon; artificial silk |
人緣 人缘 see styles |
rén yuán ren2 yuan2 jen yüan |
relations with other people |
人繞 see styles |
ninnyou / ninnyo にんにょう |
(儿, as in 児) kanji "legs radical" (radical 10) |
人羅 see styles |
hitora ひとら |
(surname) Hitora |
人美 see styles |
hitomi ひとみ |
(surname, female given name) Hitomi |
人群 see styles |
rén qún ren2 qun2 jen ch`ün jen chün |
crowd |
人者 see styles |
rén zhě ren2 zhe3 jen che ninsha |
person |
人肉 see styles |
rén ròu ren2 rou4 jen jou jinniku じんにく |
to crowdsource information about sb or something (typically as a form of vigilantism resulting in doxing) (abbr. for 人肉搜索[ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3]); human (used attributively, as in 人肉盾牌[ren2 rou4 dun4 pai2], human shield) human flesh |
人肌 see styles |
hitohada ひとはだ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) the skin; human skin; (2) body warmth |
人脈 人脉 see styles |
rén mài ren2 mai4 jen mai jinmyaku じんみゃく |
contacts; connections; network personal connections |
人脳 see styles |
jinnou / jinno じんのう |
human brain |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "人" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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