There are 276 total results for your 中国 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
中國地震台 中国地震台 see styles |
zhōng guó dì zhèn tái zhong1 guo2 di4 zhen4 tai2 chung kuo ti chen t`ai chung kuo ti chen tai |
China earthquake administration (CEA); State seismological bureau |
中國地震局 中国地震局 see styles |
zhōng guó dì zhèn jú zhong1 guo2 di4 zhen4 ju2 chung kuo ti chen chü |
China Earthquake Administration (CEA); State Seismological Bureau |
中國大蠑螈 中国大蝾螈 see styles |
zhōng guó dà róng yuán zhong1 guo2 da4 rong2 yuan2 chung kuo ta jung yüan |
Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus davidianus) |
中國好聲音 中国好声音 see styles |
zhōng guó hǎo shēng yīn zhong1 guo2 hao3 sheng1 yin1 chung kuo hao sheng yin |
The Voice of China, PRC reality talent show |
中國工程院 中国工程院 see styles |
zhōng guó gōng chéng yuàn zhong1 guo2 gong1 cheng2 yuan4 chung kuo kung ch`eng yüan chung kuo kung cheng yüan |
Chinese Academy of Engineering |
中國感恩節 中国感恩节 see styles |
zhōng guó gǎn ēn jié zhong1 guo2 gan3 en1 jie2 chung kuo kan en chieh |
Chinese Thanksgiving, another name for 蛋炒飯節|蛋炒饭节[Dan4 chao3 fan4 jie2] |
中國教育網 中国教育网 see styles |
zhōng guó jiào yù wǎng zhong1 guo2 jiao4 yu4 wang3 chung kuo chiao yü wang |
abbr. for 中國教育和科研計算機網|中国教育和科研计算机网[Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 he2 Ke1 yan2 Ji4 suan4 ji1 Wang3] |
中國新民黨 中国新民党 see styles |
zhōng guó xīn mín dǎng zhong1 guo2 xin1 min2 dang3 chung kuo hsin min tang |
New Democracy Party of China, a short-lived party founded in 2007 by human rights activist Guo Quan, who was jailed in 2009 |
中國新聞社 中国新闻社 see styles |
zhōng guó xīn wén shè zhong1 guo2 xin1 wen2 she4 chung kuo hsin wen she |
China News Service (CNS), a state-owned news agency in China, focused primarily on providing news to Chinese communities outside mainland China |
中國新聞網 中国新闻网 see styles |
zhōng guó xīn wén wǎng zhong1 guo2 xin1 wen2 wang3 chung kuo hsin wen wang |
website of China News Service 中國新聞社|中国新闻社[Zhong1guo2 Xin1wen2she4] ( |
中國氣象局 中国气象局 see styles |
zhōng guó qì xiàng jú zhong1 guo2 qi4 xiang4 ju2 chung kuo ch`i hsiang chü chung kuo chi hsiang chü |
China Meteorological Administration (CMA) |
中國法學會 中国法学会 see styles |
zhōng guó fǎ xué huì zhong1 guo2 fa3 xue2 hui4 chung kuo fa hsüeh hui |
China Law Society |
中國海事局 中国海事局 see styles |
zhōng guó hǎi shì jú zhong1 guo2 hai3 shi4 ju2 chung kuo hai shih chü |
PRC Maritime Safety Agency |
中國科學院 中国科学院 see styles |
zhōng guó kē xué yuàn zhong1 guo2 ke1 xue2 yuan4 chung kuo k`o hsüeh yüan chung kuo ko hsüeh yüan |
Chinese Academy of Science See: 中国科学院 |
中國經營報 中国经营报 see styles |
zhōng guó jīng yíng bào zhong1 guo2 jing1 ying2 bao4 chung kuo ching ying pao |
China Business (a Beijing newspaper) |
中國美術館 中国美术馆 see styles |
zhōng guó měi shù guǎn zhong1 guo2 mei3 shu4 guan3 chung kuo mei shu kuan |
National Art Museum of China |
中國致公黨 中国致公党 see styles |
zhōng guó zhì gōng dǎng zhong1 guo2 zhi4 gong1 dang3 chung kuo chih kung tang |
(PRC) China Zhi Gong Party, one of the eight legally recognized minor political parties following the direction of the CCP |
中國航海日 中国航海日 see styles |
zhōng guó háng hǎi rì zhong1 guo2 hang2 hai3 ri4 chung kuo hang hai jih |
Maritime Day (July 11th) commemorating the first voyage of Zheng He 鄭和|郑和[Zheng4 He2] in 1405 AD |
中國證券報 中国证券报 see styles |
zhōng guó zhèng quàn bào zhong1 guo2 zheng4 quan4 bao4 chung kuo cheng ch`üan pao chung kuo cheng chüan pao |
China Securities Journal |
中國證監會 中国证监会 see styles |
zhōng guó zhèng jiān huì zhong1 guo2 zheng4 jian1 hui4 chung kuo cheng chien hui |
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) (abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会[Zhong1guo2 Zheng4quan4 Jian1du1 Guan3li3 Wei3yuan2hui4]) |
中國青年報 中国青年报 see styles |
zhōng guó qīng nián bào zhong1 guo2 qing1 nian2 bao4 chung kuo ch`ing nien pao chung kuo ching nien pao |
China Youth Daily, |
対中国関係 see styles |
taichuugokukankei / taichugokukanke たいちゅうごくかんけい |
relations with China |
發展中國家 发展中国家 see styles |
fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā fa1 zhan3 zhong1 guo2 jia1 fa chan chung kuo chia |
developing country |
越中国分駅 see styles |
ecchuukokubueki / ecchukokubueki えっちゅうこくぶえき |
(st) Ecchuukokubu Station |
中国人民大学 see styles |
chuugokujinmindaigaku / chugokujinmindaigaku ちゅうごくじんみんだいがく |
(org) Renmin University of China; (o) Renmin University of China |
中国人民銀行 see styles |
chuugokujinminginkou / chugokujinminginko ちゅうごくじんみんぎんこう |
(org) People's Bank of China; The People's Bank of China; (o) People's Bank of China; The People's Bank of China |
中国化薬工場 see styles |
chuugokukayakukoujou / chugokukayakukojo ちゅうごくかやくこうじょう |
(place-name) Chuugokukayaku Factory |
中国医科大学 see styles |
chuugokuikadaigaku / chugokuikadaigaku ちゅうごくいかだいがく |
(org) China Medical University; CMU; (o) China Medical University; CMU |
中国南方航空 see styles |
chuugokunanpoukoukuu / chugokunanpokoku ちゅうごくなんぽうこうくう |
(company) China Southern Airlines; (c) China Southern Airlines |
中国商用飛機 see styles |
chuugokushouyouhiki / chugokushoyohiki ちゅうごくしょうようひき |
(c) Comac; Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China |
中国国際商会 see styles |
chuugokukokusaishoukai / chugokukokusaishokai ちゅうごくこくさいしょうかい |
(org) China Chamber of International Commerce; CCOIC; (o) China Chamber of International Commerce; CCOIC |
中国国際航空 see styles |
chuugokukokusaikoukuu / chugokukokusaikoku ちゅうごくこくさいこうくう |
(org) Air China; (o) Air China |
中国地質大学 see styles |
chuugokuchishitsudaigaku / chugokuchishitsudaigaku ちゅうごくちしつだいがく |
(org) China University of Geosciences; CUG; (o) China University of Geosciences; CUG |
中国学園大学 see styles |
chuugokugakuendaigaku / chugokugakuendaigaku ちゅうごくがくえんだいがく |
(org) Chugoku Gakuen University; (o) Chugoku Gakuen University |
中国投資銀行 see styles |
chuugokutoushiginkou / chugokutoshiginko ちゅうごくとうしぎんこう |
(org) China Investment Bank; (o) China Investment Bank |
中国文化大学 see styles |
chuugokubunkadaigaku / chugokubunkadaigaku ちゅうごくぶんかだいがく |
(org) Chinese Culture University; (o) Chinese Culture University |
中国東方航空 see styles |
chuugokutouhoukoukuu / chugokutohokoku ちゅうごくとうほうこうくう |
(org) China Eastern Airlines; (o) China Eastern Airlines |
中国残留孤児 see styles |
chuugokuzanryuukoji / chugokuzanryukoji ちゅうごくざんりゅうこじ |
(hist) Japanese orphans left behind in China (after WWII); war-displaced Japanese in China |
中国海上民兵 see styles |
chuugokukaijouminpei / chugokukaijominpe ちゅうごくかいじょうみんぺい |
(o) People's Armed Forces Maritime Militia (China) |
中国短期大学 see styles |
chuugokutankidaigaku / chugokutankidaigaku ちゅうごくたんきだいがく |
(org) Chugoku Junior College; (o) Chugoku Junior College |
中国自動車道 see styles |
chuugokujidoushadou / chugokujidoshado ちゅうごくじどうしゃどう |
(place-name) Chūgoku Expressway |
中国自然歩道 see styles |
chuugokushizenhodou / chugokushizenhodo ちゅうごくしぜんほどう |
(place-name) Chūgoku Nature Trail |
中国薬科大学 see styles |
chuugokuyakkadaigaku / chugokuyakkadaigaku ちゅうごくやっかだいがく |
(org) China Pharmaceutical University; (o) China Pharmaceutical University |
中国語の部屋 see styles |
chuugokugonoheya / chugokugonoheya ちゅうごくごのへや |
Chinese room (artificial intelligence thought experiment) |
中国金融協会 see styles |
chuugokukinyuukyoukai / chugokukinyukyokai ちゅうごくきんゆうきょうかい |
(o) Chinese Finance Association |
一個中國政策 一个中国政策 see styles |
yī gè zhōng guó zhèng cè yi1 ge4 zhong1 guo2 zheng4 ce4 i ko chung kuo cheng ts`e i ko chung kuo cheng tse |
one-China policy |
中國中心主義 中国中心主义 see styles |
zhōng guó zhōng xīn zhǔ yì zhong1 guo2 zhong1 xin1 zhu3 yi4 chung kuo chung hsin chu i |
Sinocentrism |
中國交通建設 中国交通建设 see styles |
zhōng guó jiāo tōng jiàn shè zhong1 guo2 jiao1 tong1 jian4 she4 chung kuo chiao t`ung chien she chung kuo chiao tung chien she |
China Communications Construction Company |
中國人權組織 中国人权组织 see styles |
zhōng guó rén quán zǔ zhī zhong1 guo2 ren2 quan2 zu3 zhi1 chung kuo jen ch`üan tsu chih chung kuo jen chüan tsu chih |
Human Rights in China (New York-based expatriate PRC organization) |
中國人民大學 中国人民大学 see styles |
zhōng guó rén mín dà xué zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 da4 xue2 chung kuo jen min ta hsüeh |
Renmin University of China See: 中国人民大学 |
中國人民銀行 中国人民银行 see styles |
zhōng guó rén mín yín háng zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 yin2 hang2 chung kuo jen min yin hang |
People's Bank of China |
中國作家協會 中国作家协会 see styles |
zhōng guó zuò jiā xié huì zhong1 guo2 zuo4 jia1 xie2 hui4 chung kuo tso chia hsieh hui |
China Writers Association (CWA) |
中國傳媒大學 中国传媒大学 see styles |
zhōng guó chuán méi dà xué zhong1 guo2 chuan2 mei2 da4 xue2 chung kuo ch`uan mei ta hsüeh chung kuo chuan mei ta hsüeh |
Communication University of China (CUC), the highest institute of radio, film and television education in China |
中國光大銀行 中国光大银行 see styles |
zhōng guó guāng dà yín háng zhong1 guo2 guang1 da4 yin2 hang2 chung kuo kuang ta yin hang |
China Everbright Bank |
中國剩餘定理 中国剩余定理 see styles |
zhōng guó shèng yú dìng lǐ zhong1 guo2 sheng4 yu2 ding4 li3 chung kuo sheng yü ting li |
Chinese remainder theorem (math.) |
中國商用飛機 中国商用飞机 see styles |
zhōng guó shāng yòng fēi jī zhong1 guo2 shang1 yong4 fei1 ji1 chung kuo shang yung fei chi |
COMAC (Chinese aeronautics company) |
中國地質大學 中国地质大学 see styles |
zhōng guó dì zhì dà xué zhong1 guo2 di4 zhi4 da4 xue2 chung kuo ti chih ta hsüeh |
China University of Geosciences |
中國地震台網 中国地震台网 see styles |
zhōng guó dì zhèn tái wǎng zhong1 guo2 di4 zhen4 tai2 wang3 chung kuo ti chen t`ai wang chung kuo ti chen tai wang |
China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC), the information hub of the China Earthquake Administration 中國地震局|中国地震局[Zhong1 guo2 Di4 zhen4 ju2] |
中國小說史略 中国小说史略 see styles |
zhōng guó xiǎo shuō shǐ lüè zhong1 guo2 xiao3 shuo1 shi3 lu:e4 chung kuo hsiao shuo shih lu:e |
Concise History of the Chinese Novel by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅[Lu3 Xun4] |
中國工商銀行 中国工商银行 see styles |
zhōng guó gōng shāng yín háng zhong1 guo2 gong1 shang1 yin2 hang2 chung kuo kung shang yin hang |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) |
中國廣播公司 中国广播公司 see styles |
zhōng guó guǎng bō gōng sī zhong1 guo2 guang3 bo1 gong1 si1 chung kuo kuang po kung ssu |
Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) |
中國建設銀行 中国建设银行 see styles |
zhōng guó jiàn shè yín háng zhong1 guo2 jian4 she4 yin2 hang2 chung kuo chien she yin hang |
China Construction Bank |
中國政法大學 中国政法大学 see styles |
zhōng guó zhèng fǎ dà xué zhong1 guo2 zheng4 fa3 da4 xue2 chung kuo cheng fa ta hsüeh |
China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, with undergraduate campus at Changping 昌平[Chang1 ping2], and graduate campus in Haidian district 海淀區|海淀区[Hai3 dian4 Qu1] |
中國東方航空 中国东方航空 see styles |
zhōng guó dōng fāng háng kōng zhong1 guo2 dong1 fang1 hang2 kong1 chung kuo tung fang hang k`ung chung kuo tung fang hang kung |
China Eastern Airlines |
中國民主同盟 中国民主同盟 see styles |
zhōng guó mín zhǔ tóng méng zhong1 guo2 min2 zhu3 tong2 meng2 chung kuo min chu t`ung meng chung kuo min chu tung meng |
China Democratic League |
中國白眉朱雀 中国白眉朱雀 see styles |
zhōng guó bái méi zhū què zhong1 guo2 bai2 mei2 zhu1 que4 chung kuo pai mei chu ch`üeh chung kuo pai mei chu chüeh |
(bird species of China) Chinese white-browed rosefinch (Carpodacus dubius) |
中國移動通信 中国移动通信 see styles |
zhōng guó yí dòng tōng xìn zhong1 guo2 yi2 dong4 tong1 xin4 chung kuo i tung t`ung hsin chung kuo i tung tung hsin |
China Mobile (PRC state telecommunications company) |
中國聯合航空 中国联合航空 see styles |
zhōng guó lián hé háng kōng zhong1 guo2 lian2 he2 hang2 kong1 chung kuo lien ho hang k`ung chung kuo lien ho hang kung |
China United Airlines |
中國西北邊陲 中国西北边陲 see styles |
zhōng guó xī běi biān chuí zhong1 guo2 xi1 bei3 bian1 chui2 chung kuo hsi pei pien ch`ui chung kuo hsi pei pien chui |
border area of northwest China (i.e. Xinjiang) |
中國農業銀行 中国农业银行 see styles |
zhōng guó nóng yè yín háng zhong1 guo2 nong2 ye4 yin2 hang2 chung kuo nung yeh yin hang |
Agricultural Bank of China |
中國電視公司 中国电视公司 see styles |
zhōng guó diàn shì gōng sī zhong1 guo2 dian4 shi4 gong1 si1 chung kuo tien shih kung ssu |
China Television Company (CTV), Taiwan |
中國鳥類學會 中国鸟类学会 see styles |
zhōng guó niǎo lèi xué huì zhong1 guo2 niao3 lei4 xue2 hui4 chung kuo niao lei hsüeh hui |
China Ornithological Society |
伝統中国医学 see styles |
dentouchuugokuigaku / dentochugokuigaku でんとうちゅうごくいがく |
traditional Chinese medicine |
備中国分寺跡 see styles |
bicchuukokubunjiato / bicchukokubunjiato びっちゅうこくぶんじあと |
(place-name) Bicchuukokubunjiato |
傳統中國醫藥 传统中国医药 see styles |
chuán tǒng zhōng guó yī yào chuan2 tong3 zhong1 guo2 yi1 yao4 ch`uan t`ung chung kuo i yao chuan tung chung kuo i yao |
Chinese traditional medicine |
日本中国学会 see styles |
nipponchuugokugakkai / nipponchugokugakkai にっぽんちゅうごくがっかい |
(org) Sinological Society of Japan; SSJ; (o) Sinological Society of Japan; SSJ |
男鹿中国有地 see styles |
oganakakokuyuuchi / oganakakokuyuchi おがなかこくゆうち |
(place-name) Oganakakokuyūchi |
追尋現代中國 追寻现代中国 see styles |
zhuī xún xiàn dài zhōng guó zhui1 xun2 xian4 dai4 zhong1 guo2 chui hsün hsien tai chung kuo |
In Search of Modern China by Jonathan D Spence 史景遷|史景迁[Shi3 Jing3 qian1] |
中国中央電視台 see styles |
chuugokuchuuoudenshidai / chugokuchuodenshidai ちゅうごくちゅうおうでんしだい |
(org) China Central Television; CCTV; (o) China Central Television; CCTV |
中国人民解放軍 see styles |
chuugokujinminkaihougun / chugokujinminkaihogun ちゅうごくじんみんかいほうぐん |
(org) People's Liberation Army (China); PLA; (o) People's Liberation Army (China); PLA |
中国国家航天局 see styles |
chuugokukokkakoutenkyoku / chugokukokkakotenkyoku ちゅうごくこっかこうてんきょく |
(org) China National Space Administration; CNSA; (o) China National Space Administration; CNSA |
中国民主化運動 see styles |
chuugokuminshukaundou / chugokuminshukaundo ちゅうごくみんしゅかうんどう |
pro-democracy movement in China |
中国語検定試験 see styles |
chuugokugokenteishiken / chugokugokenteshiken ちゅうごくごけんていしけん |
(personal name) Test of Chinese Proficiency |
中国農業試験場 see styles |
chuugokunougyoushikenjou / chugokunogyoshikenjo ちゅうごくのうぎょうしけんじょう |
(place-name) Chuugokunougyoushikenjō |
中國中央電視台 中国中央电视台 see styles |
zhōng guó zhōng yāng diàn shì tái zhong1 guo2 zhong1 yang1 dian4 shi4 tai2 chung kuo chung yang tien shih t`ai chung kuo chung yang tien shih tai |
China Central Television (CCTV), PRC state TV network |
中國人民志願軍 中国人民志愿军 see styles |
zhōng guó rén mín zhì yuàn jun zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 zhi4 yuan4 jun1 chung kuo jen min chih yüan chün |
the Chinese People's Volunteer Army deployed by China to aid North Korea in 1950 |
中國人民解放軍 中国人民解放军 see styles |
zhōng guó rén mín jiě fàng jun zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 jie3 fang4 jun1 chung kuo jen min chieh fang chün |
Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) |
中國國家博物館 中国国家博物馆 see styles |
zhōng guó guó jiā bó wù guǎn zhong1 guo2 guo2 jia1 bo2 wu4 guan3 chung kuo kuo chia po wu kuan |
National Museum of China |
中國國家地震局 中国国家地震局 see styles |
zhōng guó guó jiā dì zhèn jú zhong1 guo2 guo2 jia1 di4 zhen4 ju2 chung kuo kuo chia ti chen chü |
China earthquake administration (CEA); State seismological bureau |
中國國家環保局 中国国家环保局 see styles |
zhōng guó guó jiā huán bǎo jú zhong1 guo2 guo2 jia1 huan2 bao3 ju2 chung kuo kuo chia huan pao chü |
PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) |
中國國家航天局 中国国家航天局 see styles |
zhōng guó guó jiā háng tiān jú zhong1 guo2 guo2 jia1 hang2 tian1 ju2 chung kuo kuo chia hang t`ien chü chung kuo kuo chia hang tien chü |
China National Space Administration (CNSA) See: 中国国家航天局 |
中國地質調查局 中国地质调查局 see styles |
zhōng guó dì zhì diào chá jú zhong1 guo2 di4 zhi4 diao4 cha2 ju2 chung kuo ti chih tiao ch`a chü chung kuo ti chih tiao cha chü |
China Geological Survey (CGS) |
中國少年先鋒隊 中国少年先锋队 see styles |
zhōng guó shǎo nián xiān fēng duì zhong1 guo2 shao3 nian2 xian1 feng1 dui4 chung kuo shao nien hsien feng tui |
Young Pioneers of China |
中國核能總公司 中国核能总公司 see styles |
zhōng guó hé néng zǒng gōng sī zhong1 guo2 he2 neng2 zong3 gong1 si1 chung kuo ho neng tsung kung ssu |
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) |
中國歷史博物館 中国历史博物馆 see styles |
zhōng guó lì shǐ bó wù guǎn zhong1 guo2 li4 shi3 bo2 wu4 guan3 chung kuo li shih po wu kuan |
Museum of Chinese History |
中國民主促進會 中国民主促进会 see styles |
zhōng guó mín zhǔ cù jìn huì zhong1 guo2 min2 zhu3 cu4 jin4 hui4 chung kuo min chu ts`u chin hui chung kuo min chu tsu chin hui |
China Association for Promoting Democracy |
中國民主建國會 中国民主建国会 see styles |
zhōng guó mín zhǔ jiàn guó huì zhong1 guo2 min2 zhu3 jian4 guo2 hui4 chung kuo min chu chien kuo hui |
China Democratic National Construction Association |
中國民用航空局 中国民用航空局 see styles |
zhōng guó mín yòng háng kōng jú zhong1 guo2 min2 yong4 hang2 kong1 ju2 chung kuo min yung hang k`ung chü chung kuo min yung hang kung chü |
Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) |
中國消費者協會 中国消费者协会 see styles |
zhōng guó xiāo fèi zhě xié huì zhong1 guo2 xiao1 fei4 zhe3 xie2 hui4 chung kuo hsiao fei che hsieh hui |
China Consumers' Association (CCA) |
中國社會科學院 中国社会科学院 see styles |
zhōng guó shè huì kē xué yuàn zhong1 guo2 she4 hui4 ke1 xue2 yuan4 chung kuo she hui k`o hsüeh yüan chung kuo she hui ko hsüeh yüan |
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "中国" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.