There are 613 total results for your 为 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
爲得 为得 see styles |
wéi dé wei2 de2 wei te itoku |
regarding as object [to be attained] |
爲心 为心 see styles |
wéi xīn wei2 xin1 wei hsin ishin |
as one's intention |
爲性 为性 see styles |
wéi xìng wei2 xing4 wei hsing ishō |
(to take)as nature |
爲惡 为恶 see styles |
wéi è wei2 e4 wei o iaku |
to do evil |
爲成 为成 see styles |
wéi chéng wei2 cheng2 wei ch`eng wei cheng tamenari ためなり |
(surname) Tamenari in order to accomplish |
爲我 为我 see styles |
wéi wǒ wei2 wo3 wei wo iga |
for me |
爲攝 为摄 see styles |
wéi shè wei2 she4 wei she ishō |
favor |
爲斷 为断 see styles |
wéi duàn wei2 duan4 wei tuan idan |
in order to eliminate |
爲於 为于 see styles |
wéi yú wei2 yu2 wei yü io |
because of |
爲是 为是 see styles |
wéi shì wei2 shi4 wei shih hata |
like this |
爲智 为智 see styles |
wéi zhì wei2 zhi4 wei chih ichi |
to be wise |
爲有 为有 see styles |
wéi yǒu wei2 you3 wei yu iu |
obtain |
爲本 为本 see styles |
wéi běn wei2 ben3 wei pen tamemoto ためもと |
(surname) Tamemoto as a basis |
爲果 为果 see styles |
wéi guǒ wei2 guo3 wei kuo ika |
to bear fruit |
爲根 为根 see styles |
wéi gēn wei2 gen1 wei ken ikon |
[taken as] basic |
爲格 为格 see styles |
wéi gé wei2 ge2 wei ko ikyaku |
dative case |
爲業 为业 see styles |
wéi yè wei2 ye4 wei yeh igō |
to regard as one's work |
爲欲 为欲 see styles |
wéi yù wei2 yu4 wei yü iyoku |
desiring to... |
爲此 为此 see styles |
wéi cǐ wei2 ci3 wei tz`u wei tzu ishi |
intended for that |
爲求 为求 see styles |
wéi qiú wei2 qiu2 wei ch`iu wei chiu igu |
what is sought; wanted |
爲汝 为汝 see styles |
wéi rǔ wei2 ru3 wei ju i nyo |
for you |
爲法 为法 see styles |
wéi fǎ wei2 fa3 wei fa ihō |
for the dharma |
爲王 为王 see styles |
wéi wáng wei2 wang2 wei wang iō |
to be the ruler |
爲生 为生 see styles |
wéi shēng wei2 sheng1 wei sheng ishō |
is born |
爲留 为留 see styles |
wéi liú wei2 liu2 wei liu iru |
in order to stay |
爲異 为异 see styles |
wéi yì wei2 yi4 wei i i i |
to differ [from] |
爲療 为疗 see styles |
wéi liáo wei2 liao2 wei liao iryō |
(to use as) a treatment |
爲破 为破 see styles |
wéi pò wei2 po4 wei p`o wei po i ha |
in order to refute |
爲礙 为碍 see styles |
wéi ài wei2 ai4 wei ai ige |
to be an obstruction |
爲示 为示 see styles |
wéi shì wei2 shi4 wei shih iji |
in order to show |
爲簡 为简 see styles |
wéi jiǎn wei2 jian3 wei chien i ken |
in order to distinguish |
爲緣 为缘 see styles |
wéi yuán wei2 yuan2 wei yüan ien |
[take] as condition |
爲聲 为声 see styles |
wéi shēng wei2 sheng1 wei sheng ishō |
dative case |
爲苦 为苦 see styles |
wéi kǔ wei2 ku3 wei k`u wei ku i ku |
is painful |
爲處 为处 see styles |
wéi chù wei2 chu4 wei ch`u wei chu isho |
having made it a vehicle |
爲要 为要 see styles |
wéi yào wei2 yao4 wei yao i yō |
is necessary |
爲說 为说 see styles |
wéi shuō wei2 shuo1 wei shuo isetsu |
to utter |
爲證 为证 see styles |
wéi zhèng wei2 zheng4 wei cheng i shō |
to be realized |
爲護 为护 see styles |
wéi hù wei2 hu4 wei hu i go |
guarding |
爲通 为通 see styles |
wéi tōng wei2 tong1 wei t`ung wei tung itsū |
acts to penetrate |
爲過 为过 see styles |
wéi guō wei2 guo1 wei kuo ika |
[taken as] past |
爲遣 为遣 see styles |
wéi qiǎn wei2 qian3 wei ch`ien wei chien iken |
to dispatch |
爲除 为除 see styles |
wéi chú wei2 chu2 wei ch`u wei chu ijo |
prevents [for others] |
爲障 为障 see styles |
wéi zhàng wei2 zhang4 wei chang ishō |
to serve as a hindrance |
爲雜 为杂 see styles |
wéi zá wei2 za2 wei tsa izō |
become complicated |
爲難 为难 see styles |
wéi nán wei2 nan2 wei nan inan |
difficult |
爲顯 为显 see styles |
wéi xiǎn wei2 xian3 wei hsien i ken |
to make manifest |
爲食 为食 see styles |
wéi shí wei2 shi2 wei shih ijiki |
to be eaten |
爲首 为首 see styles |
wéi shǒu wei2 shou3 wei shou ishu |
takes the lead |
爲體 为体 see styles |
wéi tǐ wei2 ti3 wei t`i wei ti i tai |
as an essence |
爲高 为高 see styles |
wéi gāo wei2 gao1 wei kao ikō |
to raise |
特為 特为 see styles |
tè wèi te4 wei4 t`e wei te wei |
for a specific purpose; specially |
犍為 犍为 see styles |
qián wèi qian2 wei4 ch`ien wei chien wei |
Qianwei county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan |
甚為 甚为 see styles |
shèn wéi shen4 wei2 shen wei |
very; extremely |
略為 略为 see styles |
lüè wéi lu:e4 wei2 lu:e wei |
slightly |
稱為 称为 see styles |
chēng wéi cheng1 wei2 ch`eng wei cheng wei |
to be called; to be known as; to call it "..." |
稱爲 称为 see styles |
chēng wéi cheng1 wei2 ch`eng wei cheng wei shōi |
named as |
立爲 立为 see styles |
lì wéi li4 wei2 li wei ryūi |
to posit as |
能爲 能为 see styles |
néng wéi neng2 wei2 neng wei nōi |
to do |
自爲 自为 see styles |
zì wéi zi4 wei2 tzu wei jii |
for one's own purpose |
華為 华为 see styles |
huá wéi hua2 wei2 hua wei faawei / fawe ファーウェイ |
Huawei (brand) (company) Huawei; (c) Huawei |
蔚為 蔚为 see styles |
wèi wéi wei4 wei2 wei wei |
see 蔚成[wei4 cheng2] |
行為 行为 see styles |
xíng wéi xing2 wei2 hsing wei koui / koi こうい |
action; conduct; behavior; activity act; deed; conduct |
行爲 行为 see styles |
xíng wéi xing2 wei2 hsing wei gyōi |
conditioned activity |
視為 视为 see styles |
shì wéi shi4 wei2 shih wei |
to view as; to see as; to consider to be; to deem |
計爲 计为 see styles |
jì wéi ji4 wei2 chi wei kei i |
imagined as... |
記為 记为 see styles |
jì wéi ji4 wei2 chi wei |
denoted by |
評為 评为 see styles |
píng wéi ping2 wei2 p`ing wei ping wei |
to elect as; to choose as; to consider as |
認為 认为 see styles |
rèn wéi ren4 wei2 jen wei |
to believe; to think; to consider; to feel |
說爲 说为 see styles |
shuō wéi shuo1 wei2 shuo wei setsu i |
explained as... |
謂爲 谓为 see styles |
wèi wéi wei4 wei2 wei wei ii |
to consider |
變為 变为 see styles |
biàn wéi bian4 wei2 pien wei |
to change into |
身為 身为 see styles |
shēn wéi shen1 wei2 shen wei |
in the capacity of; as |
較為 较为 see styles |
jiào wéi jiao4 wei2 chiao wei |
comparatively; relatively; fairly |
難為 难为 see styles |
nán wei nan2 wei5 nan wei |
to bother; to press sb, usu. to do something; it's a tough job; sorry to bother you (polite, used to thank sb for a favor) |
頗為 颇为 see styles |
pō wéi po1 wei2 p`o wei po wei |
rather; quite |
三無爲 三无为 see styles |
sān wú wéi san1 wu2 wei2 san wu wei san mui |
three unconditioned phenomena |
不作為 不作为 see styles |
bù zuò wéi bu4 zuo4 wei2 pu tso wei fusakui ふさくい |
nonfeasance; omission (law) {law} (ant: 作為・2) forbearance; omission; nonfeasance; inaction |
不名爲 不名为 see styles |
bù míng wéi bu4 ming2 wei2 pu ming wei fu myō i |
not called... |
不失為 不失为 see styles |
bù shī wéi bu4 shi1 wei2 pu shih wei |
can still be considered (to be...); may after all be accepted as |
不為過 不为过 see styles |
bù wéi guò bu4 wei2 guo4 pu wei kuo |
not an exaggeration; not excessive; not wide of the mark |
九無爲 九无为 see styles |
jiǔ wú wéi jiu3 wu2 wei2 chiu wu wei ku mui |
The nine kinds of, and meditations on, 無爲 q.v. There are two somewhat different groups; one has 擇滅, 非擇滅, 虛空, 空無邊處, 識無邊處, 無所有處, 非想非非想處 (v. 九有情處), 緣起支性, and 聖道支性. |
人為土 人为土 see styles |
rén wéi tǔ ren2 wei2 tu3 jen wei t`u jen wei tu |
anthrosol (soil taxonomy) |
以此為 以此为 see styles |
yǐ cǐ wéi yi3 ci3 wei2 i tz`u wei i tzu wei |
to regard as; to treat as |
假說爲 假说为 see styles |
jiǎ shuō wéi jia3 shuo1 wei2 chia shuo wei kesetsu i |
to label as |
內無爲 内无为 see styles |
nèi wú wéi nei4 wu2 wei2 nei wu wei nai mui |
Inner quiescence, cf. the six 妙門. |
六無爲 六无为 see styles |
liù wú wéi liu4 wu2 wei2 liu wu wei roku mui |
six unconditioned [factors] |
分爲三 分为三 see styles |
fēn wéi sān fen1 wei2 san1 fen wei san bun i san |
to divide into three |
分爲二 分为二 see styles |
fēn wéi èr fen1 wei2 er4 fen wei erh bun i ni |
to separate into two |
另存為 另存为 see styles |
lìng cún wéi ling4 cun2 wei2 ling ts`un wei ling tsun wei |
Save As ... (menu option in a software application) |
合爲一 合为一 see styles |
hé wéi yī he2 wei2 yi1 ho wei i gō i ichi |
combined into one term |
名爲體 名为体 see styles |
míng wéi tǐ ming2 wei2 ti3 ming wei t`i ming wei ti myō i tai |
(taking) words as essence |
外無爲 外无为 see styles |
wài wú wéi wai4 wu2 wei2 wai wu wei ge mui |
Unmoved by externals, none of the senses stirred. |
康有為 康有为 see styles |
kāng yǒu wéi kang1 you3 wei2 k`ang yu wei kang yu wei kouyuui / koyui こうゆうい |
Kang Youwei (1858-1927), Confucian intellectual, educator and would-be reformer, main leader of the failed reform movement of 1898 (personal name) Kōyūi |
得名爲 得名为 see styles |
dé míng wéi de2 ming2 wei2 te ming wei toku myōi |
acquire the name of (true bodhisattva, etc.) |
得成爲 得成为 see styles |
dé chéng wéi de2 cheng2 wei2 te ch`eng wei te cheng wei toku jōi |
to become |
性行為 性行为 see styles |
xìng xíng wéi xing4 xing2 wei2 hsing hsing wei seikoui / sekoi せいこうい |
sexual behavior sexual act; sexual intercourse |
慧爲性 慧为性 see styles |
huì wéi xìng hui4 wei2 xing4 hui wei hsing e i shō |
wisdom as essence |
慧爲體 慧为体 see styles |
huì wéi tǐ hui4 wei2 ti3 hui wei t`i hui wei ti e i tai |
has wisdom as its essence |
所欲爲 所欲为 see styles |
suǒ yù wéi suo3 yu4 wei2 so yü wei shoyoku i |
does as one wishes |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "为" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.